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Everything posted by xenolith

  1. Read post # 8 of this thread. I'd link to the post but am not able to...
  2. mindfulness

    This describes a CCO.
  3. Fu sheng wu liang tianzun

    Very interested in female internal alchemy. Thanks in advance for insight into. Love. xeno
  4. mindfulness

    Mindfulness: Freedom from satisfaction and discontent with respect to bodily conditions ranging from joy to misery...while accepting of the real and the unreal...and aware of when which applies. Love. xeno
  5. The feminization of the Western male?

    Agreed. Thanks for presenting this perspective. Only a fool promises that. Or acts contrary to it...no one needs the words, we all need the actions. The latter being irrespective of an individual's awareness of it. BTW, the concept that this thread is discussing is not feminization of the Western male, it's the related but different emasculation of the Western male. Could this be due to decreased protector function? To some, possibly significant degree, me thinks so. Happily, as individual males we're not obliged to conform to the mean of society's Gaussian distribution of male behavior, we can (read: must) decide as individuals to be (that'd be the sum of your actions gents) men irrespective of societal trends. We've got women counting on us to do so. Love. xeno
  6. Agreed. Fuck SEO. Finding TTB is easy. No pimping is required. Or desired. But do what you feel you must if doing what you feel you must is what determines what you do.
  7. The feminization of the Western male?

    These are not men. Men forgive their mothers and love their wives/female partners.
  8. Finding Time

    An inquisitive, probing, and well articulated question Ian. Thank you for it. I look forward to TM's reply. Love. xeno
  9. Does Thinking Stop?

    As usual, Spectrum and fatherpaul have provided truth. Spectrum's being particularly instructive. Thanks gents. There is no chatter that is not your ego talking. Love. xeno
  10. Short version (of my experience)...(SKF sourced) chi can reconnect mouth nerves. Not cause dentin growth. Sorry...wish I could report otherwise. Love. xeno
  11. I was dead at the age of 10 at the end of an unnecessary 8 hour exploratory surgery. Paddles brought me back. Much more to say. In a book. Someday. Too busy recovering. From much more significant abuses. Much loss. More gained. Also going in the book. And occasionally shared here. But not the losses. Haven't consulted a doctor in >25 years. Ridiculously healthy. Avoid doctors. Love. very lucky xeno
  12. You never had a choice.

    No need to hey me. I'd hoped that you'd expend a little more energy in your answer to my question. Should you later so choose, I'll be grateful. Love. xeno
  13. You never had a choice.

    sean, thanks for the post linking advice. What you've described is what I've been doing, nonetheless my efforts to link to a post other than the first post of the thread returns a link to the first post of the thread...not the post within that thread that I wanted to link to...I leave it you to determine whether it's me or is systemic...just trying to help. I've posed questions to you in the context of this thread, I'd prefer that you respond to those rather than the ones associated with the operation of the site. Again, just trying to help. Love. xeno
  14. You never had a choice.

    Indeed. There is the self, that which is harmonious with the Tao. There is the ego, that which is not. Choosing which of these will form one's action is exercising of free will.
  15. You never had a choice.

    Such is the Tao...gained by means of great loss. Some of the wise seek said loss for said purpose. Refer to the gentleman above. Kindest regards and gratitude for your contribution TT. Love. xeno
  16. You never had a choice.

    Would this gentleman's last actions be constitutive of divine intervention? sean, I'm intrigued by your hypothesis and by the content of this thread. My cultivation practice informs me of precisely the opposite conclusion as that which you posit. Except the Love conclusion. In that respect we're identically informed. Very interesting indeed. I may or may not contribute further to this thread, but I'll certainly continue to read it. Thank you. Love. xeno edit: I meant this gentleman. Linking to individual posts has never been possible for me. Don't know why. Maybe a little look-see into this sean?
  17. willpower test

    This gentleman earned an 11.
  18. Tao is a girl

    ...look at me, I can be centerfield.
  19. Taoist Afterlife

    Answer to your question tomorrow.
  20. I've been very positively impressed with your recent contributions sunshine. Thank you for them. They've evoked the truth that through great loss come great gains. IMO humans, in general, have become so oriented toward immediate gratification/suffering aversion that the long difficult internal paths that lead to spiritual evolution are too readily eschewed in favor of abdication of that responsibility to "masters", "teachers" or some other excuse as means of placating/cajoling the self that one is "doing something" toward it's evolution when the truth is that they have not the courage to choose a path of loss that is prerequisite to experiencing a path of spiritual gain in their Lives. So understandable but no less sad. Excepting FatherPaul of course . Love. xeno
  21. I've been practicing SKF with mrs. x for 8 months...after more than 20 years of practice with her as my best friend. There were several years of solo practice prior to meeting her. But I digress. I don't know why anyone, male or female, would marry prior to experiencing a significant many (years) of the possibilities of Life with that person in order to establish spiritual simpaticoness with one with whom one is considering a life-long commitment to spiritual growth. Pregnancy, I suppose, is a culprit...another significant benefit of SKF...pregnancy management. We were both virgins 21 years ago and have chosen to keep our expressions of sexual intimacy to ourselves as we've pursued our SKF and spiritual evolution practices. It can't be overstated how important and fundamental is the cumulative effect of the expression of this commitment over the course of the personal and spiritual evolution of those committed so to each other in the course of their Lives. This kind of relationship becomes an overwhelmingly obvious positive feedback system for evolution of the participants at some point. That's when we decided to get married. For me the answer to the question that this thread poses is: It made it happen! I hope this is of use to others. Love. xeno
  22. The wisest speak not. Indeed they are not observable. For they seek isolation. And deprivation. Such is the paradox. The wisest are unknowable. Therefore one must seek wisdom from one's self. As do the wisest. Love. xeno