konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. Mike, can you comment more about the relationship between the chakras and different states of consciousness?


    here is some basic info from my studies


    KEY - sanskrit "translation" - location - frequency - positive and negative aspects of consciousness - ruling planet - drive - spin ** (see bottom of post)


    muladhara "root" - perineum - red - survival, grounding, stability, security, trust, fear, aversion - saturn - to be, to have - 8 times counterclockwise, 5 times clockwise


    svadhisthana "sweetness of one's own abode" - navel - orange - desire, eros, pleasure, guilt, obsession - jupiter - to feel, to want - 13 times counterclockwise, 8 clockwise


    manipura "lustrous jewel" - solar plexus - yellow - willpower, intent, vitality, purpose, shame, anger, poor self-esteem - mars - to act, to do - 21 times counterclockwise, 13 clockwise


    anahata "unstruck melody" - heart - green - emotional intelligence, compassion, love, acceptance, grief, sadness, loneliness - venus - to love, to be loved - 34 times counterclockwise, 21 clockwise


    visshudha "purification" - throat - blue - communication, listening, creativity, resonance, hypocrisy, dishonesty - mercury - to hear, to be heard - 55 times counterclockwise, 34 clockwise


    ajna "perception" - pineal - indigo - perception, intuition, imagination, illusions, delusions, confusion - moon - to witness, to see - 89 times counterclockwise, 55 clockwise


    sahasrara "thousandfold" - crown of head - violet - awareness, consciousness, gnosis, wisdom, attachments - sun - to know - 144 times counterclockwise, 89 times clockwise


    there seems to be a chakra above the head (233x ccw, 144x cw) associated with the higher self and silvery-pink and one above that, 2 feet above the head associated with the cosmos, the pure white light "shared cosmic chakra" (377x ccw, 233x cw) that is part of us and also part of the cosmic spirit. there seem also to be chakras between the knees (5x ccw, 3x cw) and ankles (3x ccw, 2x cw), in deepening shades of brownish red, associated primarily with balance, and movement. there is one below the feet (2x ccw, 1x cw) associated with rootedness and the instinct body, and one below that, 2 feet below the bottoms of the feet, the brown light "shared planetary chakra" (1x ccw, 1x cw) which we share with the earth and which links us into the gaian intelligence.


    **(each chakra is a counter-rotating field of light, that is to say, it spins both counterclockwise and clockwise on the axis of the taiji pole. i include this information because i have found that it helps one "get in touch" with each chakra. it is of egyptian horus priesthood origin. i have also found it very helpful to realize that each chakra spins in phi-ratio harmony with the one above and below it. the speeds of the spins are relative and may differ exactly from person to person, but in theory remain a function of phi ratio fractality.)


    well thats the tip of an iceberg, but i hope it helps you all out!

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  2. Cool. Thanks for sharing. :) Perhaps...the power of placebo? :huh:


    (I don't work with chakras, so I'm ignorant on chakra work. :mellow: edit> or the 'non existant chakra' work. ;))


    everything is affected by the power of beliefs, or power of placebo :). maybe that hermit was just saying things from one point of view. maybe other points of view are equally true, just different ways of saying things. maybe one would say something like that to jar someones conditioned thinking, whether it was true or not. who knows. see my post on kwan saihung anyway... i don't put a lot of stock in the authenticity of that book.


    usually in the realm of the physical, things must be seen to be believed. and in the realm of the spiritual, sometimes things must be believed to be seen.

    i started to learn and work with chakras because native american, african, asian, celtic, etc shamans perceived the chakras and give concordant accounts of them and what they do. also because a friend of mine had a trance experience of a yellow light beam radiating from her solar plexus. i say trance because no drugs were involved. she had not been hypnotically induced. annyway, i've seen enough to believe, and believed enough to "see" by which i mean experience profound healing and growth as a result of cultivating my chakras.

  3. i think life is crazy. i don't think that the nature of reality conforms to any definition of sanity.


    i think too that thoughts and feelings float around. we are conduits for these things but they can be looked at as both ours and not ours. ours while they are ours for as long as we want to nurture them. but not ours when we want to let them go, and quite likely, not originating in or of us.


    in my world thoughts and feelings are purely elemental, expressions of air and water respectively.

  4. Yeah, some of the other guys and gals are suggesting that this is what is happening.


    Hawking even changed his mind as initial he stated that nothing ever escapes a black hole but later agreed that black holes do indeed radiate energy when they reach critical mass or something like that. (Maybe they are just burping because they ate too fast?)


    Nice stuff to think about when there is nothing better to do.


    hahaha if you think buddhists are bad, try talking to physicists

  5. Don't know if I was fortunate or unfortunate,...but at around 19, I began reciting the 1st Absolute Bodhichitta numerous times per day. Although it took years for shamatha to be more present than not,...those Absolute Bodhichitta proverbs are very helpful:


    These proverbs are:


    1. Treat everything you perceive as a dream.

    2. Find the consciousness you had before you were born. (Unborn Awareness)

    3. Let even the remedy itself drop away naturally.

    4. Stay in the primeval consciousness, the basis of everything.

    5. Between meditations, treat everything as an illusion.


    Unfortunate? "Reality is not a safe place for you - the you that you have created. It is the only place where

    you would die; where there is no room for your hopes, your dreams." JdeR




    i haven't heard the lojong proverbs in so long i had forgotten! thank you for the reminder! those are beautiful


    chogyam trungpa translates 5 as "after meditation, be a child of illusion".

  6. Hehehe. Watched a program on TV last night about black holes and there are many who are wanting to have white holes too. This way what is consumed by the black hole will be released by a white hole, possibly in another dimension and thereby no energy will ever be lost. Oh, the worm hole is the passage between a black hole and a whire hole.


    thats neat, never heard that.


    although im not sure energy being lost by black holes is really an issue. don't they reach a critical mass and radiate energy outwards after a while?

  7. What exactly is an awake, aware, spiritual woman by your definition? Different people could have very different views of what that means.


    different people have different definitions of every word. thats called semantics. so what you just said doesnt really say anything. i am not going to spell out for you what i meant. those are common words, look them up... i was using common definitions.


    Do you mean an enlightened being? Do those even exist in every day life?


    no i don't mean an enlightened being. yes they do, although everyone has their own "every day life" and some peoples are more likely to attract enlightened people to them than others.


    Also, in your view, what makes such a woman invulnerable to NLP techniques?


    good question. it would be harder to seduce such a woman with manipulative techniques because

    1. they probably value freedom highly and don't appreciate being manipulated

    2. they may be able to sense when someone just wants sex, as well as being sensitive to other subtleties.

    3. most of them are interested in the same thing in return so its going to take more than a witty line or two to impress them.

    4. using NLP techniques can be contrived, and women like that are more likely to value spontaneity.


    We must be careful not to fall into the trap of being more idealistic than realistic.


    i agree, it took me years of searching for someone like i just described to find one. but if i had chalked the very notion itself up to idealism, i would have never pursued my goal further. it basically took me getting my life together to a suitable degree to attract someone like that


    The answer to that could be to find a woman you believe has a good heart and intelligence, and then get her into whatever specific practices and philosopies you want her to practice with you.


    ok. sure, if she isnt familiar with any disciplines, you could introduce her to some. but i can assure you that real women are out there, they are just generally fed up with shallow men and don't make themselves easy to catch.

  8. Anyway, FYI this movie was made in the setting in Hollywood. There were no real Buddhist monks in the movie that I know of.


    i think he can figure out that they weren't on location at shaolin. i don't know whether you were trying to treat him like an idiot or not, but if so, thats rude.


    anyway, maybe someone more knowledgable about kung fu movies can chime in with something to watch that would reflect a more authentic taste of monastic life in a martial temple.

  9. Yep. Everything that goes up will come back down unless it escapes gravity.


    in which case it will just come down on some other planet millions of years in the future.


    oh i forgot stars. and black holes. ummmm ok so maybe some things go up but don't come down.


    marblehead 1

    anamatva 0


    best outta three!

  10. Hi Jeff,

    If you search the archives you will find some pretty lengthy posts I have made regarding the differences between the yogic focus and the Taoist focus.


    In brief: Here is what I have found....There are different types of Qi, there are different types of prana, but Qi and prana are essentially the same thing. To fully understand the different Qis and pranas is a longer subject that I am not expert in. But they are essentially the same thing.,


    Kundalini and Qi - not the same thing. Kundalini can be stimualted by Prana- definitely. But it has a very specific purpose.


    Dan tiens are collection points for Qi. They are also places of transmuting Qi.

    Chakras are not collection points, they cannot be meditated upon like Dan tiens. When people try to meditate on chakra points, all they are doing is sending prana to meridians or dan tiens. It may have a powerful effect, but it has vey little effect on the chakra.


    Chakras can only be opened through changes in personality based on life events or upon changes in one's viewpoint of themselves in connection to the rest of the phenomenal world. This shift in understanding is what awakens kundalini. If there is no change in maturitly level in connection with the person's relationship with other people, themselves and the world, then it is by defintion not kundalini...


    Chakras are gateways to consciousness enhancement, not energy enhancement...


    thank you that was very informative.


    people who work with chakras as somehow based in qi can damage their energy system. chakras are consciousness, or light. there should not be heat or tingles, or any other energy in the chakras. in my experience, Maybe in the lower dan tien, but this should be circulated, cooled, or dispersed when one is done meditating on it, or svadisthana consciousness, which can trigger LDT charge. my teacher says if it starts to charge, youre done meditating on it. but thats just him. anyway thanks for pointing out that chakras are very different than qi.


    i will read some of the threads on dan tien you recommend. thank you again

  11. Wow, cool. You actually studied with Kwan Sai Hung!


    If you listen to some stuff online, it seems that Deng Ming Dao more or less used him as a model for a story based on events which may have happened though not necessarily to Kwan Sai Hung himself. I don't doubt his expertise in numerous areas of Taoism, but the accuracy of Chronicles of the Tao to the real life of Kwan Saihung may be mostly fantastic.. Unfortunately even his childhood at Wu Dang seems to be unverifiable. Did he say anything about his past?


    I do have a few of Deng Ming Dao's books though and am grateful for his illustrations of Taoist knowledge and culture.


    Here was an earlier Tao Bums thread:






    i met him 15 years ago and studied under him at a retreat for three days. he taught qigong and meditation, and i had some one on one with him where i told him about surviving an emotionally toxic, abusive childhood. his answer was a specific throat chakra meditation to release memories. so he obviously utilizes the chakras. i wouldn't say that i know him, and he didn't talk about his past.


    when it comes to authors like deng ming dao, who is obviously a sensationalist, i suspend the process of belief and disbelief. i don't ask "is this true?", instead i ask "is this useful?".


    i put those stories in the same category as carlos casteneda's accounts of studying shamanism in mexico. probably a mix of true and untrue, but undoubtedly full of useful information and practice.


    i had suspected that kwan saihung was in fact deng ming dao (since nobody seems to know deng ming dao's whereabouts, and not one person can verify kwan saihung's authenticity. i had seen that frank kai information before. i don't pretend to know the truth, although the man in the picture in that thread is the man who gave the retreat. seems like the whole thing is a con. carlos casteneda did the same thing. hahahah one of his colleagues checked out a book that casteneda had checked out on the day his books claim he was in mexico, taking part in shamanic ritual. (this according to the old library cards, remember those!) described inside that book was the shamanic ritual in question.


    the world is full of cons, i wouldn't blink an eye if kwan saihung was a total myth. still an interesting story if you have the common sense not to believe it.

  12. David Deangelo I think would disagree with you. These principles should apply to virgins as well as experienced girls, sometimes even more so.


    His teachings are claimed to be able to, yes, pick up a girl at a bar and get her into bed, but also can be used in other ways. Getting a girlfriend, keeping a girlfriend interested in you, getting multiple girlfriends, stealing a girlfriend away from someone, anyhting you want.


    If you look at the guys like David Deangelo and other pick up artists, you will find that while they did get a lot of hot girls, at some point they in fact do get a really hot perfect 10 girlfriend, and end up keeping her and settling down.


    i would expect david deangelo to disagree with me. i have a totally different approach to relating to women than him. he will tell you that his methods are guaranteed to get you whatever you want, but good luck finding an awake, aware, spiritual consort with NLP seduction methods. i don't care about hot girls, most of them have attitude problems and entitlement issues. i don't care about perfect tens. i care about a woman with a good head on her shoulders, and a good heart in her chest, who can cultivate her energy and her spiritual development with me. i don't personally think that david deangelo would know what to do with one of them... learn a lot probably. but like i said, totally different approach to relating to women...

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  13. Guru Sadhguru speaks on Marijuana



    i agree with him 100%


    i am SO much happier now that i don't smoke. that stuff really dulls the senses and makes you believe youre more spiritually connected!


    when i quit i had to do a lot of emotional work to deal with the issues i had be burying, but i knew what i was doing and i knew why i was doing it, and it was painful but now (yes a 2nd time!) i am SO much happier! :D

    • Like 2

  14. Interesting view.


    This illustration of the spine in the human body shows the front of the lower spine exists quite centrally.




    When I was first working with my spine (awareness and energy circuits), I felt more aliveness nearer to the spinous processes. However, recently, my attention (during meditation) has been directed more along the anterior spine. (Perhaps the qi is working its way through the anterior ligaments. Who knows. ^_^)


    oh thats neat, thanks!

  15. :o:o


    U got the graphic of the graph? I wanna see. :)


    couldnt dig one up in a minute or less but if you look you might find it. this from wikipedia

    Timewave zero and the I Ching


    "Timewave zero" is a numerological formula that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of "novelty", defined as increase over time in the universe's interconnectedness, or organized complexity.[70] According to Terence McKenna the universe has a teleological attractor at the end of time that increases interconnectedness, eventually reaching a singularity of infinite complexity in 2012, at which point anything and everything imaginable will occur simultaneously. He conceived this idea over several years in the early to mid-1970s while using psilocybin mushrooms and DMT.[70]


    McKenna expressed "novelty" in a computer program which purportedly produces a waveform known as "timewave zero" or the "timewave". Based on McKenna's interpretation of the King Wen sequence of the I Ching,[41] the graph appears to show great periods of novelty corresponding with major shifts in humanity's biological and sociocultural evolution. He believed that the events of any given time are recursively related to the events of other times, and chose the atomic bombing of Hiroshima as the basis for calculating his end date of November 2012. When he later discovered this date's proximity to the end of the 13th b'ak'tun of the Maya calendar, he revised his hypothesis so that the two dates matched.[71]


    The first edition of The Invisible Landscape refers to 2012 (but no specific day during the year) only twice. It was only in 1983, with the publication of Sharer's revised table of date correlations in the 4th edition of Morley's The Ancient Maya, that each became convinced that December 21, 2012, had significant meaning. McKenna subsequently included this specific date throughout the second edition of The Invisible Landscape, published in 1993.

  16. And let us not forget that the Mayan civilization destroyed itself. For me that doesn't say a whole lot.


    they predicted it beforehand though. :)


    everything rises and falls


    besides, those ruins were just found abandoned, they never found bones enough to indicate that the mayans all died in war. maybe they foresaw the coming of the spaniards and vibrated themselves back to wherever they came from. sounds ludicrous, but my point is that nobody really knows what happened to the maya, so infinite speculation is possible.

  17. That sounds similar to Ray Kurzweil's Singularity.


    kurzweil has a narrower focus (development of external technologies alone), less mathematical basis for his calculations, and a different target date (2040 i think). mckenna took into account internal technologies like language, and had less speculation and more math behind his predictions.


    i like kurzweil, and i am hopeful for AI. the age of spiritual machines is an awesome book.

  18. You know, I think this whole Mayan thing is dubious. Why the Mayans? Seems obscure. And most of the descendants of the Mayans don't seem to be too worked up about it.


    mayan hype is dubious. mayan calendar science speaks for itself.


    I almost get the feeling that something was going to be up anyhow in 2012, and so a hunt was made for a mythology that fit the date, to give people a reassuring feeling of foreknowledge. In other words, I get more of a feeling that something was deliberately planned, and we didn't find out about the plans until less than a decade ago, and then they squashed the Mayan calendar to fit what was going to happen anyhow.


    the mayans make more reference to 2012 in their stele than to any other date. that was 3000 years ago so their calculations weren't changed to fit the hype. the hype is based on their calculations.


    My two cents! :lol: I think the 2012 thing has more to do with UFO disclosure than anything else, because the number of sightings and serious people talking about past evidence is definitely on the uptick. When the FBI releases the smoking gun memo on Roswell, that's a heads up right there.


    Not that this month's thing has anything to do with 2012. I'm not sure what is happening this month.


    well the mayan tribes claim that their ancestors were cosmic maya, who came to this galaxy through sagittarius b (the black whole at the center of the milky way) and imparted their knowledge of temporal time and sacred time to them.


    i am not qualified to speak for the mayans but if anyone wonders what They are actually saying about their calendar and 2012, go to that site (http://www.shiftoftheages.com) and see for yourself. they built pyramids that left-brained cultures are still trying to figure out, devised the most accurate calendar known to man, and left a map of sacred time that has been kept for thousands of years by various tribes and peoples. why the mayans? i dunno, i guess someone's gotta be right

  19. Didn't Terrence McKenna also find some connection between the Mayan calendar and the I-Ching? I'm almost certain I read that somewhere. The reference escapes me for now.


    he devised a calendar, inspired by the i ching, which measured the occurances of paradigm-changing novelties (invention of language, civilization, money etc) and found the occurance of such novelty to be happening on an exponential curve. in other words, so there were thousands of years between the domestication of grains and animals and the widespread development of the city-state, for example, but now there is 30 years between the invention of the personal computer and the advent of the internet. at any rate he plotted these novelties on a timeline and found that the curve went vertical in late 2012.


    the story of the development of that calendar, which he calls timewave zero, is detailed in his book "invisible landscapes".

  20. The chakra's run along the spine, the Dan Tiens (besides UDT) are more forward in the body.


    it depends on which system you defer to. i have seen info saying that the chakras are contained within the taiji pole and info that says what you are saying up there. i have seen info saying that the dantiens are more fore, more aft, and exactly the same as the chakras they relate to, sacral, heart, and pineal.


    when i work with my own chakras, i feel the charge of them in a central place, not along my spine. more within the taiji pole. but this is just my experience with them. traditional chinese medicine does not recognize the chakras, correct? kwan saihung taught me chakra meditations, but in the book about his life by deng ming dao, he is told by a taoist hermit that the chakras don't actually exist. that hermit said they only work because people believe in them.


    maybe more people can chime in on the subject!

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  21. Okay so i used to have a girlfriend and she broke up with me i never stopped loving her and shes with another guy and i find myself very very jealous of him because i think "that used to be me" and i get kinda sad and really jealous. how am i to rid myself of these thoughts? what should i think?


    those thoughts are natural and will go away in time.


    when you catch yourself being jealous, just remind yourself that *she never belonged to you*, she is a free person, and you were blessed with the time you had together, but not more. if you still love her, respect her right to do with her life what she feels is best.


    thats pretty humbling, but humility is a good thing! :)

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  22. Maybe Hurricane Irene passing through Boston, or maybe something's up, yes? I figure if anybody knew, it would be you folk. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a very changey thing. Very very changey. And maybe a good thing, not bad at all. Or is it just me?


    i think somethings up. one tropical storm in canada alone wouldn't be a warning (or would it?), but the last few years are definitely a call from the planet to be ready for anything. now i don't have a degree in eschatology, but the mayan "long count" ends on approximately 12.21.12, and history as we know it has been described by the mayan calendar most elegantly. from the emergence of cellular life, to the start of the industrial revolution, to the internet and global connectivity, its all there, neatly encoded.


    right now its the midpoint of the 5th night of the universal cycle, each cycle being marked by a progression of 7 days and 6 nights, each day and night being a period of yang and yin of varying lenght (depending on the cycle). the universal cycle is marked by universal consciousness (as opposed to nationalist or global consciousness for example) but the 5th night usually marks a period where destruction occurs to make way for the new. if it were vedic calendrical science it would be ruled by shiva, but the maya/aztec ascribed the 5th night to tezcatlipoca, the dark twin brother of quetzacoatl, lord of light. those two are like a lucifer/michael pair to form a christian analogy. annnyway, the 6th day begins sept 5th, and is marked by flowering of the energies of that cycle (universal consciousness).


    http://www.shiftoftheages.com - website of the message of don alejandro cirilo perez AKA wandering wolf, grand elder of the maya


    there are some really good videos on that site under "wandering wolf's messages" that i turn to whenever i get worried about the eschaton. or anything "bad". he is one of the most beautiful people on the face of the planet, and his messages are full of hope and inspiration.

  23. its not a contest. without technique, celibacy is insane. it can literally do bad things to your energy body and mind, and ultimately your physical body. be careful. take it slow, and open your channels Before you try to break records, not By breaking them.


    sorry :) i was really tired last night. i meant retention, not celibacy. and i shouldn't have sounded so grumpy.. i think i went to bed right after i typed that