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Everything posted by neimad

  1. assemblage point

    this post brought up a thought in me of the solar plexus region. i have discussed previously my own discoveries pertaining this area (that is the space behind the heart chakra... but it's a little lower, it's like you would start at the solar plexus and curve slightly back and up.... not that physical location is all that important) about the space i discovered, the place i can go and elicit smiles, laughs or even tears of joy on occassion (very interesting is that when i smile at someone from this place i ALWAYS get a beautiful smile in return.... especially from babies!). i discussed that i felt this point was not related to the chakra system (although i feel that it feeds into the chakra system) but it is like a connection point with the universe at large. i have gone on to think about this and remember don juans description of the luminous egg. that is a human being is a luminous egg (our aura or magnetic field is this shape). within that egg is a spot of denseness (the assemblage point). cords of light criss cross through the luminous being..... this is our ties to the matrix world, our "plug in points" i think. the assemblage point is our spot of perception.... that is the cords that go through the assemblage point is the reality we percieve. i've gone on to disover that whenever i focus my perception on something (be it a person or inanimate object or otherwise) that i can 'feel' these cords coming from my assemblage point and settling on the object of focus. the aim (or really, one of the aims) of a warrior, to become a sorcerer, is to free up the assemblage point and cause it to be fluidic... that is to move it's spot and access different energetic cords. this, i think, is akin to "shifting consciousness" or experiencing other dimensions or realities. one never really goes anywhere (as all dimensions are co-inhabiting the same space, they are just different bands of frequency on the giant hyper-dimensional-universe spectrum) yet the assemblage point is shifted to allow access to these different frequencies. hallucinogenics, as far as i am aware, cause that shift... be it only temporarily. that is they allow an individual to peek through the crack of the doorway to other dimensions and experiences of consciousness. interesting then of the feeling in the solar plexus region causing telepathy.... likely the assemblage point shifted slightly and suddenly the thoughts of others were able to be processed. anyone else have any experience or thoughts on the assemblage point?
  2. heads & the chat

    no need for a philosophy that is stable because as soon as something becomes stable and it isn't 'knowing' truth then it becomes a belief and it becomes again a product of reason or the matrix. better i think to keep shifting, changing, growing, evolving, moving nowhere, going around in circles, chasing your own tail, reaching for a carrot..... anything but continuous fluidic movement and within the movement is absolute deathly silence. arggg i dunno what i'm trying to say. i think drugs can only ever let you peek through the keyhole of the door that leads to infinity.... looks pretty amazing in there, but only hard work and genuine seeking can unlock the door. there aint no easy way.... anyways more to the point... who likes my "head" and "the chat" concepts? can you grok it, or is it too nonsensical? am i to spread some new lingo? as an ego can i revel in the fact that i'm setting a trend? nevertheless i'm gonna push the trend, just for fun. shake some heads up.... the time for merely dwelling is fading and it's take action or be left behind. can you dig? is it too far fetched to think that in a dimension of duality that there would actually be two types of humans? we got hot and cold, don't we? oh yeah it's all just energy........ but even atomic energy has a charge, be it positive or negative... expansive or contractive. can one exist without the other? not here it can't..... where we want to go it can, cos thats our purpose, thats our polarity, our part in the great spiralling game. have fun!
  3. heads & the chat

    we are all characters.... yet none of us is unique.... aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. it's all just god, infinite consciousness, infinite love, whatever.... and yet there is this whole giant game about realising that all it is... and that is the damn game that we are caught in, thats all it is. i'm an anomoly, for sure as are you and all the other members on this board.... attempting to become divine viruses.... the opposite of the matrix. the question is, are we actually the creative or the destructive force? by freeing ourselves from the matrix (although the matrix never ends until god does.... just levels of the matrix. what level are we on? 2? 3? it's just a game... of course there are levels!) we unloose this immense ability to create yet by going up the levels of the entire kabooming thing, whatever it is, we end up destroying it entirely.... obliterating it all back to nothingness and then the game is over, we finished it (what happens next? a new game???). i don't have any philosophy, just an enquiring mind and a bunch of opinions that change from moment to moment books are coming though (eventually, when i stop indulging in sloth and procrastination so much and realise the utter uselessness of even writing a book so then i can go ahead and do it anyway).... u like sci-fi? i'm cracking' up... ..... all nonsense, as usual.
  4. here's one i just stumbled across....
  5. Desire, Sex, Tantra

    until i have cultivated the skills in myself to approach everything as an immpecable warrior i personally am steering well clear of romantic relationships. if you can't even handle the fire properly how can you possibly steam the water?
  6. heads & the chat

    cos i wanted to have "the chat" with someone new .... the more of a "head" ones becomes, the more unique one will be... (it's kind of a requisite)
  7. karma-- superstition

    i agree that the word 'karma' and the way it's commonly thrown around appears exactly that.... a silly concept used to allow us the sin of pity. however upon reflecting how everything is connected within the entire universe..... how our thoughts shape our reality.... so on..... i can begin to see how karma is like this interconnecting stuff between us all (and ourselves - cos we are just a micro of the macro). but yeah, i dunno.... whatever neimad. spell it backwards and you have the name that appears on my legal documents (although all in capitals on those things.... the strawman! the imaginary 'data' persona listed on all 'legal' files). some young spinout i met once we just started calling each other by our names backwards and i kinda liked it. now things are different.... i truly no longer care about, nor have much in the way of feeling towards, my name.... any name that is, even the ones i make up myself.
  8. Desire, Sex, Tantra

    this is what don juan termed "controlled folly". this is to know that every action is entirely useless and yet involve oneself in them to the fullest aware that there is no point to it. this is how i see that "new relationship with desire" is formed. by knowing that all things, like desire, attachment, etc are utterly useless and yet to live it out because there is nothing else. so in terms of sex it is to, when sex presents itself (because if you are actively thinking about it and seeking it out... well it's no longer controlled folly), to involve oneself in it to the fullest enjoying every single moment of it..... to act within with utter abandon yet at the same time aware that it means absolutely nothing (and everything). then it becomes an act of power. ------------------------ cloud, i totally dig what you are saying. there is no retreat from the moment, from the sensations..... that's presence, to fully engage in absolute totality and with spontenaity and abandon every single moment as the moment right before one dies (cos i guess every moment one does die and become reborn again!?). i think presence and controlled folly go hand in hand. to embrace fully the moment, with purpose yet knowing that it's meaningless and what we are ultimately heading to is dissolution of the universe (the end of god) - cos that's the only place to go. of course i am only speculating and talking nonsense.
  9. karma-- superstition

    the dimension we are currently existing in is a collective creation created by all of us inhabiting it. i think karma is based upon perception, that is how you percieve an action to be influences whether or not (and the degree to which) it influences your conscience (consciousness?). you think you did something bad, you create some tension you hold onto. now being a collective creation, we are all stuck in the same perspective (the matrix/samsara). therefore as a whole we all contribute to shaping this reality..... thus we have collective karma. we want liberation, so we want to break through of our own karma (all the trauma we have had as a lesson to learn... blah blah blah) but also through the collective karma (breaking the conventional perception of the earth.... obliterating reason... blah blah blah). so collective karma is what holds the matrix as it is and influences the direction it takes, which on an individual level influences the external perception of reality. or something like that... of course i am just talking nonsense
  10. Desire, Sex, Tantra

    your not hearing what i'm saying. one can have sex. one can enjoy it immensley. one can take it to amazing heights (even as an act of communion with god!?). cause it to be an act of love. all amazing things..... i never said to refrain from sex. just that sexual desire is not a very positive thing (although here i should note that i think anything perceived as not a good thing can become so with the correct application.... that is an example could be sexual desire leads to wanting to know how to enjoy sex at deeper and deeper levels which eventually leads to a spiritual path and potentially enlightenment.... sure, i reckon one could be enlightened through sex... but there would be no desire left at the end of it). as callan said, two completely different things. it's like the difference between lusting after a big-mac and eating a healthy (and making it really tasty because you appreciate the delicate act of preperation) salad because eating good food is just something you do as an act of love for your body. i.e. one is anti-life, the other is pro-life.
  11. assemblage point

    dunno about you... but i'm much more than just a human being. i'm a cosmic event! .... i don't know whats natural.
  12. We are puny!

    i love it cameron. ive suddenly discovered a great deal of comfort in admitting i am nothing in the scale of the universe..... it's a beautiful thing.
  13. Desire, Sex, Tantra

    not desiring sex does not mean that one is not a sexual being.... all it means is that one has as much attachment to sex as one does for paperclips or rubber bands or any other trivial nonsense. one can engage in sex and have it be an amazing thing (all with the intent of energy cultivation) yet have no desire or thought for it. to not desire something is not to repress it.... it's simply just not to obsess about it and waste energy thinking about it (thoughts are energy, the more stuff we think about... the more energy we expend. i.e. emptiness meditation is so powerful because all energy is being conserved). sex can be an act of divine love with the right intention and motivation. sex seems to like a 'gateway' (in the same way as they talk about pot being a gateway drug into the heavier stuff) that is that desire to expand the act of sex into something spiritual and uplifting can lead one into the spiritual path (thats what happened with me!). however as i said it's just another tool... if one desires it, it's no longer a tool but a 'plug in point' that is it's a source of energy drain. if one no longer desires it, it can be a powerful source of energy cultivation. IMHO.
  14. On Warriorship

    i think this is the coolest thing that i have read of your written words. hey i totally agree with you. and the obsession thing.... totally a trap. been there, done that, so over it (or am i? now i am obsessed with being a warrior haha). i totally agree about that whole external projection for changes that we really want to make internally too. been there also... wanted to change the whole world, blah blah blah until i finally realised it's me that i want to change (and thats what changes the world anyway). also agree with how we create personalities... but if we are aware thats what we are doing, that is we are consciously creating personas for a set use then how powerful can it be? for me, my experiences on the weekend and reading jake's book was an incredible shake-up. has opened my eyes and brought new clarity to everything i was already doing and has caused me to engage in them with more determination than ever.... i really feel like i'm on the verge of something, and now i am spending all my time engaging in those accident inducing practices..... i mean the more time we spend making room for the accident to happen, the more likely it is to happen. (i'm getting a visual here of the simpsons when homer realises if he injures himself he'll get compensation and so he rushes off to a construction site without a hardhat on waiting for something to fall on his head). i think we have both identified that we learn most from debates and discussions (i see this now as being constant reminders, because the moment we let our distraction slip we fall back asleep and into the matrix) so yeah.... likely we will talk into the wee hours of the morning and undoubtadely it will be very productive too. however we are both pretty stubborn too so i can imagine raised voices occurring.....
  15. On Warriorship

    i fail to see how you can equate cultivating an attitude of fearlessness relates to building an identity of resistance. are you saying, then, that we should forget about being fearless? how does this lead to non-duality as fear is obviously living in duality? it's not about being afraid of the matrix, it's about recognising that we are a slave to it (susbtitute 'matrix' with 'samsara' and you have a buddhist point of view right there) and that we want to be free of it. it's not about war, it's about recognising that we were always at war (duality) and we are heading to end the war (non-duality). i personally think it's awesome to have something available to aware adolescents (even if they are geeks and live with their parents) that can help explain why everything in their lives feels so wrong and stupid. that can give them tools to build upon that awareness and go somewhere with it..... a purpose for existing. otherwise the all too easy allure of drugs, alcohol, television, sex and other indulgence is ready and waiting to snap them up. because paths like buddhism and other more eastern ones are not always very attractive to youths, cos they aren't 'cool' (and the healing tao is a load of crap - very 'matrix') it's so useful to have something explained in 'cyber' terms, that is using 21st century lingo to explain a very ancient line of thought (around since man has been around, i assume... or since humanity got themselves trapped in the matrix anyway). i've been having a lot of discussion with my mother lately about my understanding of the warriors path and her understanding of the buddhist one. we have been coming to a lot of agreement.... more so than ever before (especially as the controlling influence of my father is temporarily absent and my mum has more freedom to think for herself). she just went to see a high lama called lama zopa over the weekend and what he talked about, from her understanding, has been relating with what i have been coming to understand also. you see a true buddhist is a warrior. a true taoist would also be a warrior. a true yogi would be a warrior. fearlessness is just one of the many things necessary to cultivate on the journey to liberation. for if you don't know what you are afraid of, how can you ever conquer that fear? if you don't know who or what your opponent is, how can you ever use that energy to spur you onwards? so then, sean, if you fail to see how an attitude of fearlessness is useful.... please explain then how you think an individual can go from a state of duality (samsara, matrix, machine, system) to that of non-duality (freedom, liberation, enlightenment)? what is useful? (and in terms of my cyber-punk, geeky, 21st century thoughts).
  16. Desire, Sex, Tantra

    ooohooooo another split eh? i really am strirring things up........
  17. On Warriorship

    <------ d) all of the above.
  18. Desire, Sex, Tantra

    i'm gonna disagree with sexual desire being a good thing. any kind of desire is simply attachment and distraction..... thats not to say that sex is bad or must be avoided, just desiring it is unnecessary. i had my first experience of unattached sex the past weekend. it was so paradoxical that it was beautiful. i was with a woman who i felt immense love and respect for yet at the same time, being very much in the mood of a warrior... i cared nothing for her. being a warrior herself she had the same attitude. love became an act of sex. it became a thing of energy and a tool for healing. there was nothing more and nothing less than the simple action. it was so ordinary yet at the same time it was amazing. that simple action released so much sexual desire and yearning i had been clinging on to and i realise now the futility of yearning and lusting after sexual union. sex is just simply, like everything else in a warriors life, a tool for building energy. with the right partner i am sure it can open up other dimensions, but i think it needs to come from this place of being used as a tool first and foremost.
  19. experiences with being psychic?

    sometimes i can "smell" things..... from work i have to call a lot of people on the phone and often i can smell them.... it's kind of weird, but i don't worry about it too much. pretty useless psychic ability really hahaha, i don't know what good i could put it to!?
  20. On Warriorship

    definately. in the definition of the term that i am using a warrior is defending (searching really) freedom. the value system is generally opposite to that which is commonly held by humatons trapped within the matrix. i would say in this case... a warrior is trying to protect and create something greater than themselves. hmmmm. i would say the moment a warrior begins to abuse their power is the moment they cease to be a warrior and fall back into the matrix. a warrior carves his own path to the source, gives help to those who need it and takes help when he needs it (a warrior has no pride, so a warrior has no problem with receiving help). a soldier blindly follows orders coming from up the ranks. a soldier is not free to question his role. a mercenary is basically a whoremonger (like that one!?). that is whoring their services out for money and are still deeply rooted in the matrix because they are acting on greed. to me a warrior is the only one of these three that follows the path with a heart. very warrior speak.
  21. magic 12 huh? and is the a 13th to oversee it all......?
  22. On Warriorship

    fearlessness is not disengaging.... rather it is engaging even more fully! it is to learn to act with abondon. however fear is useful as a motivator.... fear of one's death motivates one to accept head on that one will die, and that it's not some distant possibility... it WILL happen, and much sooner than we could possibly account for. knowing this a warrior can let go of all other fears, namely the fear of what someone else thinks of you.... this is the most common fear, along with the fears of not having enough to eat, not having enough money, not being able to find a lover/connection (sex). the problem with most people is that they are afraid of the wrong things.
  23. Pitfalls on the path

    desire. fear. frustration. however these are pitfalls that hold us OFF the path.... sean listed pitfalls that can occur whilst ON the path.
  24. On Warriorship

    i have respect for you too and i understand that you have no intent to be confrontational, as neither do i. however as i have chosen to be a warrior, i feel obliged to speak my mind without fear of what another thinks, or shame or worry for hurting anothers feelings.... and so i have been, as likely you have also. and at the same time regardless of what you or anyone else says i will not take offense (indignation... popular sin, that one!). i merely pointed out how your typing comes across..... but please continue to write your mind openly and i will continue to react.... cos really, we are getting somewhere huh? thats incredibly interesting about the archetypes though.... i hadn't honestly considered it like that. for me i would frame anothers actions as the actions of a warrior.... that is if i can see they are on the same path (and regardless of their archetype, if they are on the path i will see it). however i don't believe in distinguishing it like that..... to truly go all the way, all those archetypes must be encompassed and i've just chosen the word "warrior" to describe that (cos it sounds cool!). this is why one of my favorite affirmations is "i am a warrior. a king (wise man?). a lover. a clown" a warrior personality is needed to stalk the energy, to be vigilant and focused, determined and disciplined. to have an unwavering intent and the ability to be totally ruthless when necessary. a king (wise man) personality is needed to discover what exactly the knowledge is that is sought and how to turn this into power (lead into gold). a lover personality is needed to appreciate the beauty of it all. to conquer sexual desire and bend it to his will. to make sex an act of energy and hence power. to bring out the creativity (i see a lover as also being an artist) and use it in a beautiful, exploratory manner. a clown personality is needed so that one does not lose himself in the seriousness of the matter at hand. to laugh at the world and be light and fleetfooted. laughter and a sense of humour is probably one of the most potent weapons in our arsenal. i truly feel i am beginning to encompass more fully all of these personalities. my drive and devotion come from the realisation that i truly have nothing else to live for. there is nothing else worthwhile.... no longer do i even think a relationship with a woman could satisfy this urge (splinter in my head, or as can also be called "the navigator") to find union (yoga). in other words i've made the only choice that we ever really have. that is, i've made the choice to have no choice. as per 'listening'. well the reason meaningless conversations expend more energy is that i have to hold myself to be interested whereas all i really want to do is just walk away and not bother myself with it. as such i treat it as an exercise (building my observation muscles). and i am new to the whole non-verbal communication stuff so it really is something that hasn't been used much to hear beyond the words. yes, i do it with meaningful conversation too.... but it's easier because i am already interested. and then there is the matrix trap of just patiently waiting your turn to talk (which is the way most people listen, i think).... which i am really beginning to steer clear of.