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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. The absurdity is in your emotional bias. As I said, the level of ownership of vicious dog breeds (which Pit Bulls are part of) is directly proportional the level of fear, hate, violence, and terrorism in a given area. Although reported vicious breed attacks (and deaths) tell a story, the millions of attacks and people terrorized by vicious breeds is an atrocity upon humanity. To associate the ownership of vicious dog breeds that fear, hate, violence, and terrorism manifests, to slaves picking cotton, is a testament to your ignorance. In a world without fear, hate, violence, and an inconsiderateness towards the terrorism their animal imposes on Others) , people would not feel compelled to own vicious dog breeds. "All the joy the world contains Has come through wishing happiness for others. All the misery the world contains Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself." Shantideva 8.129 Vicious Breed owners are ALWAYS inconsiderate of Others,...because NO ONE considerate of Others would own a vicious dog breed. V
  2. Spirituality and Religion

    "Spiritual religion" is an oxymoron. Religion is literally a set of beliefs,...true spirituality is the absence of beliefs. In other words,...and religionist proclaiming to be spiritual is being dishonest. Unfortunately, as Krisnamuti implied, most feel that the measure of health is to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
  3. Please allow a different viewpoint. First, racism doesn't frustrate me at all. Yes, I too had plenty of racial slurs spewed at me,...dago, wop, greaseball, cucha-snot, etc. However, unlike the derogatory Haole, all racial slurs in America are seen as socially incorrect,...whereas in Hawaii, the racial slur Haole is not only exceptable, but seems encouraged. On one hand, if there were any good teachers on the Big Island, perhaps real aloha could be taught to replace the racism. For me, the prevalent racism, hate, fear, prolific drug rate, and the highest Pit Bull ownership per capita, was not why I left Hawaii,...for me it was more the Vog, limited medical services, and lack of spiritually honest people. To put that last statement in perspective, I not only created Meetups, etc., but spent a sum of money advertising those Meetups for those interested in Admirable Freindship. In a year got a single response from a vacationing tourist. Overall, the people on the Big Island are quite into themselves. "All the joy the world contains Has come through wishing happiness for others. All the misery the world contains Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself." Shantideva 8.129
  4. About the nature of non existence.

    That is interesting,....why do these Advaitans, who deny the Advaita Vedanta, that is, that Brahman is the gender neutral, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Incorporeal, Independent, Creator of the world, its ruler and also destroyer, the indestructible, transcendental living entity...why do these Advaitans with whom you resonate with, consider themselves Advaitans? This indestructible, transcendental living Brahman is pretty much as Buddha said,...indestructable in its imovability to pop out of its higher alaya. One would think that these Advaitans would become Buddhists, except that Buddha insisted that one let go of all phenomenal characteristics like those attributed to Brahman. I sense that the problem here is one of Advaitans attempting to adopt Unconditional aspects upon their Conditional Deity to make it more palatable for their cling to this idea for their identity,...but in truth, conditions do not "fit into" the Unconditional. Sort of how the ignorant interchange the Who's Who of Duality according to their human-centric beliefs. Their is either Conditional (Universal spirit, Undifferentiated Being, One, Light of the Universe, Material Cause of Creation, All Knowledge, Universal Consciousness, Absolute God, I Am Brahman, Impersonal Infinite Bliss, Creator of All Beings of this World, The Screen or reality onto which human perceptions of differentiation are projected, the eternal first cause, the Beginning, Pure Being) or Unconditional (the Present beyond conditions). V
  5. About the nature of non existence.

    Nowhere have I ever heard or directly experienced, that Brahman is Undivided Light. They are only bogeymen of your making. I'm fully available to view prevalent non-Buddhist beliefs. Please forward me a credible definition of Brahman that does not include: Universal spirit, Undifferentiated Being, One, Light of the Universe, Material Cause of Creation, All Knowledge, Universal Consciousness, Absolute God, I Am Brahman, Impersonal Infinite Bliss, Creator of All Beings of this World, The Screen or reality onto which human perceptions of differentiation are projected, the eternal first cause, the Beginning, Pure Being, etc....because all those characteristics or conditions listed above cannot be uncovered in the Present. From the little I've read of Advaita traditions, I must agree with Buddha,...it is a barrier to uncovering the Present. V
  6. About the nature of non existence.

    Please alter all accepted definitions of Brahman to fit or better harmonize with your belief regarding Brahman, and I will gladly alter my posts accordingly. You can begin here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahman For example, it is said that the universe does not simply possess consciousness, it is consciousness, and this consciousness is Brahman. Buddha taught that identification with universal consciousness is an ego delusion. The Advaita Vedanta says "Brahman is knowledge"...Buddhists understand that all knowledge arises from the skandhas,...thus Brahman arose from the skandhas. "Brahman is everything, and all we see are His different energies:...yet there is no energy in the Present. Etc.
  7. About the nature of non existence.

    If Brahman is Present, and beyond time, it cannot be a creator, universal spirit, an undifferentiated Being, One, or that which underlies all existence. This is not a "mind theory", it is what it is. There is no Creator, creation, no Big Bang, no Singularity, universal spirit, or undifferentiated Beings in the Present,...that is an irrefutable fact of anyone who has directly experienced the Present. VMarco has no intent or wish to "realize Advaitan" or Brahman's illusory pure presence. To realize the Absolute Present, you must flash beyond the Alaya,...beyond Brahman. That is the message of Sakyamuni Buddha. There is nothing ridiculous about it. V
  8. Sure,...but is that what happened 109 years ago? And if so, why in 1959 did 94% by voters on all major islands approve Statehood? As for the Queen in 1893,...under what Constitution did she rule? And why does the current King of Hawaii want to rule under the "honkie" god Jehovah? http://freehawaii.org/1840.html I agree,...there are some "dumb haole's" in Hawaii,...but my guess is that they're all Hawaiian. As for tourists,...I never heard the term "dumb haole",...it's usually F&*$#ing haole. On the Big Island, a popular T-shirt says,...Which part of Haole don't you understand? Can you imagine wearing a T-shirt in NY that said, what part of Kike don't you understand? V
  9. Yes, like the FreeHawaii movement, my questions can be seen as lacking relevance. You are correct, that for most tourists, the profound underlying racism and hate in Hawaii is unnoticed. For local whites, there is both an undiscussed understanding to stay clear of conversing with Hawaiians, and a tolerance of the hate language spewed upon them. Most local whites on Hawai'i are struggling middle classer's, with many pot heads, literally homeless, and granola folks. I would not advise any white person to purchase land in Hawaii,...except in Maui, where the Freehawaii movement is contracted. Although I'm mostly libertarian in nature, it is probably a good thing that Hawaii is the most government intrusive State in the US,...including strict regulations on gun ownership. Yes, land prices are high, but unlike for whites or other asians, Native Hawaiians (abt 8000 pure Hawaiians) have more than 1.8 million acres unaccessible to whites. As far as I understand, all coast lines are public. There are huge tracts of National Forest and BLM lands. However, overcrowding (like the surge in Kaua'i) tends to unwelcomed by both Hawaiians and others. The most interesting thing I found about Hawaii is that from a Ley Line point of view, the Heart Center or Chakra of Earth is slightly offshore from Maui,...and thus an accurate metaphor of the current Heart of humanity,...money, hate, racism, superficial spirituality, prominence of vicious dog breeds, etc. There will be no peace or awakening to Heart Mind while vicious dog breeds permeate the world. Hawaii, I have read, has the largest Pit Bull population per capita of all US States. When the Big Island attempted to regulate Pit Bulls in 09 while I was there, both the fear-based Hawaiians and fear of Hawiians-based whites and asians came unglued,...and the measure was trashed. There may not be snakes in Hawaii,...but the venom is pervasive. I am personally UNSYMPATHETIC to any group wanting to establish the Laws of Jehovah as the law of the land. http://freehawaii.org/1840.html V
  10. About the nature of non existence.

    Exactly! Brahman, which is in the higher alaya, believes it is real, quite similiar to the sciential-minded believing that the phenomena of the human-centric dream is real. Buddha suggested that Brahman is not real, only the Tathagata is real. The Tathagata is beyond the conditional state (one supreme, universal Spirit) of Brahman. In reality, Humanism (the Many) does not exist without Brahman (the One). There can be no One, without a Many. There is no Great Self without a Great Other. Brahman, by definition, is the Highest Ego illusion. Why isn't that clear enough in my above posts? V
  11. Hawaii questions: Was Queen Liliʻuokalani's 1893 replacement by a Provisional Government illegal? Was the approval for Statehood in 1959 by 94% by voters on all major islands, somehow rigged? Did the 1993 joint Apology Resolution regarding the overthrow was passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton, apologizing for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom throw fuel on a smoldering fire? Should sovereignty of the State of Hawaii be handed over to Majesty Akahi Nui, King of Hawaii, and its Constitution be relaced with the Consitution of 1840? http://freehawaii.org/1840.html Is the FreeHawaii of Whites movement synonymous with the American Civil Rights movement? Is the FreeHawaii of Whites movement synonymous with the Zapatista movement in Chiapas? Is the FreeHawaii of Whites movement synonymous with the FreeTibet movement? Was the American Revolution of 1776 illegal?
  12. About the nature of non existence.

    Yes, there is a problem with the communication. In the USA, Brahman is defined as the one supreme, universal Spirit that is the origin and support of the phenomenal universe. Brahman is sometimes referred to as the Absolute or Godhead which is the Divine Ground of all being. The sages of the Upanishads teach that Brahman is the ultimate essence of material phenomena including the original identity of the human self whose nature can be known through the doctrine of self-knowledge (atma jnana). According to Advaita, a liberated human being (jivanmukta) has realised Brahman as his or her own true self (see atman). To me the above definition agrees with my statement,..."If Brahman is the one supreme, universal Spirit, it is not Present, Undivided Light,...just as there is no I Am or 'Other Am' in Present, Undivided Light." I see nothing in the Hindu definition that suggests Brahman is Present. All the characteristics of a Creator like Braham are in time, with spirit (or the energy of in-breath/out-breath, oneness or supreme one, and the essence of material phenomena. Brahman cannot answer the truth of suffering,...because it is ultimately the progenator of suffering,...and that is what Buddha was pointing to. I appreciate your response. It is helpful in understanding your ignorance. V
  13. Having lived there for a year (in Wailea near Hakalau), my conclusion is that not only are there no good teachers, there are few mediocre teachers. I journied the whole Island. Shopped in Kona once a week, and often bused into Hilo, even though I had a 4x4. Have friends in Hilo, Pahoa and Papaya Farms area. Surprisingly, Hawaii, especially the Big Island, is the most racist State (against Whites) in America. Non-White Hawaiians claim to be "breathers", whereas all Whites are Haole's (HOW-Le's). Hawaiian children are taught from birth to hate Whites. The Hawaiian King, Majesty (HRM) Akahi Nui, propaganda web site spews so much hate against Whites that it is sickening. http://www.freehawaii.org/cease.html Hate crimes in Hawaii, although mostly swept under the rug to protect the bullies of the haoles (white people), is a very extensive problem in Hawaii. Assaults without provocation is common, especially towards White campers and hikers. It is advisable to stay in tourist areas. In fact, hate crimes against whites are so prolific that the Visitor Aloha Society of Hawai`i (VASH) was created to provide supportive and caring services to visitors who have experienced a medical emergency, have been victimized by crime, or have suffered another adverse incident while vacationing. Anti-white hate crimes are rampant in Hawaii, and largely under-reported. This under reporting does not do a service to the State of hawai'i as a whole. Be extremely careful on isolated beaches,...try to go with four or more people, and camp with no less than 10. Interestingly, Hawaii also has the highest ownership of vicious dog breeds in America. Thus it is wise to carry pepper spay with you at all times. One more caution,...do not bring children to Hawaii for any lengthy stay. Hawaii public schools are breeding grounds for hate against whites. They even celebrate a Kill Haole Day. While on buses or at business, be very courteous to Hawaiians,...don't engage in any conversation with them,...don't pick up Hawaiian hitch-hikers, and don't except a ride from an Hawaiian. You can not "fix" the deeply engrained hated,...even if got to be a token white dude, Hawaiians are fully unpredicable, and among their own, will turn on you, no matter how much of a compadre you may think you are. I've been to 7 coutries and 48 of the US States,...Hawaii is by far the most hateful and dangerous. I've lived on both the Big Island and Kaua'i,...Kaua'i is a bit less hateful. If you have to live in Hawaii, try Maui,...it has the highest concentations of non-Hawaiians. Please keep in mind that I'm a supporter of most Liberty movements, like the Zapatista's in Chiapas, or the Tibetans. The Free Hawaii movement is quite different,...besides being fully hate based, their's is not a cultural thing, but they want to reestablish their 1848 Constitution,...that is, to live under the Laws of Jehovah, as directed by the Hawaiian King. If it wasn't for the Japanese control of the Hawiian economy, things would be really bad.
  14. About the nature of non existence.

    I'm not attempting to understand the Hindu Brahman. If Brahman is the one supreme, universal Spirit, it is not Present, Undivided Light,...just as there is no I Am or 'Other Am' in Present, Undivided Light. There is no duality in Present, Undivided Light,...that means no One or Many, no Here or There, no Center or Boundary, no Creator or Created, no in-breath/out-breath of spirit. There is no alaya in Present, Undivided Light. To me, "Pure Presence" is absolute Present, Undivided Light,...it is beyond time, space, creation and Creators,....Present, Undivided Light has no "spirit", energy, motion, nor any characteristic of Brahman such as infinite Beingness. The consciousness and bliss of Brahman, which could be intellectualized as the I Am, is a pleasure prison that veils what Buddha was pointing to. Brahman is an opiate. It is nearly impossible to enter Presence from Braham,...but quite possible to enter Presence from the lowly physical, which is the most harmoniously balanced interchange of duality in the scheme of Divided Light. Brahman may be the closest to the split,...however, that position keeps it blind to the fact that it is also in the prison of duality. There is no duality in the Present. There is no confusion in regards to VMarco's understanding of the Present. There is no Present in time. V
  15. About the nature of non existence.

    No,...in the consciousness of I Am, the Present is very difficult to realize. In your Soulestrial Orienteering it is wise to create a surrogate I,...so to not get attached to any notion of a real I, because there is no real I. In Buddhism, one practice to pop the illusion of the I, is to focus upon Other. When Other pops, the I pops,...and duality is transcended. Non-duality is as beyond One and Many, Here and There, Center and Boundary, I and Them. A Tathagata is beyond the I Am. V
  16. About the nature of non existence.

    No,...VMarco, as per post #52, did not imply an I Am beyond the Alaya. "Passing beyond" non-dual emptiness is simply Presence. There is no Present in Alaya in any flowing view-point. There is no Present in flow,...in reality, there is no flow. Flowing is a perception of ignorance. If you still the 6 senses and observe flow,...flash beyond it. The Higher Alayas are as a prison of bliss where the realization of true enlightenment is improbable. V