konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. So what are your personal records on retention ?


    its not a contest. without technique, celibacy is insane. it can literally do bad things to your energy body and mind, and ultimately your physical body. be careful. take it slow, and open your channels Before you try to break records, not By breaking them.

  2. Very cool Stig. I wonder if the Anishinnabek's have the intention of connecting with the aboriginal people's of your country.

    I've studied the history of the First Peoples of North America a bit. It's a deep wound in my heart.


    its a deep wound in the collective heart. i keep the 260 day calendar every day, i don't even need to look it up anymore i just know what day it is. that it also called tzolkin in modern terminology, and chol q'ij in quiche mayan, but all the tribes kept it to measure sacred time. i think its a given that aboriginal cultures got raped in multiple ways as the industrial era progressed. i would rather talk about the light that still shines from native wisdom than dwell on the darkness of false progress.


    "the earth does not belong to us. we belong to the earth." -chief seattle


    Light is the essence of Sacred Geometry. Drunvelo Melchizedek called Walter Russell (the author of the recommended 'Secret of Light' book listed in this thread) the greatest expert on Sacred Geometry.



    i just found that book buried in my ebooks collection..


    sadly my to-be-read pile grows exponentially faster then my ability to read. however, if tesla and mister melchizidek give him the official wow, i will have to bump it up and put some other things on the back burner


    vmarco i said this to you already so this is really @ everyone else:

    if dao is the undifferentiated light and we and our chakras are the spectrum of light, what would the prism be in that metaphor? anyone...

  4. you can only really help people who want to be helped. if your friend just wants to complain and feel that nobody understands him, he won't be open to help, even if you spell it out for him in gold letters five times. it won't matter.


    also, i've read that if you want to influence people you should listen 90% of the time and talk 10%. not that influencing people is awesome, but sometimes you can do it for their own betterment. helping people is awesome, but they have to be available to help in the first place.

  5. (thanks Desert Eagle)




    So, Anamatva, it is now your round to ask (or dare) for a taoist concept to be explained.


    Again, the rules are the following:


    A person asks a taoist concept. The next person must find a scene from a movie which explains, give an example, help to understand, that concept. Extra points if the person finds the youtube video that represents it. Then this second person asks for another Taoist Concept. And so on.


    Let's not miss the "and so on" part of the description.


    oh ok, i didn't want to presume since my clip wasn't from a motion picture. cool...


    ok i double dog dare you all to find a clip that exemplifies... imitating nature

  6. Yeah, but let's not be too critical on those who laugh upon hearing of the Tao. While reading my very first translation of the TTC I laughed a few times. (The paradoxes did my mind a job.)


    well i wasn't being critical per se. i think lao was exactly right, regarding your case or anyone elses.


    that is to say, if everyone just grasped it immediately there would be some kind of major problem with reality. i personally like it mysterious and indescribable.

  7. I wanted to know if there are any streches or training involved in sitting full lotus. For me it is very difficult to maintain the position. If I put my right foot on my thigh first then my left my knee dislocates out of place and it is very painful. However if I put my left foot on my thigh first everything is fine but I can't hold the position for too long. I know that sitting in full lotus for even a minute has many benefits but I would like to know how you bums do it (for those who can sit in full lotus).



    full lotus makes my foot fall fast asleep and my knees hurt. i usually sit in a posture somewhere between burmese and half lotus personally, depending on how limber i feel at any particular sitting. i might sit in either one of those postures. or i sit in half lotus or something close (quarter lotus?) unless my legs start screaming/tingling/whatever, then i switch to burmese for relief.

  8. Hey !!! Be easy on him!!!! He is an expert in sperm :D


    oh im sure. a veritable spermologist! "we've stalked the wild sperm to its natural habitat, the testicle! can we get a close up of these things, they look FEROCIOUS!"


    That is 30,850 ejaculations... he must be quite strong...


    well he should be, what with that degree in spermology and all. now MY sperm only take a day and a half to mature, so i bust about five nuts a day, except on wednesday which i have officially renamed "the sperm sabbath" on which i bust ten or fifteen for good measure. i've been doing it since i was two, and im thirty-three now! that math will CRASH your iphone! i think ive got ol chidragon beat by a couple ejaculations, so i therefore declare myself SUPREME SPERM EXPERT IN CHIEF FOR LIFE. you can call me mister sperm for short. or "his sperminess". or magnificent one. whichever you prefer!


    I think ChiDragon should tell us what ejaculations he/she has followed as a prescription for 30 years... He/She can round it as necessary for easy understanding.


    oh i don't think such things will ever be easy to understand...

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  9. Agreed, but speaking generally alot of tribes have, through colonization, had their spiritual culture stripped and beaten out of them. Good to see though that many, like Ahz's tribe, are a long way down the road to full recovery.


    And it was pretty f*ing awesome when Ahz shared one of his traditional songs using my medicine drum.




    yeah its tragic what has happened to so many cultures. i'll leave it at that.


    that is really excellent (the drum part, not the colonialization part). i'm glad for you

  10. One of the most valuable things I attained when I was in the military was my encounters with various peoples and their cultures. No matter where I was stationed I always tried to get out with the people and learn their way of life and culture.


    I concentrated on the music of these people as I feel that the music of a people tells a lot about their culture.


    native americans, speaking generally, are f*ing awesome

  11. Baolin Wu in his qigong book teaches to breathe every 4 heartbeats. Inhale for 4 hearbeats, exhale for 4...continuously without pausing. Something FYI. :)


    yeah four is my breathing number. although after a while, when my biorhythms stabilize in the relaxation of meditation, i will pause one or two beats between breaths. just cause i like to. i've read about rhythms like 4-2-4-2 and 4-1-5-2 etc... i personally like it because it helps me build mindfulness, and further deepens the relaxation of my mind


    also scotty as to your advice to apply the anal lock more gently, it really helps channel energy up the governing channel, and relaxing it as my focus gets to my tongue/palette helps energy down the conception channel. i feel like i finally begin to get the point of it. your advice was very helpful, thank you for taking the time!

  12. I wonder why Monks are not allowed to have sex with the opposite gender, and priests as well. It is confusing to me.


    i think monasteries are such closed societies that the politics, distractions to practice, and other valid concerns have popped up across many monastic traditions. its just most effective to say that one must be a renunciate to cultivate the monastic path than try to deal with the madness that must ensue from sexual relationships.


    it would be more confusing to you if you were a priest and you had to keep track of who was with who and who just broke up and he said she said and so on. it makes sense to me, and more importantly, it makes sense to a lot of monks and priests.

  13. Hi HE,


    I think I get your drift I hope!


    Here is a specific Taoist method to awaken the shen brighten the qi and empty the mind.


    Sit comfortably, cup the hands together forming a tunnel in line with the lower dan Tien.

    Pull the lower da tien in slightly.

    Close the eyes.

    Be aware of the breath and count it in to three and out to three.

    Think and concentrate on nothing but the breath.

    Push out all other thoughts

    Once you can do without the counting you can just concentrate on the breathing

    Once past this stage one can begin to calm and open the mind

    Let the mind be still and open

    Let the shen be full, and the qi begin to stir.

    once finished open the eyes wide as possible and close them again

    then once more open the eyes as wide as possible and let them rest normally open.


    This is a specific Taoist meditation on opening shen, qi and mind, the three vital operators of the body.


    when counting breaths, i like to count my heartbeats instead of numbers that mind generates


    just throwing that out there. it helps me a lot, listening quietly paying attention to my own rhythms. you all can try it if you haven't already and see if it works better for you.


    what are some exercises to strengthen shen?

  14. That appears to be a common occurance on this forum. However, I very much enjoyed your insights, like "suggesting that these systems lose their effectiveness as one arrives at this state of permanent samadhi, that you are constantly cramming down people's throats, is ridiculous. thats like saying that if water were to realize its true nature, it wouldn't be affected by the moon."


    It would be great to be part of a thread in which there was no ad homenim,...where the honest communion would be welcomed.




    i tried talking to him once before and i knew i shouldn't have done it twice. live and learn. my higher self is now singing "told you so, told you so" at me.


    yes it would be great to be part of a world without ad hominem arguments. since thats probably too much to ask, i would settle for a single thread too.

  15. Yeah, I just mentioned about paradoxes when I read my first TTC. I laughed because my mind was too narrow, or too closed or too whatever, for me to see the depth of the paradoxes. Now, of course, I love them - they cause deeper thought.


    Hehehe. I'm not 'into' tarot either.


    But yes, the more simple we can design our life (around our inner essence) the more pleasurable our life will be.


    Your words "... grounded in the moment." caused me memories of one of our members, Rene. She is the person who helped my understand the concept of keeping one foot grounded in 'yo' (the Manifest) (in the moment) and the other grounded in 'wu' (the Mystery). We sometimes have to shift our weight but we should try to remain grounded in both.


    i that case i will spare you the resemblance between that last paragraph and the temperence card :)


    i am decidedly into tarot.


    but i am glad you embraced paradox, and glad to hear about your growth, and that i remind you of people you think of fondly.

  16. I hate how so many people look down upon me it actually kinda frustrates me. I barely have any friends and others give me wierd looks and look down upon me. how should i go about fixing this? what would the Tao do?


    cultivate self-respect and recognize that people play head-games all day long. it drains their energy, so don't let it drain yours. just know that it comes from their insecurity that they want to pass along to you because misery loves company.


    develop compassion, first for yourself, so you can have it for others. don't get drawn into these head-games, learn not to play. learn to smile at your oppressors.


    people take their cues about how to treat you from how you treat yourself. thats why i say cultivate self-respect. and don't expect too much from people, this is a dark age and many people struggle and suffer.

    • Like 1

  17. Hello everybody,


    This is my first real post on this forum so let me tell you about my situation.


    I've been watching and reading Mantak Chia's lessons on how to transform the sexual energy and it seems to work well as the erection disappears but as soon as I start to masturbate or have sex again, I feel very fast close again to the point of no return so I'm wondering what's happening...


    Thank you so much in advance for your precious help :D



    im with the lerner, take it slower. thats always good advice anyway.


    it sounds to me like you might be building sexual energy but not channeling it. have you heard of "chanelling the semen up the spine to nourish the brain"? if you have, are you also traveling it down the descending channel in the front of your body, and like others said, returning it to the dan tien? you don't need to be in seated lotus to do that, you can do it laying down or sitting up normally etc


    i wouldnt worry, everyone is different. follow mantak chia's advice on how to transmute jing into chi and how to circulate the small orbit up the spine and down the front. that will help regardless of whether or not it solves your conundrum


    What is at rest is easy to hold.

    What manifests no omens is easily forestalled.

    What is fragile is easily shattered.

    What is small is easily scattered.

    Tackle things before they have appeared.

    Cultivate peace and order before confusion and disorder have set in.


    i like how this builds on the last chapter. it reminds me to meditate when i don't feel like i "need" to meditate, but when i feel calm and centered anyway. prevention is worth a thousand cures. when i sit on the mornings i feel great, i can ride that vibe easily into a charge that i carry with me throughout the day.




    A tree as big as a man's embrace springs from a tiny sprout.

    A tower nine stories high begins with a heap of earth.

    A journey of a thousand leagues starts from where your feet stand.


    this reminds me to constantly let go throughout the day, like each thing i chose not to let frustrate me could be the snowball that turns into an avalanche later if im not careful. since i live in a city, leaving my house is like "let it go, let that go, oh let that go too" constantly, but with mindfulness i don't get too stressed out



    He who fusses over anything spoils it.

    He who grasps anything loses it.

    The Sage fusses over nothing and therefore spoils nothing.

    He grips at nothing and therefore loses nothing.

    In handling affairs, people often spoil them just at the point of success.

    With heedfulness in the beginning and patience at the end, nothing will be spoiled.

    Therefore, the Sage desires to be desireless,

    Sets no value on rare goods,

    Learns to unlearn his learning,

    And induces the masses to return from where they have overpassed.

    He only helps all creatures to find their own nature,

    But does not venture to lead them by the nose.


    i love paradoxes like "desires to be desireless" and "learns to unlearn ones learning". reconciling paradox is fundamental to the human endeavor, as it expresses itself though philosophy, and master lao's are some of the most eloquent.


    this reminds me to embrace things gently, myself included.


    marblehead, what you said about walking off the cliff lost in thoughts is the very image of card zero in the tarot deck, "the fool", and its message is just what you said. its widely acknowledged as the only card in the major arcana to survive the christian church's persecution of heretics, and make its way into the modern deck of playing cards as the joker. chapter 64 definitely reminds me of the lesson of the fool, to return to simplicity, grounded in the moment.