konchog uma

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Everything posted by konchog uma

  1. ...

    I think its more accurate to say that first nations tribes that used peyote recognized it as a living spirit or an entheogen than to say that they worshiped it as a god. Its purely semantic but in the spirit of not imposing Christian framework onto something totally different I just wanted to bring up that I have been taught differently. If you have a reference for the idea of god worship, by all means post it. I'm not an expert in ethnobotany or native peoples. I'm actually not an expert in anything (but have eaten mescaline cactus w shamans)
  2. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    Find out for yourself. Don't believe what others say.
  3. Do you know where to buy GOOD Cordyceps shrooms?

    http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/search/search.php?refine=y&keywords=cordyceps&x=-1058&y=-11 you'll have to send email to see if its wild sourced or farmed.
  4. drikung kagyu has a dzogchen lineage, ontul rinpoche is the current head. google yangzab http://rywiki.tsadra.org/index.php/Drikung_Yangzab
  5. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    thanks i feel its implied that what i said was just my own personal opinion. If people need caveats like "this message is intended to express the personal opinion of the author and in no way expresses the opinions of anyone else" i can do that. I thought that was just understood. When you say it isn't creepy you fall into the same trap. its not not creepy. you just feel that way. in mature conversation people just understand that whats expressed isnt universal its just personal. i was never speaking from a universal point of view, just a relative personal one. lets move on
  6. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    In the sense that the american federal reserve is about as federal as FedEx, we already kind of have a "decentralized economy". It certainly isn't centered in america. @drew: putting your energy into people by "flexing your pineal gland" (there are actually no muscles or connective tissue attached to the pineal gland) is creepy. I hope you either stop talking about that, stop doing it, or both. Lets not derail this thread with talk of affecting other people against their will. If you have anything interesting to say to me PM me. @judo wolf: money is neutral, just a tool, that people can do a lot of good with too. The problem isn't fiat currency, its human nature. I know people who have done really good things with their money.
  7. both train in recognizing the natural state of mind. if one has experience with the natural state, they can recognize it in the bardo and attain liberation from cyclic existence, or at least be able to influence or control the process of rebirth. one could say it depends on the karma of the individual what they are able to sustain. its probably the addition of the translator or commentator, i dont remember padmasambhava's words to contain those instructions. its been a couple years since i read it tho.
  8. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    Self concept basically. The word doesn't translate directly to what Shakyamuni was talking about, being conceived by Freud much later. Ahamkara in sanskrit is usually translated as "identity" and i think the Buddha was using the Pali word which correlates to that. Perhaps some more knowledgeable scholars can be of greater help than I, my knowledge is very limited.
  9. Haiku Chain

    My carrier return key on my new android tablet doesnt seem to register as a line break Thats a serious haiku setback. If anyone knows how to use codes to create a line break, PM me! Thanks
  10. Haiku Chain

    now you will dissolve god dammit that didn't work NOW you will dissolve…
  11. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    There is more to be seen from how they interact in an ordinary way than in how much wisdom they spout, or how vivid their visions are, or how their energies flow in their central channel. In fact if a person is talking about any of the latter, thats just their ego trip. Real wisdom is simple and transparent, the ability to lend an unjudging ear to someone in need, the willingness to help, basic kindness. The manifestation of dharma is often not recognisable as such because it is unadorned and not flowery or showy. Most peoples practice is, or feeds, their ego trip. Then one day they "get it" and the real journey begins. Theres nothing wrong with an ego trip, we have no other choice but to start there and slowly deconstruct. But it can only take us so far, then we have to get sincere and honest wih ourselves and those we deal with. The ego will never do that. It will always exaggerate our accomplishments and tell everyone how awesome we are. It knows deep down that it is artifice and so because it does it always feels small, so it always postures and grandstands. Usually awakened people are kind, but there are stories upon stories of those who are just rude. Especially to prospective students. Possibly to everyone. So maybe you cant tell easily.
  12. no such thing as emptiness

    oh i see. If you take the word inherent out, is it correct according to Indian madhyamaka?
  13. no such thing as emptiness

    madhyamaka emptiness doesn't claim nonexistence im sure people will correct me if im wrong, but my understanding is that it says phenomena are empty of inherent existence, of nonexistence, of both and of neither. The emptiness is of any kind of conceptual framework that one could build around phenomena. It is a philosophy designed to inspire a direct relationship with phenomena rather than a relationship with your concepts about them.
  14. no such thing as emptiness

    Why did malcolm warn against tibetan madhyamaka?
  15. no such thing as emptiness

    Your way of saying it is better
  16. no such thing as emptiness

    Same idea, different words. I was referencing Gen Lamrimpa's interpretation from "Realizing Emptiness" which is basic madhyamaka. If you read what I said again it was that concepts make things seem real.
  17. no such thing as emptiness

    emptiness isn't the absence of perceptions. the concept is specifically buddhist and carries a particular meaning which doesnt mean the absence of phenomena. philosophically, its the inherent suchness of reality which needs no mental elaboration or conceptual designation. So in that way, it could be the absence of thought, but thats a rigid definition if you ask me. If you look at discursive thoughts with the view of emptiness, they are empty too, and a display of emptiness in and of themselves. whether one says "there is no emptiness" or "there is only emptiness" is just semantic. if a person thinks that reality needs to be elaborated upon conceptually, i think they are wrong, but it doesn't really matter. things are what they are regardless.
  18. I dare not eat meat.

    the human digestive tract has evolved based on an omnivorous diet. our teeth, stomach enzymes, and intestines are designed to digest meat. i suggest reading "eat right according to your blood type" which, although disputed by some, outlines the need for some people to supplement their diet with meat. i got sick when i was vegan, and i was supplementing with b-complex and extra iron, etc... doing it right
  19. instead of considering that by adopting the philosophy of Buddhism, people should be immune to their own emotions and the oppression of invaders, and somehow be passive sheep in the face of violence... lets consider how you would react if your neighbor came into your house and took all your stuff and threw it out and replaced it with his stuff, and told you that you would be paying him rent now. Not a pefect analogy, but lets consider the humanity of the situation before jumping to knee jerk conclusions. Its a little more complex than adopting a philosophy of nonviolence and being somehow "saved" from our own dark sides... that whole mindset seems very christian and naive to me. Buddhists get angry, Buddhists love their country of origin, Buddhists dislike oppression, Buddhists react emotionally, Buddhists are human beings not saints... in my opinion there is nothing difficult to understand about this. People who put religion on a pedestal and expect it to solve all problems and get whiney when it doesn't are holding a false view.
  20. Haiku Chain

    and see only self or perhaps look into the mirror of dharma
  21. If you had 1 Week to Live?

    there's only one
  22. If you had 1 Week to Live?

    i would read the Bardo Thodol and prepare myself for the bardo state... i have special faith in that book because my one experience in the sidpai bardo (NDE) was from the Bardo Thodol word for word, and i hadn't read it yet. Anyway, since I have already done that, i guess i would just be on vacation so i would meditate a lot. Since i already do that, i don't know if there is any point to this point i am not making, except to advise others who might die (you know, that special subset of the population) to read the Bardo Thodol or any Book of the Dead, there are several. go towards the brilliant blue light which manifests on the first day... thats your ticket out of samsara btw.. even the white light is just a trip to the god realms which are within the samsaric cycle. But there are, according to BT, worlds outside of samsara, like Kuntazangpo's pure land and other nirvanic realms where one can live in sublime cultivation for as long as their karma allows. anyway, if you miss that blue light, the next (not so intense) blue light (3rd day i think) is the entrance to the human realm again, which is ideal for cultivation and considered superior to the god and asura realms from a Buddhist point of view. from being reborn as human you can have access to teachings and leisure time, and if youre lucky, dharma (again from a Buddhist pov) so if you're dead, go into the blue light. fyi
  23. Microcosmic orbit discussion

    the procedure is as you describe, minus the prostate stim, from what i can tell. Using the LDT as a water wheel is my way of saying one turns the LDT on its axis so that it rotates forward on top and backward on bottom, using this as power to move qi through the vessels and some of the meridians. There is nothing complex or mystical to describe, it is very straightforward. Just rotate the LDT and, assuming one is free of blockages, the MCO rotates too. its almost too simple
  24. Ekam Sat & The nature of mind in Dzogchen

    cant we all just get along im not sure anyone's opinion matters, but its a common mistake to think that they do anyway, i was just delighting in irony, i am not genuinely interested in taking a stance on this issue as my knowledge of AV is almost completely limited, and my knowledge of dzogchen and buddhism is significantly limited lol. so aside from the pointing out of irony, i have nothing relevant to contribute. thank you for humoring me.
  25. Happy Easter

    thats what happens when someone edits their post to say "forgetaboutit" so forgetaboutit lol