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Everything posted by Vmarco

  1. Psychologists say that all fears can be reduced to 3 fundamental fears,...Fear of Abandonment, Fear of Death, and the Fear of not being Good Enough. I agree, that fear (and its polar twin, hope) are barriers to enlightenment. On this forum I've noticed quite a bit of fear of abandonment and not being good enough. V
  2. Your Westernized, Christian based delusions about compassion is as far removed from the Compassion of a Bodhisattva as a reflection in a pool is from Clear Light. I understand your selfish hope driven desires to "save" those you think I am causing to suffer. What a totally PRIDEFUL statement, "cease causing others to suffer"....and what's even more bizarre is that you believe such nonsense,...as if someone could "cause others to suffer." Your understanding of Buddhism, and basic human relations, is pathetic. There is only one cause of your suffering,....look in the mirror. Of course,...Tea Party people have no mirrors. Interestingly, I'm quite familiar with the behaviors of totalitarianism, fascism, and zealotry,...like the mostly middle-aged white men who make up the Tea Party obstructionists,....pushing their social fascist agenda, upon women, LGBT's, Freethinkers, etc. http://www.cnbc.com/id/44088318%27%20rel=%27nofollow But this is a thread on oxymoron,...so I have no problem with adding Compassionate Intimidater, who wants to "save" people on a Tao forum from the suffering of discussing Tao. There is one thing you could say about me however,...I'm too connected with Loving Kindness,...otherwise I would have notified Law Enforcement authorities regarding your inappropriate harassment, intimidation, suggestions to mame, mental/emotional assault, stalking, etc. V
  3. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    (This post is in response to Vajrahridaya, based on a lengthy series of posts,...opinions regarding "how" this is being discussed is your own, and not relevant to our discussion). The reality of duality maybe perceived as a process, but reality, that is, the Wholeness beyond the sum of opposites, is not a process at all. Sure, both the form realms and formless realms within the 6 realms of duality are equal, the samething. Rigpa is simply a box,...an optical box of convex planes,..whose reflections occur at 90 degree angles within the 6 optical planes of the 6 realmes. The reflections are recursive, ...142857142857142857142857142857142857.... it's not a big deal,... anyone with an understanding of light knows that. But you have a problem with light, especially Undivided Light,...you deny it,...and thus rigpa, the mirror-like nature of duality will elude you. All I'm saying is,...what if you are misinterpeting the transmissions within your Lineage,...what if you are forming beliefs that are actually concealing what is right in front of you? V
  4. There you go again,...did I ever threaten you? Or were you ever a threat to me? Your hope's for me are ridiculous. hope n. from ME. hopa, an expectation. 1. expectation of something desired; anticipation of some future event. 2. a guess or belief. 3. that which gives hope; a substance or object hoped for; an expected payoff. You cannot extort from me, or intimidate me. You cannot talk me into cutting out my eye, as you requested in post "207, and join your cult. "Perhaps you are the one eyed girl in the valley of the blind, except you don't understand that your one eye is keeping you from understanding the truth, so you cling to it fearful of what the world might be without your precious gift of sight..... I would recommend you use that edge to cut out your one remaining eye, then perhaps you will see as you are intended to see, rather than see things how you want to see them." Some may ask you to please, go love someone else,...or simply cease responding,...but as I said, I'm not an appeaser, a Moderate, or Inter-Faith enabler. I'm so glad you "see through my ignorance"...that's great,...but I'm not going to follow you. Thank you for your recommendations that I'm not "original, there have been others who have come along and said the same things you have"...,that's great,...sorry to hear that you put yourself through the same thing again. Perhaps it's time to just let it go,...it's my thread,...shouldn't I get the last word,...no matter how unoriginal, and no matter how the same as ALL THE OTHER WHO HAVE COME ALONG. "Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Elie Wiesel V
  5. Although some might argue that Osho contadicts himself,...to me, I see it as his evolution,...that is to say, things he may have said in 1978, he would not have said in 1988,...for example:
  6. All this dishonesty you post, like it's right out of the Republican Handbook on Truth suppression,....all about me, me ,me,...to safeguard what appears to be, your, your, your pride as a self-proclaimed TB mentor,...which you have convinced others is real. I'm not here in search of being a hot-shot forum trustee,...guiding others to the most authoritative and second and third authoritative "must" people to obey. I'm not here to make friends,...although friendship is something IMO to be welcomed wherever it can. I'm not here to socialize,...and would like to avoid sophomoric conversations whenever possible. I am not here for me. Just as the world is not here for me. Your posts are even shallower than sophomoric,...I mean, what is this crap,..for example, " I would ask yourself that question seriously, because your greed (i.e. desire for attention) is not helping others to be "liberated" rather it's causing them to see your ugly, crude, and vicious brand of philosophy as Buddhism" Don't look at pink elephants, because you greed and ugliness and crudeness and viciousness...Aaron, your like a mental and emotional rapist. The only greedy, ugly, crude, and viciousness going on is you continual attacks. Did I respond to one of your posts in this way? No,...you attacked me,...first with pridefulness nonsense, and then your responses to each time I mirrored back what you mirrored, it gets more and more ridiculous. I'm not a teacher, psychologist, or prison trustee,...I cannot help you. I cannot even imagine the pain you must be going through. But every Bodhisattva is not here to coddle peoples pain, if any are at all,...my Bodhisattva purpose is not the role of Appeasor, Moderate, Inter-Faith belief pusher, etc. Each time you post, it reveals more and more of this rapist, controller, proselytizing, spoilist mentality, supported with a sophomoric view of Buddhism. For example you write: "Now for the compassion, although I believe you have suffered much and that suffering has caused your heart to turn bitter and spiteful." You're using words like compassion, suffering, and heart like you understand what you're talking about. How many times do I have to quote Osho before you get? “Start knowing what you really know, and stop believing what you really don’t know. Somebody asks you. “Is there a God?” and you say, “Yes, God is.” Remember: Do you really know? If you don’t know, please don’t say that you do. Say, “I don’t know.”. . . False knowing is the enemy of true knowledge. All beliefs are false knowledge.” The reality is, you don't have a honest clue about what compassion or heart is. There is no way, from reading all you attacks, that you understand what "heart" is,...so why say you do? You have no idea what Real Compassion is,...no,...so why say you do? You have no idea what the Short Path is? So why say you do? Why do you belittle things you know nothing of? Are they really that frightful? Talking to you is impossible, like conversing with a Tea Party obstructionist. Doesn't matter how many times I explain that clinglessness is inherent to Short Path,...I'll rephrase it again, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOMEONE, GENUINELY ON THE SHORT PATH, TO EVER CLING TO THE SHORT PATH. As soon as there is clinging, you're not on the Short Path. I can see that is A GREAT THREAT FOR YOU,...as you said, you desire that I pluck out my one eye and follow you blindly. Don't you see how insane that is? If I was to present your posts to me,...starting from the first,...to a Board of Psychologists, I think they might commit you into the care of a mental health specialists. Again Aaron,...I cannot help you. I do however feel, that you are cognizant that "the love you withhold is the pain that you carry." But I'm not a nurse, a Christian minister, or a Louise Hay practitioner,...I cannot help you. "I am not suited to polite society, To social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions, I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt, I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life." Vajrayogini
  7. No way would my books make any best seller list,...too heretical, LOL One thing I never cared for about books was how all the worthwhile content (in the non-fiction, enlightenment/mysticism genre) could usually be summarized onto a single page. I saw no need to write a book unless there was a Hui Neng moment on every page,...you know who Hui Neng was? 6th Zen Patriarch who hearing one sentence written by Hung Jen, instantly realized Enlightenment. But, for most people, it's like Shakyamuni purportedly said, that he discovered something profound and luminous beyond all concepts. He tried to communicate that something, but few understood. Yeap,...my books won't be best sellers. Just like my personal favorites were not best sellers. Like,...Alexandra David-Neel,...Magic and Mystery in Tibet; L Collot D'Herbois,...Colour; Wei Wu Wei,...Open Secret; Dennis Milner,...The Loom of Creation; PD Ouspensky,...In Search of the Miraculous; Krishnamurti,...Think on These Things; Tilopa's Mahamudra. V
  8. Whoa! Thanks,...didn't know I had a review. The truth is, those are preliminary books. I needed to get past that stuff to focus on the next,...I'm currently working on 'Return of Wisdom',...dakini wisdom. Chapter 3 in 'Full Spectrum Consciousness' did win a 2007 International Christian Writing Competition,...go figure! But then my university studies were focused on Early Christianity. V
  9. http://www.amazon.com/MC-sup2-%253c-Exploring-Freethought/dp/1425136486/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1312998646&sr=1-1 Keep in mind, that books usually have an intent. When we see a book, it is often helpful to inquire, Who wrote this? When was it written? Why was it written? Where was it written? For what purpose was it written? The above book was partially written for the Pagan Community, and is predominately an introduction into Vajrayana Buddhism and the Short Path for that audience. V
  10. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    No,...you keeping saying that I'm quoting eternalists in reference to Buddhist realization. So I'll critique line 2: Yes, there are no obstacles,...all imagine obstacles are empty, and form. Samsara is Nirvana,...and Nirvana (fully awake to the true nature of reality) is Samsara (the continuous, cyclical flow of yang/yin),...just as One is Many, and Many is One. From that perspective it seems silly of me to discuss what is beyond that,...from what does Samsara and Nirvana arise. Just as most people have no interest in truth,...truth and reality have little value in everyday life. The majority merely desire dependable descriptions of an objective world that they consider intelligible. It is like light. For most they're satisfied with a primitive, sentient notion of light and dark,...for the sciential minded, they cling to the empirical evidence of the Relativity of light. Those are like Samsara and Nirvana. However, where does the sensual notion of light and dark, or the sciential understanding of the electrodynamic field come from? Where is comes from could be said to be unimportant. However, to deny how it arises is ignorance. Again,...from light's point of view, that is, from how the sentient notion of light and darl arises, and from how the electrodynamic manifests, Light travels no distance in no time, and has no need for speed. Undivided light is the fulcrum of Samsara and Nirvana. Your denial of that fact does not make Undivided Light non-existent,...but your denial does make it unlikely that you will uncover nirvana,...because nirvana is being fully awake to the true nature of reality,...thus, the reality of Undivided Light, which you deny. V
  11. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    I would agree that, traditionally speaking, paths seek to get, not to let go,...and yet, while flowing without hesitation in an intentional, attentional way, allowing the false to be recognized as the false, is itself a path. Perhaps that's why I resonate easily with the differentiation between Long Path and Short Path (somewhat as Paul Brunton documented regarding the Kagyu way). The honesty necessary to recognize the false as the false demands a path,...otherwise, sentient beings continue believing that their senses, humanism, and skandhas is actual reality. The senses, our human-ness, and the skandhas are themselves false, and from my observations, only interested in preserving their delusion. How can the false recognize the false as the false? So,...how does humanity as a whole, society-at-large, shift to the honesty necessary to instill "proper intention" and attention,...without a path,...especially when honesty is so alien to the senses, humanism, and skandhas? After all,...we are where out attention is, and where our attention is, we are. V
  12. Those are the comments of someone at the threshold of Uncovery,...there is nothing to discover, nothing to activate. Although many "think" it arrogant to suggest, to hope for anything is a barrier to access Heart-Mind or Special Magickal Siddha Perfections. Hope is a great enemy of awakening,...hope is a desire for things to be other than they are. Hope is an anticipation of the future; thus it must arise from a predisposition, a belief, and attachment to the past. There is no access to anything that is Heart-Mind through the past. Sleep is always in the past. One who awakens from sleep pivots from the present. No one, absolutely no one, ever awakens without understanding WHEN they are. The realization of WHEN dissolves all hope,...where there is no hope, there is no fear. Where there is fear, there is hope. But then, only heretics can understand that. V
  13. I did not say the Heart-Mind was emotions. As for "I am not interested in emotions. I am only interested in seeking out, interact with and becoming one with the emptiness and the void.' Can't help you out there,...I'm not a seeker,...and oneness is some Aristotelian logic I got over about 30 years ago. There is no One without a Many, no Many without a One,...sort of like Buddha saying emptiness is form, form is emptiness. V
  14. Sure, one could look at it as Higher Chakras are more important chakras,...of course, what is higher,...higher from a physically upright position,...higher by the number of vortices,...higher by color? I suppose there could be a million chakras,...but only 9 points connect it all,...all phemonema. In fact,...if you understood light, you would be cognizant that nothing is greater or less than 9,...Nine is the first reflection of 0. Of course this means nothing,...but perhaps it will resonate with a future reader. I think I've read every chakra book ever printed before 1984,...after '84 began a wave of professional writers filling shelves with 6 grade level info books drove off my interests. Interestingly though, I've found no chakra book with a renaissance approach,...that is, with a broad, crosscultural, crossinformational view. Perhaps you wish to specialize,...remain within a narrow view. I'm not saying anything is wrong with that. The renaissance perspective lost its charm in todays society. I prefer however to get out of the box,...see things from their own perspective, instead of some predisposed notion of my sentient mind. As I often say,...most people see light as traveling 186k mps,...but from light's point of view, it travels no distance, in no time, thus has no need for speed. V
  15. So, you have not read my 2007 book on the 3 barycenters and the Nine Siddha Perfections,...or my book on full spectrum consciousness,...both on amazon.com,... no problem,...we can stick with my post. Where did I say that Third Eye meditations were unimportant? Or that Heart meditations were more important? I didn't. What I said was, enlightenment is unattainable without the Heart-Mind. Heart chakra meditation by itself will not access enlightenment, nor, in most cases, access Heart-Mind,...although it does help with developing Real Emotions. What are Real Emotions? EJ Gold put it like this: "Real emotions are communicated by outward radiation of the mood, and originate through an awakened emotional center, which has no reverberational effects in other parts of the body, and is not necessary to verbally communicate the emotion. Positive and negative emotion are subjective mental states occuring in reflex, and must be verbalized and elaborately described, explained, rationalized and mentally communicated and understood. Those who can produce real emotions in themselves never communicate about emotional states in mental language; they just radiate the emotions, allowing the emotion to speak for itself. In the presence of someone who is able to produce real emotion, we experience feelings - perhaps for the first time. Very often, someone who has awakened the higher Emotional Body and who has learned to radiate emotions becomes a celebrity-guru, and people gather like cattle to bathe in the higher emotions. These higher emotions are often mistaken for some mysterious cosmic force or interpreted in some pseudo-religious way, but really they are just emotions. What a pity that human beings are so unaccustomed to emotion that they feel compelled to submissively huddle together in the warmth of the emotional radiation of someone just as mechanical as they are, but who happened to have activated, by accident, the higher Emotional Body." No need for an "unknown heretic should prove that the heart chakra is more important than the crown chakra with displays of siddhi powers" since the "unknown heretic did not claim such. However, I did say that the Heart-Mind was Higher,...which you asssumed meant something that I didn't say. The Heart chakra, by itself is not Higher. I attempted to clarify that with the Star of David analogy. The Heart chakra by itself vibrates to green. A vibrant Green is not enlightenment. For some level of actual enlightenment, the frequencies of the three barycenters spin together at the Heartcenter, which uncovers Heart-Mind, the Higher Mind. Thank goodness for heretics,...Buddha, Tilopa, Vajrayogini. The world would be a much more ignorant place without them. Mantak Chia has of course done some great work,...I've used it,...but also include Light, Color, and a Vajrayana perspective, for faster, clearer, easier access. A horizontal view of the chakras is quite helpful in respect to what I mentioned about the 'What is Light' thread. Ultimately, everything is the samething,...usually just a slight shift in perspective to make it visible. Everything is light,...the frequencies have corresponding colors. Fortunately, heretics don't get tethered to dogma. V
  16. Christianity, Buddhsim, Religious Taoism

    Let's suppose that the unconditional which Buddha speaks of is limited to seeing through conditions,...is that not still unconditional? From what I've seen however, most of sharings reported to have been given by Shakyamuni, were for very ignorant people,...much more ignorant than those today,...and look how ignorant people today are. Did not Buddha say, that he discovered something profound and luminous beyond all concepts. He tried to communicate that something but few understood. The point is, you seem to be limiting yourself. I'm not suggesting seeking the Unconditional,...although I do suggest to seek and find all the barriers you have built against it. See the difference? From what I understand, Buddha implied that an attachment to anything, even the univere at large, is an ego delusion. See what I mean? Gnowing the emptiness of form is great (and notice I did not say knowing),...but even that, in the Short Path, should not be sought. One can't find joy by seeking for joy. My suggestion,...if you're in the mood for alittle study; study the 'What is Light' thread. Don't close down before the whole picture is played, which hasn't occurred yet. Imagine going to a great film,...Resurrection, Ellen Burstyn; The Man Who Could Work Miracles, Roland Young; Contact, Jodie Foster,...do you get up and leave before you figure out the ending? Light will shift your perspective on everything. Divided light is the origination of the skandhas. 'All matter is just a mass of stable light.' Sri Aurobindo V
  17. Many people think they can "send love"...or prayers of love,...yet even with the best intentions, that is, from the viewpoint of who they "think" they are, they cannot. From love's point of view, such an undertaking is not only fully irresponsible, but impossible,...and as I mentioned, a psychic rape,...a violation of another with one's own personal desires,...a forced intrusion of one's idea of love upon another. You cannot send an Uncondition, as if it was one of your conditions. Just consider it,...who but a neurotic person would attempt to send love? What could possibly precipitate the so-called act of Sending Love, other then an idea to "get." But from loves point view, there is no "getting". How can someone's personal agenda of Sending Love,.... the invasion of anothers space,...be Love? Love is seeing Spirit in everything,...whereas "Sending" implies that the Sender thinks Love is lacking. When we realize a level of satya ((that is, living with an intention of honesty and integrity), good and bad and lack no longer exist, except in the grey goo of those who perceive it as such. To understand love, is to realize there is nothing to send. Consider this,....in the same way ordinary people justify rallying for Peace, they also justify the activity of Sending Love. But what is rallying for peace? It's war! Those who rally for Peace are advancing War." Those who imagine they send love, are denying love. Rallying for peace invites war. Sending love invites the delusion that love is somehow lacking. When we think love is lacking, we suffer. Suffering is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are. An Act of Love,...that's another thing altogether,...an Act of Love would be helping someone see the barriers they have built against love,...often through religious and scientific beliefs. Shining light on the beliefs that step between sentient beings and their direct experience with unconditional love is an Act of Love. V