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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. What is Light?

    Interesting about owls,...Every Ornithologist I've heard of, not only understands that the owl has the smallest brain per size of all birds, but is considered the dumbest of all birds. Yet for some reason, humans associate owls with wisdom,...perhaps human wisdom is like an owl,...dumbed down. No one reading your post on the sciential minded concepts of light, will ever understand light. Original light, big bang, blazing new ground, etc., are imaginings of someone's grey-goo attempting to make their object-ive reality more palatable. Light is the essence of Sacred Geometry. Drunvelo Melchizedek called Walter Russell (the author of the recommended 'Secret of Light' book listed in this thread) the greatest expert on Sacred Geometry. Nikola Tesla, the fellow who invented the electric motor, fluorescent lighting, devices for x-rays, ionized gases, and charged particle beams, etc, etc. called Walter Russell the Leonardo DaVinci of the 20th century. Even Tesla was blown away by Russell's works,...adding that it may be a thousand years before people will understand them. Obviously you haven't read the thread,...why else would you have regurgitated all that useless sciential minded stuff. I'll let you in on something useful,...no subject, bar none, is greater than the subject of light. And, although this thread is not extensive, it already contains more information about light than you could read in every science book ever written. V
  2. Wisdom

    Actually, the mistranslation is a sciential minded revisionism,...like David Barton revising US history to suit Christians. It doesn't take much research to uncover that the the first Christian President was the 7th, Andrew Jackson. The first 6 were predominately Deists. The Greeks implied that true wisdom arose from Thymos through gnowledge, not the psyche through knowledge. Gnothe Seauton literally means Gnow Thyself,...not Know Thyself,...but revisionists have been quite successful altering things, and through the ages since Theodosius and Justinian, pretty much brainwashed humanity to be pro-grey goo, and anti-Heart. The correct definition of wisdom was also shared by Egyptians, Mayans, Naga, Buddhists, Bon, etc. In the Sun and Krst philosophies of Egypt, the heart-thymos was revered, whereas the brain-psyche was considered worthless. In the mummification process, the heart was preserved, but the cerebral gray matter was sucked out and discarded. Like Tantra, Buddhism, and the Maya, the Egyptians seem to have been aware that the head was the vessel for the lowest consciousness, but through the heart came the highest consciousness. Today’s object-ive science considers such ideas nonsense, and disregard for the brain misguided. Yet evidence clearly shows that the Egyptians had an intimate knowledge of brain functions, for example that the left cerebral hemisphere controls the right side of the body. Christians love to say that gnosis came from their Christianity,...yet all the evidence is contrary. Christianity anhilated gnosis,...through Paul, whom the Essenes called “the Spouter of Lies”, to the evasions and genocide of the Cathars. Gnosticism, the original form of today's Christianity, arose from a Greco-Egyptian philosophical fusion, as mentioned above. Gnosticism was an important part of the neo-Christian construct. Gnosis was not an outgrowth of neo-Christianity, as revisionists suggest. Today’s Christian persuasions are a product of Gnostic Christianity, not the other way around. We could say that Christianity was built on the DNA of Gnosticism. This neo-Christian fabrication from Gnosis and Krst, from gnowledge and the Anointed One, can also be substantiated through the Book of Enoch, from which over a hundred phrases were introduced into the New Testament. Enoch was written before 170 BCE, and several Aramaic copies were purportedly found among the Dead Sea fragments of the Gnostic gospels from Qumran. These Gnostics, from the time of the Julian clan of emperors, maintained that Christ was not a man in human form, as claimed in the gospels, but an individual goal of an initiate to realize a Christ Consciousness, the Logos. The Logos represents a mystical rebirth without sexual union, an awakening to a reality beyond duality, a palingenesis from the dream of perception. Duality is inherently a sexual reality, in which consciousness is fragmented. Christ Consciousness is an unfragmented consciousness, in which there is neither hope nor fear. The Jesus as defined in the gospels could not have been a Christ. Neither Paul nor his followers could grasp gnosis, that is, to gnow themselves through the heart of essence. Like many today, frozen in their conceptual experiences, Paul needed a more physical, hope-driven, fear-based path. The ignorant respond to hope and fear. Thus, from the expectations infused through the Pauline church, the concept of a personified Christ grew and entered the groupthink of the anti-Gnostic Paulines and those, like the Roman aristocrats, who wished to exploit it. V
  3. Wisdom

  4. to those who hate muslims

    True Religion,...is an oxymoron. V
  5. Disinformation campaign

    My apology for not reading a post correctly. As for the question about the preponderance of one hemisphere being more or less external than the other,...from my observations both hemispheres are equally debilitating. There is a saying,....relate with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave. The brain is impermanent,...the senses are impermanent,...the body is impermanent,...and yet these are the things we relate with. Heart-Mind is not uncovered through the brain hemispheres, the senses, the body, the intuition, or rationality,....Heart-Mind is uncovered beyond those barriers. This is why it is said, don't seek Heart-Mind, but seek and find all the barriers you have built against it,...the barriers built against Unborn Awareness from being gnown to the impermanent. "There is little place today as ever for the spiritual individualist, the man who cannot betray himself and deny truth for the sake of peaceably settling down in one of society's organized groups or established institutions. The climate is hostile to him. He must remain a lone thinker, self-exiled, paying a price but getting his money's worth". (315) http://wisdomsgoldenrod.org/notebooks/1/3
  6. Disinformation campaign

    Back in the 90's, the last 6 years of the 90's to be exact, I must have looked at more than 6000 stereo-grams,...so many, that I'm not sure if I could even use one hemisphere over the other any more. I think that even my face has become symmetrical. However, many mistaken my vocabulary as a sign of being brainy,....it's actually not,...I simply use a specific language. Lawyers, doctors, astrologers all use a particular vocabulary, the language of their professions,...in my profession, that of a Heart-mind orienteer, it is even more necessary to have an appropriate vocabulary,...because Heart-mind uses gnowledge instead of knowledge. Which, if you used the "TTB search" for gnowledge or gnow, I could keep this manifesto to around a hundred words. V
  7. That appears to be a common occurance on this forum. However, I very much enjoyed your insights, like "suggesting that these systems lose their effectiveness as one arrives at this state of permanent samadhi, that you are constantly cramming down people's throats, is ridiculous. thats like saying that if water were to realize its true nature, it wouldn't be affected by the moon." It would be great to be part of a thread in which there was no ad homenim,...where the honest communion would be welcomed. V
  8. People seldom consider that the way of ascension is the reverse of the descension,...which is ultimately the split out of Undivided Light. Before birth, one's "chart" is simply a point on a piece of paper. At the first breath, a line is drawn horizontally to the left, and represents the rising of one's life relative to the Sun's position. From this line at the first breath, a mid-heaven is known, and a circle, with its divisions can be plotted, and planets posited. In other words, as Anamatva mentioned,...in holistic astrology, we can follow the vibrations back to the point,...our Unborn Awareness. V
  9. to those who hate muslims

    Where knowledge ends, religion begins." -Benjamin Disraeli "The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear." J Krishnamurti "It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong." Thomas Jefferson "When people say 'I have faith', what they really mean is 'I don't want to know the truth'." Nietzsche "Belief is an obsolete Aristotelian category" -Dr. Jack Sarfatti "The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart." Buddha
  10. If I had the time, I could name about 3 billion Christian, Muslims, and Jews who would not want to be anywhere near an authentic Zen Master. And, as an authentic Zen Master would be emancipated from the God meme, one could add another billion or two to that. If one would observe the nature of electrodynamics (all phenomena in the perceived universe), it is easily recognizable that Like attracts Like (oppsites actually cancel each other out at their point of connection). So, to attract the proper mate/relationship it is prudent to uncover what you actually like,...not just what you think you like,...about YOU. Gnothi Seauton,...Gnow Thyself. I also want to mention a VERY IMPORTANT aspect of relationship, Synastry. If you can only have 5 books,....make sure one of them is Martin Schulman's 'Karmic Relationships.' Synastry is a much overlooked, even frowned upon, subject of Human Potential. V
  11. Careful,...such questions can lead to enlightenment. By life, it is assumed that you mean the perceived reality around you. Visualize a keyhole for a moment, one of those slotted holes that can be peeped through, as in old Colonial and Victorian homes. Now, describe that hole. Some may say that it has the shape of a circle with a rectangle whose width is smaller than the diameter of the circle aligned on the bottom; others could respond that the hole is surrounded by a brass plate that is attached to the door, which is connected to the wall, etc. Perhaps the hole could be looked through, so one could remark about what is seen on the other side. However, none of that actually describes the hole; all of the preceding descriptions are narratives about what is around or can be seen through the hole. Nevertheless, that is how most persons, especially Westerners and scientists, perceive their own wholeness: by what is around it. Is anything around you permanent? Can the impermanent be precious? I would suggest that the Wholeness within the projections of impermanence is precious, but not what arises from the Five Aggregates. Although people today have some very bizarre ideas about compassion,...a bodhisattva's compassion does not consider impermanence precious. Their vow is for the liberation of all sentient beings,...not the coddling of impermanence which avoids, appeases, and suppresses the Wholeness through which liberation is uncovered. V
  12. to those who hate muslims

    Poll after poll suggests that about 48% of Americans disagree, and believe that Moderates (those who play pick-n-choose with scriptures) are the fake Christians. Poll after poll suggest that 86% of Americans believe in a God meme. "the solution to Islam is for the United States to invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity." Ann Coulter "The inability or unwillingness to hate makes a person worthless. If we do not hate detestable things, the quality of our character is suspect. The Bible commands that we hate". H. A. (Buster) Dobbs, Church of Christ. "I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good . . . our goal is a Christian nation. We have the biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism..." Randall Terry "I imagine every Christian would agree that we need to remove humanism from the public schools. There is only one way to accomplish this: Abolish the public schools." The Reverend Robert L. Thoburn "I don't know that those who don't believe in God should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." George HW Bush, August 27, 1987