konchog uma

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Everything posted by konchog uma

  1. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    thanks apech, i agree on both counts. the most relevant thing i may have said (to me) is that its impossible for conventional people to understand the mind and activity of a buddha. I wasn't trying to hypothesize about what a buddha might do, but just to illustrate that point, which was lost on silas anyway. Will try to chose my words more carefully next time.
  2. Who here has quit sugar, success stories etc

    i dont eat sweets except for drinking kombucha and some occaisonal dark chocolate and my life is better for it. no story to inspire you except to say that. Refined food sucks, go organic, go natural, get away from all adulterated food. Your palette will change in time and sugars will seem saccharine and nasty like they really are. Good luck.
  3. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    Silas: The world is not an illusion, and so when i misinterpret the dharma, it matters. hint: it doesn't. but buddhists are compassionate anyway, thats why alwayson recommended you some good books to read.
  4. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    sometimes the way of the buddha is to tell you to educate yourself in the basics cause that books already been written and you need to read it, not bother people to repeat it for your benefit here. buddhism isnt a moral code, there are guidelines like the paramitas, but a fully awakened buddha might do whatever the fuck he wanted to. Maybe its a homeless man's karma to suffer and by not interfering a buddha is helping that man burn his karma and create auspicious conditions. maybe by realizing that he is suffering he will contemplate dharma, where if a buddha helps him he will just look to the buddha instead of himself. Nobody knows except someone whose truth eye is open, so theres no saying what a buddha might do, and no way for a conventional person to understand a buddha. Buddhism is practices which help us awaken so that we can react spontaneously to the situation in a state of wakefulness, not a law that says you always do Y if X happens or anything that mundane. i second the recommendation to read some buddhist basics instead of asking endless clarifications on this forum, we aren't teachers, so read the words of teachers.
  5. the most halarious thing i have seen in weeks
  6. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    Since its nothing special, do you have a link or some reference for people who can cure leprosy and materialize fish? thanks. Also if a healer is healing people by the power of their own life force, as in a laying on of hands, how is that healer going to give doctors a cure to do the same thing?
  7. Haiku Chain

    now we chant bliss states or silent, fall into deep ecstatic stillness
  8. Haiku Chain

    just passed my thoughts, on the way keep the haiku form pure now five seven five yo
  9. What are you listening to?

    Oh theres always room for Massive Attack... nice up yourself with the Bristol sound and the new Sigur Ros is GREAT, with a heavy dark industrial feel that is balanced perfectly by the ethereal strangeness they are known for.. its called Kveikur
  10. making entheogens legal

    Indeed huge problems when it comes to the science. Its just my opinion perhaps that objective research is worth more than people's conjecture. So take that or leave it. Since you value the personal perspective, I will offer that I have done a lifetime's worth of drugs, quite literally i think. I used to eat a ten strip just to go out day tripping, and basically explored hallucinogens, entheogens, and altered states in general until San Pedro, or its emissary, literally took my hand and said "Its time to stop. Put it all down." So i did. I don't even smoke pot anymore, much less drink or smoke tobac. And in the spirit of the worth of the subjective here, i am compelled to share that my life improved tenfold, more, perhaps immeasurably. I have been able to generate lasting happiness and emotional wellbeing as compared to having a wildly fluctuating emotional life... I have been able to maintain meditative stability with almost infinitely greater success, like night and day improvement... i have been able to experience more clarity, in my logical thinking, my visionary experiences, resting in non-conceptual awareness, in dreams, in fact i can't think of an aspect of my psyche that hasn't been affected with greater clarity. Lastly the constant thirst for something external to myself to "generate that next breakthrough" or "have a meaningful experience" lol or any of the delusions i spun for myself, is negated. I have everything I need with my yogic practice (by which i mean all of it, yoga meditation sexual practice etc) and I am literally so much happier that i am jumping up and fucking down on Oprah's couch. its insane. (maybe i'll divorce myself in a year). I enjoy talking to you too, I've just read too much bullshit on the internet to give a god damn what anything thinks. I don't take my own opinions that seriously, and frankly, as much belief and need to prove a point as a scientific study will inevitably be tainted by might exist, I still value science and empiricism more than someone who just thinks something. The mind is too flimsy and self-serving to be trusted if you ask me. What people think is like fog in the morning, and what they say is like the chirping of birds. Whatever. So anyway, thats just my experience, and i dont think its best for everyone, but it has shaped the way i approach mind altering substances (or don't approach them as the case may be). I am just a fool on this ship, but since i have no point of view to speak from but my own, I just thought i would share. I hope it benefits someone.
  11. making entheogens legal

    im glad you think so highly of yourself lol ... its nothing personal, its just that opinions as they say are like assholes, everybodys got one so its not Your opinions that im not interested in lol.. its just opinions in general
  12. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    hahahah the disease of wanting correct interpretations... you seem unafflicted, how nice my "spiritualism" is beyond logic but not without it lol glad you don't want to talk about it... your aggression says more about how your approach to spiritual practice is working out for you anyway
  13. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    Fine screw him. I didn't say he was a geshe level scholar lol but he has given me some helpful advice about understanding madhyamaka. DL is gelugpa Tsongkhapa is his patriarch I'm not sure he isn't a biased or b indoctrinated but in all seriousness thanks for your pov
  14. making entheogens legal

    That's great, really fascinating, and worth much more than your own personal opinions. Thank you for researching.
  15. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    TI, i read that link, i don't think its an accurate depiction of what Nagarjuna was saying, because it uses sunyata to refute "inherent existance" without also refuting the non-existance of reality and self, as Nagarjuna was very clear to do. I am also not sure if Nagarjuna used the phrase "inherent existance" of if that came later with Tsongkhapa's commentaries on madhyamaka, which have been wideless disputed and generally are not considered the be completely accurate. hahahah i would say check with alwayson, but your ego might get in the way of that. Look into it for yourself, like i said, many people are confused on the subject. As i understand Nagarjuna, he never said that nothing exists and stopped there. There is more to it, and sunyata is about non-conceptuality and direct experience more than it is about how life doesn't exist and self isn't real. I suggest reading Nagarjuna for yourself, instead of western scholars who are commenting on the commentaries of Nagarjuna. Regardless of the size of your typeface lol sunyata is not the view that nothing exists, or that the self doesn't exist independantly. That is anatta or anatman (pali/sanskrit). If you feel any need to continue your trend of snide commentary and your aggressive stance towards those who disagree with you, be forewarned that no actual conversation with me (or anyone else with self-respect!) will ensue from such an approach lol
  16. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    does anyone know who said this? i think it was Saraha, but couldn't find a reference "those who think that the world exists are as stupid as cows, and those who think it doesn't are even more stupid!"
  17. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    i feel no need to humor posts that start with a comment about my reading deficiency lol with any kind of serious response. i will note however that for someone trying to profess on the nonexistance of the self, you're taking your own feelings about alwayson pretty seriously lol maybe when you learn to relate without the attitude we could talk about emptiness and how it relates to the ideas of existance and nonexistance lol its okay most people are confused on the topic
  18. Detachment

    Medication is a last resort. Pharmaceuticals are generally not a cure, and the dependancy they create causes its own depression in seekers. Instead of cultivating detachment, find meaning. To me, just an intuition, you might be in the 2nd phase of "first there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is". The world and yourself and the vivid clarity of both return. When everything is stripped away that's a great opportuniy to be inquisitive about what's left to connect to. "Nothing" is usually a copout. I hope these words help you to engage, explore, and cultivate a sense of celebration of your precious human experience.
  19. making entheogens legal

    That's all well and good but just because you've tripped a lot doesn't make your personal opinions worth anything. Not an insult, but supported by statements like "enthrogens make ppl live longer" and other blanket statements about all entheogens. Unfortunately, but inevitably, many impressionable and ignorant ppl read this forum to gain knowledge of such things so i encourage you to be more factual and careful with your words.
  20. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    Helpful, thanks. I'm still done talking about it but appreciate that post. Best
  21. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    Oh I see youre extrapolating from the list of synonyms. Um I'm done talking about this.
  22. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    If your going to be snide at least get your terminology right lol. Sunyata is emptiness (and is as empty of nonexistance as it is of existance.) Maybe you should look into madhyamaka. Maybe you meant anatta no self
  23. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    First you said "any strong belief system" That definition doesn't support that claim
  24. making entheogens legal

    First, if you have a masters show me the science which correlates entheogens and longevity. Opinions don't interest me, people concoct all kinds of opinions to justify their self indulgence and reckless behavior. Second, when it comes to toxicity, you can't make statements about all entheogens bc they differ widely. What is your degree? From where?