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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. What's not too far? The First Commandment is in direct opposition to the 1st Amendment. In fact, the 10 Commandments are contrary to the Constitution as a whole. http://www.nobeliefs.com/commandments.htm "It has often been said that anything may be proved from the Bible; but before anything can be admitted as proved by the Bible, the Bible itself must be proved to be true; for if the Bible be not true, or the truth of it be doubtful, it ceases to have authority and cannot be admitted as proof of anything." Thomas Paine (Father of the America Revolution) "One millionth of 1% false is completely false" Jed McKenna
  2. "Human kind cannot bear very much reality" T. S. Eliot Living in the USA, there is just one religion that pollutes every aspect of society,...Christianity. It's on our money, our pledge, and such faith-based agenda even comes before one's oath to the non-Christian Constitution. Their Bible says "prove all things" 1 Thess 5:21. So I say, give them a chance. Let them accept Jesus' litmus test for determining the true christian faithful, as published in the canonized text,...Mark 16:16-18. A true Christian, "the man who accepts baptism,...will be able to drink deadly poison without harm". I'll supply the deadly poison,...if they live,...then I say go ahead and continue to pollute the World with their missionaries, guilt, suffering, and lies. On February 10, 1814 Thomas Jefferson wrote that common law "is that system of law which was introduced by the Saxons on their settlement in England…about the middle of the fifth century. But Christianity was not introduced till the seventh century.…We may safely affirm that Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law." In other words,...Christian values are not American values, Christian values are not Human values, Christian values contain nothing of value.
  3. I would agree that your spiritual work has been pretty much worthless,...as McKenna correctly said, "99.9% of the World's so-called wisdom, East and West, for the purposes of awakening, is about as useful as a glass of warm spit with a hair in it." Most likely, as Dolano said, you're just no ready to wake up.
  4. The Absolute Present

    Although rarely discussed, there are two Present's; a relative and an absolute. "Relative and absolute, These the two truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, For the intellect is grounded in the relative." Shantideva 9.2 The Tao is synonymous with the Absolute Present, whereas Yin/Yang is synonymous with the relative. The Buddhist term Tathagata is also synonymous with the Absolute Present. Lao Tzu said, "the Tao doesn't come and go." Buddha said, "the Tathagata does not come and go." Similarly, the Present does not come and go. Time come and goes,...there is no Present in time. What many believe to be the Present, is not the Present. As such it is easier, although for most, equally as futile, to point to what the Present is not. The Present is not the past, nor the future. The Present of an awakened person is not in time. There is no Present in time. It's impossible. The sleep of sentient beings is maintained within a Relative Present. To the Buddha, the world is maya, a mirage, an illusion, and through the six senses, the only reality we know. To the Buddha, nothing is harder communicating with than a mind that believes it arises from the 6 senses. René Descartes said, "All that I have tried to understand to the present time has been affected by my senses; now I know these senses are deceivers, and it is prudent to be distrustful after one has been deceived once." For most, they do not believe their senses lie, thus they will find an excuse to forget or deny the honesty needed for real observation. As ego and the 6 senses are part of time, and can only observe the vibrations or motion within time, the real Present is only accessed through something beyond the 6 senses, or our human-ness. This "something" is accessible to everyone. The Buddha said, nothing is easier to enlighten than a mind on the Right Path. Even the re-membering of the mind for the Right Path is easy. The "Right Path" is the Short Path,...the path of an impeccable Taoist. An impeccable Taoist is impeccable with her word. Belief, faith, hope is never impeccable,...belief, faith, hope, is always dishonest. Mind training is a practice for self-remembering. Not for re-membering the intellect, but re-membering Mind. An Absolute Bodhicitta aphorism is a ground upon which Bodhicitta, or an Awakened Mind can be realized. For example: *Treat everything you perceive as a dream. *Find the consciousness you had before you were born. *You will never understand Who you are, until you realize When you are. *There is no Present in Time Bodhidharma said, "The mind is always present. You just don't see it" This is not in reference to the cerebral or sciential mind, but the sapiential or Heart Mind. Lao Tzu said, "Intellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain. Because the brain is part of the body, which must one day expire, this collection of facts, however large and impressive, will expire as well" Lao Tzu said, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." Leo Tolstoy said, "Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold." That is how the Now is uncovered. Eckhart Tolle wrote, "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" But as Goethe exclaimed, "Truth lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it." The Present is not ineffable; only denied to protect the false. Plutarch purportedly said, "The present offers itself to us only for the second and then eludes the senses." Wei Wu Wei said, "Phenomenally, we can know no present, as it must be in the ‘past’ before our senses can complete the process of recording it, leaving only a suppositional past and future; noumenally, there is no question of ‘past’ or ‘future,’ but only a presence that knows neither ‘time’ nor ‘space.’ "
  5. The Absolute Present

    No,...VMarco has not said there is "slight time difference between cause and effect",...there is no cause,...cause is a concept to make false understanding more palatable. There is only effect. Upon the Tao, the One and Duality effect its motion. The Tao did not cause the motion,...delusion did that,...just as the fulcrum of a see-saw does not "cause" the lever to move. In truth, there is no lever,...nevertheless, the 5 skandhas demand that you believe there is a cause and effect,...that the 5 skandhas can merge with its creator,..because to unconceal the truth that there is no creator, would undermine the delusion that the 5 skandhas are real.
  6. The Absolute Present

    The "mind" that you think you are, is always wrong, regardless of the consensus of other wrong minds, Anyone, honestly dedicated to uncoving truth, already understand that the 6 senses are liars, and should never be trusted. All beliefs are untrue. All beliefs deny, dsconnect, disempower,...belief is as a cancer, a rogue entity interested only in its own superiority. As no cancer leads to health, no belief leads to waking up. "It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong." -Thomas Jefferson All beliefs are wrong,...otherwise they would not be a belief. The understanding of just one truth, would make clear all that is false,....until one truth is realize, seek and find all the falsities you have built against it. Do not seek truth,...you will not uncover it. Instead identify what is false. "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" "The biggest crux to the evolution of humanity is breaking through your own indoctrination. It is very, very difficult to overcome emotional elements that have become so engrained in you, that you have an immediate reaction, an immediate suffering and pain, if something interfers with [your idea of the status quo]. It's a very, very complex problem. We have to learn how to identify and break our own indoctrination if we expect to move forward at all as a civilization" PJ Merola If you want to understand the truth, you must throw away the notion of styles or schools, prejudices, likes and dislikes, and so forth. Then, your mind will cease all conflict and come to rest. In this silence, you will see totally and freshly. " - Lee Jun-fan "When the false ceases to be, that is known as truth" Shurangama sutra Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. ~Leo Tolstoy Truth is discovered when you simply refuse to lie to yourself anymore. SCOTT MORRISON "The real seeker of truth never seeks truth. On the contrary, he tries to clean himself of all that is untrue, inauthentic, insincere - and when his heart is ready, purified, the guest comes. You cannot find the guest, you cannot go after him. He comes to you; you just have to be prepared.
  7. The Absolute Present

    LOL Obviously, you really cannot observe how dishonest you are. How can you merge the conditions of the past, and hope of the future with the Unconditional Present? Only neurosis could imagine such fancy. There is not, nor has ever been a singularity. That's simply sciential thinking.
  8. The Absolute Present

    Yes,...truth cannot be uncovered through belief. Don't believe nothing I type,...and also don't believe what I type is based on belief. Instead of ad hominem every time something threatens your belief,...be honest,...attempt to prove them false. For those on the Short Path, the way to uncover truth is by recognizing what's false. The statement "There is no present in time" is irrefutable. Your belief system may not like it,...and even attempt to refute it,...however, brutal honesty will eventually triumph over the ego. Lao-zu said, "...religions (that is, sets of belief) are desperate, clever, human inventions; the Intregal Way is a deep expression of the whole...religions rely on hypnotic manipulation of undeveloped minds; the Intregal Way is founded on the free transmission of immutable truth."
  9. The Absolute Present

    And Ki Masters have showed me that Ki is not energy. Ki is considered to be the source or the Supreme Fulcrum, and synonymous with the Tao. In China, this is called chi. First was Wu Chi, the Great Source, which exists beyond form, or from which form extends. Then around the eleventh century CE (a time when most Asian understandings went terma), T’ai Chi was developed. Wu Chi is the Tao in stillness, and T’ai Chi is the Tao in motion. However,...the Tao is really never in motion. Ki is synonymous with undivided, still light. Some philosophies suggest that Ki can be accessed through three points. Hapkido practitioners are primarily interested in the danjun point, which is located about nine centimeters below the navel. The thymus and pineal area are the other Ki points, which can be activated through Ki practices, such as Reiki and Sunyata. Many often limit their understanding of Ki or Chi by calling it energy. Ki is not an energy; it’s a stillness. There is no energy in stillness, although we could refer to Ki-related energy. T’ai Chi is a moving meditation that allows an unimpeded circulation of energy from the still point of Ki. Ki permits energy to flow more freely when the bodily, emotional, and mental faculties are relaxed. Ki itself is a still silence that is similar to the eye of a hurricane or typhoon. The kihap or yell that martial artists use, when done correctly, is simply the exhale, or a place where the still eye of the hurricane meets the eye wall of the storm and manifests physical destruction. The greatest power arises through the greatest relaxation. The lower a hurricane’s pressure at its center, the more devastating the storm is at the eye wall. The more relaxed the martial artist, the more overwhelming the energy that extends from the Ki. The greatest (and only) power in the universe unfurls from a zero-point. Korean Hapkido Grand Master Jeong told me, "Ki is in the stop [or zero point] before the kihap." The power is not in the yell; the yell or energy is simply an incidental byproduct of the Ki process. The kihap is just the exhale. A kihap uttered without connecting with the stop is mere posing or pretending. Instead of martial artists’ practicing a yell, they should be practicing the stop. When power comes from the stop, the kihap simply happens. The Ki Master Koichi Tohei said, "We are able to move most rapidly and violently when we remain perfectly calm. Likewise, the truest calm is reached when we move at the greatest speed." Ki is in the present, thus beyond time, yet the energy extended through Ki moves in time, as the lever of a seesaw harmoniously moves upon a timeless, balanced middle. True Ki or Chi, cannot be understood through the 6 senses. Lao-zu said, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go."
  10. The Absolute Present

    The Present contains no such thing. It is impossible for the Present to ever be in time, energy, mass, ego, belief, or any other condition. Time, energy, mass, ego, belief, and all conditions are manifestations of the 5 skandhas, and always, without exception, in the past. The past is never in the Present. All past is within time,...for there is but one time,...but that is part of the delusion of the 5 skandhas.
  11. The Absolute Present

    Yes,...Quantum cosmologists Steven Hawking and Jim Hartle have denied the possibility of a creator as articulated in their profound insights of the No-Boundary theory. They have suggested that concepts such as the classic Big Bang model, a singularity, a creation or creator, a belief in a beginning and an end, or the Christian model of a beginning without an end are meaningless because time does not exist. Their "No Boundary" theory is consistent with what Mahasiddhas and Bodhisattvas have been saying for thousands of years. Although I haven't read Jed 3, there are many examples of Clear Mind and beyond in the Prajnaparamita. Much of the terminology has to do with Alaya. Clear Mind is perceived within Alaya,...yet much is beyond. Trungpa attempted to explain it like this: http://www.chronicleproject.com/stories_88.html I personally feel that Non-dual Light is better way to approach the discussion. In the Shurangama sutra, Avalokitesvara felt that her Dharma-Gate, that is, through hearing, was the best approach,...and it likely was, a few thousand years ago. Today, near no one will surrender their human-ness,...that is, their 6 senses. Nevertheless, Avalokitesvara said, "As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated." The sense organs are,...the eyes, ears, nose, taste glands, touch, and brain. The brain is the organ of thinking. The 6 senses cannot observe the Present.
  12. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Sure,...you may have all answers as soon as you read #282 http://thetaobums.com/topic/24959-religion/page__st__282 As for the actual documentation,....the so-called crucifixion was most likely a fabricated cruci-fiction, invented along with the resurrection story after 95 CE. Rabbinic law called for criminals to be stoned, not to undergo a Roman-style crucifixion, although hanging was acceptable for lesser offenses. Jesus was killed "by hanging him on a tree" (Acts 5:30 & 10:39); Jesus was "hung on a tree" Galatians 3:13; his "body [was] on the tree" 1 Peter 2:24. The so-called crucifixion was devised by the mid-second century author of the Gospel According to John. John was the last of the canonical gospels. Theophilus of Antioch appears to be the first person to mention its existence as a gospel (during the later half of the second century). However, the Rylands Papyrus, which could be part of a copy of John, has been paleographically dated to 150 CE, fifteen years after the Bar Cochba revolt. John’s gospel resonates more with the Jesus of the Talmud than the Jesus in the synoptic gospels. For example, John has his Jesus dying on the eve of Passover, as the slaughtered lamb, not following the Passover meal as the Jesus of Matthew and Luke.
  13. Religion

    LOL,...another Christian who "definitely" knows Jesus. The most important figure in what Westerners understand as Christianity was the mass murderer, Saul/Paul of Tarsus. According to eminent theologians, such as Robert Eisenman, the Essenes called this self-ordained apostle of the Gentiles "the Spouter of Lies." Among scholars, the Biblical Jesus/Yeshua usually appears in about the fourteenth place in importance. Was he an actual historical figure? Even Paul did not appear to believe that Jesus was an historical figure; for example, see Hebrews 8:4. That is to say, Paul never identified Jesus apart from an entirely mystical setting. Without Paul and several other Church fathers and aristocrats, Christianity, as known today, would not exist. Note: some question Paul’s authorship of Hebrew’s, however, that does not necessarily alter the message. Today’s Christianity, including Catholicism and every other religious sect that uses, in whole or in part, the so-called Christian Scripture, was woven from a hybrid of Pauline doctrines, a few historical facts, and various fabrications. Several early Christ sects, for example, the Sevrians, Encratites, Ebonites, Naassenes, Nazarenes, etc., rejected Paul’s epistles. The prototype of a personified Christ was developed by Paul’s followers and aristocratic admirers from the Talmud stories of Yeshua Ben Stada, the locally notorious Yeshua [Jesus] the Notzri [Nazarite]. This Jesus, born in 7 BCE during a Jupiter–Saturn conjunction, had a stepfather known as Joseph and a mother named Mary. On the eve of Passover in 28 CE, he was convicted of sedition by Pontius Pilate and subsequently hanged. His hanging was not the planned means of death, but proceeded because those who were to stone him were late. Since the end of the day was near, which would have postponed his burial until after Passover, the soldiers allowed the alternative death by hanging. Following his death, his followers dubbed him the Passover Lamb. A Nazarite or Notzri, meaning consecrated, was a Jew who took the ascetic vow described in Numbers 6:1–21. Among famous Nazarites was James the Just, whom the Ebionites revered as the legitimate apostolic successor of the Nazarites. Jesus the Nazarite (not of Nazareth or Galilee) is probably the same Jesus whose sayings were collected by Didymos Judas Thomas in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas. This Gnostic or cardio-centric gospel of "secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke" appears to have been compiled in response to Paul’s new cerebro-centric religion. Both the Gospel of Thomas and the Epistles of Paul predate the canonical gospels by at least a generation. Neither the Gospel of Thomas nor the Q source contained a crucifixion, the concept of Jesus dying for the sins of others; a resurrection; or a personified Christ. Thus they conveyed nothing that would support the divinity of Jesus, which later became one of the core beliefs of the new Christianity. The story of present-day Christianity is part of a larger mythology. The evidence suggests that the actual principle of Christ grew out of Memphite philosophy—literally, the Krst, the anointed ones, like the Risen Horus/Apis. Then in the fifth century BCE, the word Christos, referring to an "awakened one," crept into Greek subculture, and this word can be found in the works of classical writers, such as Aeschylus and Herodotus, the father of history. Curiously, this was the same time in which Siddhartha Buddha, the light of Asia, realized that religion is a man-made fabrication and a direct result or consequence of the desire for things to be other than what they are. According to recent research, many ideas in the New Testament were lifted from Buddhism. In the third century BCE, through Ptolemy Soter, a lover of all things Egyptian, a bearded, long-haired Greek image was merged with Egypt’s mystical Krst philosophy. This image, Sarapis, would become Christendom’s representative portrait of their Jesus/Yeshua. If there was an historical Jesus/Yeshua as presented in the gospels, he would have had short hair and a close-cut beard, as was the custom of the Jews and the command of Paul. For example, 1 Cor. 11:14 suggests that long hair brings shame to a man. More similar to the Sarapis model was the link that Jesus/Yeshua was a Nazarite, like the Old Testament Samson. Members of the religious sect of Nazarites were said not to cut their hair. In addition to their unkempt hair, the Nazarites also vowed to abstain from the manufacture or consumption of intoxicating beverages and from contact with the sick or corpses. Jesus/Yeshua being a Nazarite does not harmonize well with certain fabricated gospel tales, such as the ritual consumption of wine and the raising of the sick and dead, which were woven into the canonized version of the myth. This reminds me of the fanciful story of Mason Weems, invented after the death of George Washington, about George Washington and the cherry tree. Weems fabricated this story to broaden the character of America’s first president and to make him seem more appealing. The Jesus Christ myth was interwoven from many sources, including the Egypto-Greek Sarapis, whose devotees, according to Hadrian, called themselves Christians and bishops of Christ. Sarapians had temples in most of the major cities of the time, including Alexandria, Rome, and even Bithynia, where Pliny the Younger was governor at the beginning of the second century CE. Under Trajan (who was married to Pompeia Piso), Hadrian was governor of Syria. As every Bible hobbyist should know, as per Matthew 4:24, Jesus’ fame was said to reach throughout all of Syria, yet the evidence shows that no one there knew Jesus’ followers as Christians until well into the second century. Why was that? Gnosticism, the original form of Christianity, arose from a Greco-Egyptian philosophical fusion, as mentioned above. Gnosticism was an important part of the neo-Christian construct. Gnosis was not an outgrowth of neo-Christianity, as revisionists suggest. Today’s Christian persuasions are a product of Gnostic Christianity, not the other way around. We could say that Christianity was built on the DNA of Gnosticism. This neo-Christian fabrication from Gnosis and Krst, from gnowledge and the Anointed One, can also be substantiated through the Book of Enoch, from which over a hundred phrases were introduced into the New Testament. Enoch was written before 170 BCE, and several Aramaic copies were purportedly found among the Dead Sea fragments of the Gnostic gospels from Qumran. These Gnostics, from the time of the Julian clan of emperors, maintained that Christ was not a man in human form, as claimed in the gospels, but an individual goal of an initiate to realize a Christ Consciousness, the Logos. The Logos represents a mystical rebirth without sexual union, an awakening to a reality beyond duality, a palingenesis from the dream of perception. Duality is inherently a sexual reality, in which consciousness is fragmented. Christ Consciousness is an unfragmented consciousness, in which there is neither hope nor fear. The Jesus as defined in the gospels could not have been a Christ. Neither Paul nor his followers could grasp gnosis, that is, to gnow themselves through the heart of essence. Like many today, frozen in their conceptual experiences, Paul needed a more physical, hope-driven, fear-based path. The ignorant respond to hope and fear. Thus, from the expectations infused through the Pauline church, the concept of a personified Christ grew and entered the groupthink of the anti-Gnostic Paulines and those, like the Roman aristocrats, who wished to exploit it. Before 95 CE, when history suggests that Apollonius died and rose from the dead, there is no mention of a personified Christ or the four gospels. There is no known contemporary scriptural record of the life and times of Jesus/Yeshua. For neo-Christians, so fond of quoting Bible babble, what wasn’t said in the first century that which is curiously missing, is as interesting as the fabrications and contradictions of what was said then. For example, in the writings of Clement Romanus, the Pauline bishop of Rome circa 95 CE, there is not even a tinge of gospel references. Yet Luke 1:1–2 specifically implies that many eyewitness followers had already been writing. Adding to the intrigue, Clement, whom Tertullian and Jerome suggest was the direct successor of Peter, was also said to be a Flavian, that is, a relative of the men who were then the emperors of the Rome. Sciolistic Christians vaunt that the historian Josephus, in two remarks that have been taken out of context, verifies that Jesus/Yeshua existed. Today, however, even conservative scholars agree that those quotations from chapters 18 and 20 of the Jewish Antiquities, a history of the Jews, were later Christian interpolations. Such conclusions are consistent with Origen, an ante-Nicene father, who in the third century CE indicated that such a declaration from Josephus of a Jesus Christ did not exist in his copy of the Jewish Antiquities. Furthermore, no one else before the fourth century CE ever mentioned such an important reference from this often-cited source. Another claim by neo-Christians as to Jesus Christ’s historicity comes fromTacitus’ Annals 15.44, the comment of how Emperor Nero persecuted Christians after Rome’s fire of 64 CE was actually about Gnostic Christians, worshipers of Sarapis, not followers of Jesus or Paul. It was these Christians, the original Christians, whom the author of the second-century Gospel of Matthew called false Christians. Neo-Christians appropriated the name Christianity, as they lifted terms from most of the cultures that they absorbed. In his letter to the Consul Servianus, Hadrian (71–138 CE), who was the governor of Syria under Trajan, called the Sarapian leaders "bishops of Christ." Up until the beginning of the Second Century, the Egypto-Greek Sarapians, including those in Syria, called themselves Christians and bishops of Christ. As you will read, there was no reason for Rome to kill the followers of Paul and the Gospels which arose from Mark. Considering a set of all knowledge for that period, not a single Jewish, Roman, or Greek historian, scribe, or writer mentions before 95 CE the Jesus Christ depicted in the gospels. There are no artifacts, no works of carpentry, and no physical evidence that a Jesus Christ ever existed. For such a famous person, professed to have been known far and wide, it is notable that there is not a single word of him from Pliny the Elder, Seneca, Gaius Petronius, the Syrian Mara, Philo Judaeus, Pausanias (who traveled throughout Syria), Theon of Smyrna, Thallus of Samaria, Silius (Consul of Asia Minor), or the Syrian-born Lucianus. However, the word scribe(s) is mentioned at least sixty-six times in the New Testament. Thus, repeatedly, what was not mentioned says much regarding the history of the invention of present-day Christianity. For instance, why was the capital of Galilee, Sepphoris, known as the ornament of Galilee, just four miles down the hill from the archeological site of Nazareth, not alluded to in the Gospels, although they all mention Nazareth? Could it be that the authors of the gospels were unaware that the city existed because Rome leveled it during the Jewish Revolt of 66–71 CE, some forty years after the Talmud’s Jesus was hanged for sedition? It is unlikely that Nazarites lived in Galilee, but were instead Jerusalemites. VMarco
  14. The Absolute Present

    Your god is light, and in him is no darkness. Try post #4 on this link: http://thetaobums.com/topic/19803-what-is-light/
  15. The Absolute Present

    My response seemed somewhat implicit,...I do not meditate, thus observe no light in that which I do not do. As for the "perception of light",...such is restricted to the 6 senses. I understand Light from beyond the 6 senses,...which is the only way Light can be honestly understood, and why I left a link to the discussion "What is Light", so your questions can be more focused. There is no "Universal Oneness" per se. Consider cosmologists Steven Hawking and Jim Hartle, who said that since time loses characteristics that separate it from space, the concept of a beginning in time becomes meaningless. There is no BigBang, no singularity, creation or creator, because there is no time. Yes,...understanding time upsets sciential logic. However, it is necessary to challege your beliefs if you are even to uncover the reality of duality and beyond. Truth is a very frightening thing for ego. Consider this youtube: What is true? Most people fail to recognize that the foundation of a mathematical statement is only true in relation to the assumptions of "set theory," the assumption that any collection of objects actually exists. All objects, without exception, are indeed mathematical. The reason for that lies in the multiplying/dividing nature of the optically organized universe. However, the modern cosmological understanding of the universe suggests that no objects exist, indicating that mathematics pivots on a misguided belief in materialism. The sciences usually expound on relative reality through the assumption that object-ive reality actually exists.
  16. The Absolute Present

    "Knowledge" will never get you to an awakened state,...only Gnowledge is helpful. Wisdom will never get you to an awakened state,...although prajna will. Prajna is not wisdom. Wisdom is a very tricky word. It literally means knowledge accumulated through philosophic or scientific learning. In other words, wisdom points to the highest and most lofty ideas of ego consciousness, whose sole purpose is to sustain itself. Wisdom is to make the best use of knowledge,...yet to realize enlightenment means to let go of all knowledge. Knowledge is acquired through thinking/the Head-mind,...the truth arises from gnowledge/the Heart-Mind. Here is a truth,...Light is proof that no god exists.
  17. The Absolute Present

    If you desire to understand light,...go further! What is the source of the electrodynamic spectrum and your observation of energy? What occurs if you realized the so-called speed of light? All "pure stuff" is not so much separate from reality,...it is that the perceived reality arising from the 5 skandhas don't exist in the first place. You cannot get there through meditation,....meditation is merely a stepping stone, which most get addicted to. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "Do you think you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? This makes your mind narrow, not clear." Wei Wu Wei said, "The practice of meditation is represented by the three monkeys, who cover their eyes, ears and mouths so as to avoid the phenomenal world. The practice of non-meditation is ceasing to be the see-er, hearer or speaker while eyes, ears and mouths are fulfilling their function in daily life." "The state of non-meditation is born in the heart...." Jigme Lingpa Hui Neng reportedly scolded his monks for spending too much time sitting in meditation....He said that meditation is unnecessary, and warned that such practice can easily become a narcotic. IMO, forget about meditation,...you'll end up like CT. forget about meditation The majority of Buddhists in the World could care less about light,...just as most could care less about the prajnaparamita's and Vajrayana, or how Taoists could care less about the nature of duality from duality's point of view. Thus you are left with very little helpful documents. As Jed McKenna correctly said, "99.9% of the World's so-called wisdom, East and West, for the purposes of awakening, is about as useful as a glass of warm spit with a hair in it." If your interest resonate with understanding light, from Light's point of view, try this thread: http://thetaobums.com/topic/19803-what-is-light/
  18. The Absolute Present

    Energy does not exist beyond duality,...energy does not exist in the Present. And because you (CT) believes it does,...not only has your ignorance blinded you from reality, but such discussion (prajnaparamita) so frightens you, that you feel compelled to respond with various forms of ad hominem, instead of any honest dialogue.If you have proof that there is an absolute Present in time,...please share. Or, as you ignorantly scoff at the fact that energy does not exist beyond duality,...please show your findings,...not your childish alerts and spoofer comments.
  19. The Absolute Present

    Let's use another word,...ineffable. The Tao is not ineffable. If The Tao was ineffable, Lao Tzu would not have been able to discern The Tao to write about it. It is a matter of context. Buddha told the ignorant that the self is impermanent,...and yet he implied in the Mahaparanirvana sutra that the Other Self, the Tathagata, is permanent. The ego self of the six senses is impermanent,...nirvana is impermanent,...however, paranirvana is implied to be permanent. The ignorant cannot understand The Tao. This is simply because the six senses can only know motion (energy). To understand the Tao, one must observe The Tao from beyond the six senses. To understand the Tathagata, one must transcend the six senses. Lao-zu said, "the Tao doesn't come and go." Buddha said, "the Tathagata does not come and go." If you think The Tao is ineffable, then you allowed belief and religious indoctrination to blind you, and for you, The Tao will be ineffable. To understand stillness, one must uncover the stillness upon which their motion persists. If someone speaks of God or Brahman as being ineffable or inconceivable, it simply means that they don't know, but wish to continue talking about it as if they did. I disagree with the concept of ineffability or inconceivability,...such ignorant predispositions that truth is ineffable, and beyond mind, is fully incorrect. The notion that truth is ineffable is perpetuated by the ignorant, and their inadequate vocabulary. Nothing is ineffible. Most of the philosphic classics are indeed a hodgepodge of delerious imaginings. As Tilopa said: the HeartLight of the Ultimate Teaching cannot be revealed, through New Age discourses or preceptual Scriptures, neither from the Mantravada, Paramitas or Tripitaka; the HeartLight of Mind is shrouded by concepts and whimsy's. HeartLight is not inconceivable,...comprehend the Heart Attack Sutra by Karl Brunnholzl, and most honest folks will uncover enlightenment in less than two years.
  20. The Absolute Present

    No,....energy does not exist until the illusion of separation from Source. All energy arises from the motion to return to Source,...which it can never do. The condition of energy, even an imagined "potential of energy for one's palatability, cannot enter the Unconditional. As an analogy, consider the so-called "speed-of-light",...there is no mass, no time, no energy,...even as a potential. From Unconditional Light's point of view, it travels no distance, in no time, and thus has no need of speed or energy. If you want to uncover the light that you are,...you must realize what is Present, and what is not. There is no energy, time, mass, thought, 5 skandhas, or universe in the Present. There is no Present in time,...it's impossible. Don't believe it,...prove it. Take the statement as deep as you can,...and you will uncover that all time is in the past,...and thus not real. Stop making things up just because doing such is more palatable for some belief. Be impeccably honest.
  21. The Absolute Present

    No belief system leads to the uncovering of enlightenment.
  22. The Absolute Present

    The only beliefs I point to in my posts are for dissolution. Beliefs step between people and their liberation. My I have an anvil tied to my neck, and be thrown into an abyss if I ever attempt to "teach" a belief. Anyone who gives you a belief system is your enemy
  23. The Absolute Present

    NO! Energy is NEVER, EVER in the Present. Remember, there is no Present in time. Energy, as all motion, only exists in time.
  24. The Absolute Present

    Yes,...and all vibration is in the past.
  25. The Absolute Present

    The seeking of commonalities between beliefs is a diversion from truth,...would it not be better to seek and find all the falseness between beliefs? "we need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Eckhart Tolle Of course, I personally enjoy the commonality between the Heart Sutra and Lao-zu's Hua Hu Ching. For the best commentary on the Heart Sutra, read Heart Attack Sutra, by Karl Brunnholzl,...if you can.