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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. What is Wu Wei?

    Wu Wei is not blue-green algae,...Wu Wei is without vibration, thus without color. How can this be understood? As an analogy, the Heart-Center is not only the 7th point, or interlacing of the Magen David, but the 7th sense or Consciousness. The 7th sense (which vibrates as the color of green light) is not the transcendental or 8th sense; however, the 7th sense (Heart Center) is the gate so-to-say to the 8th sense (Heart-Mind). The 8th sense vibrates as white light. If you spin green light with red light (the physical center) and violet light (the mental center) it makes white light. Thus, considering the descension into form, white light is as the first expression on the fulcrum of the Clear, Undivided Light of Wu Wei. All moving things are unbalanced. Once there is balance, things no longer move (vibrate), and thus their condition instantly dissolves,...and with it the perceived energy it embodied. In the Stillness of Wu Wei there is no energy, no motion, no conditions, no opposites, no knowledge. Energy, motion, conditions, opposites, and knowledge are imagined characteristics experienced through the lower six sense organs in time. Everything experienced in time is experienced in the past. There is no Present in time. Wu Wei is the Present. Jamgon Kongtrul explains... "Actual phenomena - that is, the world and its inhabitants - are objects that we grasp at with our senses. These appearances are simply our mind's manifestations of confusion. In the end, they are not actually existent in any way whatsoever, but are like the appearances in a dream." V
  2. What is Wu Wei?

    No! Undivided Light is not form,...no form (energy, mass, nor time) can enter Undivided Light. A fulcrum is not form,...it's a fulcrum,...Still, Causeless, Dimensionless,...upon which duality effects its perceived motion. No! I did not get Undivided Light from Walter Russell,...although, when you strip-out Walter Russell's beliefs from his science, he does articulate the nature of Divided Light, although he uses other terms. Undivided Light cannot be known through the 6 senses,...the 6 senses only detect motion,...motion is an illusion,...no different from a dream,...often called maya. We CANNOT "listen" to formless, Undivided Light,...to listen implies vibration,...the still, fulcrum of Wu Wei does not vibrate. "haha" I had my first direct experience with Undivided Light in December 1974. V
  3. What is Wu Wei?

    The you that you think you are is a product of nature. The you that you are, is not. Nature is a vibration that arises from the perception that it is separate from Wu Wei,...and must find its way home,...which this active expression of Tao can never do, because in reality it was never separate. The sum of Yang and Yin is their dissolution,...not a unity with Wu Wei. In reality, Yang and Yin do not exist (stand alone), but have a dependent orgination, held together by the motion to seek union with Wu Wei. To understand this, one must recognize that Yang is Yin, and Yin is Yang,...two aspects of the same illusion. This likely will not answer your question,...but perhaps insight you to restate the question. V
  4. What is Wu Wei?

    Wu Wei does not flow,...it is that upon which the perception of flow flows. It is Undivided Light. It is energy-less, mass-less, time-less, space-less,...it travels no distance, in no time, and thus has no need for speed. Wei Wu Wei, a somewhat synonym of Tathagata, is the effortless flowing with the flow of Divided Light, in a way that neither whences nor whithers,...an effortless doing,..because it consciously pivots upon the still fulcrum of Wu Wei. Wu Wei cannot be directly experienced through the 6 senses,...that is, hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, feeling, or thinking. It is only directly experienced through Heart-Mind. Thoreau may have had an understanding of Wu Wei,...however, I never met him, nor read of any effortless doing. Stories attributed to Sakyamuni on the other hand, clearly show his direct understanding of Wu Wei. As Undivided Light has not moved a single centimeter in all eternity, so to, the Tathagata Sakyamuni had, by his own admission, not moved a single centimeter in all eternity. V
  5. What do you dislike about yourself?

    Perhaps that's not the more important question. "Our Chief Feature (foremost weakness, and barrier to waking up) is usually the part we like best about ourselves" G.I.Gurdjieff
  6. Keeping it in perspective

    So,...1. it must be assumed that you disagree that Descartes ever quoted that axiom. 2. Did you not post, "Daoism is not the ultimate path. If I have a look, I can see that the teacher who put me on the Way never taught me energetic practices. He did his best to make me understand the importance of 24/7 awareness, lucidity, integrity, compassion" 3. If you believe a member does not know what you're talking about,...perhaps you did not articulate it well enough to be understood in the different way that you understand that vocabulary,...perhaps you are using, I suppose, an alternate dictionary. You could post a link to your use of the English words that you use,, so members who understand the Oxford definitions could better understand that simple statements like "Daoism is not the ultimate path." doesn't really mean "Daoism is not the ultimate path." 4. Addressing the above 3 points would be much better than ad hominem. V
  7. sea correcta o permanecer dormido

    To understand the symbolism, is to understand Who's Who in Duality.


  8. zeitgeist

    1. Actually,...the less beliefs one has, the more productive, engaging, and real their day is. As in the quote above,...you tethered yourself to ego and 6 sense reasoning, and yet there is no rope. 2. You have shown in your posts to have no understanding of compassion,...so way do you use the word as if you did? "Buddhist teachings on compassion are grounded in the direct realization of Emptiness; without which, compassion is impossible." Robert Thurman 3. Are you suggesting that some outside force determines who can awaken, and who can not? Kind of like American politics,...the one elected is chosen by outside media-tion. Or, perhaps one needs to be born under a Pisces Moon? 4. Please don't strive to be a child. That's a practice of belief. Simply let go of beliefs. As a 1st Century Gnostic text said,..."when you can disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments (beliefs) and place them under your feet like little child and tread on them, then you will no longer be afraid". Be naked, Buddhism suggests,...uncover your Unborn Awareness,...the awareness you had before being indoctrinated with beliefs. Such a child knows no god. V
  9. Quietly, comes the Buddha (Vajrayogini) http://www.diamondbodyyoga.com/ Is that you I've been waiting for you Quietly, comes the Buddha wake up all along awake in your dreams wake up quietly she watches you sleep gently,...sweetly In your lucid dreams awake Quietly, comes the buddha all along inside of me Suddenly I wake from the dream lucid reality yes she's smiling at me Singing laughing at me dancing with me ...singing I had a dream oh my dream finally, I've become the buddha All along awake in this dream finally compassion is real it's lessening the open-hearted reign Laughter reigns laughter sings glistening Your heart, it sings written and sung by Jenn Howey
  10. zeitgeist

    I'm not discussing "my beliefs" or "my truth",...a belief is a condition,...and if you try to bring those conditions into the Unconditional (the Heart-Mind), you will NEVER access Heart-Mind. That's Buddhism is a nutshell. Not the belief of Buddhism,...but the instruction of Buddhism that points to Heart-Mind. Some Buddhists say,...if you see Buddha in your meditations, kill him. Buddha does not belong in your meditations. If you have any beliefs during your meditations, then your meditations are inadequate. Experience born through belief, can ONLY be experienced through the condition of that belief. You (Aaron) are assuming that because you have beliefs, that everyone must be speaking through their beliefs. With such a belief, you WILL NEVER experience the essence of Undivided Light. One must fully surrender,...surrender ALL their beliefs, before entering Heart-Mind. The 6 senses cannot enter Heart-Mind. There are no beliefs beyond the 6 senses. V
  11. zeitgeist

    Not any authentic Buddhist,...and certainly no Bodhisattva. Any notion of god steps between a sentient being and their direct experience. Not sure what your problem is,...a condition cannot enter the Unconditional. It is absolutely impossible for a Christian to realize enlightenment,...except if he dissolved such a belief just prior to awakening. One cannot, under any reason, enter the Heart with beliefs. All beliefs are part of the Skandhas,...god is a belief. Their is no god beyond delusional thinking,...every authentic Buddhist would agree. Those who would disagree, like Thich Nhat Hanh, are not true Buddhists, but have some sort of deluded theist agenda. The ONLY way to uncover enlightenment is through honesty. No honest person believes in a god. "If I ask you why you believe any particular matter of fact, which you relate, you must tell me some reason; and this reason will be some other fact, connected with it. But as you cannot proceed after this manner, in infinitum, you must at last terminate in some fact, which is present to your memory or senses; or must allow that your belief is entirely without foundation." David Hume
  12. zeitgeist

    It is impossible to uncover any spiritual realizations from Christianity. Just look at their Christ's love: "love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things", 1 Cor 13:7. Although this form of love, that is, bearing, believing, hoping and enduring is idealized by Christians, it isn't Unconditional Love, but the submission, devotion, expectation and suffering to the conditions of their religions brewed beliefs. Buddhism is fully contrary to bearing, believing, hoping, and enduring. Tilopa said, that to transcend the mind's dualities all hope must die. "the highest goal is being devoid of hope and fear." But Christianity advocates hope and fear. Some may ask, why did the Buddha object to hope. Simply look up the word. hope n. from ME. hopa, an expectation. 1. expectation of something desired; anticipation of some future event. 2. a guess or belief. 3. that which gives hope; a substance or object hoped for; an expected payoff. Is there a more dishonest, perniciousness word than hope? V
  13. zeitgeist

    "Love is proof that no god exists" is my quote,...and it's irrefutable,...if the love being defined is unconditional. "Light is proof that no god exists" is my quote,...and it's irrefutable, is we are speaking of Undivided Light. "God can only be seen, felt, known, or imagined within an electromagnetic field" is my quote, and it's irrefutable. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/7.11/persinger.html Authentic Buddhists, like all Buddha's, did not believe in a god. http://www.buddhanet.net/ans73.htm The makers of Zeitgeist do not believe in a god. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZgT1SRcrKE Who believes in god,...only the dishonest. "I could not in good conscience, vote for someone who honestly thinks that the other 95% of us (who believe in god) suffer from some sort of mass delusion." Palmer Joss (actor Matthew McConaughey) in the 1997 film 'Contact'.
  14. zeitgeist

    "stop seeking truth, but seek and find all the barriers you have built against it" Or, as a Tantric Buddhist said, "The real seeker of truth never seeks truth. On the contrary, he tries to clean himself of all that is untrue, inauthentic, insincere - and when his heart is ready, purified, the guest comes. You cannot find the guest, you cannot go after him. He comes to you; you just have to be prepared." Love is proof that no god exists. V
  15. Concepts relative to "God" in Buddhism

    Sorry,...couldn't find where you said that. That is, Form is always Empty, and Empty is always Form,...it the harmonic balanced interchange of nature or duality. Non-duality is not empty,...it is simply empty of form, and all that implies. There is no need for all the mental masterbation.
  16. Concepts relative to "God" in Buddhism

    Thanks for the dialogue, it is very appreciated. It is great that you don't teach,...however, that should not determine if one has "mastered" a subject or not. Buddha purportedly said numerous times that he never taught a thing. In the "enlightenment" genre, I've yet to meet a master,...that is, someone who directly understands enlightenment,...although that predicament should be changing. And please note, in the last 37 years as an active Buddhist, I've met many people,...whose names likely fill the book shelves of TTB members,...many who seem to be advanced apprentices,...but none whom uncovered a Dharma Gate. Now,...how can you possibly understand Clear Light, and not know the difference between Divided and Undivided Light? Such a likelihood is even more impossible than the possibly of compassion without the realization of Emptiness. You appear to be confusing the physical luminousity of Divided Light, with the Still (unabled to be seen through the senses) Light upon which the mirage of dualities light effects its motion. As a guess, I've must have articulated the difference btween the two in no less than 200 posts,...and still no one here has a clue,...which can only mean that no one is interested. No one is interested in the most profound understanding one can have. No one is interested in Buddhism from the Tathagata point of view. Again,..you are trying to harmonize your accumulated beliefs to make them, and your investment in knowledge, more palatable. Your posts are proof that you haven't the slightest understanding of D.O. Which is not meant to sound harsh,...or deflate a perceived masterly ego. Your posts have shown no indication that you understand the difference between "phenomenal light" and "noumenal light" ,...between the simulated, relative, conditional light of duality, and the absolute, unconditional light of Non-Duality. Everything is NOT fundamentally Undivided Light,...NOTHING in the phenomena of duality is Undivided Light. You are trying to define Undivided Light through a Divided light of view,...and Divided Light is no more real than the image on a theaters screen. Such a humanistic viewpoint is no less than neurosis. The universe of Divided Light is Avidya or ignorance. "Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace." Dalai Lama Anyway,...no need for reply,...perhaps another thread, during another day, will uncover some clarity. But as always, I'm very appreciative for having had the opportunity to dialogue on this most important subject, which opens the "Treasury of the Tathagata." V