konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. I don't agree with any of this.


    Emptiness is this:


    Everything is illusion. Concepts make things seem real.


    Same idea, different words. I was referencing Gen Lamrimpa's interpretation from "Realizing Emptiness" which is basic madhyamaka. If you read what I said again it was that concepts make things seem real.

  2. emptiness isn't the absence of perceptions. the concept is specifically buddhist and carries a particular meaning which doesnt mean the absence of phenomena.


    philosophically, its the inherent suchness of reality which needs no mental elaboration or conceptual designation. So in that way, it could be the absence of thought, but thats a rigid definition if you ask me. If you look at discursive thoughts with the view of emptiness, they are empty too, and a display of emptiness in and of themselves.


    whether one says "there is no emptiness" or "there is only emptiness" is just semantic. if a person thinks that reality needs to be elaborated upon conceptually, i think they are wrong, but it doesn't really matter. things are what they are regardless.

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  3. the human digestive tract has evolved based on an omnivorous diet. our teeth, stomach enzymes, and intestines are designed to digest meat.


    i suggest reading "eat right according to your blood type" which, although disputed by some, outlines the need for some people to supplement their diet with meat.


    i got sick when i was vegan, and i was supplementing with b-complex and extra iron, etc... doing it right

  4. instead of considering that by adopting the philosophy of Buddhism, people should be immune to their own emotions and the oppression of invaders, and somehow be passive sheep in the face of violence... lets consider how you would react if your neighbor came into your house and took all your stuff and threw it out and replaced it with his stuff, and told you that you would be paying him rent now.


    Not a pefect analogy, but lets consider the humanity of the situation before jumping to knee jerk conclusions. Its a little more complex than adopting a philosophy of nonviolence and being somehow "saved" from our own dark sides... that whole mindset seems very christian and naive to me. Buddhists get angry, Buddhists love their country of origin, Buddhists dislike oppression, Buddhists react emotionally, Buddhists are human beings not saints... in my opinion there is nothing difficult to understand about this.


    People who put religion on a pedestal and expect it to solve all problems and get whiney when it doesn't are holding a false view.

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  5. i would read the Bardo Thodol and prepare myself for the bardo state... i have special faith in that book because my one experience in the sidpai bardo (NDE) was from the Bardo Thodol word for word, and i hadn't read it yet. Anyway, since I have already done that, i guess i would just be on vacation so i would meditate a lot. Since i already do that, i don't know if there is any point to this point i am not making, except to advise others who might die (you know, that special subset of the population) to read the Bardo Thodol or any Book of the Dead, there are several.


    go towards the brilliant blue light which manifests on the first day... thats your ticket out of samsara btw.. even the white light is just a trip to the god realms which are within the samsaric cycle. But there are, according to BT, worlds outside of samsara, like Kuntazangpo's pure land and other nirvanic realms where one can live in sublime cultivation for as long as their karma allows.


    anyway, if you miss that blue light, the next (not so intense) blue light (3rd day i think) is the entrance to the human realm again, which is ideal for cultivation and considered superior to the god and asura realms from a Buddhist point of view. from being reborn as human you can have access to teachings and leisure time, and if youre lucky, dharma (again from a Buddhist pov) so if you're dead, go into the blue light.



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  6. the procedure is as you describe, minus the prostate stim, from what i can tell. Using the LDT as a water wheel is my way of saying one turns the LDT on its axis so that it rotates forward on top and backward on bottom, using this as power to move qi through the vessels and some of the meridians. There is nothing complex or mystical to describe, it is very straightforward. Just rotate the LDT and, assuming one is free of blockages, the MCO rotates too.


    its almost too simple

  7. It's because there is no genuine interest to see similarities in the "other camp". Only disparaging condescension about reification and how it sucks.


    cant we all just get along


    When adults come to discuss with civility I will be glad to endorse such discussions In any case I am a nobody so why should my opinion matter anyway? :o


    im not sure anyone's opinion matters, but its a common mistake to think that they do


    anyway, i was just delighting in irony, i am not genuinely interested in taking a stance on this issue as my knowledge of AV is almost completely limited, and my knowledge of dzogchen and buddhism is significantly limited lol. so aside from the pointing out of irony, i have nothing relevant to contribute. thank you for humoring me.

  8. what are you more experienced bums (or anyones) thoughts on turning the wheel of small orbit by turning the dantian, using it as a water wheel to affect all the orbits in the body? This method is taught by Damo Mitchell, and i have been using it since I read his 2nd book (Daoist Nei Gong)

  9. those comments come from an article in oshonews http://www.oshonews.com/2011/12/16th-karmapa-about-osho/ which was about a meeting which took place in 1972 but wasn't pubished or talked about til 2011. That story has huge holes in it, like everything else about osho. It usually takes hours to meet the karmapa with an appointment, i know someone who went to see the karmapa and was only allowed an audience because a prominent lama had signed a recommendation that my friend be granted an audience. and it took him like 4 hours waiting before the karmapa would see him. The idea that someone would just roll up and say "oh are you here to see the lama?" and take him immediately to see his holiness reeks of bullshit. I call shenanigans on that whole story, since there is no source for that information other than oshonews... no buddhist sources, or anything else.

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