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Everything posted by cold

  1. simplify

  2. Goodbye

    I have lost my mind and now it seems I left my two feet. I will be by for them Marblehead, but understandably it may take quite a bit of time.
  3. Watching The Birds

    I have heard they will pursue a person whom has disturbed them up to two miles! They can get very touchy in the fall... I once escaped their wrath by bailing off the tractor in the direction of its (the tractors) exhaust a full half an hour later they were still swarming the tractor. I had disturbed the nest in a pile of compost with the tractor. We turn the piles regularly now , I cant run like I use to
  4. About morons

    Thanks I laughed so hard it almost hurt!
  5. .

    You can! I did and If I can You Can! Positive thoughts on the way!
  6. Baby Cheetah lost in Basics!

    Welcome Back! I always appreciate good news. So yes well done!
  7. .

    For me its a quality of life over quantity of life issue. I grew up when most adults smoked including television doctors. The dangers of smoking was not known and I began smoking around twelve years of age. I smoked on and off mostly on for almost forty years, after beginning again I almost always smoked more than I did before. Going from a pack a day and quitting just to start smoking again at a pack plus a day, and quitting once again for awhile before smoking again now a solid pack and a half a day... When I was hospitalized with pneumonia two different doctors (from same practice but could have been Drs. Jeckel and Hyde, their bedside manner so different one had none and the other was warm and friendly) diagnosed me with emphysema and predicted I would die within a year... if I continued to smoke. That was almost a decade ago so yup I quit again and so far so good. I am whom I am because of my many life choices and overall would not change much but boy oh boy if I could have avoided smoking altogether the $ I would have saved and the quality of life I face today and in the future would most likely be so much better. I'm kind of a canary in the mine, when the air quality brings me to my knees its getting bad out there. My Aunt smoked her entire life and was on oxygen the last ten twelve years of her life before suffering greatly towards the end and succumbing to COPD. At the risk of sounding like Jack Crab advising Custer in the movie Little Big Man, Jack Crab : General you go down there. General Custer : You're advising me to go down into the coulee. Jack Crab : Yes sir General Custer : There are no Indians there, I suppose. Jack Crab : I didn't say that. There are thousands of Indians down there. And when they get done with you there won't be anything left but a greasy spot...... So yup smoke em if you got em or not the choice is yours!
  8. Watching The Birds

    Here in Maryland the cycles for the locusts have accelerated due to an increase in soil temperatures, however slight. The development that has occurred over the past almost five decades has resulted in a tremendous increase in paving a majority of which is black top. And of course a decrease in fields and forests is another result of increased development.
  9. Goodbye

    Yup, I'm one of them! And yes it can be a very moving experience.
  10. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    If some one doesn't take this thread as the basis for a screenplay / movie they are missing the boat. However if their ship should come in I hope they will remember who planted this seed...
  11. Watching The Birds

    They love eating Asian Pears! And as mouth parts are inside the pear the business end is sticking out to zap the careless!
  12. alien invasion

    A space invader is someone who gets to close for comfort, one who has penetrated our unique individual private spatial area. Our "space" and comfort with others in it depend upon our familiarity and comfort in and with the person invading as well the environment where such invasion occurs. So an unsolicited / unexpected hug from some one unfamiliar could well be both "scary and frightening".
  13. .

    Ok and thanks! Any thoughts on how to prevent gallbladder stones?
  14. alien invasion

    Space invaders?
  15. simplify

  16. Minority

    I can't quite imagine a world with two of you That being said I am glad you are you!
  17. Hell hath no fury like a women scorned!
  18. Persistence

    Sleeper cells ala The Americans? Oh my .... whom do we call Ghost Busters or holy ectoplasm do we need an Exorcist?
  19. Is Tai chi fake?

    Well we have I'm sure some marital conflict between some bums, and certainly martial conflicts from time to time. And for prime examples of mortal conflict see any mo pai thread . Its not if but rather when .
  20. Is Tai chi fake?

    marital versus martial? declaring war on ones spouse? close but sorry no cigars!
  21. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Welcome! There is much wise advice in the posts preceding this one ... I strongly suggest one can learn a lot by listening !
  22. In Praise of Virtue

    Funny, but so true!