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Everything posted by cold

  1. Mcoolio hello

  2. Hello

  3. one love

  4. New Layout

    So you don't think this place is addictive enough? Free drinks and funny cigarettes anyone?
  5. Is Tai chi fake?

    I recall something about an early bird? My timing suffers as well...
  6. Gardening Advice????

    Thanks for the great Guffaw that post brought on!
  7. Brian I don't know about those harmonic tendencies (that being said I generally appreciate harmony!). I do have some first hand experience with phugoid oscillations which are associated with negative feedback, lol! "Whereas positive feedback leads to instability" .... versus "Negative feedback loops in which the right amount of correction is applied with optimum timing leads to stability." Feed the fire being positive feedback. versus Not feeding the fire negative feedback. Less is more. The war on terrorism has been about as successful as the war on drugs.
  8. Our solution to problems is influenced by our bias and world view. Acknowledging our prejudice and opening our eyes and ears are the first step to a sustainable solution. Counter terrorism with terrorism? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Continuing with the same behavior and expecting different results is insanity.
  9. So there is something wrong being angry with or in fear of terrorism? Who doesn't see terrorism as a problem? Terror is where one finds it... The babe in the woods has no experience or fear with / from the viper... and would probably operate consciously voluntarily out of ignorance. And could suffer for their ignorance. Instincts or "projections" serve man and beast alike. As humans we have the responsibility to act consciously and voluntarily in the interest of the greater good. Act like we see the big picture...
  10. One size doesn't fit all as Brian so fittingly points out above. There are no easy answers either, wouldn't it be great if there were? In my limited experience too often violence begets more violence. I have often been told a snake is a farmers friend, yet I have not had an encounter with a snake, and I have had many, when my initial reaction wasn't visceral. It has taken takes great effort to not react with violence when I encounter a snake or snakes. "Thought before action, whenever possible." Dick Francis Jockey and Author
  11. How to meditate correctly

    ? . not .. (which is dualism of course) or heaven forbid ... (a menage a trois?)
  12. Is Tai chi fake?

    My uncle a peace officer wasn't afraid of much, he served in the navy during WW2 afterwards joining the Detroit Mi. police. ( In between the riots from time to time the motor city was called the murder city.) First day on the job he answered a call for a rabid dog. Shot the crazed beast three times with the city issued 38 police special. Returning at the end of the day he was shocked at the paperwork required for discharge of his weapon. The paper work and the fact that it took three bullets was the reason he offered for carrying a 45 as primary and the 38 as backup. Now this was in the days before PCP and I can only imagine that he would lump someone on PCP as crazy. But he said only two things scared him, a crazy person / people or a mother moose. Not a bear in the woods not sane people even if they had a gun or a knife. He faced all of them crazy person / people in the riots. A few bears in the woods while hunting. Once was enough with the moose!
  13. I was a market "master" at a local farmers market when the twin towers were struck on 911. My father came to the farm as I was harvesting / preparing for market that day. He came to alert me of the tragedies. I decided to go to market as a protest to terrorism. Only two other farmers came to market on a normal day we would have eight farmers two bakers. One farmer from southern Maryland normally drove through Fort Meade, (home to NSA) with no issues. That day she was stopped and the entire contents of here van were unloaded and examined by bomb /drug sniffing dogs, after a three hour delay she joined me and another local farmer at the market. There was more than a few tears shed and hugs exchanged between the farmers and their customers. One of the farmers wanted my "permission" to leave the market early and return topo their family. The fear that day was palpable. "Do what you feel is best." was my reply to the request to leave early. "Do what you feel is best" remains my policy ... Shock, anger, fear, grief. I felt / experienced them all that day. And have in the days before and since to some degree... "Love the only house big enough for all of the pain in the world..," is something that offers me some consolation in times like this.
  14. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    But doesn't the Truth set you free?
  15. New Layout

    The Queens not Marbleheads.
  16. Taiji Master fighting MMA guy

    Assumptions for example assuming someone will do what they say are sadly an expectation. Now I have never been bitten by a dog without warning, sadly but truly often the bite is preceded by a bark, and bite is worse than bark. Now when I use a an attachment on my vacuum cleaner and it does what was advertised meets my expectation I'm satisfied.
  17. Crossing the great river

    So it doesn't have anything to do with why the chicken crossed the road?
  18. Oy Vay I bow to our new illustrious potentate!
  19. Taiji Master fighting MMA guy

    Yup, sadly the greatest and majority of disappointments in my life involve people. Age has modified (lessened) my expectations and therefore my disappointments.
  20. Any orginisastion instructing or supporting terrorism should be shut down and members persons responsible for support and or instruction should be prosecuted, and assets seized.
  21. Taiji Master fighting MMA guy

    I try to approach all with respect, sadly it is unearned very quickly, by people.
  22. That would be a start... down a slippery slope? Who or whom would decide what organizations allow extremist views? Power corrupts. "As a first step they should probably say anyone who goes to Iraq or Libya shouldn't be allowed back in the country." Except of course I assume diplomats, and or covert intelligence personnel, I assume. What about well vetted academics? I recall something about holding your friends closely and enemies even closer. The more laws we create the more criminals we create.
  23. You can't legislate common sense. I would suggest all crimes arise out of great need, the minority, or hate and greed, the majority.