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Everything posted by cold

  1. Introduction

  2. hello

  3. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    Duck duck goose anyone?
  4. Tai Chi is a Bastardization of Daoism

    I don't think that is her intention.
  5. In Praise of Virtue

    Bravo and thanks for a great thread!
  6. A dinner, a heart ache, and wishful thinking.

    My contrarian response is my continuing to breathe and eat is only prolonging the inevitable process of dying... the choice of what air I breathe (clean deep forest versus smog), and eat (real food versus processed food) effect my longevity or quantity of life. But I'm gonna die dag nabbit! Ignoring suffering I can easily and almost uniquely reduce in turn reduces the quality of my life. Spying a turtle crossing a busy road and aiding it (or a little or old person a handicap person etc.) in navigating a potentially hazard(s) improves the quality of my life. If not I who? and not on my watch, are two maxims that guide my behavior from time to time. Somehow I just cant see you (Marblehead) failing to aid a damsel in distress, in particular one swept up in a rip current whilst wearing a bikini. Even though she could no longer maintain herself against the current. Please correct me on that one if I'm wrong.
  7. Dao of Culture

    The form of creative rebellion in that you tube video is all fine until someone crashes and burns, and it is just a matter of time until that happens, hopefully the injuries aren't too serious and don't involve a non participant. Road rash sucks!
  8. A dinner, a heart ache, and wishful thinking.

    An old man walking along a beach with a youngster encountered someone returning beached starfish to the sea, the youngster overwhelmed and unsure questioned why? That's how nature works sometimes was the reply. The person returning the fish to the sea is reducing some suffering, and it mattered. Every kindness every loving gesture matters!
  9. Hello all

    Welcome back.
  10. Hello

  11. Hello!

  12. Thank You

    No No thank you.
  13. Welcoming Myself Here

  14. nice to meet you

  15. Maitri, greetings

  16. hello friends, i am niko

  17. Hello

  18. trey4ever

  19. Introduction

  20. The Cool Picture Thread

    Where were these pics taken?
  21. Taoism in popular culture

    Welcome and best luck!
  22. Hi

  23. Good afternoon!

  24. Ancient History Revised

    Wisdom personified