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Everything posted by cold

  1. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    Imagine waiting... It used to be the norm to wait a week or more for a reply, prior to telegraph and telephone. Letters were written and read a lot of thought was expended on both ends.
  2. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    What the he## did I start? Never mind, rock on...
  3. Hi from Germany

  4. Hello, here finding a way out of depression

    Welcome! Some sound insights are mentioned above! Be gentle and patient, get and stay active physically are effective in my opinion. Best wishes.
  5. Hello all :)

    And I will add another Welcome.
  6. Hello to Dao Bums

    Welcome! Wishing the best right back to you.
  7. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    Welcome! And avoid the rocks.
  8. Hello everyone

  9. Tai Chi tyro

  10. Hello.

  11. hi

  12. Chaos Magic Soviet school

    Fox news ... rotflmao!
  13. Hmm. One size doesn't all? If it hurts I may need to stop it? Maybe try something different? Take a break. There's more than one path up the hill? All good advice! Thanks one and all!
  14. Two Souls People

    Good food for thought here. Many meals... Thank you!
  15. Parenting

    I'm only speaking for myself but if I knew then what I know now, well hindsight is 20,20. Bottom line yes I would probably want to more than a few things differently, but my past has guided / created my now. So?
  16. Parenting

    Bravo Brian and hats off! I fought back a tear or two.
  17. A rose is a rose by any other name. Not being color blind I can't begin to understand what one who is perceives when one is deficient in visual color perception. I struggle to communicate clearly every day. Take off power? retard the throttle for landing or smoother flight, or apply full power for a take off, or to avoid a collision? What color is that flower I asked a seven year old? Indigo was the reply. And out he door we go you are indigo and I'm out the door we go. Smiles all around the clearest of communication!
  18. Parenting

    And it bears repeating don't relax. thelerner: "With the last child, when the other two left for college we relaxed, and I regret it."
  19. Parenting

    Children will model their elders. Parents older siblings other significant adults in their life are the greatest influence on youngsters.
  20. is the ocean solid you ask... after all it reflects light yes and no I reply It is awesome to sit and watch and painful when ones body is slammed by a wave into the sandy bottom and annoying in its constant attraction Once again be mindful of the rocks!
  21. Parenting

    Yes! What is learned in the nest...
  22. As a child I roomed with an older brother I had the upper bunk and once dreamed I was falling. I was rudely awakened by contact with the floor. An applied lesson in gravity or a lucid dream?
  23. Parenting

    Orange crush? An early lesson I learned while enjoying a chilled orange crush - homemade- oranges squeezed pulpy as possible and placed in freezer until semi frozen (but I digress) was watching people throw things at the wall to see what stuck. Fences (and walls in particular at a nudist colony ) make great neighbors!
  24. CityHermit!:Hello

    How was the weather during your visit with / to Thesaurus? Do you go there often? Do you mind the ?s
  25. After resting a bit if you are seeking honest employment check in with Brian re window cleaning, mention me if you like.