konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. the responses i have had aren't really relevant. Have you received guru instruction? I am not qualified to give it to you but there are two stages of visualization that accompany the mantra in my tradition. If you look around on the internet, im sure you'll find talk about it... sorry to be vague, i'm just not qualified to give that instruction.


    if you can do 8 mala rounds every day for 4 months, you'll achieve your goal. Thats like 4 hours of mantra recitation per day... pretty lofty goal.


    mind if i ask, are you doing preliminaries under the guidance of a lineage master?

  2. haha thanks i asked my bf to make it for me :P The chinese is supposed to say "A new low". We used google translator so idk if it is correct lol


    thats the first pony phenomenon that i like btw... i guess im just too serious or something


    i mean its never too late to learn about love and friendship but i don't see the big deal, or why its a cult craze. Im not much into entertainment of that sort but i like your sig because its genuinely funny both ways you could take it

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  3. it took me a long time to accept Trungpa Rinpoche, i thought his "crazy wisdom" was a thin mask for poor choices and nymphomanical alcoholism, and i didn't like his stripped down American Buddhism.. i like all that "weird" Tibetan Buddhism. Seeing the footage of his cremation was actually one of the first turning points in my being able to accept him as a realized being and a genuine genius. All that is evident in his books of course, but unfortunately I had chosen to focus on his problems rather than his brilliance when considering him.


    The 28-day retreat I went on last year was on the same property as is shown in that footage, at a center called Karme Choling in north Vermont.


    they are making a movie about his son Sakyong Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche (the present incarnation of Mipham the nyingma scholar, and student of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche) called An Uncommon King.




  4. i wasted valuable time trying to figure out what this thread was about only to realize it was about stupid ponies for little girls


    iif you are truly compelled to share your strange fascination with shows for toddlers, yes, please post in off topic

  5. i have used it for cleansing, blessing, empowering, protecting, that sort of thing. Like most arts of its nature, there is no concrete way to quantify the results or to describe what my experiences have been. Some would challenge me to prove that they were anything more than placebo, but I would say that based on what i know about magic and energy, that the system has the potential to produce results when practiced correctly.

  6. calling him a clown is not different in any way


    alwayson never claimed to have realized compassion or loving-kindness. he knows a lot about buddhism in a scholarly way tho.


    its darkly comical to watch him bring out the worst in people tho, myself included


    let it go

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  7. :blink::huh:


    maybe youre confusing it with a post about the roots of buddhism. if you read it again, you'll see that it has nothing to say about the roots of vajrayana. I mentioned that jolan chang reports in The Tao of Love and Sex that the physical sexual practices were called the chinese practices in tibet, which might mean that vajrayana incorporated some chinese wisdom in the course of its history. Neither I, nor Chang, made any claims about the origins of vajrayana.


    I understand that you are a purist and think that vajrayana, or buddhism, is the root of daoism, but to me it is not inconceivable that the two have different origins, and that they cross pollinated during the course of their history. I wouldn't dream of talking to you about the origins of vajrayana, i am sure i would be wrong lol... it all came from the dharmakaya and samboghakaya anyway so its not like you know the origins of it either lol


    anyway moving on

  8. This is the nonsense I was responding to:


    "@alwayson Jolan Chang writes that within Tibetan vajrayana, the physical practices of highest yoga tantra, like semen retention, internal orgasm for men, etc, were called "the chinese practices". He was a daoist of course, and everyone seems to like to write about how right their tradition is, but nonetheless, its possible that vajrayana incorporated elements of daoism and chinese thought."


    thats nice alwayson. you're welcome to disagree with jolan chang, i would expect no less from you.


    but you were going on about the roots of vajrayana, as i quoted in the last post. this post you quote here has nothing to do with the roots of vajrayana. So i'm not sure how to respond except to let you know that i have no interest in arguing with you, which pretty much rules out all conversation with you.


    if youre going to pick a bone with every little thing outside your box, at least be consistent and make sense. thanks.

  9. back to the topic of the thread....


    I am very hesitant to voice this but as i am fairly sure of it, and don't care what people who argue for argument's sake have to say about it, i am going to


    I thought that brahma approached him shortly after his enlightenment and supplicated him to teach his realization to people. I have heard from numerous sources that he felt that his insight was too difficult to convey or accept and was going to keep to himself for the rest of his life. Then he was approached by god who asked him to teach. This isn't silence about god, it is acknowledging the presence and even the authority (or at least the wisdom) of it.


    can anyone comment (without starting a fight lol)? thanks

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  10. This is just utter crap. We have all the roots of Vajrayana. Its pretty clear.




    "Indian Esoteric Buddhism" by Davidson

    "Tantric Body" by Flood

    "Cakrasamvara Tantra" by Gray


    lol i said the roots of buddhism not vajrayana. the bon oral tradition according to lopon tenzin namdak lists the previous buddhas of 20 or so world ages gone back.. thats prehistory. Shakyamuni wasn't the originator of buddhism or the first buddha. Thats what im talking about lol

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  11. @sinancenser

    escaping a cycle of suffering and being anti-life don't really fit together. Seems pro-life to liberate oneself. also, the idea is to become what you actually are (and always were) not what you aren't yet.



    Jolan Chang writes that within Tibetan vajrayana, the physical practices of highest yoga tantra, like semen retention, internal orgasm for men, etc, were called "the chinese practices". He was a daoist of course, and everyone seems to like to write about how their tradition is completely awesome, but nonetheless, its possible that vajrayana incorporated elements of daoism and chinese thought. ultimately both daoism and buddhism have roots that are lost in prehistory, so its immaterial to engage in speculation about whether one sprung from the other. Oral tradition traces both to great antiquity.

  12. at our local food co-op and our whole foods market, there is filtered water (reverse osmosis, and in the case of the co-op, ultraviolet filtered on top of that) which is free of pharmaceuticals and all the stuff that the standard community filtration can't filter out.


    There is also the matter of fluoride and chlorine, which are both, as joeblast pointed out, completely disgusting on several levels.


    anyway we have three 3-gallon jugs and some 1-gallon jugs and needless to say, don't drink the crap from the tap


    i'm glad to see you shedding light on pharmaceuticals in the water supply, thanks

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  13. just finished dream yoga by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and have had deepening dream experiences based on the practices. They take time to exact their full effect, but lately i have been having more vivid dreams which are easily memorable. Also of note, dreams within dreams which yielded insight into what i was dreaming about, and last nights dream of a weeklong meditation retreat (all 7 days of it).


    The exercises are very simple and work with the energy of A and thigle and the unconditioned mind, so if you practice with those energies or with guruyoga to Samantabhadra or any dzogchen practice, its just a matter of incorporating your practice into your bedtime routine.


    just received and now reading: The Cycle of Day and Night, also by Norbu RInpoche

  14. Today, one week before the Supreme Court hears arguments in Bowman v. Monsanto Co., the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and Save our Seeds (SOS) launched our new report, Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers.

    The report investigates how the current seed patent regime has led to a radical shift to consolidation and control of global seed supply and how these patents have abetted corporations, such as Monsanto, to sue U.S. farmers for alleged seed patent infringement.

    Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers also examines broader socio-economic consequences of the present patent system including links to loss of seed innovation, rising seed prices, reduction of independent scientific inquiry, and environmental issues.

    Among the report’s discoveries are several alarming statistics:

    • As of January 2013, Monsanto, alleging seed patent infringement, had filed 144 lawsuits involving 410 farmers and 56 small farm businesses in at least 27 different states.
    • Today, three corporations control 53 percent of the global commercial seed market
    • Seed consolidation has led to market control resulting in dramatic increases in the price of seeds. From 1995-2011, the average cost to plant one acre of soybeans has risen 325 percent; for cotton prices spiked 516 percent and corn seed prices are up by 259 percent.

    Additionally, Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers reports a precipitous drop in seed diversity that has been cultivated for millennia. As the report notes: 86% of corn, 88% of cotton, and 93% of soybeans farmed in the U.S. are now genetically-engineered (GE) varieties, making the option of farming non-GE crops increasingly difficult.

    While agrichemical corporations also claim that their patented seeds are leading to environmental improvements, the report notes that upward of 26 percent more chemicals per acre were used on GE crops than on non-GE crops, according to USDA data.

    At the launch of the report via teleconference today, experts from the Center for Food Safety and Save our Seeds were joined by Mr. Vernon Hugh Bowman, the 75-year-old Indiana soybean farmer who, next week, will come up against Monsanto in the Supreme Court Case. When asked about the numerous comparisons being drawn between his case and the story of David and Goliath, Mr. Bowman responded, “I really don’t consider it as David and Goliath. I don’t think of it in those terms. I think of it in terms of right and wrong.”

    In December of 2012, the Center for Food Safety and Save Our Seeds submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court on behalf of Mr. Bowman, which supports the right of farmers to re-plant saved seed. Arguments in the case are scheduled for February 19th.

    Download the report here: http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Seed-Giants_final.pdf

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  15. as time goes on it becomes more and more a non-issue... something ridiculous that our parents and grandparents were neurotically fascinated with.


    but in many parts of the world (africa) its still an issue with a capital i. i mean you can't be out, you'll get hurt or die.


    so while i agree with you HNJT from an american perspective, from a global one i think it still merits healthy discussion.


    @WWROA Homosexuality has been observed in hundreds of species of animals.. last i looked, over 500. We're probably all bisexual on a deep level. Maybe if gay people didn't feel so ostracized by society they wouldn't act out in dangerous ways? who knows.. i know if i had been accepted by my parents and society for who i was as a youth, i wouldn't have done half the stupid and destructive things i've done. But thats basically speculation, take it or leave it. In the end bigotry is bigotry, and segregation is a form of hate and a supremacist play. Gay people deserve rights and respect regardless of the problems inherent in their lifestyle or sexuality. Your litany of complaints has no real point except to reflect on your own character.

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