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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. "Berasith bara elohim"

    First,...it does not appear you read the top post. Second, your belief that "in a beginning of... Elohim created" is the correct translation has many doubters, like the Kabbalists, who also see "bara" as the second word, not the third. To Kabbalists, their correct translation is "in the beginning was created the elohim." My point of view is pretty explicit in the top post. V
  2. Compassion, Peace, and Vicious Dogs

    Facts are not about making up your own facts. LOL Wiki says: I'm not a math person, but to me that says 1 in 60 Americans are attacked by a dog(s) every year,...thus, in the last 10 years, over 50,000,000 Americans have been attacked by dogs. The NOAA says the odds of getting struck by lightning are 1 in 8,987,657. But for most part is avoidable. There is NO similarity between getting attacked by a vicious breed and getting hit by lightning,...any suggestion otherwise is absurd. NO Compassionate person would own a vicious dog breed,...just as no compassionate person would own lightning. There will be no PEACE ON EARTH,...No Shambhala,...as long as people own vicious dog breeds.
  3. Compassion, Peace, and Vicious Dogs

    The Shepard may be a hero for cops and the militia, but it is terror for others. If Americans would Trust In Love,...instead of their murderous, pro-slavery, vacillant, petty, racist, conditional God. And amazingly, a God who is so insecure, that it demands to be worshiped, obeyed and prayed to,...there would be no need for cops and militia. Tell the Tea Party,...look at all the tax savings Love would manfest.
  4. Compassion, Peace, and Vicious Dogs

    Decided to go into town today,...every local newspaper had a headline: Pit Bull Advocate mulled to death by his dog. So much for the fallacy that people's are at fault for the actions vicious breeds. Clifford Wright was watering his garden when his loving pit bull riped him apart. When are people going to get it? The State of Maryland recently declared that pit bulls and pit bull hybrids are "inherently dangerous." At least one in 50 States are finally reading the facts. While it's true that there are only around 50 or so deaths by pit bulls per years,...which for conservatives with fear problems is acceptable colladeral damage,...far worse IMO are the thousands who are mamed by vicious breeds. (Each year, more than 350,000 dog bite victims are seen in emergency rooms,...another acceptable number, except in Maryland). Studies indicate that pit bull-type dogs were involved in approximately a third of human DBRF (i.e., dog bite related fatalities). NO Compassionate Person could own a pit bull or vicious breed. To do so would be worse than operating a Day Care for kids, while leaving loaded firearms throughout. Studies (based on real facts) have shown that pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes were responsible for 65% of the canine homicides. http://pit-bulls.christianfunfair.org/attacks.htm
  5. A white conch to be exact. So,...dots and dashes make sense from an onject-ive point of view,...but why a white conch for zero? Speaking of why,...why are posts in duplicate?

  6. A white conch to be exact. So,...dots and dashes make sense from an onject-ive point of view,...but why a white conch for zero? Speaking of why,...why are posts in duplicate?

  7. "Berasith bara elohim"

    No, haven't seen it,...although the plural of the title sounds interesting. Not much interested in the Kabbalah or Judeaism. Many believe you can study the Kabbalah without Judeaism,...but in fact they're inseparable. Personally I find both to be waste of time. The Kabbalah however is a marvellous addiction that keeps ego quite happy with searching, and thus the Heart-Mind cloaked. However, I feel the story of Lilith and Eve to be quite compatable with many Taoist views. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/20285-sky-dancers/page__p__287298__hl__sky%20dancer__fromsearch__1entry287298
  8. Another good book is Zero, the autobiography of a Dangerous Idea,...although it doesn't address the Maya specifically.

  9. Another good book is Zero, the autobiography of a Dangerous Idea,...although it doesn't address the Maya specifically.

  10. The creative force within duality arises through the perceived separation from zero. To create progeny, the nine gods, that is the six lesser or boundary gods who rule the six convex planes, and god seven, the three aspects of zero, must work as one to propagate the many.

  11. The creative force within duality arises through the perceived separation from zero. To create progeny, the nine gods, that is the six lesser or boundary gods who rule the six convex planes, and god seven, the three aspects of zero, must work as one to propagate the many.

  12. No, not aware of any specific titles. I spent a year in Palenque, and another year in Mexico researching the Maya zero (the conch), from numerous sources. Some of this was discussed in my book Exploring Freethought Magick. Much is still in notes. Two helpful books would be Russell's 'New Concept of the Universe'....keep the Popol Vuh in mind while reading it,...for example, The c...

  13. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    First,...there is no such thing as "Transgendered people." The word Transgender is a noun. Calling a Hijra, a castrated male or eunuch is disgusting. Actually,...most Tea Patriots should be eunuchs or castrated males. "For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." Matthew 19:12
  14. Krishnamurti would say that the "answer" or 'conclusion' to ANY thread is the dissolution of the question,...and thus the proper flow of any thread is to dissolve the message,...but many Tao Bums want to dissolve the messenger. LOL
  15. May 20, 2012

    I wrote the following in 1998: Chichen Itza is not even among my top 10 favorite Maya sites, however, the Temple of Kulkulcan is worth mentioning for its astronomical significance. Although many are familiar with this Temples bi-annual Equinox display, the primary purpose of this Temple appears to be for a May 20, 2012 alignment. Why, over a thousand years ago, this Temple was built for May 20, 2012 is mere speculation. On that day, the Sun will be apexed over Chichen Itza, conjunct Venus, the Pleiades and the Moon (29 degrees Taurus), while opposite the galatic center. As many know, Sun conjunct Moon = total eclypse. However, in the evening, when Xibalba, the galatic center is at apex to the Sun on the opposite side of earth, this is what the architecture was designed for. The Kulkulcan pyramid appears to have been built over a thousand years ago as a representation of this event on May 20, 2012. The seven-ringed tail and shadow-serpent mouth which can be seen during the equinoxes, represents the Sisters, the Pleiades and Scorpio, the galatic center or underworld of the Maya, as it was at the time of the Maya creation. Some say that the 20 May 2012 event is to be the date of the culmination of the Maya, Hopi (Aztlan), and Kali Yuga Cosmic Cycle, or some part of it. Interestingly, within 20 years after Kulkulcan arrived in the Yucatan in the mid-10th century, some 3 million Maya disappeared, without a trace, and the remaining working/servant class abandoned the cities. To put it in perspective, Palenque was the area size of Albuquerque, NM,...and Caracol twice that size. Of course, lame scientist come up with fantastic tales based on object-ive, sciential minded theories,...but how many add the fact that the Maya, at least the upper and artesano classes, knew 'Zero.' Understanding 'zero' changes everything. As for the speculation, in the mid-90's, Gregg Braden, a purveyor of leading edge consciousness, described the Hopi Tradition of the time of the Great Purification. To summarize, the "shift" will bring a zeroing-out of the electrodynamic fields on Earth for near 3 days. This temporary voidance of the EMF will bring great fear and panic to the majority of Earths human population, for the EMF is like a glue that holds together most of our beliefs. Articulating the Hopi prophesy with contemporary themes, Braden likened this Great Purification/Shift to the original computers which did not have internal batteries as our PC's now have. At the Shift, when the EMF zeros-out, will be similar to an older computer "crashing", which meant, it would lose all existing information, and would have to be reprogramed. At the Shift, most people will literally "pass out" due to the exposure of being removed from identification with their beliefs. The one's who remain awake however, their Collective Consciousness, will be the reprogram when the EMF restarts. For those who passed out, when they arise, their past will be erased, and all they will know is what those who remained awake, reprogramed them to know. Under this 2012 paradigm, those who realize and dissolve their belief patterns before 2012, thus being as immune to the shock of zero Electrodynamic field, will be the one's to set the agenda for the next cycle. The Hopi prophesy says to re-member the original teaching,...yet those of the Lower Self believe the "original teaching", the wisdom of the ancestors, is associated with a time of the pre-white invasions. That is FALSE. The beliefs of Native Americans in the White Man's 13th century are patriarchial beliefs,...they are beliefs that see Earth as Mother. The Apache envision the Old Teachings have to do with being on horses and roaming the land, yet there were no horses prior to Cortez. The original teachings mentioned in the Hopi Prophesy go much further back, to the time before the Kali Yuga, when the "world turned another way". Those Original Teachings include the Ways of the Feminine,...not the patriarchial feminine of today,...but the authentic feminine, Mother Sky, the Way of Wisdom, Dakini Sky Dancers. They called it the time of the Blue Star Kachina,...the Birthing of HumanBeingness. As for the Mayan, ...having spent two years in and around the Lacadon jungle studying 'zero'...I can say that the Maya were not only fully literate, but had a sophistication unparalleled compared to today's quantum physicists. Not only did they have a cognition of astronomy, time, calendarics, art, architecture, and math,...but a language, through pictures or logographs (Heart language) that still cannot be grasped by today's sciential-minded archeologists, etc. V
  16. Correction,...alledged to have sacrificed by ridiculous anthropoligists. Imagine you belonged to an advanced group of people,...had the most accurate calendar in history, knew zero as more than just a bookkeeping number, understood the geometry of the galactic center, etc.,...are you going to dump bodies in your drinking well,...or any cenote, because they were clearly aware that they were an interconnected system. Or, perhaps you think all people are like the Tea Party folk,...revise whatever history they wish to fit their deluded assumptions regardless of the facts. Afterall, "facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan As for meditation,...Lao Tzu said, "Do you think you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? This makes your mind narrow, not clear." Oh,...I forgot,...you don't believe that there were any Oral Teachings of Lao Tzu written down later.
  17. May 20, 2012

    Here's a good article,...check to see if your phone camera can take the shot without a filter,...you could damage your phone or camera. http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/02/11507518-where-and-how-to-see-the-eclipse?lite
  18. May 20, 2012

    The Maya were (a thousand years ago) a Heart Minded people,...like the Egyptians they cherished the heart, and discarded the brain. Brainy people don't have a clue about the Maya, so they diss them. If the Maya understood the spiritual value of zero, as the facts indicate, then they understood the Tao. The Maya had a clearer understanding of zero, quantum physics, astronomy, etc., then today's Priests of Science. The Maya people alive today are descendants of the poor class,...not the 3 million upper class, artisanos and craft people who disappeared a thousand years ago without a trace. If you look at the murals at the Chichen Itza ball court, it was winners who were what today's scientists call sacrificed. Mel Gibson's film was distorted in every way. As for why the Kulkulcan pyramid was built for May 20, 2012,...I haven't a clue. Maybe all the Tea Party folks will be raptured,...that would surely usher in a thousand years of peace for those fortunate enough not to be a social conservative theist. Most likely it will be a vibrational thing not readily noticable,...like how phone booths disappeared or how few Americans could cash someone out without a bar-code and an electronic device. V
  19. Paths/Stages?

    To me, there are only two paths,...the relative or Long Path, which accumulates relative Bodhicitta,...and the Short Path, whose aim is to uncover absolute Bodhicitta. http://wisdomsgoldenrod.org/notebooks/23/5
  20. the Real Tea Party

    If one considers the facts.... You cannot be a Libertarian and a Tea Party Patriot at the sametime....just as you can't be both Christian and Honest at the Same Time.
  21. Enlightened movies

    Resurrection, Ellen Burstyn Powder, Jeff Goldblum The Man Who Could Work Miracles, Roland Young Baraka, Ron Fricke Matrix 1 & 2, Keanu Reeves The Razor's Edge, Tyrone Power What the Bleep Do We Know? Mark Vicente Made in Heaven, Timothy Hutton The Lion King, Matthew Broderick What Dreams may Come, Robbin Williams Heart and Souls, Robert Downy jr Under the Tuscan Sun, Diane Lane Chocolat, Juliette Binoche Milarepa, Orgyen Tobgyal Man From Earth, David Lee Smith Crazy Wisdom: The Life & Times of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Trial of Billy Jack, Tom Laughlin
  22. the Real Tea Party

    How to talk to a Tea Partier
  23. the Real Tea Party

    Or a Libertarian having a discussion with a Tea Partier.