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Hi,Marblehead. Yes,Though king Wei of Chu want him to be primer minister of the biggest state in ancient asia at that time,Zhuang zhou choiced to retire early. On the basis of your intuitive understanding of the book of Zhuangzi,Which paragraph or section he might be talking about war? It is no need to respond fast,Just think about it.hehe..
天瑞第一 子列子居郑圃,四十年人无识者。国君卿大夫示之,犹众庶也。国不足,将嫁于卫。弟 子曰:“先生往无反期,弟子敢有所谒;先生将何以教?先生不闻 壶丘子林之言乎?“子列 子笑曰:“壶子何言哉?虽然,夫子尝语伯昏瞀人,吾 侧闻之,试以告女。其言曰:有生,不 生.有化,不化。不生者能生生,不化者能化 化。生者不能不生,化者不能不化,故常生常化。 常生常化者,无时不生,无时 不化。阴阳尔,四时尔,不生者疑独,不化者往复。往复其际 不可终,疑独其道 不可穷。《黄帝书》曰:\'谷神不死,是谓玄牝。玄牝之门,是谓天地之根。绵 绵若存,用之不勤。\' 故生物者不生,化物者不化。自生自化,自形自色,自智 自力, 自消自息。谓之生化、形色、智力、消息者,非也。“ English translation:
Yes,In silk A,All of 谷 were writed as 浴。浴 means 洗澡( wash). My understanding,In silk A, Most of 浴 means 水谷(the valley with water). But it is not easy to figure out where 谷神 is first come from,the book of Yellow Emperor or Taodejing? So it is still have a lot of meaning. Thanks for response. Goowday.
Wang Bi version 天下莫能知......知我者希 No one can know it......Few people understood me. silk text b version 而人莫之能知也......知者希 People cann't know it.......Few people knew it.
In ch70, First he said "People cann't know it.", Then he said "Few people knew it." If he really means in this way,Why he didn't say "Most of people cann't know it." at first? Therefore IMO in ch70 "我" can refer to the reader.
When people read ttc,got some ideas,Laozi will say,"Good,That's your ideas,Not mine,Actually I didn't said anything about that."
In TTC, "吾“ and ”我“ sometime don't refer to same person,In charpter 70," 不我知 " isn't the same meaning to " 不吾知". You can try to understand it in another way. First post for the new forums.
故致数与,无与. 数与:looking for the same connection. 无与: no connection, no the same,incomparable. 无与伦比:totally incomparable. Mostly in the bad time,A new king means a new life and a new hope to most people, Or the different king will bring the hope.
There were a lot of political wisdoms behind in the Dao-De-jing,Especially in De-jing.In carpter 39,A story was told in peaceful and megical way. When the heaven was no longer clear,The earth was no longer in peace ,The gods couldn't brought the happiness any more,And the valleys were all dry up. By all appearance a kingdom was in very bad situation ,People didn't trust the king any more,They really need a new one to help them to get out of this immediately. The question is, Which one can fit the need?
Good advise. Thanks.
This chapter is about how the king be the king.It not easy to get a good translation,Not just because some words were missing in the 帛书甲乙。 ........... 39( 昔之得一者 天得一以清 地得一以宁 神得一以霝 浴得一以盈 侯王得一以为天下正 其至之也 谓天毋已清将恐裂 谓地毋已宁将恐废 谓神毋已灵将恐歇 谓浴毋已盈将恐竭 谓侯王毋已贵以高将恐蹶 故必 贵而以贱为本 必高矣而以下为基 夫是以侯王自谓孤 寡 不谷 此其贱之为本欤 非也 故致数与无与 是故不欲禄禄若玉 硌硌若石 ...... Those attained the One in the pass, The heaven attained the One with clarlity; The earth attained the One with peace; The gods attained the One with happiness; The valley attained the One with full; The king attained the One with the obedient of people; Its logic is, When the heaven was no longer clear, I'm afraid it will be shatter; When the earth wasn't in peace any more, I'm afraid it will be abandoned; When the gods were no longer brought the happiness,I'm afraid they will be forgotten; When the valley was no longer full, I'm afraid it would be dry up; If the king was no longer means of its noble with high, He would, I'm afraid, fall. And cause of its necessary, The noble has to take the humble as its root, The high has to take the low for its foundation. So the kings call themselves "loner," " Single," and "Not-Grain." Is this taking the humble as root? Not. Because this will lead to be incomparable. Because, Don't want them "ding ding" like jude, And " bam bam" like rock. .......
39 昔之得一者 天得一以清 地得一以宁 神得一以霝 浴得一以盈 侯王得一以为天下正 其至之也 谓天毋已清将恐裂 谓地毋已宁将恐发 谓神毋已灵将恐歇 谓浴毋已盈将恐竭 谓侯王毋已贵以高将恐蹶 故必 贵而以贱为本 必高矣而以下为基 夫是以侯王自谓孤 寡 不谷 此其贱之为本欤 非也 故致数与 无与 是故 不欲禄禄若玉 硌硌若石 Those attained the One in the pass, The heaven attained the One because of became clear; The earth attained the One because of became stable; The gods attained the One because of brought the happiness; The valley attaining the One because of became full; The kings attained the One because of their ruled of the kingdom; I would say ,Its logical is, When the heaven was no longer clear, I'm afraid it will be shatter; When the earth was no longer stable, I'm afraid it will be abandoned; When the gods were no longer brought the happiness,I'm afraid they will be forgotten; When the valley was no longer full, I'm afraid it would be dry up; If the kings was no longer means of its noble with high, They would, I'm afraid, fall. And cause of its necessary, The noble has to take the humble as its root, The high has to take the low for its foundation. So the kings call themselves "The Orphan," "The Widower," and "The One Without Grain." ........................................... My translation
堇jin few;little;reduce There is one thing in the world,It never die,and its use never reduce,It is the root of the heavan and the earth. Now we call it: information
Hit the drums Thump thump hitted the drums, Hoha hoha trained the army. Shouders state on the wall. Only my way was to the south. I was followed general Sun, Peace's made with Chen and Song. Not alowed me to come back , Borken heart worried about that. Then stayed,Then located, Then the horse run away. So needed to go for seek , In the forest under the trees . Alive and dead then we met, I gave my words to you: Hold your hand , Old together with you. Now we separated again, Not me alive then. Now we away so far, Not me can be trusted.
擊鼓: 擊鼓其鏜、踊躍用兵。 土國城漕、我獨南行。 從孫子仲、平陳與宋。 不我以歸、憂心有忡。 爰居爰處、爰喪其馬。 于以求之、于林之下。 死生契闊、與子成說。 執子之手、與子偕老。 于嗟闊兮、不我活兮。 于嗟洵兮、不我信兮。
Hi xiejia ,Hi marblehead. Marblehead have a very good understanding of Tao and TTC,This shouldn't be the problem to him. I did this just for reminding me which chapter I was already done the translation.
Chapter 72 民之不畏畏 , 则大畏将至矣. 毋,闸其所居 ; 毋,猒其所生 . 夫唯弗猒 , 是以不厌 . 是以圣人自知而不自见也, 自爱而不自贵也 , 故去彼取此 . 闸: close down 猒: tire People they didn't fear the fear, Then the big fear will come. Don't, Close down where they liveing in, Don't, Get tired of what they liveing for. Only because they didn't get tired , So they don't tire . Therefore the sage knows himself but won't be self-seeing. He loves himself but won't be arrogance. So get rid of that and takes this.
This is my favorite part.As a system thinking,40 and 41 can join together,Then there is a amazing idea: 反也者 道之动也 弱也者 道之用也 天下之物生于有 有生于无 道生一 一生二 二生三 三生万物 万物负阴而抱阳 中气以为和 Though it is hard to understand and explain,But it did make a very clear statement: 天下之物生于有 有生于无 道生一 一生二 二生三 三生万物 This is another verion about the secret of creature.Normally what laozi said just considered as a joke,But this saying is more helpfull for my understanding of evolution ,Another way defferent to the 'nature select' and 'intelligence design'. Years ago I translated ' 三生万物 ' to ' Three creates the all '.
To CiDragon: No much people knew about laozi and TTC when he work on the TTC at that time,Though he is so famous now. Happy moon Festival.
天下皆谓我大. 大而不宵, 夫唯不宵, 故能大; 若宵, 久矣其细也. 夫我恒有三宝持而保之. 一曰慈; ......... The people all the world will say, " I'm great. " Great and unlike the other, Because only unlike the other,So it can be great. If like the other, Longer It will become tiny . For 'I' ,There were allways three treasures to Keep it on great. The first is mercy love; .........
thanks. The first king of Han dynasty,His name is 刘邦,The name of the third king is 刘恒. 刘恒 is very famous for his ruling with the theory of laozi, and he made a great success. For showing respect to them,Some characters in ddj was changed. 邦 was instead of 国,恒 was instead by 常. So can use it to find out which version is earlier than the other,and the modified is less than the other . In chapter 65 of mawangdui 帛书甲 version, 邦 and 恒 weren't changed. (64)...... 是以圣人欲不欲, 而不贵难得之; 学不学, 而复众人之所过. 能辅万物之自然, 而弗敢为 . (65) 故曰: 为道者,非以明民也, 将以愚之也. 民之难治也, 以其知也 . 故以知知邦, 邦之贼也; 以不知知邦, 邦之德也. 恒知此两者亦稽式也 ,恒知稽式, 此谓玄德. 玄德深矣, 远矣 ,与物反矣 ,乃至大顺 .