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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Compassion

    Then you haven't heard much of HH Dalai Lama. As you profess to like TV, try the DVD, HH Dalai Lana on the 4 Noble Truths. http://www.downtr.co/1011757-dalai-lama-four-noble-truths-2012.html
  2. Compassion

  3. Compassion

    Twinner, you are a hoot! Over and over and over, VMarco brings up the problem of knowledge, and you continue accussing her of accumulating knowledge. The theme of most every VMarco post is to let go of knowledge,...and you spin it, like a Tea Party professional, that VMarco is knowledgable. Go figure! At the least, what this thread has shown is that there are several on TTB who have a deeply embedded inferiority complex. Although VMarco is a superior person in that she is aware of the difference between what "comes and goes" and what does not "come and go," her spirit is neither superior, inferior, nor fearful of perceived other's. As long as you (Twinner) continue getting a cerebral-emotional charge from VMarco's delivery style, or whatever else you fear in her posts, you will never understand real compassion. And for your information, the term VMarco is not being used in the third person, but as a replacement for "I",...because at your State of Ignorance, it is too difficult to grasp that when VMarco uses the term "I", it does not mean individual, but includes all perceived others. "those desiring speedily to be A refuge for themselves and other beings, Should interchange the terms of I and Other, And thus embrace a sacred mystery." Shantideva That quote may have come from a Buddhist,...but it is Wholly Tao. To understand the Tao, is to realize what does not come and go. Of course for you (Twinner) to grasp that, means letting go of all your beliefs and predispositions,...and thus truly "practice" and be a practitioner of The Way. Within that comment, lies your imagined inferiority. Lao Tzu correctly said, "The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things....The Tao gives rise to all form, yet is has no form of its own." V
  4. Compassion

    Or,...perhaps a researcher. Whereas you look for what harmonizes with your beliefs to write a book on compassion,...VMarco researches the ignorance of those attempting to harmonize their beliefs to uncover why. But, as T. S. Eliot said, "Human kind cannot bear very much reality" "truth is not ineffable, but that which is denied to protect the false" VMarco
  5. Compassion

    Twinner is a typical cerebral person, and as all cerebral persons, is negative in heart,...that is to say, their Heart center and Heart-Mind is blocked through the clinging to their 6 senses for their identity,...or one could say, he is (as clearly shown in nearly a years worth of lengthy TTB dialogues), a 100% sentient being who has not has not had a taste of reality. Yes,...Twinner's M.O. is to selfishly argue, debase, ridicule, etc.,...yet it is ridiculous to speculate that there is some sort of defensiveness nor offensiveness on my part. If I felt Twinner to be an irritant, then I would examine why I felt such irritation, or had an emotional charge of some sort, as you obviously do. VMarco enjoys dialoguing on messages,...however, for the most part,...to dialogue on messages at TTB is takes extraordinary effort getting past other's ad homenem. For example, this thread. The top post (posted in response to a question from Twinner asking for non-traditional source information about compassion) has hardly been addressed. Cat had it correct in post #76,..."It might be more helpful to look for the grain of truth than to repudiate." Overall, VMarco purposefully attempts to NOT express personal theories,...personal theories are pretty much always false,..so why engage in something that is probably false. Descartes said the senses are liars,...so why trust the senses? If VMarco offers something as a "truth", it is ALWAYS offered in the context of "can you prove it not true?" Thus, one of the most frequent attacks following my posts is from those with whom the suggestion of a truth devisively upsets,...and as they cannot disprove it, they attack,...just as you are doing here. If Seth Ananda went back and reviewed all posts of his responses to VMarco's, the majority are attacks, not on the message, but against VMarco. Seth Ananda get an emotional charge from VMarco's posts, and obviously feels compelled to back the other attackers, just as bullies support other bullies. So, here we are again,...a thread on compassion, and your two hundred and some word post contains no comments on compassion, let alone the 9 sources of the top post. If Seth Ananda went back and reviewed all posts of his in response to VMarco's, one would observe no Heart radiating from Seth Ananda,...just cerebral-centric fear. VMarco is responding to Seth Ananda's post here, out of compassion for the suffering Seth Ananda is reflecting in his post, and concern for his medocrity. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/22509-how-attached-to-your-ideas-are-you/page__st__32__p__322794__hl__mediocrity__fromsearch__1entry322794 Someday Seth Ananda, perhaps you'll realize that truth upsets peoples logic. And as people don't want to hear that what they thought was meaningful, may be meaningless, they tend to react in a way to kill such messages. Perhaps instead of attacking truth, you'll attack your ego for attacking,...which isn't the best way to go, but at least it would be a start. For example,...who are the most hated people in America? Atheists! Was recently reading: People like that are negative in heart. It takes a deep honesty to inquire about the heart,...and such an inquiry leads to the realization that the Heart cannot be accessed, except by letting go of the barriers (ie, emotional charges) built against it. Keep in mind, that the term "emotional charge" has nothing to do with real emotion. Emotional charges arises from cerebral ignorance. Of course it is realized you don't want to hear any of this,..but it may be helpful for those more serious about their practice. V
  6. Compassion

    Post #84 was an adequate response,...but you do not desire to see it. Lao Tzu said, "To attain pure Tao you must understand and integrate within yourself the three main energies of the universe" This has been discussed many times within TTB,...ie., http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/22831-intuition/page__p__325959__hl__barycenter__fromsearch__1entry325959 However, you are like Paul of Tarsus, so fearful of gnosis (Heart-mind) that you advocate your own cerbral-centric philosophy based on scratched kneed boys and today's begger class,...and declare war on all gnosis, because to you, the Heart-mind is a figment of the cerebral-mind. In fact, who here in this thread, or TTB as a whole, are interested in understanding and integrating what the Tao points to? Have a wonderful weekend.
  7. Compassion

    No,...that's your issue, stemming from your belief-laiden, relative viewpoint. Yin in a relative sense points to yin in the absolute sense, but few are able to recognize true yin, because of their yang or 6 sense point of view. V
  8. Compassion

    Whether or not you accept the Hua Hu Ching as authentic or not, there are many in Asia who do. If Buddha was pointing to the ultimate source, and Lao Tzu was pointing to the ultimate source, then both must match,...or one or both are wrong. Lao Tzu said, "the Tao doesn't come and go." The Tathagata said, "the Tathagata doesn't come and go." Jesus came and gone, and will be coming back. The Abrahamic god is light (yang) without any dark (yin). Perhaps the 3rd Patriarch could help you: http://getfile9.posterous.com/getfile/video.posterous.com/temp-2011-04-01/nJuBtmfuCHbeaqtCwEybmukjtBAjbeCkGkjHzvuzGtajBCtneHCsomzpfFmE/3rd_Chinese_Patriarch.mp3
  9. Compassion

    If you understood the 9 sources in the top post, real compassion is not practiced,...it's a natural, organic process. Lao Tzu said, "Who can enjoy enlightenment and remain indifferent to suffering in the world? This is not keeping with the Way?" What is suffering? Suffering is the illusion that things are separate. The illusion that things are separate arises from the 6 senses. V
  10. Compassion

    That is why post #44 was suggested. No,..."we all" are not on the same page regarding yin and yang,...few understand them relatively,...nearly none understand them absolutely. "Relative and absolute, These the two truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, For the intellect is grounded in the relative." Shantideva Lao Tzu purportedly said, "Recognize that eveything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth." Everything you see and think is attached to Form (yang),...thus, seeing and thinking alone, is a barrier to the integration necessary to realize the Tao. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "To embrace all things means also to that one rids oneself of any concept of separation....division is contrary to the nature of the Tao." There is no esoterism here,...there is only the reluctance of yang (Form) to know itself. As for compassion,..it cannot be developed, for it is a quality that is uncovered through our own liberation. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of your self." No one can awaken all of their self, without understanding the Great Feminine. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/20285-sky-dancers/page__p__287298__hl__sky%20dancer__fromsearch__1entry287298
  11. Compassion

    If you truly believe that,...that is, by asking a question you already believed you knew (post #23), because it is part of your native languages (post #53), and that the subsequent non-response of such an elementary question meant that VMarco didn't "know what karuna means..."...then yours and Twinner's posts become much more clearer. "If you wish to unite with the heart and mind of the Mysterious Mother, you must integrate yin and yang within and refine their fire upward." See post #44
  12. Compassion

    1. The facts of dwai's trickery is in the thread,...there are no assumptions. 2. Please accept my sympathy regarding your "meditating and practicing Taoism for over 20 years,"...perhaps your next life will be able to proceed with better results. 3. The kind of compassion being pointed to in the top post has no opposite,...just as real love has no opposite. Nevertheless, your comments, like always, are significant tells regarding your state of sentient beingness. Your posts are quite clear regarding the relative, dualistic nature of your perceptions. 4. And no,...you in particular are not able, due to an attachment to thinking, to "pick out those who understand compassion" on this forum...because you haven't a clue about the real nature of the absolute compassion offered by the 9 sources in the top post. At best, you pick out relative compassion, and believe that to be the compassion that Buddha or Lao Tzu pointed to. Real compassion shines light on everything,...especially the beliefs that step between sentient beings and their liberation. Twinners perception of compassion, as shown throughout his posts, views appeasors, avoiders, moderates, etc., as compassion, in contrast to apathy. Buddha would call that view, ignorance.
  13. Compassion

    Real compassion,...the compassion pointed to in the 9 sources of the top post,...is a consequence of understanding that there is no separation, nor an other. Many Buddhists consider Shantideva to be the best authority on compassion. He said: If anyone can say hurtful things to you, the compassion innate within your consciousness is smothered. If anyone sees others as other, writes to others as other, speaks to others as other, there is no real compassion being expressed. Anyone who has accessed the Heart Center, critiques, but does not criticize. Lao Tzu said, "A superior person cares for the well-being of all things...looking at herself or another, she sees the samething."
  14. Compassion

    No one is asking for your hubris,...but it would be great to hear why you posted in #23: And then imply, GOTCHA! when there was no respomse to such an elementary, dishonest question as to karuna; of which you imply is a word within your native language, and that you imagine you understand. If you "hubris" is similiar to the disturbing, dishonesty you've displayed in this thread, it should be a wing-dinger of a story. However, if your ego wishes to expose "delusions of exaltedness" of someone who offers 9 sources of discussion on compassion because they upset the imagined nuances of your native languages, as if your own posted delusions of exaltedness, go ahead. At this point in your continuing dishonesty, a prudent person would simply cease,...while an appreciative person would say thank you. All your posts are showing is that you are neither. On the other hand,...perhaps you could ask another elementary question that you presume you already know,...just to: when your next dishonest question goes unanswered. As Chögyam Trungpa said, "Compassion....has no hesitation, no inhibition about reflecting on things, it does not discriminate whether to reflect on a pile of shit or on a pile of rock or on a pile of diamonds. It reflects on everything it faces." V
  15. Compassion

    Your posts suggest that you are a very disturbed and suffering person. Let's backrack to highlight that point. dwai writes: VMarco does not respond to such an elementry question,...one in which any considerate Westerner would simply type "Buddhist Compassion" on a search engine, and been shown thousands of entries, which among the first would be karuna,.. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karuṇā Then, in response to VMarco's non-response, dwai spews, GOTCHA! "I don't have to rely on wikis to know this. I am very familiar with the nuances of my native languages." Thus, dwai is at the very least an ingenuine person, asking a question he already believes he knows, and second, deeply ignorant, as he actually does not understand his own native language which he implies includes the word "karuna." Dwai's suffering is so profound that he actually believes he is making some sort of contribution on this forum. CT's video above on Compassion and Pity was interesting,...however, if one is paying attention, the monk let it be known that his definition was conditioned by his Tradition and his (mistaken)ideas regarding meditation. A few years ago, a woman named Esther Hicks made a quite pithy observation,...she said, "We teach meditation, or quieting the mind, because it is really easier to teach you to have no thoughts, than to teach you to have pure, positive thought. We would rather you be in a state of appreciation, than in a state of meditation, because in appreciation you are a vibrational match to your [Higher Self]." Within that quote can be seen the nature of suffering. The unappreciative are always in a state in of suffering. For the most part, the majority of posters at TTB are unappreciative. They play games like dwai,...for example, setting up questions they believe they already know so to say gotcha!. Twinner is similiar,...he is writing a book on compassion because he already believes he knows everything about compassion,...for example, Twinner says: Twinner is another unppreciative individual who presumes he knows what compassion is. An unappreciative individual does not, and cannot understand the nature of authentic compassion in the Bodhisattva view, because compassion is a natural byproduct of appreciation. It doesn't come from, nor arise from meditation,...although meditation can be a stepping stone to appreciation. Appreciation is also the core of the admirable friendship of a proper sangha. Every spiritually oriented forum should be as a sangha,...helping and encouraging and expressing a positive message within the forum. Instead, the egoic, gotcha! mentality on TTB is a reflection of the contemporary world today. VMarco is not on this forum to teach, nor to advocate the positiveness of a sangha,...she is predominately here to learn about how negative, insincere people express their unappreciativeness. V
  16. Compassion

    VMarco does not attempt to respond to petty questions easily accessible from Wiki. However, now that you "discovered" that karuna is the sanskrit for compassion, and continue to be confused, let's look at it in context of the top post. To "feel another's suffering and the desire to eliminate the pain" on the level of absolute compassion means to understand that all suffering arises from the 6 senses, and thus to liberate such suffering is to point to the reality of those 6 senses. However, one cannot truly "feel" the suffering in another, until they recognize the suffering in themselves, which, according to the 9 sources in the top post, is impossible, without the gnowledge of emptiness. So, let's simplify it,....again, in the context of the MESSAGE within the 9 sources of the top post,...Your understanding of compassion is useless (and always false) until you understand Who is Who in duality. Lao Tzu correctly said, "The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things." The Tao is NOT One,...it merely gave birth to One. However, to understand compassion, you must understand One, because absolute compassion arises through the primordial energy of One. To understand One, you must realize Yin and Yang. Unfortunately, most are absorbed in Yang (form), and thus understand neither. The Lingam is not a phallus, but is Form,...likewise, yoni is not a vagina, but is Emptiness. When the ignorant view a representation of a yoni, they describe it by what is around it, they do not describe the yoni itself. Visualize a keyhole for a moment, one of those slotted holes that can be peeped through, as in old Colonial and Victorian houses. Now, describe that hole. Some may say that it has the shape of a circle with a rectangle whose width is smaller than the diameter of the circle aligned on the bottom; others could respond that the hole is surrounded by a brass plate that is attached to the door, which is connected to the wall, etc. Perhaps the hole could be looked through, so one could remark about what is seen on the other side. However, none of that actually describes the hole; all of the preceding descriptions are narratives about what is around or can be seen through the hole. Nevertheless, that is how most persons, especially Westerners and scientists, perceive their own wholeness: by what is around it. To understand absolute compassion, as per the 9 sources in the top post, you must realize that wholeness is not what's around it, which is Form, and yet there is no Form without the Empty of the Wholeness. Realizing that Form is Empty, and Empty is Form, uncovers Oneness,...neither of which is the Tao. The Tao contains no primordial energy. "the Tao doesn't come and go."
  17. Compassion

    Many today are media-ted to believe that the truth can be spoken in few words,...perhaps,...but in the world of ignorance, it takes many more words to point to truth, than to point to the beliefs that make ego palatable. The top post is quite explicit,...stop seeking compassion,...for until you understand from which it arises, your seeking is useless. CT correctly wrote above: Ihis is what the 9 sources in the top post were pointing to,...real or absolute compassion (vs relative compassion) is a primordial energy, thus arises from the consciousness we had before we were born,...not filtered through the 6 senses, and based on the delusions of ego, and ego's dictionary. The compassion of a Bodhisattva does have its tells or fragrance,...for example, the compassion of a Bodhisattva is always intolerant of anything that steps between a sentient being and their direct experience. As such, authentic Bodhisattvas are seldom accepted within a society-at-large that goes to great effort in protecting the beliefs that step between sentient beings and their liberation. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "the trap of duality is tenacious. Bound, rigid and trapped, you cannot experience liberation. Through dual cultivation it is possible to unravel the net, soften the rigidity, dismantle the trap" Unfortunately, very few cultivate such dual awareness,...their idea of the feminine is founded by the patriarchy to sustain the patriarchy, and is not the real feminine. The feminine is only grasped through emptiness. http://www.thetaobum..._1entry287298
  18. The Essenes, who were alive at the time of both Paul and James, called Paul the Sprouter of Lies, and James the Teacher of Righteousness. Nevertheless, it doesn't take a Religious Scholar to see that Paul was a Sprouter of Lies. About 160 years before the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, Thomas Jefferson said, "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man. ...Rogueries, absurdities and untruths were perpetrated upon the teachings of Jesus by a large band of dupes and importers led by Paul, the first great corrupter of the teaching of Jesus." The (real) Father of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine said, "All this [Paul's writing] is nothing better than the jargon of a conjurer who picks up phrases he does not understand to confound the credulous people who come to have their fortune told." Note: Christians held so much hate for Thomas Paine, that only 4 statues exist for this person who coined the term the United States of America,...and they invented a Christian, Samual Adams to be the Father of the Revolution. "Washington's sword would have been yielded in vain had it not been supported by the pen of Paine" James Monroe
  19. Compassion

    In the same sentence? Perhaps you should review the sequence of the thread before continuing. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."