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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Misquoting Jesus

    I typed a search on Yahoo "Egyptian Krst" and got 19k hits. I don't use google. www.alltheweb.com bought by Yahoo was always superior to google. The real Jesus, according to Paul and 1 Cor. 11:14 would look like this: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/forensics/1282186
  2. Hair Growth Recipes

    The only way to stop balding is to reduce testosterone. The surest way to do that is testicle removal. Herbally, there is White Kwao Krua (300 mg daily, which could also develop mammary tissue in males), licorice is also helpful (40 mg daily). There is also a topical licorice (glycyrrhizic acid) that works. He Shou Wu is another herb said to regenerate hair. Minoxidil does not work alone,...but needs a testosterone inhibitor, like finasteride. If you have some fuzz,...a laser hair comb can help. Also,...if you still have fuzz, a new process called ReGenica is to be available soon. However, considering all money that herbs and solutions will cost over a life time, the most cost effective fix to have a full head of hair is really a vaginoplasty http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/SRS.html NOTE: THAT UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LINK contains graphic visual material and other medical information that might shock or be very disturbing to some readers.
  3. About the nature of non existence.

    Yes,...the Buddha's and Master are engaging ignorance,...did you think that you, and other sentient beings were not ignorant? The creator of the universe is not a god, or Brahman, but Avidya or ignorance. Brahman is Ignorance,...so ignorant that it thinks it's god. V
  4. About the nature of non existence.

    Deeper analysis, that is harmonizing one "thing" with an "approved thing" does not allow for alaya to be popped,...popping alaya necessitates a letting go of analysis. However, it is understandable that sentient beings pursuing deeper paths to make their perceived lives more palatable, seek harmony with their accumulated knowledge. Alaya Vijnana or the Eighth Alaya (dimension of consciousness) can be considered the point of I Am from which the "i think" and aggreregates descend into further ignorance. There appears to be many levels or viewpoints within Alaya Vijnana,...but the main thing to understand is that it flows from Still Source or Undivided Light. Everything that "flows" is split,...nothing unsplit flows. However, without a familiarity with the 'What is Light' thread in TTB, understanding the above may be non-viable. Depending on the assemblege point from which it participates with the universe, Alaya Vijnana can be viewed through a blissful dreamstate with little karma, or as a Tathagata, awake from the dream within Alaya. Some Buddhists claim that Alaya Vijnana is the dharmadhatu field through which all is projected. Nagarjuna may have said that: "The dharmadhatu is the ground, for buddhahood, nirvana, purity, and permanence." Dharmadhatu may be the "ground" for Boundless Buddhic permanence; however, the word permanent in this context can be misleading. There is no Buddha Nature in the Noumena of permanent Undivided Light (see the Mountain Doctrine),...Buddha Nature is that which stands aware upon the fulcrum of Undivided Light. It could be said that Buddha Nature is simultaneously split and unsplit,...and thus beyond the going and coming of that which identifies as only split and flowing, such as sentient beings. Buddha Nature understands that Alaya Vijnana is not "home." On the hand, many that are conscious of the Upper Alayas believe they have arrived at Source, and because of this, sustain the illusions of suffering for the Lower Alayas. Thus one can say that identification with Brahman is the source of all suffering,...although in reality, suffering never existed. To take that last paragraph further,...there was a necessity to manifest and descend into the Lower Alaya in order to show those identified with the Higher Alayas, that their blissful delusory state is the problem, not the cure. That is to say, those identified within the Higher Alaya have no impluse to pop out of Alaya,...however, from the Lower Alayas we can pop out of the delusion of the Higher Alayas. V
  5. Misquoting Jesus

    OK,...I'll play along,...where are these 11 historical documents discussing the murder of apostles? Allow me to repeat,...Considering a set of all knowledge for that period, not a single Jewish, Roman, or Greek historian, scribe, or writer mentions before 95 CE, the Jesus Christ depicted in the gospels. There are no artifacts, no works of carpentry, and no physical evidence that a Jesus Christ ever existed. For such a famous person, professed to have been known far and wide, it is notable that there is not a single word of him from Pliny the Elder, Seneca, Gaius Petronius, the Syrian Mara, Philo Judaeus, Pausanias (who traveled throughout Syria), Theon of Smyrna, Thallus of Samaria, Silius (Consul of Asia Minor), or the Syrian-born Lucianus. In addition to the influences of Eastern and the Greco-Egyptian Sarapic philosophies, neo-Christianity integrated other cults into its new myth as well, just as Romans meshed the beliefs of those they subjugated. The Christmas story, for instance, is closely related to Mithraism, which Plutarch said was practiced in Asia Minor during the first century BCE. Mithras, who was also called Chrestos, was born of a virgin in a cave at the winter solstice, and his birth was celebrated during the festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invictos. The tradition of giving Christmas gifts appears to have been partially adapted from the Pasque Epiphany, the goddess cult of Bari. On the other hand, Easter and the resurrection story are another neo-Christian modification, in this case an appropriation of the spring Eostar celebration of the death of Attis, who, three days following Black Friday, was resurrected. Attis, the savior, was often represented with a shepherds staff. One traditional theme of the Attis cult is said to have been as our Lord was saved, so we shall be saved. Salvation is, ironically, a belief that leads to disempowerment because it places the idea of redemption outside the self. The cult of Attis, whose priests were called Gallaens, strongly influenced the invention of modern Christianity. In fact, the Vatican, named for mons vaticanus or Vatican Hill, which antedates Christianity, was the place of worship of Cybele, and her fertility rites with her youthful lover Attis were performed on Vatican Hill. In other words, Vatican City sits atop the most sacred place of the Phrygian religion. Todays Christianity, the Christianity founded in the second century CE, did not arise from the teachings of an historic Jesus/Yeshua. In fact, many contemporary scholars suggest that the majority of the words attributed to Jesus/Yeshua in the gospels could not possibly have been said by him, even if he did exist. Neo-Christianity was formed through the schemes of Roman aristocrats, along with the ante-Nicene and latter Church fathers, who rejected gnowledge, Gnothi Seauton, that is, to gnow thyself. Instead, they opted for a conditional cerebral process dependent upon, and serving, the human ego, that is, to know thyself. The salvation cults that make up neo-Christianity, whose hideous cross became their symbol in the third century CE, was designed to perpetuate control of the masses. Christianity is a religion that separates us from our direct experience with the source of who we are. Christianity is a religion contrary to gnosis and understanding through sapience, in that it neither contains, nor points to authentic love, through which our true mystery is understood. Most of todays Christians believe that their religion is one of love. Nevertheless, their scripture says that Jesus came with a sword to bring dissension, as in Matthew 10:34 and Luke 14:26. Their scripture says, Abandon your family (Matthew 19:24; Luke 14:26). Their Jesus not only promotes slavery, but also instructs how slaves should be punished, as in Luke 12:4748. In fact, the idea that their God is love was not introduced until the late second century apology of 1 John, specifically 4:8 and 4:16. However, neo-Christians do aspire to agape love, a love described in the first letter to the Corinthians. For example, Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1 Cor. 13:7). However, the love depicted in that description is not authentic love. Bearing, believing, hoping and enduring are not love. Those are conditions based on object-ive indoctrination, not on unconditional love. In other words, Christendoms great chapter on love is merely a discourse on past limitations and future hopes, a love that strives to sustain conditions of conflict, separation, and limitation. Conditional love is born of belief, and as such, it can only be experienced through the conditions of those beliefs. If we ponder that, it is rather amusing. Their god, as other gods, is clearly a conditional god. Yes, Christianity was spread through violence and now propagates its faith through the fortune raised from that violence. In the United States that is a serious felony, and their propagators are nothing less than accessory felons. What has kept neo-Christians ignorant of their complicity during two millennia of treachery and crimes against humanity and nature? What is the expected value that they hope to realize by the acceptance of this unquestioning belief through faith in their scripture? Is it because of their fear of death? Is it because of hope and the anticipation of heaven? Perhaps their fear and insecurity is perceived to be reduced through the hope that the meek will inherit the earth. Maybe their fear of not being good enough is tranquilized by the hope of salvation. The truth is that todays Christianity offers no wisdom about reality or how to trigger direct, authentic experiences with the source of who we are. Christianity only desires to feed and sustain faith in its beliefs, a faith that steps between both individual and collective, and their direct experience, so that what is false continues to perpetuate itself. No truly compassionate person is tolerent of the Christian meme. http://www.christianitymeme.org/ "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter." Thomas Jefferson
  6. About the nature of non existence.

    Thanks for the link,...it helps me to better understand your vocabulary. And yes, I would agree that your path has been laid out,...my best wishes to you on that. Many here like yourself are desireous to teach and share to pursuade others to join their path. Any sharing that I do is merely as consequence while engaging ignorance. Why people cling to ignorance for their identity is a fascinating subject. "Human kind cannot bear very much reality" T. S. Eliot
  7. I became enlightened

    He responded in a way that those who have broke-through the conditioning respond,...such as,...the univerese no longer exists for him, but that he exists for the universe,...or that thinking had ceased (for many first timers this is not realized until thinking comes back),...and that it is not necessarily pleasant to wake-up; as T. S. Eliot said, "Human kind cannot bear very much reality" (which doesn't imply that Eliot was enlightened). Of course, the above is often just a Seventh Consciousness or Sense experience,...having let go of the first 6 Senses from which ego arises. When firmly in the Eighth Consciousness, Other is equally illusory as Self. Ultimate enlightenment (in Freethought Buddhism) is the Ninth level, which isn't consciousness in a way that dualistic meditators imagine consciousness, but best described as Still, eternal bliss,...when one realizes the so-called speed-of-light is timeless, undivided, Presence that moves neither whences nor whithers,...entirely beyond the arising and ceasing of alaya.
  8. Misquoting Jesus

    Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their religion. --Lemuel K. Washburn Imagine you spend your life identified with sometime, say Economics, and all of a sudden Economics becomes obsolete (check out minute 11:00 - 17:43 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCWNgSa7GvA ). People don't want to know what they thought was meaningful may be meaningless. For the most part, my two posts above are indesputable. V
  9. About the nature of non existence.

    Thank you for the comments,...they are helpful in looking for some cracks or weakness in your ignorance regarding what Buddhism is pointing to. First, allow it to be said again,...the use of "I am" to explain Buddhism was Xibir's,...thus it must be assumed that few have comprehended, or even read my entire posts, but like most, scan them to pick out-of-context bits for critique. Contrary to your misguided argument, that is: True self-realization is simultaneously the realization of the equality of "other"....that is to say, other-realization,...thus a sort of dissolution of subject-object,...however, in reality, subject-object never existed, and therefore don't really dissolve. It is ashame your ego "generally ignore [my] posts"....would very much like to observe the wordage where your "emotional charge" occurs,...that would indicate a viable weakness in your ignorance regarding Buddhism and what Buddhism actually points to,...which is a consciousness beyond Self (One) and Other (Many). Buddha did not point to any oneness,...on the contrary, any identification with Oneness, even of the universe at large, is identity with ego, and thus not real "self-actualization." As for my level? My level can only be understood through your level,...and your level is closed and dogmatic. Your level highlights the problem with self-attachment. "Other" cannot be understood through "self"....which is sort of a Catch-22, although "self" can be uncovered through "other." If you understood the illusory reality of "self", you would simultaneously understand the illusory reality of "other". Until you do understand, your diatribe of "seriously dude, stop lying to yourself and others on this board when it comes to the teachings of Buddhism" is not only ridiculous, but is a sabotage and ruination of yourself. Brahman may be the "Great Selfhood", but such Oneness is delusory. There can be no One without a Many. Buddhism, regardless of your misinformed views, points to a middle way, that is neither One nor Many. A Tathagata exists as if on a still fulcrum upon which all One's and Many's effect their motion. Everything, in nearly all my posts on this TTB, points to Beyond Coming and Going,...although most here don't even have a clue about what is "going and coming." Like most, SimpleJack goes, but does not come. Without going, and simultaneouly coming (understanding the reverse flow of forward moving things) you will, as Shantideva said, wander endlessly in a state of misery. The truth is SimpleJack, to use your words, it is you who are "lying to yourself and others on this board when it comes to the teachings of Buddhism and your insight into them." However, your ego does not want this to known. V
  10. Training in awareness

    For some, the opposite is true,...awareness, that is, knowledge or knowledgable of, that which arise from the 6 senses, is a barrier to understanding reality. For example, among some scientists it is commonly accepted that the senses are "liars"...thus if one's awareness is derived from knowledge attained through the senses, which nearly everyone's is, there is no real understanding or insight. As for Mind-training,...many Buddhists highly recomment the Lojong aphorisms,...such as, "treat everything you perceive as a dream" or "don't worry, there's nothing real about your confusion."
  11. About the nature of non existence.

    Those who cling only to the first and/or second Turning remain attached to the phenomenal self,...whereas through all Turnings, the potential to realize "other" is uncovered. Luminosity is only perceived within phenomena, and all phenomena is empty,...thus, luminosity and the emptiness of phenomena is inseparable. The inseparability (and impermanence) of Luminosity and Emptiness is not Buddha Mind,...Buddha Mind is the understanding of the inseparability of luminosity and emptiness. Undivided Light is neither luminous nor empty, in the sense that Form is Empty and Empty is Form. Undivided Light, like Noumena, is empty of form, and thus empty of the emptiness of form. As Undivided Light, Sakyamuni, the Tathagata, has not moved a single centimeter in all eternity. Form and the emptiness of Form is always in motion. All motion is within time. Buddha Mind pivots upon a ground that is not of time. There is no Present in time. There are two Buddhisms,...a Buddhism of scripturual belief and indoctrination,...and a Buddhism of what the scriptures point to. What Buddhism points to cannot be directly experienced through belief or indoctrination. The first two Turnings were for the most ignorant of sentient beings,...anyone who has comprehended the Mahaparanirvana will have realized that. There is no permanent "thinking self", nor an Brahman Self,...they are aspects of phenomena. However, popping the alaya of luminousity, unfolds a direct experience with the Buddha Mind that is aware of the inseparability of things. Atisha said, and with important reason, to find the consciousness one had before they were born,...one's Unborn Awareness. Find that awareness,...not scriptural quotes to make your beliefs more palatable. Experience born of beliefs can only be experienced through the conditions of those beliefs. Buddha Mind cannot be understood through conditions. As Avalokitesvara said, the entire illusion was never really there,...and although at first there is luminousity, this is unreal as well. Avalokitesvara's Dharma Gate, as detailed in the Shurangama sutra, which Buddha agreed was the best way (among those discussed in the Shurangama)) to awaken, is quite simple,...it only takes the understanding of one sense, for all the senses to collapse, and Full Spectrum Consciousness to be uncovered. Of course, Full Spectrum Consciousness is not Full Buddha Mind,...but without Full Spectrum Consciousness, which includes the direct understanding that Form is Empty and Empty is Form,...compassion, and nirvana, is impossible. Avalokitesvara correctly stated that everything that happens is just like a dream. And that (Shurangama sutra) as soon as one sense-organ returns to, or is in alignment with Source, all the six are liberated. That cannot be realized by those seeking Brahman or Luminosity. Avalokitesvara correctly states (in the Shurangama) that the truly eternal is entirely beyond arising and ceasing. That which is aware of entirely beyond arising and ceasing is called a Tathagata. V
  12. What is Wu Wei?

    The neurosis of delusion is quite entertaining,...nevertheless, in the Present, there is neither mountain nor valley. V
  13. Hi all, asking for advice : )

    In the film 'Words of My Perfect Teacher', a true spiritual teacher is likened to an assassin,...an assassin you hire to kill your ego.
  14. Hi all, asking for advice : )

    Do you know what a Sentient Being is? Open to possibilities to cultivate self-mastery? In the Bay Area, for intensive inner-work, try EJ Gold in Nevada City, Calif. You may not wake-up, but you will get untethered from ego, thus the ground to wake-up.