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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    As many here believe in Wiki for their info,...scroll down (or for Simple Jack, Troll down) to Vajrayana Traditions: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jh%C4%81na In addition, check out "One key innovative teaching of the Buddha was that meditative absorption (jhāna) must be combined with liberating cognition" under Jhāna in the early suttas in that same Wiki article. Then re-read my post above.
  2. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    The Jhanas are well suited to the Theravada Long Paths. If you consider who Buddha was speaking to during the First Turning, the Jhanas manifest a very good, often life-time income for its teachers. However, even though Buddha discussed the Jhanas to the ignorant of those days, did he not also stress that they must be integrated with an intent for liberation,...something today's Theravadans have little interest in. My top post, as implied throughout, is emphesizing the Short Path, a practice focused on Liberation. In fact, Vajrayana Buddhists have little need for the Jhanas,...their practice includes all Four Turnings. As for myself, through surrender, I effortless came upon the first Arupa Jhana in 1974,...and for years would access infinite space often. However, as the top post was pointing to,...liberation includes liberation from all the Jhanas. Liberation is reached when all eight Jhanas are transcended. Does that mean that Vajrayana Buddhists spend their lives on the Long Path pursuit of transcending the Jhanas? No,...they see the Jhanas as something akin to a Gordian Knot to be sliced through, not pondered on for hundreds of lifetimes. Whether Long Path or Short Path,..."The state of non-meditation is born in the heart...." In other words, uncovering the barriers to the Heart is the upmost liberation practice. V
  3. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    Yes,...although I wasn't there, I disagree with that patriarchal version.
  4. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    Absolutely,...a little meditation, going into some theta space, is great for rejuvenating the body, emotions and head. Even long meditations can have there uses,....however, using meditation as a path to happiness, compassion, god realization, and enlightenment, is delusional. I am most appreciative of Tibetan_Ice's anal-yzing,...although his attachment to messengers is similiar to your (thelerner) own, in that you both nit-pick over details inconsequential to the post, it dawned for me of a potential way to nip the anal-ysis before it engages,...thus you two are awesome for showing me a way through your exasperating attachment to mixing messengers with messages,...that is, focusing on the assemblage of different quotes which create a new whole, instead of looking at the new whole,...which is pointing to the whole. As I've posted several times before: V
  5. Any Astrologers here?

    And you know that is true,...because why?
  6. The Yin Yang Symbol

    The symbol can be displayed any arbitrary why one wishes,...there is no "one true representation." However, there is only one representation that explains how all phenomena was birthed from One. To me, this would be the best representation because it offers a complete understanding of the Mysterious Mother. Unfortunately, there are so many upsidedown theories, that a taste of the actual Yin-Yang must be acquired from another source before the superior Taijitu is recognized. For example, the difference between Undivided Light and divided light,...and the harmonic balanced interchange within divided light. V
  7. The Yin Yang Symbol

    Exactly,...it's not about the "head",...and yet, meditation is all about the "head." LOL
  8. The Yin Yang Symbol

    You should also. V
  9. The Yin Yang Symbol

    The Taijitu or T'ai chi T'u can be depicted in many arbitrary ways, but only one way, in a clockwise position, with "form" or condensed yang/light primarily on the bottom right, and "empty" or diluded yin/dark on the top left, is useful in explaining the nature of all phenomena. Through that Taijitu all can be explained. All the arbitrary depictions are for aesthetics,...and do not point to the nature of Tao and Yin and Yang's harmonic balanced interchange. V
  10. Any Astrologers here?

    The physical vehicle you are using was jump started at the time and coordinates of its first breath to reflect certain vibrations that remain with the form,...sort of like Cymatics. Thus, as long as you are expressing yourself through the physical, emotional, and mental,...that expression will flow through your natal and subsequent vibration.
  11. ....

  12. ....

    Topics get so easily fragmented here. My use of "extreme sports" was in reply to: In this statement, White Wolf appears to be suggesting that the millions of people who are barked at, terrorized, attacked, mauled, etc, by vicious breeds everyday, need to face their fear,...not the inconsiderate owners of these vicious breeds who are so fearful that they need protection, regardless of the impact to Others. And by the way,...you should consider getting out of the library alittle. V
  13. Any Astrologers here?

    I mostly use Tropical, although touch on Sidereal when going more deeply into something. Tropical developed out of Helenistic Astrology, which probably had an Egyptian influence. Both systems work,...Western and Vedic work,...IMO neither one is better than the other. I love Philadelphia pizza, I was raised in Philadelphia,...I don't like Chicago pizza, or San Francisco pizza. I learned to do charts by hand (before the internet) with much influence through the Rosicrucian method, ie: http://www.scribd.com/doc/21200105/Rosicrucian-Fellowship-Complete-Course-in-Astrology Acually, the course I used was from the 1940's or earlier, by Max Heindel, and consisted of more than a dozen booklets. IMO every serious mystic comes upon astrology,...for example Gurdjieff, Carl Jung, even Walter Russell (who gave a talk to the Astrologer's Guild of America, called The Electric Nature of the Universe, June 1936), had a certain proficiency with astrology. In The Electric Nature of the Universe, Russell said, "Astrologers are asked: What relationship can people and planets have with each other? What possible relation can a planet so far away as Neptune have to do with an emotion occurring within us, or a decision which we make for ourselves? How can this far planet affect our lives? Neptune (he said) is not so very far away from us. It is part of our own solar system. The universe is made up of interlocking electric systems within each other. Every part of every system is directly connected with every other system. Relatively, the planets are as close together in the solar system as are the parts of any atomic system. Every microscopic electron in every star and galaxy is connected electrically by an intercommunicating flux. There are no two separate things in the universe. Everything in the universe is indissolubly tied to every other thing. The whole universe is just a series of quantitative material records of universe thought, placed there in potential relations one with another, in systems within systems. They have been gathered together in what we call "inanimate nature" or "inanimate life". There is no inanimate life in the universe. Everything in the universe lives. Everything in the universe breathes the breath of life and pulses with the universe, each in its own potential and its own rhythm. Every person born into a a material form has a rhythm of their own which is normal to them and them only. Each person's rhythm is determined at their birth moment. At that moment the countless billions of electric vibrations of the sun and all its planets are setting a rhythmic gauge upon the life of everyone who comes into material existence. Each person's rhythmic measure has as automatic an effect upon him as the pressing of any electric button has upon a bell. It is automatic. We cannot help it. Let us get to the root of the effect upon our emotions and lives which the masses of material matter which we call "planets" can cause. How can Jupiter or Neptune have any effect upon one's life or emotions? Many people think it is ridiculous but, on the contrary, it is the truest of truths. The reason is that planets are huge masses of light in motion, for all masses are light, even though they are not exhibiting a perceived incandescence. Any change of rhythm anywhere affects the whole electrodynamic universe."
  14. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    If you did understand Undivided Light or the Tao, you would not have to be an Atheist, that is, one who does not believe in theism,...you would actually understand that there is no god, and thus have no need to believe there is not a god. The proof is all around,...indisputable proof,...and people still dispute that there is proof. V
  15. Any Astrologers here?

    The Equal House system is not too accurate for readings,...it doesn't take account for the shape of Earth. I use Placidus for births under 35 degrees, and Regiomontanus for higher latitudes, but Koch for those above 55 degrees. If you locate about a thousand miles east of where you were born, all those 11th house influences would shift into the 12th,..something you may not want.
  16. Any Astrologers here?

  17. Any Astrologers here?

    From my observations there are usual 3 manifestations to indicate an significant influence. Saturn in the 8th alone should not bring a debilitation by way of Saturn's limitations. Although one's Practical Director (the planet that rises before the Sun) is often seen as a good indicator of one's lifes purpose,...Saturn is also an indicator of lifes purpose through its taskmaster role. As for that woman in question,...although I never had any sort of sexual relationship with her, I was a friend who spent several hours with her chart, her synastry with others, astrocartography, etc. Astrology is an excellent, impersonal way, of understanding oneself. A helpful book in regard to Saturn is Liz Green's,...although not designed for novices,..does have helpful hints on how to befriend Saturn. I wholly agree,..."Astrology is not so simple. Saturn is not so simple." Astrology is not newspaper horescopes or Sun Sign predictions. The Sun only represents around 6% of one's natal chart. A very fun way to learn astrology is with Martin Schuleman's "Karmic Relationships." Look at the synastry/compatibility between couples and friends you know,...what vibration are people attracting into there life. I'm also a fan of Frances Sakoian's "Predictive Astrology", and her "Handbook of Astrology." Robert Hand's books are also quite good. In the 80's and 90's publishers sought to add to their astrology genre, and the market was flooded with astrological trash. One of the best astrology books one could own is Rex Bills "Rulership Book"....along with the few mentioned above, you can unravel the basics of astrology. For me,...although I had study a hundred texts, one short chapter of Schuleman's "Astrology and Sexuality" brought it all together for me. I'll post it below. V
  18. Any Astrologers here?

    For one example, the Moon affect water, our bodies are 3/4th water. Can we transcend astrological influences? I've not the observed to 6 senses doing so,...but the 7th and 8th consciousness' there is a different connection. I agree, it's futile to work against these vibrations. V