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Everything posted by cold

  1. Consider that the nice meaning folks may be doing all they can. I know that's true for me. I only have a few funerals left in me. I knew a Oncology practice five Doctors a dozen nurses or so. Doctors worked six months a year that's all they could take. Standard procedure for the nurses was call in sick if you can't perform at 99.99 percent. And they did often. I have two older siblings two younger siblings and their spouses kids and a few close friends whose funeral I will attend. Otherwise I make myself available to walk and talk to listen to cry with. And remind myself I'm doing the best I can .... Please check in this thread daily I find comfort in that, thanks!
  2. My Mom passed and a week or so later my Aunt joined her. I drove for 12 hours stopping for fuel not recalling when or where I did. But it had to be between bouts of tears. When got into the motel room set my phone down and noticed I had thirty or so voice mails. Numb
  3. Not making any judgements in my earlier post ... just making one possibility known some of the phenomenon that one might not expect completely agree with going along but not allowing oneself get sucked in
  4. I'm not a mystic, but I am a legend. In my own mind. Mostly I don't matter and I don't mind that at all.
  5. simplify

    I'm out of my mind
  6. simplify

    Yelp yelp me rhonda
  7. I resent the implication that more reliable sources of innuendo exist. By the way pay no mind to the fella with the lantern. He claims "he is looking for an honest man". I suggested Ireland and a fella name of "Wrong Way Corrigan".
  8. "From a medical standpoint, the third and most probable explanation is that Jesus was indeed dead, and what his disciples experienced were mere hallucinations evoked by the grief over the loss of their beloved teacher. It is clinically known as "Post-Bereavement Hallucinations Experiences" or PBHE." Abhijt Naskat I don't feel terribly bad about not attending viewings or funerals any more. The last one I went to was for a friend who was homeless. It was almost a year ago, and I have other funerals I could have attended, but I sent a card or flowers instead. My homeless friend would get arrested about this time in the fall so he would have a warm bed and 3 squares. Damn it I miss the old guy!
  9. What to do about compassion?

    Bold by me Had a local homeless person who came to the farm from time to time. First time I took him to lunch he ordered a crab cake sub, it was of course the most expensive item on the menu. It was hot outside, he couldn't eat but maybe half the sub.Threw the rest away. Thereafter I would offer to share a pizza with him he always took me up on those offers to share a pizza. He would call it "breaking the bread" as in "Mr C wanna break some bread with me?" He died almost a year ago. I miss him.
  10. simplify

  11. You are in good company! And remain in my thoughts and wishes for peace.
  12. What to do about compassion?

    bold by me Listening is a skill in short supply in the world today. One would hope people familiar with meditation stopping the internal chatter would also master the art of listening. All it costs is time and effort to really listen. And laying your agenda ego aside.
  13. simplify

    Willing Workers On Organic Farms or WWOOF
  14. simplify

    mary jane
  15. simplify

    work out side
  16. Sexual accusations

    Are you referring to the White house? There must be some kind of misunderstanding There must be some kind of mistake No doubt! and no?
  17. Sexual accusations

    The "Presumption of innocence" is completely separate from "Due process" as far as American law is concerned. Evidence beyond "he said she said", is required. Memory modification occurs with regularity in both sexes. People just don't paint themselves in poor light so to speak. Selective memory and all it entails is of much interest is it not? In a criminal trial the evidence has to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. We all want answers to fit our "world view". That which makes us most comfortable I suppose. I have found lawyers are generally very good at asking and or reframing questions to get the answer they desire. Or not educated enough on the ways and means. Have you talked to the youth of today? College students shoplifting? In a foreign country no less. Talk about idiots abroad!
  18. Sexual accusations

    "Just the facts Ma'am" Courts ascertain guilt or innocence based upon the evidence presented. And as anyone who has witnessed a few trials, live in person can tell you "facts are often few and far between" in a courtroom. Everybody has biases. I have testified as an "expert" witness several times and offered no facts just an "educated" opinion. Asking a question like "Is this color copy legit?" sorta? kinda? sounds? looks? like a rush to judgement to these old eyes and ears. As for due process well I suggest we all would be served by a review of its meaning in the law, not the meaning our individual minds have. And as usual your mileage may very And on another note A lot of passion in this thread, much of it driven by fear ?
  19. " No one ever told me grief felt so like fear," C. S. Lewis in "A Grief Observed" I measure every grief I meet -- I wonder if it weighs like Mine -- Or has an Easier size. I wonder if They bore it long -- Or did it just begin -- I could not tell the Date of Mine -- It feels so old a pain -- I wonder if it hurts to live -- And if They have to try -- And whether --could-- They choose between It would not be -- to die Emily Dickinson
  20. Is that a promise? Do you keep your word? I am hopeful on at least two counts, should you fail to modify your behavior.
  21. Count me among the great majority whom have no clue Is it universal that how and why are a mystery? Is it commonly known since forever by whom? Where is it well documented and by whom? Tia
  22. This bears repeating. It is so true in my experience. bolded by me for emphasis
  23. simplify

    fish farming
  24. Thursday November 16 is childhood grief day. Please consider wearing blue that day in support or recognition of all (and in particular children) facing grief. And peace to you in particular manitou !
  25. "Removed"

    AKA a Guardian Angel?