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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Exploring the Now

    You can recite it within a single breath for the rest of your life,...but to understand it is the threshold to the Present is the goal. That goal cannot be realized through the accepted definition, which is an example of the ignorance of "legitimate sources." Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha! means: to go, to come, beyond going and coming, into complete going and coming, where enlightenment is welcomed. In the simpliest of terms, a Tathagata is one who goes and comes, beyond going and coming, into complete going and coming. One who understands the reverse flow of forward moving things, and thus can enter the Present. There is no Present in time, creation, creators, universal spirit, or alaya,...just as a fulcrum is not "in" the lever of a playground seesaw, but upon the fulcrum. Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha! is often misinterpreted. Gate Gate are not two words saying (meaning the same thing). When used together, gate gate does not convey the same meaning as gate alone. Look at the familiar sanskrit neti,...it means 'not this',....so what does neti neti mean? Does it mean "not this, not this?' No,...neti neti means 'Not This, Not That.' Gate means to Go,...but "gate gate" means "to go, to come." "to go, to come, beyond going and coming, into complete going and coming, (Bodhi Svaha) where enlightenment is welcomed"...to go, and come back in, simultaneously with the going out,...for that is the understanding of form and emptiness necessary to see as a bodhi-sattva,...and from which bodhi is welcome. Bodhi waits only on welcome,...not "legitimate sources." Welcome does not arise from "legitimate sources." To understand the Heart sutra, the essence of Nine is simultaneously understood. Form and Empty cannot be understood without Nine. Form and Empty flows within Nine optic planes. If you are to recite, it's much better to hold a swastika, vajra, or dorjie at its center or ninth point while doing so. V
  2. Exploring the Now

    The answers you're seeking are not "out there" on the internet. As it is, you are like most,...it's not "true" or real for you unless it's on the internet, or TV. Perhaps part of your difficulty is assumimg that the Ninth Consciousness should be somewhat fathomable to the predispositions of your ego consciousness. The Ninth Consciousness is more like a non-consciousness,...it's the Present. Similiarly, there are Nine fundamental dimensions, however, the Ninth Dimension is actually dimensionless. To uncover the Ninth Consciousness or Ninth Dimension, simply understand this,...Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha! Of course, none of your "legitimate sources" will provide you with the proper definition to point you in the right direction. Regardless of your "legimate sources", Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha! means, to go, to come, beyond going and coming, into complete going and coming, where enlightenment is welcomed. Through that "non-legitimate source" the Ninth Consciousness can be understood. However, as your posts have shown,...you have no desire to understand, you merely want to be correct in your regurgitations of "legitimate sources." That's the Dead-End,...not the honest inquiry into the nature of the Present. V
  3. Exploring the Now

    These secrets are open secrets,...they'e right in front of you. You believe I'm making up the 9 points of the swastika, vajra, dorjie,...the Nine optic planes that manifest the holographic container within perceived life is seen. You won't go there, until you find someone to give you permission. In 1899 Charles H. Duell, "Everything that can be invented has been invented." Thus when Einstein had his big year in 1905, no one would give him the time-of-day,...until three years later, Max Planck said Einstein was on to something, and only then did people give it mind. Likewise, your "legitimate sources" will not lead you to the Promise Land until one of them says "look", which is highly unlikely, for they are trapped in the past. As for myself, I'm certainly appreciative that my Buddhist studies began with Mahamudra's, especially Tilopa's, and thus was better prepared to to understand the why in the holding of the ninth or center point of the swastika, vajra, or dorjie. Is this my own original contribution? No. It dove-tails the sutras, and makes the sutras clearer to understand. For example, overlay an understanding of the Ninth Consciousness (the Present) onto the Heart sutra, and that sutra becomes clear. Instead of seeing it through "legitimate sources" or egos point of view, you see it from the point of view of what it is pointing to. Thus, as I often repeat, ego sees light moving by it at 186k mps, but from light's point of view it moves no distance in no time, and thus has no time for speed. I could use many other examples, but what would be the point, if the one used still dumbfounds the reader. The Heart sutra is how a Bodhisattva sees,...which is ultimately from light's point of view, which is the point of view of the Present or Now. There is no Present in time. Your "legitimate sources" literally cling to the past for its identity,...which shows just how illegitimately those sources are interpreted. Best wishes to you. This thread appears to have orienteered itself into a dead-end. Predispositions always lead to dead-ends. V
  4. Exploring the Now

    No more response necessary. Again, I'm not interested in "legitimate sources", but the truth. The center point of the swastika, the center point of the vajra or dorjie, all represent the Ninth level of consciousness,...the Now,...that which is beyond the alaya's. The reason "legitimate sources" don't understand this, or even discuss this, is synonymous with why today's teachers advocate strengthening the chains of bondage to beliefs. The Present (the Ninth Consciousness) upsets the logic of a Believer. Dr. Stanley Sobottka, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Virginia wrote: "The teachings of teachers (gurus) who have responsibility for managing and maintaining ashrams or spiritual centers are likely to be aimed at a larger audience than those who do not, because supporting an ashram requires large amounts of volunteer effort and substantial financial commitments from the disciples. Consequently, such teachings will generally be designed for maximum acceptability. Even teachers who have only small followings, but who depend on their contributions for survival, sometimes will color their teachings to avoid losing their followers." To me, that is dishonesty. That point is echoed by Dzongzar Rinpoche; who is seen as a God in Bhutan and a Buddha among his students in America. Yet he calls himself a sycophant (that is a self-seeking flatterer and fawning parasite) who always goes along with what people think. He says "if people think a teacher should shave their head, wear something maroon, walk gently, eat only vegetarian, and be so-called serene, then I'm very tempted to do that....I don't have the guts, the confidence...I'm like these police undercover cops who are sent into a Mafia family. What I'm supposed to do is really check out these people, but I fall in love with what they do, so I follow what they want....I think on both continents (Asia and North America) I have mastered the art of pretense." The Art of Pretense,...that is today's "legitimate sources" to be followed, obeyed, and the ground for one's degrees and credentialism. V
  5. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    All that is clear, is your obsession with fish bowls. Actually, there is no fish bowl. Visualize a keyhole for a moment, one of those slotted holes that can be peeped through, as in old Colonial and Victorian homes. Now, describe that hole. Some may say that it has the shape of a circle with a rectangle whose width is smaller than the diameter of the circle aligned on the bottom; others could respond that the hole is surrounded by a brass plate that is attached to the door, which is connected to the wall, etc. Perhaps the hole could be looked through, so one could remark about what is seen on the other side. However, none of that actually describes the hole; all of the preceding descriptions are narratives about what is around or can be seen through the hole. Nevertheless, that is how most persons, especially yourself, perceive their own wholeness: by what is around it. People who see fish bowls everywhere, like yourself, are clinging to the illusion of your six senses for your identity. And thus have no clue as to the nature of Wholeness. This is not being offered as a teacher (as you've ridiculously peg me to be), but merely a response to your post. There is no teacher at this IP; actually loathe students, and have no desire being diverted with petty philosophies. My communion on this forum is non-competitive, non-religious, and certainly with no intent to teach. There is a joy dialoguing with admirable people, of which you are surely not. Perhaps you would have better luck diatribing on a Paul Klee forum where people are more into fish bowls. V
  6. Exploring the Now

    Fundamentally, all human knowledge is impermanent, and has no value beyond a six sense orientated reality. The statement of realizing how little one knows appears helpful,...IMO the bigger goal would be to realize how much one doesn't know. Ultimately, a person seriously committed to an inquiry about the nature of perceived reality, would want to know as little as possible, but to know not a very great deal. Basically, those who know do not gnow. "The biggest crux to the evolution of humanity is breaking through your own indoctrination. It is very, very difficult to overcome emotional elements that have become so engrained in you, that you have an immediate reaction, an immediate suffering and pain, if something interfers with [your idea of the status quo]. It's a very, very complex problem. We have to learn how to identify and break our own indoctrination if we expect to move forward at all as a civilization" PJ Merola http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCWNgSa7GvA Minute 11:00 - 17:43
  7. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    If you have an opinion that, as you suggest, yang-yin is ineffable, yes, you probably would not feel confortable articulating your point of view on this thread, if you are strongly attached to it,...most people don't want to know if what they think is meaningful, is meaningless. Not only is Yang/Yin quite effable, but the fundamental essence of Buddhism is about understanding Yang/Yin,...although they call it by other names such as Form and Empty, or Dependent Origination. Of course, very few understand the inseparableness of Form (yang) and Empty (yin), and thus resign themselves to the concept of their ineffability. Buddha seldom offered information regarding what beyond the phenomena of Yang/Yin, because the simple goal is understanding Yang/Yin, so any further discussion would just confuse the ignorant (defined as those who only observe by way of the six senses). So, I do empathize with you for believing in ineffability as you do,...after all, science does not even understand Form/Empty, energy, mass, time, or the nature of light. Scientists, like most people, have been so indoctrinated in Aristotelian logic that it is a surprize humanity is even here. For those attached to Aristotelian logic, anything to do with the nature of perceived reality, like the spiritual value of zero, upsets their rationale, and six senses. V
  8. Exploring the Now

    "When there is freedom from conditioning, there is simplicity. The classical man is just a bundle of routine, ideas and tradition. If you follow the classical pattern, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadow - you are not understanding yourself. The man who is really serious, with the urge to find out what truth is, has no style at all. He lives only in what is. If you want to understand the truth, you must throw away the notion of styles or schools, prejudices, likes and dislikes, and so forth. Then, your mind will cease all conflict and come to rest. In this silence, you will see totally and freshly. " - Lee Jun-fan
  9. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    No,...The Tao is not ineffable. If The Tao was ineffable, Lao Tzu would not have been able to discern The Tao to write about it. It is a matter of context. Buddha told the ignorant that the self is impermanent,...and yet he said the Other Self, the Tathagata, is permanent. Of course the ego self of the six senses is impermanent. The ignorant cannot understand The Tao. This is simply because the six senses can only know motion. To understand the Tao, one must observe The Tao from beyond the six senses. To understand the Tathagata, one must transcend the six senses. If you think The Tao is ineffable, then you allowed religious indoctrination to blind you, and for you, The Tao will be ineffable. To understand stillness, one must uncover the stillness upon which their motion persists. V
  10. Exploring the Now

    Sounds competitive to me. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19563-oxymorons-that-hinder-awakening/page__st__64__p__278570__hl__Alfie%20Kohn__fromsearch__1entry278570
  11. Exploring the Now

    You certainly jumped in on the subject. As you notice, there is little direct explanatory info, and yet this background of nines is everywhere. Why hold the Dorjie, Vajra, or swastika at the 9th point if it has no significance. What about the nines of Metatrons Cube, or the Sri Yantra, or how the enneagram works. It's all analogous with the mechanics of tori (waves/empty) and spheres (particles/form). Nine is the first manifestation from zero. All form/emptiness occurs through nine optic planes,...it's the multiplying/dividing nature of the optically organized universe. Yes,...this probably appears bizarre at first (and maybe at second and third),...it's not common knowledge. As Charles F. Haanel said, "The mind cannot comprehend an entirely new idea until a corresponding vibratory brain cell has been prepared to receive it." If this subject continues to peek your interest, I'll be glad to dialogue where I can. However, most of my understanding is related to light, and thus how I attempt to make comparisons. What Buddha taught must match the nature of light,...and from all I've looked into, it does. V
  12. Exploring the Now

    Not really,...mirrors do not necessarily go back and forth like in a fun house. For example, look at the 12 austerities of Naropa. Naropa, fully indoctrinated in the Brahmic belief system, spent several tormented years in the service of what many would judge to be a cruel master. Nevertheless, Tilopa, through the guidance of a dakini, only mirrored to Naropa that which Naropa reflected. Authentic people do not avoid or instruct in roundabout ways or through euphemisms. The word Naropa, I was told, means “the pain is killing me.” Na means pain, ro is the word for killing, and pa personifies it. In contrast to Naropa’s awakening, his pupil, Lama Marpa Lotsawa, is said to have grasped the Short Path’s doctrine rather easily. On the other hand, Marpa reportedly tormented his pupil Milarespa for years to shock his ego clingings loose. However, did Marpa torture Milarespa, or did Milaraspa radiate a frequency to have a torturous instruction mirrored back? My approach is quite simple,...respond accordingly. This works well for me because there is no agenda to win over people. Overall, the odds are small that very many people are honest enough to engage in dialogues with me in a considerate way. In most activities I don't expect honesty, like from the grocery clerk, banker, or gym attendent,...on TTB there is no point in coddling negative people, especially those with a history of ad homenim. Actually, in the material world people are quite attracted to my physical vibration,...people constantly smile at me, and sense the impersonal joy I give off. I am a beautiful being, with little baggage of accumulated beliefs cloaking or obscuring that vibration. Everyone is a beautiful being, although most are so smothered in beliefs that their basic goodness is barely reflected through the filters. V
  13. Exploring the Now

    Hummm,...and what do tell is it really? Except for top posts, All my posts are reflections of the posts they respond to. Aaron is obviously a masochist, and thus the responses mirror back to him what he his giving. This post is a response to your sad comments of "hostility and aggression." Aaron believes that the Now is what his six senses tell him,...but we don't know your opinion,...for like Aaron, you choose ad homenim over reasonable content. Personally I could care less about your surprise of anyone not seeing this alledged hostility and aggression,...I stand by my every post as evidence that each response mirrors the post being responded to. Unfortunity, most are absorbed in little games, and as such are only interested in little games. Instead of Exploring the Now, the topic of this thread, they prefer to disrupt what they don't wish to understand. However, to explore the Now,...all that psychobabble must be let go. This doesn't happen because most rather cling to mediocrity. As Wilber said, "Human Potential movement got derailed and was replaced by this therapeutic self-expression, self-acceptence movement." http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/22509-how-attached-to-your-ideas-are-you/page__st__32__p__322794__hl__mediocity__fromsearch__1entry322794
  14. Exploring the Now

    You are one dense individual. First, you have yet "poke a hole" at anything,...unless you truly believe that saying "Undivided is just your theory", is somehow poking a hole. Undivided Light is nothing new,...the equation E=mc² certainly points to it. Just because you see the World as a flat, dreary place, that is all there is,....and that you carry water both before and after enlightenment, is the insane nonsense of someone smothered in their six senses. I've mentioned examples over and over and over of how this relates to Buddhism,...for example I recently reposted the story of Angulimala, and numerous other things, and it goes right past you like a child in his own little world, focused on a toy in a store. As you have been bringing up "poke holes", and you fail to present anything in that regard, my impression is that you are desireous for me to "poke holes" in your BS. For example how you spent enough time reading my posts,....1. that's great, now go away,...and 2. you haven't read my posts at all, so stop saying you have. The quotes I use are never OUT OF CONTEXT to the context in which I'm using them. That is simply a testament to your neurotic, aspergers-like instance that everything fits perfectly into your little world. And finally,...your bizarre statement that a nine-planed holographic matrix would have no connection or application with spiritual reality is moronic. As for brands, school, gurus, etc., that is rude and a blatant ad homenim. My posts have clearly stated that I has no interests in teaching, teachers, gurus, schools, beliefs or other nonsense that steps between people and their direct experience. As for your posts, they prove that you are an arrogant, dishonable person, uninterested in any reasonable debate, dialogue, or inquiry. Your posts show that you are devoid of having any interest in contributing to the evolution and liberation of humanity. And I would welcome anyone, who wish to waste their time, to follow your posts through any thread and find something to the contrary. May your life be short, so to begin anew, with less irritating baggage, for any breakthoughs in this incarnation appear quite unlikely. V
  15. Exploring the Now

    That was an analogy to help explain Serene Blue's question regarding Steiner's cosmological point of view with alaya. V
  16. Exploring the Now

    Do you mean: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19803-what-is-light/page__st__57
  17. Exploring the Now

    But once again, you talk of poking holes in a theory, and once again you poke no holes. A relationship with transcends continents and cultures, from the Maya Popal Vuh 9 aspects of gods, to the eight spokes of Buddhism's Wheel of Dharma upon a center hub. If you observed nature as it is, nothing is greater or less than nine. The creative force within duality arises through the perceived separation from zero. To create progeny, the nine gods of the Popal Vuh for example, that is the six lesser or boundary gods who rule the six convex spectral planes, and god seven, the three aspects of zero, must work as one to propagate the many. If you wanted to poke holes, you had months and months to do so in the 'What is Light' thread. But you did not, because you can not. 'All matter is just a mass of [divided]light.' Sri Aurobindo
  18. Very appreciative advice. No one in my family currently has a serious illness, or feel that death is imminent,...however, I feel drawn to the idea of working with the dying, from the supposition that some may be open to a deep level of honesty,...going beyond the 6 senses. Of course, the religiously inclined would be of little interest,...who have many caregivers embedded in those beliefs to be supportive of the dyings predispositions. But working with the spiritually non-religious would be awesome, albeit emotionally demanding. I cry even during animations like Finding Nemo,...cried three hours, during and after Forrest Gump. Working with a Bardo Master would be extraordinary:
  19. the Arts and Spirituality

    Exquisite studies, showing a refined grasp of color and composition,...look foward to seeing the "new batch." I suppose as part of your "meditation and inner alchemy practices" you doing something akin to the Artist Way. As you are involved in Tao/Eastern philosophy, perhaps taking ideas like Sunbathing and Playful Pansies into a more abstract series of the nature of Admirable Friends, as Rothko took the notion of Form and Empty to be instantly recognizable on an emotional level. V