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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Weight loss suggestions?

    Doing Arise-n-Shine can have you lose 15-30 lbs of Mucoid Plaque in your first 7 day cleanse. http://www.ariseandshine.com/cleanse7.aspx It was said that John Wayne had more than 40 lbs of Mucoid Plaque in his colon,...that's like carry around quadruplets. Caution,...This mucoid plaque builds up from your first taste of breast milk,...and as it is cleaned off, it can expose emotions from earlier times. I would suggest that anyone doing a colon cleanse read the following book first: http://www.ariseandshine.com/cleanseandpurifythyselfbook1.aspx Have Fun!
  2. Weight loss suggestions?

    An unbalanced body (pH balance) doesn't lose weight, but makes fat cells to cover its acidity,...otherwise you would die. Thus, to lose weight, you must alkalize to your diet. Eat alkaline food, drink alkalized liquids. Get some pH paper and check your pH often (every other day). In addition,...add vitamin C & D to your diet,...Emergen-C packs with Vitamin C & d are perfect as an afternoon energy drink. Drink one once a day,...and observe your metabolism soar. Stay hydrated,...the urine of a hydrated body is usually clear,...if you have deep yellow pee, you're probably not hydrated enough. Research has been suggesting that cronic light-dehydration may be a cause of numerous human illnesses,...including heart attacks and strokes. A rule of thumb is, as your body is 3/4th water,...make your diet 3/4th water (that is, eat foods high in water and alkaline).
  3. Who are the top people out there?

    "Who are the top people out there? Holy men, Great teachers, Great healers, Living Saints" I find that question addressed in my posts, but didn't see it in yours. Thus my impression is that you're attempting to derail this post. Perhaps you should make a thread for yourself, where you can alter the question whenever you wish,...it could be called the Schizophrenic Fun thread for useless psycho-babble. Personally, I find that those teachers who say stuff like, "anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy" to be far more interesting.
  4. Money

    My advice, don't invest in anything Green until after the US election, and then, only if the Dems win. Wish someone would have gave me that advice last year.
  5. Who are the top people out there?

    Just as it doesn't matter whom I quote, but just the context of the quote, within the context of the post, so too, it doesn't matter what VMarco's level of awareness is. Personalities are personalities. Lao Tzu said, "Intellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain. Because the brain is part of the body, which must one day expire, this collection of facts, however large and impressive, will expire as well" Honestly,...do you really think that "there is a world of difference between someone who is awakened and someone who can help others get awakening?" How can that possibly be? How can an unaware person help others to awaken? And there are thousands of them, maybe more,...personalities telling you how to awake. And because they make peoples neurosis' feel good, they are seen as "top people." A genuine spiritual teacher is an assassin,...not an appeasor, avoider, and inter-faith advocate,...but an assassin of your ego and beliefs. A teacher who is not Self-actualized, is of little use in pointing the way to end anyones suffering. No Self-actualized person believes in a god. Right there eliminates at least 87% of the population. No Self-actualized person disbelieves in a god,...that eliminates another 12%. Remember, both believing in a god, and beliving in no god, are beliefs. A genuine awakened person can be recognized by their committment to honesty. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "he who desires admiration of the world will do well to amass a great fortune then give it away. The world will respond with admiration in proportion to the size of his treasure. Of course, this is meaningless." VMarco is not a teacher. Her purpose being here is as said,...to observe. Cameron writes "Here is my advice, find a teacher you feel is awakened.." How does one find a teacher that is awakened? Does every city and neighborhood have them? What do they look like? Like the Theist Thich Nhat Hanh, who advocates inter-faith based beliefs? IMO, authentic Spiritual Teachers can be recognized by how they go about pointing to ways we can loosen our bindings, not their degree of credentialism, humbleness and being admired by the blind. A good indication of an authentic, self-realized awakened person is that they upset most everything you think is meaningful. An authentic, self-realized awakened person will suggest you let go of all your hopes. An authentic, self-realized awakened person would be like Dolano:
  6. Who are the top people out there?

    In case someone new and adventurous stops by,...as in, would be great if someday someone would be capable of responding to it,...that is to say, that an experience birthed in belief, can only be experienced through the condition of that belief. So far there has not even been an inquiry as to what that could be pointing to, let alone what it points to. V
  7. Who are the top people out there?

    On the contrary,...all saints are ignorant,....saintliness and ignorance are synonymous. V
  8. Who are the top people out there?

    Actually,...saints are not in any way spiritual. Spirituality is a quite often misused and misunderstood word. Absolutely no theist is spiritual,...theism and spirituality are two totally different things. Theism is a direct barrier to spirituality. Theism is 100% in the head. Spirituality is accessed through Heart-Mind. Theism, of which ALL saints by definition are attached to, is a condition that cannot access the Unconditionality of spirituality. Only those emancipated from the God meme can taste spirituality. Unfortunately, most people don't want to see that what they thought was meaningful may actually be meaningless. V
  9. Money

  10. Who are the top people out there?

    Exactly,...and why I named several Living Saints in post #16. As a saint is standardly defined as one of God's chosen,..one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness,...there would be such person as a Buddhist or Taoist saint, except in the minds of Westerners indoctrinated in Christianity. Saint is a French word from the Latin sanctus. No serious mystic would have anything to do with a saint. Serious mystics usually transcend the God meme and theistic points of view. A saint is an ignorant person who outwardly manifests the finest qualities of the ignorant. V
  11. Money

  12. What a cool word! Still laugh/chuckle about an article in Omni magazine from the 70's which showed scientific evidence that owls not only have the smallest brains per size than all birds, but it is also the dumbest of all birds. For most, if they are told that they're as wise as an owl, they'd think it was compliment. V
  13. Who are the top people out there?

    I found Koichi Tohei to be quite helpful for my Ki (and Hapkido)practice,...haven't dialogued with him for 5 years, but at that time he was quite accessible. V
  14. Who are the top people out there?

    Who are some of the "top people?' Arthur Blessitt, Eric Yoffie, Damon Denson, David Barton, Jesse Duplantis, Ali al-Sistani, Thich Nhat Hanh, Leila Ahmed, Neale Donald Walsch, Joseph Ratzinger, Gibril Haddad,...these are highly thought of as Top People by society. If your question was who are the Top Aware people,...then none on the above list would even come close in qualifying,...and whoever was on that list would be rejected by the majority. "I could not in good conscience, vote for someone who honestly thinks that the other 95% of us (who believe in god) suffer from some sort of mass delusion." Palmer Joss (actor Matthew McConaughey) in the 1997 film 'Contact'.
  15. Money

  16. Money

    Here's a point of view" http://hermetic.com/bey/millennium/religion.html
  17. Ah! you must be from the generation were everyone gets a prize,..the generation of mediocrity. How is it helpful to not critique when someone asks for a critique? Would it be better to say, great "ology," and thus sustain the Conspiracy of Mediocrity? Unfortunately, today's generation has some very queer ideas about what is helpful. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/22509-how-attached-to-your-ideas-are-you/page__st__32__p__322794__hl__conspiracy%20of%20mediocity__fromsearch__1entry322794
  18. Would a Bodhisattva,...someone who is seriously cultivating Heartfulness,...own a dog for protection? What is the psychology of someone who owns a dog for protection? Is owning a dog for protection compatable with Taoism? Would a sincere Taoist own a dog for protection? Is liberation, let alone world peace possible as long as there is a "beware of dog: sign, or a vicious breed in existence (that is not in a zoo).
  19. Nice story,...it expresses much for this thread. Another point is this,...I once owned a pair of Tibetan Mastiff's (a guardian breed),...had nothing to do with protection,...but a desire to feel and experience the vibration of the Tibetan Mastiff's. They were purchased at 3 months old, and died within 2 months of each other at 12 years old,...all in rural Montana. They were assigned their little area to guard, which consisted of a few dozen chickens,...and never terrorized anyone,...because they were not allowed to guard anywhere outside their area. V
  20. He aspires to be a Bodhisattva. A bodhisattva is one who has realized the true nature of compassion,...and I heard HH Dalai Lama say he has not. "Buddhist teachings on compassion are grounded in the direct realization of Emptiness; without which, compassion is impossible." Robert Thurman commentary on the Dalai Lama's The Four Noble Truth's. "If I have any understanding of compassion..., it all comes from studying the Bodhicharyavatara" HH Dalai Lama "The whole of the Bodhicharyvatara is geared toward prajna, the direct realization of emptiness, absolute bodhichitta, without which the true practice of compassion is impossible." The Way of the Bodhisattva It is a huge mistake to point to HH Dalai Lama and say, look, he's a Bodhisattva. It is much better to say, look, without the direct realization of emptiness, the compassion of a Bodhisattva is impossible. V