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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Compassion

    Please share,...where in the top post is VMarco's definition of compassion?
  2. Compassion

    It is somewhat like your Joker icon,...what is a Joker? What is the joke? True teachers are assassins of the joke of ego.
  3. Compassion

    The requestor of that information has acknowledged so in this thread,...you are obviously attempting to pick a useless argument, and that shows both your inconsiderateness and fear of the subject of the thread.
  4. Compassion

    Yes,...this is exactly so. As the teacher of HH Dalai Lama, from whom HH Dalai Lama acquired all his understanding of compassion from (as per the top post): "Relative and absolute, These the two truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, For the intellect is grounded in the relative." Shantideva 9.2
  5. Compassion

  6. Compassion

    Maybe......on the other hand,...you're too confused to remain on this forum. IMO, the Buddhist definition of compassion is closer, if not exactly, what Lao Tzu pointed to. Perhaps those who confused about compassion are like "monkey's catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life." The Hua Hu Ching When Lao Tzu purportedly said, "Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth," he was pointing the same thing as the Buddhists. Of course, some, like yourself, may imagine that the whole of Taoism points to an embracing of confused people, and avoidance of any integrate with the reality beyond confusion. Anyway, the question (and thus post) regarding source information on compassion beside the Western patriarchal dictionary, which you are appear confused about, was from a request. To understand the Tao, just as to understand real compassion, one must venture beyond narrow cerebral views. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "Intellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain. Because the brain is part of the body, which must one day expire, this collection of facts, however large and impressive, will expire as well"
  7. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

  8. Zen-Taoist Poems

    http://getfile9.posterous.com/getfile/video.posterous.com/temp-2011-04-01/nJuBtmfuCHbeaqtCwEybmukjtBAjbeCkGkjHzvuzGtajBCtneHCsomzpfFmE/3rd_Chinese_Patriarch.mp3 What a beautiful recording of Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha! ... to go, to come, beyond going and coming, into complete going and coming, where enlightenment is welcomed! No wonder the Heart sutra implied that this is the most important mantra, without an understanding of which, enlightenment is impossible. The Hsin Hsin Ming of the 3rd Chinese Patriarch is "consistent with the traditional view of Buddha nature being there all the time. It just waits to be rediscovered." A contemporary translation of The Poem: http://getfile9.posterous.com/getfile/video.posterous.com/temp-2011-04-01/nJuBtmfuCHbeaqtCwEybmukjtBAjbeCkGkjHzvuzGtajBCtneHCsomzpfFmE/3rd_Chinese_Patriarch.mp3
  9. The God Awful Truth

    I like Corinthians: Christian love or agape is often considered the highest love, but even a simple look suggests that it is merely a conditional love. To better understand this type of love, simply consider the Great Love Chapter of Christendom, Corinthians 13; for example, "love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things", 1 Cor 13:7. Although this form of love, that is, bearing, believing, hoping and enduring is more commitment orientated then fleeting, it isn't Unconditional Love, but the submission, devotion, expectation and suffering to the conditions of their religions brewed beliefs. Most Christians believe the God they invoke while spreading their faith, is love. However, in the whole of their Holy Book, the Bible, it only suggests the idea that their God is love at the very end, in the late 2nd Century apology 1John. In fact, when viewing the full length and breadth of the Bible, their Patriarch is clearly a murderous, pro-slavery, vacillant, petty, racist, conditional God. And amazingly, a God who is so insecure, that it demands to be worshiped, obeyed and prayed to. VMarco
  10. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    Wasn't it Frank Luntz who wrote the Techniques for Truth Suppression for a Seminar of Republican Activists?
  11. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    Yes,...in my vision of a perfect world, "everyone could be who/whatever they naturally were/are without prejudice or resistence/enforced control," also. Of course in a Christian or Muslem's perfect world, all LGBT's would be killed. As for silver hair,...if you are implying wisdom, why would a wise person have grey hair? Why are we media-ted with such a belief? Tilopa said, "When serving a karmamudra, the pure awareness of bliss and emptiness will arise: Composed in a blessed union of insight and means, Slowly send down, retain and draw back up the bodhichitta, And conducting it to the source, saturate the entire body. Then gaining long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon, Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion, You will quickly gain mundane power and suprem enlightenment. May this pith instruction in Mahamudra Remain in the hearts of fortunate beings."
  12. The Way of War

    "Rallying for Peace, is War"
  13. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    Transgender is not a Clothes Fetish. And I doubt that most flamboyant gays ever think to pretend to be non-flamboyant. But hey,...no worries,...the majority of people don't have a clue as to the nature of LGBT's. Would be great however, if they could live as they are.
  14. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    The American Tea Party themesong:
  15. Five Profound Scientific Facts!

    With over 750 million combustion engine vehicles in the world pumping CO2 into the atmosphere from limited oil extracted from the earth, many people feel that the Planets eco-system will take care of it just fine. Of course, Christian Fascists have a different idea,...the Washington Post once paraphrased Secretary of the Interior James Watt, "We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand....after the last tree is felled, Christ will come back." However, some (non-Tea Party) Republicans hold a different view,...[Frank]Gaffney [President Reagan's former undersecretary of defense], who heads the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy, said....gasoline contributes to oil-rich Middle Eastern governments that support terrorism. "The more we are consuming oil that either comes from places that are bent on our destruction or helping those who are ... the more we are enabling those who are trying to kill us," Gaffney said. Thus, it could be said that anyone who shuns alternatives to oil is a supporter of terrorism. Unfortunately, Gaffney is in the silenced minority.
  16. Five Profound Scientific Facts!

    That may have been the facts in 1912,...but in 2012 they are somewhat different. 1. Your perceived body came from the stars. 2. Your mind is as a universe. 3. Atoms do not exist. ( "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such." Max Planck, Nobel laureate) 4. 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct 5. An observer can alter perception. 'The idea of an obersver and an observed implied a human connection, which falsely gave the impression that human consciousness causes things into reality. The truth is, there is no need of human involvement in quantum physics.' Niels Bohr
  17. Profound, is having a barycenter outside the perception of phenomenal self.
  18. The Way of War

    If you had grasped the quote, you would not have responded as you did. In fact, your response was war-ful,...full of the "way of war."
  19. The Way of War

    A Canadian said, "rallying for peace, is war."
  20. Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?

    If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses. Lenny Bruce