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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Intuition

    Are you suggesting tha intellectual knowledge only arises from one hemisphere of the brain, and that the other half is somehow sacred? Lao Tzu said, "there is nothing more futile and frustrating than relying on the mind. To arrive at the unshakable, you must befriend the Tao. He didn't say only one hemisphere is futile,...he implied the complete cerebro-device. Lao Tzu said, "Intellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain. Because the brain is part of the body, which must one day expire, this collection of facts, however large and impressive, will expire as well" He didn't say that only one of the hemispheres will one day expire, and the other hemisphere miraculously lives forever. dwai ignorantly writes: The Hua Hu Ching suggests, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." Lao Tzu seems to imply that there is a choice. Those who wish to be "mere mortals" as you say, that is, "All through the night in the cold the monkey squats scheming how to capture the moon"...or those who befriend the Tao. Lao Tzu said, "to eliminate the vexation of the mind, it doesn't help to do something; this only reinforces the minds mechanics (monkey mind). Dissolving the mind is instead a matter of not-doing: simply avoid becoming attached to what you see and think (the 6 senses). Knowing nothing, you will be aware of everything." Or, as VMarco says, "those who know do not gnow." V
  2. Intuition

    For me, intuition is never a voice in the head. Thus, whenever I hear a voice in the head, it is clearly not intuition. For me, intuition is also void of all faith and conditions, especially those which arise through experience. Experience born of belief can only be experienced through the condition of that belief,...thus is not Direct Experience. Lao Tzu said, "the only way to understand [the Tao] is to directly experience it." There is no direct experience through faith, belief, or the 6 senses. V
  3. Intuition

    Actually, during Gurdjieff's life, that Work appealled more to females than male. Of course, males are quite attracted to PD Ouspensky, who was all cerebral, and didn't understand what Gurdjieff was pointing to. Even Frank Lloyd Wright's wife was a student of Gurdjieff, although Frank was not. Lao Tzu said, "Intellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain. Because the brain is part of the body, which must one day expire, this collection of facts, however large and impressive, will expire as well" Hua Hu Ching, thirty-five.
  4. Intuition

  5. Acceptance

    Except for the use of the word faith, the above post points to how enlightenment is uncovered. Faith arises from belief, and all belief comes from knowledge, that is, from that which is not insight. Faith is always limiting (denying, disempowering, disconnecting), and limitation is a barrier to insight. Insight is synonymous with gnowledge (from Heart-Mind; what enlightened one's have called the Higher Mind). The Greeks term for Higher Mind was thymos, which arose from gnosis. Logic is synonymous with knowledge (from head-mind; what enlightened one's have called the Lower Mind). The Greeks term for Lower Mind was psyche, which arises from knowing. The post being responded to here suggests that "insight" is the path to develop full human potential. However, insight is not something one intellectually decides to start using, and viola!, there it is. First there must be an ability to recognize insight. This doesn't occur until one can recognize what is logic. To gnow insight is to understand what is not insight. Eckhart Tolle said "We need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" We need to be honest enough to recogize the difference between real insight (gnowledge) and logic (knowledge). One way of doing this is by way of understanding time. The top post uses the term "Present Moment"...which is of the utmost importance to understand. Insight or Gnowledge always arises from the Present,...whereas Logic or Knowledge always arise from the past. If your perceived insight arises from the past, it is not authentic insight. It may take years to remove the barriers for real insight to be seen,...but it will take lifetimes if we don't begin to recognize what is not insight. In other words, everytime you recognize what is not an insight, you remove obstacles which you have built against true insightfulness. Again,...all knowledge arises from the past. All "past" is within time. There is no Present in time. The term "Present Moment" used in the top post was clearly speaking of "perceived present," not the Real Present. The perceived present is still the past. And the past offers no insight. The KEY to enlightenment is appreciation, which is synonymous with the theme of this thread, "acceptance." Siddhartha became enlightened through the realization that Suffering is a Consequence of the Desire for Things to be Other than they Are. Thus, through the acceptance or appreciation of things as they are, he uncovered enlightenment. However, one must realize the difference between the Way Things Are, and the Way Things Are Not. The Way Things Are Not are synonymous with the past. The past is not. Knowledge is not. Perception is not. Both Buddhists and Taoists should understand that Insight does not arise from the Six Senses. The 6 senses can only sense that which is in time,...which is the past. The Hua Hu Ching suggests, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totally fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." Conceptual thinking arises from the 6 senses. Therefore, as you recognize the 6 senses in your daily activities (what insight is not), you allow space so-to-say, for insight to enter. If your container is full of knowledge, that knowledge just wants more of itself, so to sustain the knowledge it has accumulated. Insight is NOT a result of the past or a perceived now. There is NEVER thought or thinking in the Now,...all thought and thinking are in the past. When you realize that, that you cannot think in the Now, your life view will dramatically be altered,...and Insight will be Welcomed. V
  6. Does Magic Exist ?

    We can assume that Siddhartha, Tilopa, Amitabha, etc., "carried water, chopped wood" before uncovering their light,...but where does it imply that they "carried water, chopped wood" afterwards? HH Dalai Lama carries water, chops wood, but by his own admission he is not enlightened, nor even understands real compassion. In fact, most people would not even recognize real compassion if they saw it. "If I have any understanding of compassion..., it all comes from studying the Bodhicharyavatara" HH Dalai Lama The Bodhicharyavatara comments, "The whole of the Bodhicharyvatara is deared toward prajna, the direct realization of emptiness, absolute bodhichitta, without which the true practice of compassion is impossible." Let's put it this way,...if a Buddhist who carries water, chops wood before uncovering their light, and must carry water, chop wood following their enlightenment, then the whole of Buddhism must be disregarded as nonsense. As mentioned, "Before enlightenment carry water chop wood, After enlightenment carry water chop wood" is a great line for those who have no comprehension of real enlightenment,...lets say, the enlightenment described in Chapter 6 of the Shurangama sutra, or the enlightenment uncover from understanding Tilopa's Mahamudra. the direct realization of Emptiness; without which, compassion is impossible." The quote, "Before enlightenment carry water chop wood, After enlightenment carry water chop wood" is fully ridiculous. And those teachers who espouse that idea are equally ridiculous. Enlightenment is not another level of mundane experience. And please, don't take my word for it,...follow the instruction,..."without the direct realization of Emptiness, compassion is impossible." Talk to someone who fully understands how, why, and when Form is Empty, and Empty is Form, and see if they agree "Before enlightenment carry water chop wood, After enlightenment carry water chop wood." Or better yet, realize the nature of the emptiness of the phenomena water and wood for yourself. V
  7. Does Magic Exist ?

    There is an absolute consideration regarding flaws in things I write,...that is partially the motive for me writing them,...and also, to better the understand the flaws of your monkey beliefs. The Hua Hu Ching suggests, "the ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle; totallay fascinated by the realm of the senses....if anyone threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." I've yet to see your "debate." I suggest that Mahasiddha's (most who were not Buddhists) work from Nine Magick Perfections. You say bunk,...because of your clinging to theistic beliefs. None of the Nine Magick Perfections are be fully understood through the 6 sense delusion of a god,...but you (Seth) insist that you can in fact bring your beliefs and conditions into the Unconditional, and by Seth's will, the Unconditional will remain Unconditional. Other than what you think, a real honest debate would include your reasoning of how your conditions, and those of theists you support, actually enter the Unconditionality of Heart Mind. You see, honesty in this case should be able to differentiate between magick as practiced through the Nine Magickal Perfections, and the magick of hollywood's media-ted cimena that reinforce cultural delusions. "Let this monkey go. Let the senses go." Lao Tzu purportedly said. However, you fight to retain supremacy of the 6 senses, and the monkey mind that imagines them. "All through the night in the cold the monkey squats scheming how to capture the moon." Or in this case, do ad homenim under the pretext of "debate." I never said that "you couldn't Gnow a thing if you tried." This is what you do,...take my statements out of context, make some other stuff up, and present your diatribe about how VMarco is grandiose. Let's be honest,...a Belief Monkey is a sentient being who clings to their 6 senses for their identity. While in nearly every post on TTB, I've stressed the need to go beyond belief, beyond god memes, beyond the 6 senses. And when I suggest inquiring beyond the 6 senses, Seth argues that's monkey belief. Seth says, Seth argues that what Socrates really meant to say is that "The unexamined life is the only life worth living." Or that Plato never said, "Truth pertains to the timeless reality that generates everything in our world." Your truth Seth is within time. That's how you hold your 6 sense reality together. Lao Tzu purportedly said, "there is nothing to teach, no religion, no science, no body of information which will lead your mind back to tao." While Buddha said, "Do not accept anything by mere tradition. . . Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures. . . Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived notions." Buddha taught irreligion. You (Seth) obviously need religion and a god. I suggest that such beliefs, all of which arise from the 6 senses, are obsticles that obscure Heart Mind. Buddha said, "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." What post have I written on TTB that does not address that quote? Very, very few. No matter what the topic,...be it magick, Light, or oxymorons,...my posts point to the letting go of everything that steps between a sentient being and their direct experience with the Now. Not the perceived now of the monkey minded,...but the actual Now. I do not hate Christians, Muslims, Jews, or any sentient being as you infer through your fear of honesty. I am however, fully intolerant of Christianity or other god memes that step between sentient beings and their direct experience. "The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear." J Krishnamurti Unlike you, I consistently assert the letting go of beliefs. "I regard monotheism as the greatest disaster ever to befall the human race. I see no good in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam." - Gore Vidal So, hate me for being clear-minded enough to recognize delusion. "Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their [beliefs]." Lemuel K. Washburn So your posts are nothing new. You are admired by perhaps 95% of the population. "I could not in good conscience, vote for someone who honestly thinks that the other 95% of us (who believe in god) suffer from some sort of mass delusion." Palmer Joss (actor Matthew McConaughey) That's the nature of your sentient world. You have zero interest in honesty, as your posts show. Nor any real debate. Your monkey beliefs are true,...and anyone who advocates the lessening and letting go of beliefs is your enemy, and enemy of all monkey minds, as described by Lao Tzu. I believe no story, whether religiously or not. The story of Tilopa and the fish is an example of magick,...an example that if not realized to be true, in that it can occur, than Tilopa's Mahamudra, and Vajrayana Buddhism as a whole are disproved and invalid. For example: "It has often been said that anything may be proved from the Bible; but before anything can be admitted as proved by the Bible, the Bible itself must be proved to be true; for if the Bible be not true, or the truth of it be doubtful, it ceases to have authority and cannot be admitted as proof of anything." Thomas Paine Jesus CANNOT be known through the Heart, because lies and beliefs do not arise from the Heart. Jesus is only KNOWN, never GNOWN. Of course, it is your belief. And you assume, because you operate out the prison of the 6 senses, that my saying that Jesus CANNOT be gnown through the Heart must be a belief. http://www.thetaobum..._1entry309746 V
  8. Does Magic Exist ?

    Seth Ananda may seek wisdom, VMarco does not. Wisdom is an accumulation of knowledge that is palatable to ego,...and thus a barrier to gnowledge. Prajna is not wisdom. Wisdom is a Dark Ages word derived from an object-ive/separative view of reality. You can squabble with the facts all you wish, and make them real for you, but that does not make them real. Simply review your original diatribe in this thread without predisposition, and even a moron can see you're quite upset with the comments on beliefs obscuring the Heart-Mind, through which anyone familiar with Mahamudra (as you profess to be) understands. Just because you're annoyed with absolute truth, and that absolute truth is indeed black & white, does not make absolute truth not black & white,....there is no Present in time,...it's black & white. That the 6 senses can only recognize motion, thus separation, is black & white. Because you gnow nothing, you must deny the black & whiteness in order to support your knowledge. From a gnowledge point of view, your delusions are fully understood. People like yourself rather kill the truth, if that truth (which all truth will) threaten their sentient, 6th sense world view. To be honest, your profile interests should be refined to just "fun, in the context of Seth's belief system." Again,...if you had the slightest comprehension of Mahamudra, your ad homenim-like posts would not be here. People's clinging to theistic beliefs for their reality is quite sad. And yet, any reasonably honest person can emancipate themselves from such a meme,...which illustrates the pervasive lack of honesty within today's humanity. Simply comprehend the 'What is Light' thread, and there is no doubt that a god cannot exist,...Light is proof that no god exists. ,..."it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" J Krishnamurti
  9. Does Magic Exist ?

    Most Mahasiddha's were not Buddhist's. Tilopa, considered the founder of Kagyu Vajrayana Buddhism was not a Buddhist. Of course your fragle reference point, through your accumulated knowledge, is understandingly upsetting. People like yourself find it difficult to accept that what they spent a lifetime accumulating as meaningful, is actually meaningless. V
  10. Does Magic Exist ?

    If Seth had the slighest understanding of gnowledge, verses his knowledge, there would have been no emotional threat that necessitated his above diatribe. know, v. knew, known, know-ing, knows; OE gecnawan, be able to; akin to L. gnovi. 1. to perceive directly through the senses; comprehend through the intellect (the 6th sense); psyche. 2. to have fixed in the intellect or memory, something as true. 3. to be acquainted with or have a practical understanding of, as through sensory experience; know how to cook. 4. to comprehend noologically; through thought/intellect. gnow, v. gnew, gnown, gnow-ing, gnows; from Gk gnosis, understanding through Heart-Mind. 1. to understand directly through metasensory awareness (beyond the 6 senses); comprehend through the heart of essence or thymos. 2. to experience, without media-tion, something as true. 3. to be acquainted with or have gnostic understanding of, as through metasensory experience; to gnow love. 4. to comprehend ontosophically; through prajna/gnosis. V
  11. Weird Hair Loss

    That is incorrect. There are common herbs, especially when taken together, will feminize the male body,...that is, promote mammary glands or breast development, expansion of the nipples and areola, redistribution of body fat causing a more pronounced waist and fleshier hips and buttocks, shift in facial appearance due to fat redistribution, lessen bodily hair growth (except for facial hair), alters pheromones to a more feminine scent, increase in full body orgasms, softened skin, etc. An example of such an herbal formula would included: Dong Quai 800 mg; White Kwao Krua 220 mg; Black Cohesh 440 mg; Red Peony 240 mg; Chaste Tree 500 mg; Dandelion 160 mg; Motherwort 40 mg; Fenugreek 40 mg; Nettle 160 mg; Fennel 40 mg; Licorice 40 mg. Such formulas are available under the names Feminol and Evanesce, with proven results. After 2-5 years on such a regime (that is, depending on typical female puberty time for ones genetics) a male could successfully induce lactation with the use of domperidone to decrease dopamine production and thus increase prolactin secretion. Pharmacuetical feminization has far too much stress on the organs, and those who go that route appear to have a substantially lower life expectancy. Herbal feminization appears to dove-tail the life expectancy of traditional females. I agree however, that different herbs act differently in males and females. For example, although Saw Palmetto has been for breast growth in women, in a male bodied person it converts to testosterone. No male wishing to feminize should use Saw Palmetto. V
  12. Weird Hair Loss

    First, propecia is not economical,...buy finasteride and divide into 4 (1.25mg). I've heard of no instances of breast cancer or the thickening of skin,...instead, there is a reduced likelihood of prostate cancer and thinning of the skin (an estrogen trait). In addition, 1.25mg finasteride could increase a males life span by 3-7 years, thus competitive with the life span of a healthy female. In addition,...using an herb such as White Kwao Krua along with finasteride, would also lower testosterone, thus stress,...although there would be an increased likelihood of breast development and fat redistribution similiar to females. For older males who have experienced it,...the so-called adverse affects of feminizing drugs and herbs, are more pleasurable than not. It is usually younger males, who want a manly physique who see feminizing drugs and herbs as adverse. But hey, what is more manly than male-pattern-baldness? It is a sign of high testostrerone. Whereas full hair on males is a sign of low T, and sexual inadequacy,...which is perhaps why many females seek males with full youthful hair. LOL
  13. Exploring the Now

    First,...it is IMPOSSIBLE to post anything in the Now, because there is no Now within time, and the post is within time. As for the Youtube's above,...they show the ignorance (what is being ignored) of/by science. Yes, Einstein basic calculation is correct,..R = 0,...end of story. But that doesn't sit well with the object-iveness of science, so they continue,...R = 0 = infinity. But there is no infinity outside of the mathematicians delusion. Both Youtube's suggested that no one "knows",...yet this too is scientific BS. Just because they don't know, doesn't mean all don't know. Zero upsets peoples sensory logic, so those who cling to such nonsense as the 6 senses must imagine stuff like infinities to make their delusions more palatable. The Now is timeless, massless, and energyless,...just like what occurs when the you that you really are, reaches the so-called speed of light. Light travels no distance in no time and thus has no need for speed. Like Buddha or Wu Chi, neither the Now or Light has moved a centimeter in all eternity. All phenonoma is in the past. Phenomena cannot exist in the Now,...nor does the Now exist in phenomena. When all phenomena is added together, the sum is 0, not unity. All phenomena effects its illusion of motion upon the Now, not within the Now. V
  14. Finding the higher self.
