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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. the Real Tea Party

    Yes,...I wouldn't want any decent American reading that Convention filth either,...good move of the Tea Party to remove it. http://www.examiner.com/article/religion-tea-party-politics-and-the-new-christocrats http://article.wn.com/view/2012/03/01/The_Christocrats_never_really_went_away/ http://rwor.org/a/039/religious-voice-against-christian-fascism.htm
  2. the Real Tea Party

    And again my point is, that your conjecture is not in alignment with the facts,...which are that everything the Tea Party does, even justified rants about "Big Government", do not jive with their proven social christo-fascist agenda. Yes,...Tea Party supporters have justifiable fear for the economy,...but their way of addressing it is through their deluded theistic memes. If you can see it,...see it in the over 40,000 new and intrusive laws enacted in 2012,...you're blind. If you can't see it in the month (October 2011) that the Tea Party Congress spent, at Tax Payers expense, during an economic crises, to pass a non-binding resolution reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto,...which is an unConstitutional, impermissible government endorsement of religion,...then you're blind. Although the Tea Party talks up the propaganda of "smaller, less intrusive government" their actions speak otherwise,...in BIG Black-n-White. They want a Theocracy,...not a Constitutionally lawful society. They want their god in everything,...not E Pluribus Unum. They don't give a damn about the environment,...the economy,...the Constitution,...nor the American people, except those Americans in lock-step with their Christian values. Tea Party supporters are like pedaphiles who think they are truly loving their victims,...only in this case, half the Country believe their nonsense. Americans as a whole are some of the most ignorant and selfish people on the planet. Just as much of this film suggests:
  3. Buddhist Sutras online

    Many like translations with commentaries,...just remember, it's just commentary. http://www.longbeach...0commentary.pdf To me, the Surangama sutra is the most specific of the sutras. Suppose one reads the Fire Sermon,...and they're scratching their heads saying how do I actually get beyond the 6 senses so to have a direct experience. The answer is in the Surangama. Avalokitesvara's Dharma-Gate "Avalokitesvara(Contemplator of the World's Sounds) Bodhisattva arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha's feet, and said to the Buddha: "Bhagavan, I remember when, as many eons ago as there are sand grains in the Ganges, there was a Buddha in the world named Contemplator of the World's Sounds. I aroused the Bodhi-Heart while with that Buddha, who taught me to enter Samadhi through a process of hearing and reflecting." "Initially, I entered into the flow of hearing and forgot the place of entry. Since both that place and the entry were quiet, the two attributes of motion and stillness cancelled each other out and did not arise. After that, gradually advancing, the hearing and what was heard both disappeared. Once the hearing was ended, there was nothing to rely on, and both awareness and its objects became empty. When the emptiness of awareness was ultimately perfected, emptiness and what was being emptied then also ceased to be. With arising and ceasing gone, tranquility was revealed." ...."Bhagavan, also due to the effortless wonderful strength of this Vajra Samadhi of Becoming Permeated with Hearing and Cultivating Hearing, I have a kind empathy for all beings in the six paths throughout the ten directions and the three periods of time. Based on my physical and mental accomplishments, I can cause beings who encounter bodies of mine to receive the meritorious virtues of fourteen kinds of fearlessness." First: because I do not contemplate sounds themselves, but rather the contemplator, I can enable beings throughout the ten directions who are suffering and in distress to attain liberation by ccontemplating their sounds of reciting my name. "Second: since I am able to turn my knowledge and views inward, I can keep beings who are caught in a raging fire from being burned." "Third: since I am able to turn my contemplation and listening inward, I can keep beings who are floundering in deep water from being drowned." "Fourth, since my false thinking is cut off and my mind is without thoughts of killing or harming, I can keep beings who enter the territory of ghosts from being harmed." "Fifth: since I am permeated with hearing and have realized what hearing is, so that the six sense-organs have dissolved and returned to become identical with hearing, I can keep beings from being wounded, by causing the knives to break into pieces. I can cause swords to have no more effect than if they were to slice into water, or if one were to blow upon light." "Sixth: since my hearing has become permeating and my essential energy bright, light pervades the Dharma Realm so that absolutely no darkness remains. Then I can keep beings safe from yakshas, rakshasas, kumbhandas, pishachas, and putanas by causing the ghosts to be unable to see them even if they come close to them." "Seventh: since the nature of sound has completely melted away and through contemplation my hearing has returned to itself, leaving involvement with false and defiling sense-objects, I can free beings from the locks of cangues and fetters." "Eighth: when sound is gone and the hearing is perfected, an all-pervasive power of compassion arises, and I keep beings who are travelling a dangerous road from being robbed by robbers." "Ninth: when hearing permeates, a separation from defiling objects occurs so that forms no longer act as thieves. Then I can enable with lust to leave greed and desire far behind." "Tenth: when sound is so pure that there is no defiling object, the sense-organ and the external state are perfectly fused, and nothing is matched to anything else. Then I can enable beings who are full of rage and hate to stop being hateful." "Eleventh: when the defiling objects have gone, a light spirals, and the Dharma Realm and the body and mind are like crystal, transparent and unobstructed. Then I can enableall dark and dull-witted beings whose natures are obstructed¡ªall atyantikas¡ªto forever be free from stupidity and darkness." "Twelfth: when form dissipates and returns to the hearing, then unmoving within the unmoving Bodhimanda I can travel among beings without disturbing anything in their worlds. I can go through the ten directions making offerings to as many Buddhas, Tathagatas, as there are atoms of universe. Beside each Buddha I become a Dharma Prince, and I can enable childless beings throughout the Dharma Realm who wish to have sons to be blessed with meritorious, virtuous, and wise sons." "Thirteenth: with perfect penetration of the six sense-organs, the light and what is illumined are not two. Encompassing the ten directions, a great perfect mirror stands in the Empty Treasury of the Tathagata. I inherit the secret Dharma-doors of as many Tathagatas as there are atoms of universe throughout the ten directions, receiving them without loss. I can enable childless beings throughout the Dharma Realm who seek daughters to be blessed with lovely daughters who are upright, virtuous, and compliant and whom everyone cherishes and respects." "Fourteenth: In this three-thousand-great-thousand world system with its billions of suns and moons, as many Dharma princes as there are grains of sands in sixty-two Ganges Rivers appear in the world, cultivate the Dharma, and act as models in order to teach and transform beings. They comply with beings by means of expedients and wisdom, in different ways for each." ....As soon as one sense-organ returns to the source, All the six are liberated.
  4. the Real Tea Party

    Are you suggesting that there was some sort of evidentiary facts in your post #10? All I saw was opinion, that was not expressed through anything other than the Tea Party's own propaganda. In this latest post you bring up a discussion of the Founding Fathers,...much of which for the Tea Party is based on WallBuilder revisionism. Sure, one could consider a few hundred people were influencial during America's founding. Most historians today name seven key Founders, which highlights the incompetency and Christian brainwashing that is America today. According to experts, the seven key Founders were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. That BS list alters the whole subject. (By the way, only Hamilton and Jay were Christians, and Federalists,...the other 5 in this list despised the Federalists. If the Federalists had their way, no Catholics could ever accept Public Office, and the Louisiana Purchase would have never happened.) "Washington's (Deist) sword would have been yielded in vain had it not been supported by the pen of Paine (Deist)" James Monroe (Deist) The actual Father of the American Revolution was Thomas Paine,...although Christians has revised that, and designated (Christian)Samual Adams as the Father of the American Revolution. At best, Sam Adams could be called the Father of the Tea Party. The Tea Party, like most American Sheeple, believe, since the McCarthy era, that 52 of the 55 delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention were Christian. Again, this is Christian revisionist history. Although there are many sources to the contrary, I'll state one specifically. According to Herman C. Weber, DD, an expert in religious censuses and statistics, few early Americans were members of a Christian church. In the 1933 Yearbook of American Churches, for instance, it says that just 6.9% of U.S. citizens belonged to a church in 1800. By 1850, religious membership had risen to 15.5%. By 1900, Christians had doubled their percentage to 37%. However, not until 1942 did Christian affiliation exceed 50% of the U.S. population. 6.9% of Head of Households were Christian in 1800,...but 98% of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention were Christian. Can you not see the deception? 1942 should be an important date, for in a short few years, Christianity, and all its BS revisionism, begain infiltration all aspects of what is media-ted to the Sheeple,...the beginning of the McCarthy era,...which never ended,...just taken on different names like Moral Majority, and now, the Tea Party,...each time getting stronger,...each time bringing more and more inflicting Americans with their viral meme. V
  5. Many would say that this is cerebral, or at the least being too picky with words. However, the words needed to discuss Heart-Mind, which itself is ultimately a phenomena of Conscious Oneness, is more specific then the languages of law, biology, and physics combined. And yet,...although people been media-ted to believe that to be a lawyer, one must be proficient in law,...to be a physicist, one must be proficient in physics,...but for some reason, many believe the subject of Who they are needs no proficiency, and can be answered and discussed with the vocabulary of the 6 senses.
  6. the Real Tea Party

    Sgt. Gary Stein, the 26-year-old Marine was less than honorably discharged yesterday for saying on his Armed Forces Tea Party Facebook account (which included a photo of Obama with the word, "Jackass" written underneath) "Screw Obama, I will not follow all orders from him....Obama is the religious enemy ... He is the 'fundamentally change' America enemy … He IS the Domestic Enemy." In that statement is the essence of Tea Party mentality,...it is an unAmerican mentality. Service members, under oath, vow to obey Directive 1344 of the Department of Defense. Stein violated military law. Stein said afterwards. "I'm disappointed. Not only in the Marine Corps, but in myself." I'm disappointed that Stein still doesn't get it!
  7. the Real Tea Party

    You appear to have no comprehension of the facts. Many of the Founding Fathers were quite vocal regarding their dislike of Christianity. Perhaps George Washington kept somewhat quiet,...but he was among the few. "Gouverneur Morris had often told me that General Washington (a Deist) believed no more of that system (Christianity) than did he himself." Thomas Jefferson "I have examined all the known superstitions of the word, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth." Thomas Jefferson "The Christian system of religion is an outrage on common sense." Thomas Paine Let's look at the facts. Every study I've read regarding the Tea Party and their supporters, show that they're highly partisan and overwhelmingly religious,...in fact, they demand that religion, predominately the Christian religion, and their faith-based agenda's are part of the political debate,...fully contrary to the US Constitution. A read of the transcripts of the first Tea Party Convention bears this out,...explicit Christian social conservatism was on display throughout. Even Pastor Rick Scarborough who opened the Convention with a prayer first declared, "I'm not a Republican; I'm not a Democrat; I'm a Christocrat," followed by wild cheers. Sarah Palin demanded that one of Congress's top priorities should be "asking for divine intervention from God." It was like a nightmare out of Margret Atwood's 'A Handmaids Tale'...a fascinating and horrific look into the near future. In the Republic of Gilead, formerly the United States, far-right Schlafly/Koch Brothers/Dick Armey/Michele Bachmann ideals, based on the God of Jacob, have created a monotheocratic government following a terrorist attacks using 'radiation dispersal devises' and subsequent suspension of the Constitution. The resulting society is one of strict control, inablity to have jobs or money and assignment to various classes (like the Theodosian and Justinian Laws which helped establish today's Christianity). The New America, now the Republic of Gilead, is a strict and dangerous political scene, where any type of crime can result in an execution and a public hanging on The Wall, where former abortionists, transsexuals and gays, Quakers, and Liberaterians, are with signs posted for their crimes. Poll after poll shows that the Tea Party is disproportionately social conservative, and that they are fundamentally more concerned about putting God in government, than any other issue. This Christocratic zealousness can be seen in many of the over 40,000 new intruse laws spawned by Tea Party Legislatures in 2012,...although they try to project an image of concern over Big Government. The second most prominent trait of the Tea Party is a belief that all the ills of the Nationy are caused by high taxes and liberals. The Group Think on this is unwavering. Third, is that the Tea Party believes it is in harmony with the US Consitution. Again,...let's look at the facts,...October 2011, a Tea Party led Congress, during a time of grave economic instability, spent a month of the Tax Payers time to pass a non-binding resolution reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto,...an unConstitutional, impermissible government endorsement of religion. Not only has the Tea Party agenda enlarged Government in a most hideous and intrusive way, it has done so in full disregard to the US Constitution. The Tea Party is the greatest threat America and the US Constitution has ever faced. V
  8. One way that non-enlightened folks can look at it, is if it does not directly conflict with Sakyamuni, Avalokitesvara, Saraha, Tilopa,...then perhaps someone is consciously pivoting from the Present. In my opinion, MahaVajra has an Inter-Faith agenda, which Thich Nhat Hanhites and those deluded by Neale Donald Walsch and Joseph Ratzinger certainly adore. It is quite obvious, for anyone who has seriously looked at it, that honesty is the biggest difficulty facing humanity. There is just too little honesty in the world,...but afterall, it's an 6 sense dominated world. The 6 senses are never to be trusted. That's what the enlightened said,...simply check out the Fire Sermon as mentioned above.
  9. Nice ending to that video,...wish it was the beginning. As for immorality,...my take on Buddha's 'Fire Sermon' is that once a level of realization is uncovered, there is no more reincarnation,...the you who you really are, is out-of-here.
  10. Most people are pretty naive about water,...all water is not the same, even if it doesn't look dirty. In fact, much "bottled water" is quite unhealthy. River water as Twinner suggested,...it contains waste from animals, sewage, pesticides, heavy metals and acid rain, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites,...drinking river water can lead to death. That should be a no-brainer. Let's talk about the water which people usually drink: Tap water,...endocrine disruptors, Fluoride, toxic chemicals for public water treatment, Chlorine, etc. Distilled water,...is when you take all the nurtrients and minerals out of water,...this is very dangerous for the body, unless one is consciously doing a cleanse. Water has a molecular memory/nature to attract nurtrients and minerals to itself. If you drink distilled or "purified" water, as soon as the water enters your body it is absorbing nurtrients and minerals from your body,...and then you urinate it away. Spring water is a good water choice to drink,...but the best is artesian water,...water that rises to the surface itself, pregnant with nurtrients and minerals. Alkalized spring water (pH balanced, esp. with negative ions) or better, is what a Superior Man drinks. Laying your hands over the container of such water before drinking is the ultimate nourishment. Acidic water promotes an acidic body, which is a major cause of overweightness and obesity. V
  11. Yes,...and I'm not even a Gemini Moon,...but a Pisces Moon. Many massly known purveyors of inspiration had Leo Moons, like Yognanada and Ghandi. The Moon generally has an influence on water, and thus emotions,...humans are two-thirds water. Of course, not all Gemini Moons are psychopaths,...although, according to the Wall Sreet Journal, most stock brokers are psychopaths,...in fact, they suggested that Investment Banks seek out psychopaths. And if you're not a psychopath when you get your Wall Street job, evidence suggests that they will teach you. V
  12. They're of no consequence. However, if you are interested in enlightenment, check out the thread 'What is Light'
  13. Perhaps you should read of Naropa's 12 austerities to break through the conditioning of his brahmic indoctrinations. How many austerities would it take for anamatva?
  14. What would peace look like?

    Pretty difficult to know what Lao Tzu said,...first, even if a Lao Tzu existed,...and two, many academic historians suggest that the Tao Te Ching wasn't written until the late 4th Century BCE, perhaps two hundred years after the alledged Lao Tzu. Only those on the Long Path are concerned with who wrote something,...whereas those on the Short Path look at the message, regardless of the messenger. Some say that the Hua Hu Ching were saying of Lao Tzu,...although the earliest "physical copy" dates only to the early 4th Century CE. For a Short Pather it wouldn't matter if it was written 4 minutes ago,...what matters is if it transmits something helpful for liberation. A more important question regarding the Tao Te Ching and Hua Hu Ching is whether they compliment each other,...and even where perception may think they don't, is that helpful? V
  15. What would peace look like?

    Never heard of neigong practices nor the book. V
  16. Foundations

    "You will never realize Who you are, without understanding When you are" VMarco
  17. What would peace look like?

    Lao Tzu purportedly said: "To attain pure Tao you must understand and integrate within yourself the three main energies of the universe: The first is the earth energy. Centered in the belly, itexpresses itself as sexuality. Those who cultivate and master the physical energy attain partial purity; Second is the heaven energy. Centered in the mind, it expresses itself as knowledge and wisdom. Those whose minds merge with the Universal Mind also attain partial purity. Third is the harmonized energy. Centered in the heart, it expresses itself as spiritual insight. Those who develop spiritual insight also attain partial purity. Only when you attain you achieve all three - mastery of physical energy, universal mindedness, and spiritual insight - and express them in a virturous integral life, can you attain pure Tao." Hua Hu Ching, sixty-two Earth energy is the realization of the physical barycenter,...in Hapkido this is called the Danjun. Heaven energy is realized through the barycenter or balance point of the pineal, pituitary and thyroid glands, or upper three chakras. Then,...as symbolized by the David Star,...when the Earth triangle interlaces with the Heaven triangle, harmonized energy is realized at the Heart,...which is the door way to Heart Mind. The Heart Mind is unobscured through the harmonic balanced interchange of Earth (Yang) and Yin (Heaven). An unfortunate problem today is that very few understand Who's Who in Duality. Most contemporary Taoist are attached to ridicuous human-centric notions. This post may be helpful: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/20285-sky-dancers/page__p__287298__hl__sky%20flyers__fromsearch__1entry287298