
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by cold

  1. The Goal

    "They say this is how people behave and here is how sages behave" I hope the sages have enough wisdom to accept when people act as people... my experience here has shown this to be true, most of the time. That being said sages are people too! I also would concur with cheya and Kar3n that you efforts are needed and appreciated, so please keep on with the invaluable work, on behalf of many.
  2. Namaste to everyone

    Welcome and best wishes!
  3. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Truer words were never spoken!
  4. Breathing into LDT

    Less = More For example less stress = more relaxation.
  5. Obligations of Life?

    But, its as often as not nice to be alone from time to time...
  6. Obligations of Life?

    "If someone or something else can be the cause of my suffering or joy, .... then I am truly a slave. In my opinion we are all enslaved to one degree or another, be it from the need for external validation, or connection to some one some thing (s) larger than we are. We are connected to each other, and our nature reflects that connection (s). No man is an island... Because I am involved in mankind,
  7. religion is made for man...

    Amen to that! Spirituality exists free of religion, and vice a versa.
  8. The Goal

    Is suffering not a prerequisite to writing well (and or required for quality performance production in other arts forms music painting etc. ?
  9. The reality of Tiny House living

    In my experience and opinion inspections serve as protection for the consumer / end user. I live in a wealthy county were I suspect less than 5% of hot water heater replacements are permitted and inspected. Only upon failure (reported by end user does the County become aware of failings). And thereafter exert pressure on the miscreant to straighten up.
  10. what are the 3 most important...

    Of the above three it can take a lifetime to figure who you are, at least that long to know where you come from and possibly one will never know with certainty where they are going. Some one moved the cheese?
  11. Welcome! I'm not a big fan of generalizations. People are unique that's for sure. And we each are trying to do our best in our own way. Or so I believe. Regards.
  12. The reality of Tiny House living

    If I recall correctly it use to be West Virginia didn't have a mandatory building code may still not?
  13. Getting excited here's about still to early to plant or seed much. March was cooler than February in these parts, but most bio indicators - forsythia blooming indicates soil warm enough for crabgrass to germinate, Shadblow flowering = water temp right for shad to run. So we are on schedule... Natures! I savor spring! The hope and potential it embodies. The celebration of life, blooms, nest building ...
  14. Tree Appreciation

    Blue eyed snake your picture really resonates with me. As a city kid I lived across from a park but it was mostly off limits to preschoolers like me. But we had a honey locust (Gleditsia tricanthos) in our backyard and to say it had stout thorns seems an understatement to me today. The tree and I were constant companions and many a day was spent among its branches in a kind of bliss. The song up on the roof aptly described how I felt about my tree! "When this old world starts getting me down, And people are just to much for me to face - I climb way up ... in my case the tree, and I was free!
  15. Sydney Asian Hello

    Welcome! Practice is supposed to make perfect, I have no proof of that... But it does lead to improvement.
  16. Singaporean SammyBoys Reporting To Dao Bums!

    Welcome! We tend to be all over the map. And are known to zone out from time to time, but don't let that bother you!
  17. Playboy Edison Chen

    Welcome! I would say its a bit of a stretch to say anything is reconciled here. We do like to discuss!
  18. Thailand

  19. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    Welcome and best wishes.
  20. student of the Way

    Welcome and may your efforts prove fruitful.
  21. Welcome. Loose lips sink ships I'm reinforcing Marblehead's caution (in other words discretion is better than valor!)
  22. Mair 6:5

    Muddy Waters always gives me the blues... Both in fields streams, rivers. And the musician!
  23. Hello the House

    Welcome and best wishes!
  24. Mair 6:5

    Transformation? I've been a Blues brother and aspire to be a Soul man...