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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Sounds like ACIM is preaching Taoism.
  2. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    The book ACIM also looks around, and says no god exists:
  3. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Although I'm not an Atheist, it's rather easy to prove that no god exists,...the proof is Undivided Light. Undivided Light is proof that no god exists. Besides, god is merely the Yang part of Duality,...the Bible says so,...God is light, and in him is no darkness (Yin). That quote is speaking specifically about Duality. God is a manifestation of Duality. From the Tao point of view, Duality, thus god, does not exist. The problem with Atheists is that they don't understand that no god exists, they merely "believe" that no god exists,...thus they are just as deluded as theists. V
  4. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    It is true through the statements made in posts, which are brought up in my post. I do not, never, make damning judgments. What you failed to observe was a critique of comments made. From thelerners previous comments, he does not consider the Civil and Human Rights of others beyond his own Internal Considering,...there is no damning judgment,...it is what it is. Just because thelerner believes himself unaffected by the numerous impermissible government endorsements of christianity,...which as the the 9th District Court said "sends a message to unbelievers that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that they are insiders, favored members of the political community." In addition, just because the majority feels that way, that is, thelerner's "who cares attitude" does not make it right. In America, as I mentioned,...is one nation under a Constitution. Although the Constitution sets up a representative democracy, it specifically was amended with the Bill of Rights in 1791 to uphold individual and minority rights. On constitutional matters we do not have majority rule. The majority has no right to tyrannize the minority on matters such as race, gender, or religion. And yet, the minority is being tyrannized EVERYDAY by the Christocrat majority,...who enable their Fundamentalist brothers in usurping the Rights of the People. It's simple. V
  5. Any Astrologers here?

  6. ....

    Yes,...such is the stupidity and ignorance of those attached to their sentient beingness for their identity. Max Planck said "...Truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Most agree something is impossible, until one without that knowledge arrives and proves otherwise. When self-ish, inconsiderate, fear-based people needing vicious dog protection at the expense of all Others die off, perhaps then a Humanity will be ready to embrace the Tao. V
  7. ....

    That a good point. Most have seen Michelangelo's painting called the 'Creation of Adam', a scene from the Sistine Chapel, but rarely the complete scene,...its interesting that his muscle bound God is aware of his nakedness, and to coverup, wears a pink shirt/or tunic. Pink is the colour of immaturity, as Michelangelo must have known; thus, for some, there is a wondering if the scene has something deeper to convey, beyond the media-ted focus of the two fingers almost touching. Michelangelo had extensive knowledge of the human anatomy, and in fact had drawn many dissections of the body. When the fresco is seen as a whole, and not simply the outstretched arms of Adam and his God, as if this God was giving something to Adam, the perspective is much different. Adams God is lying inside a dissected human brain - the mid-sagittal. Michelangelo wasn't showing a God creating Adam, but Adam creating a God, an immature one at that, manifested through his own brain. Adam already was. He created God in his own image. Voltaire reportedly said that if cockroaches were to have a notion of a God that they would imagine Him as a very big and powerful cockroach.
  8. ....

  9. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Yes, your particular inconsiderate way of posting is understandable,...you obviously live a very honest life, from your perception. Your failure to see the Christian takeover of America in the 50's, like the impermissible government endorsement and propaganda of religion on all US currency, and their infiltration of nearly every aspect of Americanized life, from the largest prison population in the world, to their calendar which disconnect and suppress its citizens from the natural rhythms of earth and our relationship within the universe, is typical, head-in-the-sand post-Americanism. In other words, just because you're fully content to be be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society,...do you obviously believe everyone else should too. Sure, that's your prerogative,...like the Tea Party believes that their social conservative intrusions into everyone's life not like them, is part of the cure. As I'm not a Christian, Muslem or Jew, your slight about being Jesus-like doesn't apply to me. However, the statement that absolute love cannot be sent, is fully valid, and verifiable (by healthy, non-faith-based people). How arrogant,...and criminal,...is the violation of spiritual law to think that one can Send Love. But in a sick Country like America, the majority rules,...even though the US Constitition explicitly states that it doesn't. America is one nation under a Constitution. Although the Constitution sets up a representative democracy, it specifically was amended with the Bill of Rights in 1791 to uphold individual and minority rights. On constitutional matters we do not have majority rule. The majority has no right to tyrannize the minority on matters such as race, gender, or religion,...although people like yourself appear to disagree,...for people like youself, it's all ok as long as you can believe that you live a well life. V
  10. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    I was banished for saying to send love is akin to rape. Although this is an impersonal statement, at least two members thought that I was attacking them personally as being rapists. So I was banished for 30 days. I find the members at TTB to be a good representation of society-at-large,...especially the mob-like groupthink in defending particular beliefs they cling to for their identity,...like 86% of Americans coming unglued in 2002 when the 9th District Court said that the "The Pledge, as currently codified, is an impermissible government endorsement of religion,...not only were there calls for the death of those Judges, but on the following day the Senate approved a resolution expressing support for the impermissible government endorsement of religion in Pledge of Allegiance. The resolution passed 99-0. Few Americans realize that "it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" J Krishnamurti
  11. ....

    As someone who is considerate of Others, my extreme sports activities have little to do with the millions of people everyday who are exposed to the intimidation, terrorism, barking, attacks, maulings of vicious dogs. Dogs are unpredictable territorial animals,...vicious breeds are possessed by fear-based individuals for protection. That negative vibration of fear and the need of protection permeates the planet, and is a huge contributor to the hate, separateness, vile manners, violence, and terrorism on the Planet today. The question is not to "cure" Others from the intimidation, terrorism, attacks, maulings of vicious dogs,...which may only be possible if everyone, from infants to the elderly, are issued a protective device (gun),...but the real question is to how to heal vicious breed owners from their fear, and inconsideration of all Others. V
  12. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Absolute love is not a choice; it has no opposite. Absolute love cannot be sent. Oops! I was banished from this forum once for discussing such a taboo subject. In the same way ordinary people justify rallying for Peace, they also promote the activity of Sending Love, unaware that they are, in actuality, psychically attacking others through their conditioned Thought Forms. Yes, they most likely have the best of intentions, that is, from their point of view, but from Love's point of view, this undertaking is totally irresponsible, in fact, it is as a psychic rape,...the violation of another with one's personal desires. There is only one thing, and one thing only, that precipitates the so-called act of Sending Love, and that is to "get" (period). The personal agenda of Sending Love, the invading of anothers space, is not Love. Love is seeing Spirit in everything,...whereas "Sending" implies that the Sender thinks Love is lacking. So how does one share the Unconditionality of Love? Simply by letting go of the barriers and belief patterns that have been built against it,...and through that implosion, Love will effortlessly spring its resplendent mystery as an Unconditional ex-pression. Those people who have a personal agenda to send love, are surely unaware of what they are doing,...which in essence are psychically attacking others,...raping,...psychic rape,...the violation of another with one's personal neurotic desires. These "sending" rapists are in it for one thing, and one thing only,...TO GET. These agendas,...these unsolicited invasions on others,...is something I really don't understand. Perhaps it's a patriarchial thing. Anyway,...sending love to someone is one of the most ignorant things,...for some reason, those rapists who do it, must feel that love is somehow lacking,...go figure! The only thing lacking is the honesty to seek and find all the barriers built against love. "All the joy the world contains Has come through wishing happiness for others. All the misery the world contains Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself." Shantideva
  13. Morality

  14. ....

    Avadhuta is the Middle Path,...between the path of negativity (i think, therefore I'll harm you) and positivity (turn the other cheek). Avadhuta is a term for our pre-indoctrinated consciousness. Before we are trained to accept the illusions of negatives and positives as something real. V
  15. ....

    To intentionally attempt to feed both equally would be more insane than anything I've ever heard of,...because it would imply an acknowledgement of both illusions. Usually, when someone sees a truth, they cease pursuing the false. For most, there is not an acknowledgement of either, thus they merely pursue conditions that the groupthink says feels good. However, negative conditions are said to arise when on selfishly seeks to experience only positive experiences....all situations are actually neutral and impersonal,...negative and positive do not exist,...except as we perceive them as such.
  16. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Is the Light, Still in the Projector, which gives rise to the image on a theaters screen, present with the form, or the celluliod. Both the celluloid and image on the screen are in time,...however, with simple observation we understand that there is no present in time. How is a fulcrum present with the lever of a childrens seesaw? The lever effects its motion upon the fulcrum, and without the fulcrum, no motion would be perceived to have occurred,...but does the lever in motion have anything to do with the presence of fulcrum? When the lever ceases to move, it no longer is perceived to exist. The 6 senses cannot observe the fulcrum,...the 6 senses can only observe motion. To observe the fulcrum, one must has access to the 7th and 8th consciousness,...that which is beyond the "i think."
  17. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Yes, I too am a fan of Occum's razor
  18. A vicious frog

    Ah,...just what the World needs, another vicious god. When viewing the full length and breadth of the Bible, even an inept reader can see that their Patriarch is clearly a murderous, pro-slavery, vacillant, petty, racist, conditional god. And amazingly, a god who is so insecure, that it demands to be worshiped, obeyed and prayed to.
  19. ....

    An alleged 'Cherokee' teaching goes like this: A Cherokee once said, "Inside me are two dogs, and they are always fighting. One dog is evil -- he is fearful, angry, envious, greedy, arrogant, jealous, and resentful. The other is what is considered good -- he is friendly, hopeful, sharing, serene, humble, empathic, generous, and faith driven. This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too." A younger one asked the Elder, "which dogs usually wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed the most." From what I was told, this old story is actually not that old, but was conjured to draw a distinction between practicioners of Non-duality and New Agers. New Agers have a strong assumption that good wins out over evil,...whereas the non-dual point of view is that negative conditions arise when one selfishly seeks to experience only positive conditions. In other words, as religions say, good triumphs over evil,...however, nature says, you cannot separate the two. If you wish to stop the two dogs from fighting, then feed neither. If you feed what you interpret as the good over the bad, the bad, which will be hungry, will continuously manifest,...and visaverse. Buddhists have called those who feed neither, avadhutas,...a state of enlightenment where the distinction between good and evil no longer exists. An Avadhuta would never own a dog for protection, at the expense of all the terror and harm it may cause others.
  20. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Your arrogance and ad hominem is noted in the time it took to reply to my post,...in other words, timewise improbable to have viewed my post. It seems all you see is staw,...thus doubtful you even understand the term strawman,...which can be defined in this case as what is in the mirror of your posts. V