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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Thank you,..for if you ever feel that I'm expressing a beLIEf, that is, an unquestioning acceptence of something in the absense or reason,...then by all means, I'd love to hear it. What I was suggesting, is that those who say neither, most likely do not understand what liberal points to,...but rather believe the term Liberal to have something to do with Left Wing social issues, or even the abolishing of the 2nd Amendment. The fact is however, that a Liberal would not be against any Amendments, like the Right to Bear Arms. Unlike the Tea Party who want to get rid of 4 or 5 or 6 Amendments,...a Liberal, as JFK's definition, desire to defend all the Constitution Amendments, and the Rights provided. The World is in desparate need of Liberals, like Ralis,...and in desperarate need of less Illiberalism, which is the prevailing majority attitude today. V
  2. I'd say that the frolic-some bisexual dolphins would mind quite a bit,...also, no way I could tell this woman http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/man-admitted-hospital-kidney-stone-discovers-hes-woman-110057308--abc-news-health.html That "god" made a mistake, and that she really isn't natural "So when he went to the emergency room five years ago, he wasn't too shocked when the nurse told him she found traits of both genders in his ultrasound results. He was intersex, meaning he had both male genitalia and internal female sex organs."
  3. So, you're suggesting that natural sexuality is limited to replication? Don't tell the dolphins that.
  4. I could agree with a connection between chemicals and increased occurrences of gynocomastia, low testosterone, cancer, etc,...but homosexuality has a pretty much established historical record. Do animals engage in homosexual behavior,...all the time. IMO what is clearly, and hideously unnatural, is the "binary view of gender" Nature provides many variations within any given species. Science has frequently documented many exceptions to the male/female-only rule. Complete/Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Kleinfelter's Syndrome, hermaphroditism/intersexuality, genetic anomalies, gynecomastia, hypospodias, and numerous other anomalies; anomalies, it should be noted, which only address externally assessable anatomical development, and do not address the neurologic, neurophysical, psychiatric, and psychologic composition of the human brain. Kate Bornstein, in her book Gender Outlaw, discusses how she has frequently asked the question, "What constitutes being male or female?" In response to this question, she has never received a definitive answer to the question -- for every answer, there is an instance that nullifies it. As for Liberal being natural,...I'd say it's a natural inclination of self-actualized people. For those of Conservative/Illiberal persuasions, any hope for Self-Actualization without the recognition that Conservativism/Illiberalism is a mental affliction, seems nil. http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Society/Conservatives_Deconstruct.html
  5. For homosexuals, the only thing unnatural from my observations is their having to hide who they are. From all I've seen, they appear born attracted to the same sex,...it's not something taught. Just because I'm not into male-male sex,...nor have an aversion towards Georgia O'Keefe, doesn't mean that they should be denied love or art. Estrogens and phytoestrogens in contempory food supply certainly appears unnatural,...instead of banning the natural state of homosexuals,...why not open a dialogue on the processed food industry,...especially the acidity, corn syrup, and soy in nearly everything off the shelf.
  6. Non-meditation is a topic that will surely upset millions who have vested meaning, money, and measure, sitting on a cushion. Millions believe that meditation is the path to happiness, compassion, god realization, and enlightenment. Surely, meditation has provided solace to many, but solace is a temporary thing. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "Do you think you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? This makes your mind narrow, not clear." Who is honestly aware of anyone realizing happiness, compassion or enlightenment through meditation? Before anyone gets too upset, the topic here is "Awareness of Non-meditation," that is, to simply be aware that meditation may merely be a stepping stone, not the goal. Hui Neng reportedly scolded his monks for spending too much time sitting in meditation....He said that meditation is unnecessary, and warned that such practice can easily become a narcotic. Many Western meditators are so intoxicated by their practice that they see themselves as superior to those who don't formally meditate, like drug addicts see themselves as better than non-users. Few people seem to realize that Buddha did not uncover enlightenment through meditation,...he realized enlightenment when he ceased meditating. Meditation nearly killed him. Historically, Sakyamuni was near dead from meditation, more bone than skin, when a young girl named Sujata (likely a dakini) offered him some food (perhaps rice cooked in milk). Some say an appreciation filled him from this meal, and as he recovered his physical strength, through the state of appreciation, he realized the Dependent Origination from which suffering arises. The American Esther Hicks said, "We teach meditation, or quieting the mind, because it is really easier to teach you to have no thoughts, than to teach you to have pure, positive thought. We would rather you be in a state of appreciation, than in a state of meditation, because in appreciation you are a vibrational match to your [Higher Self]." The State of Appreciation; that is threshold to enlightenment, not meditation. Wei Wu Wei said, "The practice of meditation is represented by the three monkeys, who cover their eyes, ears and mouths so as to avoid the phenomenal world. The practice of non-meditation is ceasing to be the see-er, hearer or speaker while eyes, ears and mouths are fulfilling their function in daily life." Jigme Lingpa said, "The state of non-meditation is born in the heart...." Those familiar with the Short Path of Dzogchen have likely heard of non-meditation,... resting in the evenness of being, that is beyond hope and fear. Meditation belongs to of the world of hope and fear. Is there a more dishonest, perniciousness word than hope? hope n. from ME. hopa, an expectation. 1. expectation of something desired; anticipation of some future event. 2. a guess or belief. 3. that which gives hope; a substance or object hoped for; an expected payoff. No matter what level we wish to view it from, hope is false. Hope is an anticipation of the future; thus it must arise from a predisposition, a belief, and attachment to the past. Hope implies lack,...how else could we possibly define it? Hope is for something we think we don't possess. How could hope ever be expressed through an Open-Mind or Open-Heart ? The belief of hope is a barrier that obscures the present. In all samadhis (or states within the 6 consciousness' that preceed enlightenment) except sahaja, the practioner or yogi continues to go and come. Lao Tzu said, "the Tao doesn't come and go." Buddha said, "the Tathagata does not come and go." Refuge in sahaja (or Short Path), which is not preoccuppied with meditation or yoga techniques, is a permanent and effortless state of realization. Kagyu, the fourth stream of mastery, says, "In a state of non-meditation, you attain [the vividness beyond concept, imagination, and projection]. As Beate Stolte said, "to place yourself in unfabricated present awareness." Of course it is difficult for someone blissed out on opium Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!.. "To go, to come, beyond going and coming, into complete going and coming, where enlightenment is welcomed" VMarco
  7. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    What I have uncovered for myself is an honest understanding (that is, not a belief) of what will never leave me, and from which I can never leave. If I got hit by a car tomorrow, I (not meaning the ego I, but the noumenal self) is clear enough from delusion to be in light without difficulty,...nevertheless, I have not ceased disrobing falsities, and am of the opinion, that when enough falsities are realized, that perhaps the bindings of the body can be surpassed,...if they cannot be, than I would say that all Buddhism is false. Tilopa suggested that the full realization of Absolute Bodhicitta brings "long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon, Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion, You will quickly gain mundane power and suprem enlightenment." However, ego can never realize Bodhicitta,...thus if eternal youth is uncovered, it is because ego as we know it, died. I agree that most talk on forums is useless babble. What would not be babble IMO, are any discussions helpful for the realization of Absolute Bodhicitta. This is in no way saying that Absolute Bodhicitta is the answer,...the answer is always in the dissolution of the question. The challenge presented by so-called Masters is to realize Absolute Bodhicitta. If you have not dissolved that question,...that is, realize Absolute Bodhicitta, then you cannot prove the Masters false. Thus, you ask "what good is realization"....however, such a question could be a barrier to realization. Now, if you ask "what good is realization" in the context of let me check this out, and see if there is anything good about realization, then you're proceeding without hope or anticipation of a payoff for your adventure, and thus will be better able to realize realization. The path to realization of Absolute Bodhicitta is by way of transcending attachment to the 6 senses,...there is no other way. And there are many ways to detached from the 6 senses,...I posted about many of them,...ie. the Supermarket Activity, Connected Breathing, Hand Drumming, hypnotherapy, integrating the three universal energies, and other direct Short Path activities. If I lived in an honest, compassion orientated environment that was considerate of others, I feel I would have realized Absolute Bodhicitta 30 years ago. V
  8. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    No, I wasn't using "basic" in that sense,...but basic as in basic lies. Lies are immensely complex,...basic lies feed basic egos. Truth is very simple,...for example, that there is no present in time, is quite obvious,...but quite upsetting for ego's logic. The Zen that I was affiliated with was very much about humanism,...feeding the 6 senses in ways to keep the organizational groupthink vibrant. No one is allowed to question the teacher (Roshi) or the Tradition. But the same occurs among many, if not most, Vajrayana Traditions,...the Traditions are worships over the content. V
  9. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    The Tao upsets peoples logic. Wholeness is beyond the sum of opposites simply means,...all yang added to all yin,...or all positives added to all negatives,...equal zero. This is why, when you understand everything that is false,...there is the truth. If you seek truth, you will never find it,...for there is no truth in Yin and Yang. V
  10. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    Would love to see this list of enlightened Zen practicioners,...of course each Zen Tradition may have different standards, to better align with their teachers. I've attended a few Zen organizations,...and they are, first and foremost, organizations. The one's I've attended must be pre-pre-zen, because they are very basic,...although the Inquiry sessions are interesting from a hunanist poinr of view. I've heard of one Zen organization that is said to be similiar to the Vajrayana short Path, but haven't had the opportunity to meet any. I viewed a few workshops of Adyashanti, and even read one of his books,...but IMO he is not what I would consider enlightened, which at the very least, would be someone with a grasp of Dependent Origination. And why do I consider Adyashanti not understanding that,...because he is either a theist, or promotes theism among his followers. No one could possibly understand Dependant Origination and simultaneously be a theist. The Unconditional cannot be realized through conditions. V
  11. First, that was written in '98. I lived in Chiapas at the time, studying Zero. Not sure what you mean by "nowhere have I seen that it's going to be on May 20th.." ....if that meant "As for the speculation, in the mid-90's, Gregg Braden,..." that had something to do with the previous post (from the defunct discussion forum "SpiritWeb") and not meant to imply the Day of Purification would occur on May 20th.
  12. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    No,...I would say I'm a Taoist,...and a Freethought Buddhist. Neither the Tao, or Undivided Light is energy, or the "cause" of energy. Energy is a simultaneous by-product of the division of light, or duality. Duality EFFECTS ITS MOTION upon the fulcrum of the Tao,...but the Tao did not "cause" this to occur. It is rather a mistranslation to say that the Tao birthed One, and the One birthed Yin/Yang. The correct version, for those who understand the Tao, is that One was birthed from the Tao,...the Tao doesn't birth anything,...nor contain any energy. Ki is not energy,...from Ki, all energy arises. Energy is merely the motion of what is perceived to be separate, to return to Source. Energy in its purest form,...the purest form for an illusion,...is Spirit. Pure energy or Spirit shows the Way back to Source, which can only occur through the realization that energy does not exist. There is energy which arises from Ki,...but Ki holds no energy. Wholeness is beyond the sum of opposites,...beyond Yin/Yang, and as a consequence, beyond One. V
  13. OSHO meditation resort/spiritual communities

    Of course,...that's why my complete expression was: "For example, I would say that the complete list left by xabir2005 are all immature, in that their focus will be upon teaching you the Tradition that they were taught. They will point you in many directions, except the one you currently wish to travel,...thus hoping you will "settle" for their Tradition, which after all, is the "true Tradition."" I am actually familiar with a few of those listed organizations. Some would even suggest that they are great for beginners. My opinion is quite the opposite. V
  14. Thanks for posting that link,...it collaborates with my own observations. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/23473-may-20-2012/page__p__336836__hl__chichen%20itza__fromsearch__1entry336836 Been waiting for this for 14 years,...and will be viewing it from the Jemez Pueblo in NM V