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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Let's here a joke thread :)

    Yes,...because I knew the punch-line. "Why do Christians go to church?" ...."because they have faith." Of course, one must already recognition the absolute futility and ignorance of faith,...faith is the unquestioning acceptance of ignorance in the absence of reason. In other words: "What would be the need for faith if it stood to reason?" Joseph Campbell "When people say 'I have faith', what they really mean is 'I don't want to know the truth'." Nietzsche "I regard monotheism as the greatest disaster ever to befall the human race. I see no good in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam." - Gore Vidal "The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear." J Krishnamurti
  2. Some questions about Enlightenment

    So, was your peyote trip like the Trial of Billy Jack? As for the Rice-milk,...who knows what a Dakini will do,...the only thing we can really surmise is that Siddhartha would not have been Shakyamuni without her (Sujata). Just as Tilopa would not have realized enlightenment without receiving the 9 Dakini secrets from the Dakini Queen. The Buddhist patriarchy however, wants all to believe that the enlightened were instructed by various guru's,...thus promoting their perpetual guru business. The fact is this: Awareness of absolute bodhichitta, or awakened mind, through the clear recognition that everything one perceives is a dream, necessitates an understanding of the feminine aspect of nature. Such insight is beyond the cognizance of relative thinking, which arises soley through form. Form, by itself, has no perception of the field that holds it, as a particle is oblivious of its wave, or the Six Senses ignorance of stillness. Shantideva wrote, "The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, for the intellect is grounded in the relative." Society-at-large is unaware of nature's feminine characteristics because thinking accepts a fabricated feminine that sustains a strict patriarchal, form-based viewpoint. In other words... there are two feminine's - the feminine of nature, and the feminine of man,...a Yin from Wu Chi's point of view, and a Yin from a Humanistic point of view. V
  3. Some questions about Enlightenment

    Would like to hear more of this thesis. I was very dismayed to hear Wilber now preaching psuedo-Buddhist theism, like Thich Nhat Hanh,...a topic that plays (and pays) well for Westerners who want to cling to their childhood (god meme) indoctrinations for their identity. I do however empathize with the dishonesties of HH Dalai Lama, as he has quite a responsibility,...thus any dialogue from him directed towards a Western audience is nearly always suspect (for dishonesty and misleading statements). HH Dalai Lama has rejected any claim of being enlightened,...or even understanding the true essence of compassion. V
  4. What Is Non-Duality ?

    If you mean that if people would live fully for Others (object-ive reality),...yes, the illusion would be much happier, and would trigger a deeper realiztion,...beyond Subject and Object. Subjects that are attached to an object-ive reality cannot experience the Present. All objects are in the past. All objects are divided light or duality ("all matter is frozen or slowed down light." David Bohm),...no object can be "seen" in the Present (Non-duality). A Buddha is simultaneously in the Present and among maya (which is associated with Dharmakaya), because she has realized the reverse flow of forward moving things, thus comes back into herself simultaneously as she goes out (because she has recognized that Form is Empty, and Empty is Form), and thus her, and what is considered an object for those in the past, are the same,...neither subject nor object. Subjects and objects only perceive to exist in duality. However, 100% focus on Objects or Other, is actually the dissolution of Objects and Other. Just as all fear dissolves by letting go of all hope. Thus I do agree with your premise,...the focus on living in a totally objective reality would precipitate Direct Awareness of our predicament, and uncover the Dharma Gate of Presence. V
  5. Some questions about Enlightenment

    I'm genuinely appreciative of finally meeting someone who was there, and can thus explain what really occurred. V
  6. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Consciousness is not Divided Light,...as in Christianity's 1John, "God is light and in him is no darkness." That's duality's light,...not Undivided Light. Undivided Light cannot be detected with anything attached to the 5 Aggregates. Undivided Light cannot be seen, felt, tasted, heard, touched, or known. The 6 senses cannot experience stillness. V
  7. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Sure,...explosion (Yin) has an unbreakable connection with implosion (Yang),...they cannot be separated,...however, they are unreal, and their conditions cannot ever enter the Unconditionality of Non-Duality. Wholeness (Non-Duality, Undivided Light, Wu Chi) is beyond the sum of opposites. V
  8. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Undivided Light is non-dual,...divided light is duality. Don't think of light as some sort of luminousity,...that's a relative point of view from a humanistic perspective. Undivided Light is neither electrodynamically luminous, nor dark,...neither Yang nor Yin. Yes, I said that you must realize WHEN you are, before understanding WHO you are,...but the ground to uncover WHEN is grasping Who's Who in Duality,...the nature Yang and Yin must be understood from Yang and Yin's point of view. In Buddhism, no one realizes the nature of a Bodhisattva until the recognition that Form is Empty, and Empty is Form. Yang is Yin and Yin is Yang,...although the less superior man does not see that. As I mentioned,...everything you need to understand this is pointed to in the 'What Is Light' thread. Once you begin observing how Yang and Yin interact to manifest the projection of duality, you realize that Wu Chi, which is "Still" in the projector, is Non-duality,...without cause; beyond time-space constructs. V
  9. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Sustaining any understanding, whether absolute or relative, demands a proper vocabulary. Nothing is ineffable. As a stand alone word, ineffable suppresses, denies, disempowers, and disconnects; it says, follow this because you'll never comprehend that. Nothing is ineffable. What Buddhists call Dharma, specifically the state of nature as it is, or Lao Tzu calls Tao, is not ineffable; it simply requires welcome. "Undivided Light cannot be revealed, By the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises, Of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka; Undivided Light is veiled by concepts and ideals." V
  10. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Just listening to a Moby (Trouble so high) remix myself. Seriously,...would be devestated if something I said led you into Buddhism, or any other diversionary belief system...for my whole essence is about shining light upon everything and anything that steps between a sentient being and their direct experience. Undivided Light is not a concept. It is Wu Chi,...upon which Yang and Yin effects its motion. V
  11. Some questions about Enlightenment

    What Buddhists generally don't want you to know,...that when Siddhartha was at deaths door, a young girl (dakini) named Sujata brought the ascetic some rice and milk, and somehow prompted Buddha to see the Middle Way. In nearly all Eastern enlightenment stories, a dakini is involved. What was in the rice and milk? What did she tell him? How did she pursuade him to cease his physically destructive path? The Buddhist patriarchy (Theravada and Mahayana) does not want to discuss this,...although it is somewhat discussed among the Vajrayana. V
  12. Some questions about Enlightenment

    1. Buddha did not seek enlightenment,...he sought to understand the nature of suffering. 2. Conscious Breathwork, hypno and Ocular Light therapy (lumitron), being with Admirable Friends, etc., also help. It is imperative to recognize one's core issues,...both negative, and those perceived as positive. 3. It is said that it takes 10 lifetimes for a yogi to realize enlightenment. So if you have 10 lifetimes, go for it. Doing yoga as a regular exercize is awesome. Qigong is more helpful. 4. Don't know. But I've personally never met a self-actualized person who hadn't had mushrooms, peyote, etc. I'm not saying that the self-actualization was a direct result of a trip, but opens pathways upon which self-actualization is realized. as Charles F. Haanel said, "The mind cannot comprehend an entirely new idea until a corresponding vibratory brain cell has been prepared to receive it." 5. Yes, enlightenment could arise within any situation, as long as one "stopped" within the situation. "When everything goes wrong, treat disaster as a way to wake up."....and, "Don't worry- there's nothing real about your confusion." Lojong proverbs V
  13. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Ah,...your attachments to Zen indoctrinations is not very good Zen,...Although your indoctrinator may be pleased. To say that "conceptual mind-chatter isn't the problem"...is interesting. For nearly everyone, the sense organ of thinking, the 6th sense, is the same as the other 5 senses, in that they cannot recognize stillness or the (gateless) gate of non-duality. I would suspect that Lao Tzu didn't mentally masterbate his way into recognizing Tao,...any more than Tilopa use thinking to recognize Undivided Light. On the other hand,...for a professed conceptual mind-chatter as yourself, I'd have guess such a person may be interested in other ways to point to the eternal Tao,...perhaps in ways that were not developed for people from 2500 years ago. I fully agree,..."There is no starting point, no goal, nothing to attain" Unfortunately, very few grasp what that points to,...for example, many New Agers talk about "beinging in the presence"...but they presume that the perceived present is the present. There is no Present in time. If "no goal" is seen conceptually, it will not be understood. I often say, and irrefutably so,...that no one can understand Who they are, without realizing When they are. Of course, this is a maddening for those attached to their senses for their identity,...and thus their response or attack at such a dialogue is predictable. V
  14. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Since I have been studying Buddhists texts since 1972, and full time since the 80's, four years of which in a university setting, I find your post quite peculiar. As you did not address any of the alleged "misinformation", I'm not sure whether to assume it to be diatribe, sophomoric nonsense, or identify your problem. So not to mislead anyone (as many, many others do), I was very very cautious in my first 25 years in Kagyu Buddhist studies. Of course, those of the Lesser Vehicle, Theravadans, often get upset with dialogues on the Direct or Short Path. You could leave your ad hominem ("Please, if your gonna spout the "Buddhist" shit, at least study the material and present it accurately") as it is,...or, if you're genuinely concerned about those you judge to be misleading,...if you're honest enough,...to dialogue on it. V
  15. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Yes, I cannot recall the last time I listened to a radio,...perhaps a 1994 roadtrip. For me, I prefer remixes,...which are usually only available on the internet, using a torrent. I wonder if there are many ZZ top remixes. Music remixes open new pathways of experience,...as if the information age has been birthing a Spiritual age. When Spirit (duality) is clearly recognized, it effortly dissolves,...for who holds onto the false when it is clear seen as the false.
  16. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Yes, I agree. Although I see Yang/Yin as two pairs of 90 degree angles,..the same as Divided Light. The seesaw is rather a weak analogy,...but one that was meant to be more about the fulcrum than the lever. V
  17. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Or,...Non-Duality could be what the driver of the physical body pivots upon,...like being over the fulcrum of a playground seesaw,...in duality, but as a Tathagata, or one conscious of the simultaneous reverse flow of perceived forward moving things,...thus suppressing nothing. V
  18. Synthetic Materials and Yin Qi

    I've noticed the opposite, such as with the new breathable materials,...they appear to allow Yin to flow outwards more freely. Of course, that is if you view Yin from Tao's point of view, and not filtered through a humanist viewpoint. From Tao's point of view, Yin is centafugal, discharging, expansive, radiative, cooling, unfolding, radial motion, high frequency, conducting characteristics,...all synonyms of Yin's exhalative qualities. Water is Yin because it is moving away from form. V