konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. "You say I took the name in vain
    I don't even know the name
    But if I did, well really, what's it to you?
    There's a blaze of light
    In every word
    It doesn't matter which you heard
    The holy or the broken hallelujah"


    -original lyrics




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  2. i've found that stress and fear manifest as a contracted sphincter for me


    when i notice a habitual clench it usually means i am concentrated on something of those natures, or that something below the surface is demanding my attention.


    i wouldnt worry too much about it, just keep relaxing. and i wouldnt feel too weird about talking about that sort of thing, its more normal than you might think. i've certainly read about it before (can't remember where or i would point you in the direction) in studying the microcosmic orbit and how the whole pelvic floor and anal region holds stress.


    i mean we talk about anal retentive people, its that common.


    anyway best of luck

  3. i was amazed when i saw them because i wasn't familiar with the absurdity of the drug advertising of that era and i thought they were worth sharing, if for no other reason, then for the outrageousness of them. they simultaneously make me laugh and create a profound sadness, and i find that interesting in itself.


    for example the thorazine ad that claims to calm the belligerent senile!


    or "injectable whole opium - from the juice of the poppy"


    its just a mindfuck imagining opening a magazine and seeing an advertisement for that!


    so my intention was just to show you something that might otherwise be missed as it is rarely seen. i suppose my motive was to amuse you, and yes hopefully you found some of those funny, although i hope that you were also touched by the sense of sensationalism exuded by the pharmaceutical industry, and maybe educated too, about drugs, advertising, human nature, etc.

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  4. spoiler is just [ spoiler ] and then [ /spoiler ] without the spaces between the brackets and the command

    theres a menu option for it too, hidden in the special BBCodes (3rd icon over at the top of the text box) but its easier to just type it out for me.


    so you would do it like this:

    [ spoiler ] [ media ] http://www.youtube.com/video [ /media ] [ /spoiler ]

    (again without the spaces)

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    according to Lopon Tenzin Namdak bon has a 17,000 year history of oral tradition and transmission. Hard to find dates for Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche but i think he predated Shakyamuni Buddha.

  6. very interesting stories, thank you everyone for sharing...


    when i was a child in america, i imagined monks in saffron and yellow robes, looking tibetan, before i knew the difference between different kinds of monks. The images i would conjure of monks while sitting in my room are still very clear in my memory.


    when i was 14 i wondered what monks did when they meditated, so i sat down and closed my eyes with my legs crossed. I remember sitting there until i was unable to imagine the room or recreate the scene in my minds eye. There i was floating free in space with no reference points. I was hooked!


    when i was 16 i learned to lucid dream, and read the DDJ for the first time, and a mess of other books like carlos castendeda series and basic buddhism books


    when i was 18 i was meditating 2 or 3 hours a day, getting up sitting a little going to work coming home sitting a lot eating showering going to bed. It was very unstructured and uninformed, but i was unwinding myself and making progress. I had a spiritual sickness that year and woke from it a fundamentally different person. I consider castendeda to be fraudulent but the experience i had bears remarkable similarity to don juan's description of one who loses their human form to remain just a human mold. Who can say...


    when i was 19, after studying taiji and kungfu under a daoist for a few years i went travelling, a self styled wandering daoist, living out of a backpack with a bedroll. I saw much of the united states and had a merry time until i was hit by a car at 20. That experience was accompanied by a near death experience which was directly out of the Bardo Thodol (the so called "tibetan book of the dead"... it actually translates as "the inbetween state which liberates upon contact") which i hadn't read yet.


    when i was 21, having been changed by the NDE, i was having an incredibly hard time healing from a bilateral tibia fibula fracture, and trying to figure out why i could not go back to being the "worldly" (lol) person i was before my NDE. I read the bardo thodol and realized that there was a map for the territory i had stumbled into, and beyond.


    when i was 22 i took refuge in buddhism under Ontul Rinpoche, a Drikung Kagyu and Yangzab (drikung dzogchen) Tibetan Buddhist lineage holder, and started sitting with a local Drikung Kagyu sangha every chance i got. I started taking my dharma seriously and while the years between then and 30 were characterized by vacillation between heavy involvement in sangha and my own solo exploration sans group, i continued to make progress


    when i was 30 i doubled down again, met my ninja teacher, and, inspired to become "invisible", started cutting out the inessential things and people that were holding back my spiritual progress.


    when i was 34 i joined TTB and started posting (i don't usually post much if at all on forums) and learned, among other things, that the NDE had wakened my kundalini... so i started working with that energy with the help of the kuji-in my ninja teacher had showed me, and with shaking practice


    now at 36 i feel i have a firm foundation in meditation and and building an ever-firmer foundation in philosophy (which i neglected to study for a long time, being turned off by academic approaches to spiritual practice, and preferring to just sit).


    hope that wasn't too long :) i left a lot out

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  7. sushumna moves up and down, simultaneously and continuously as muktananda taught


    there are a series of smaller and smaller channels inside sushumna, which increase in the subtlety of the energy transmitted as they decrease in size, down to an extraordinarily small channel which is just void, according to goswami (layayoga)


    but none of them move downward specifically, its just that the sushumna isn't limited to up or down , its both

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  8. i am looking for more esoteric type of answers may be some exercises, i think that this charisma, charm, sex appeal, attractiveness , this is all somehow related to spirituality your behavior and all doesnt make you sexy, its something inside you you see some people whom you have never talked but they still look very sexy to you i have heard that yang chi makes you more attractive to opposite sex , any truth about it ?


    ah i see. glad you clarified. perhaps robust energy, the kind that is cultivated by qigong and esoteric energy practices, makes one attractive to the opposite sex. i'm not really sure about yang qi (kundalini) although that makes sense too

  9. i told my gf about the research that says that many women like "bad boys" and if their boyfriends are nice to them, open doors for them, etc, they get bored and start chasing bad boys. She laughed and asked if i had been reading pick up artist material and will i still be shoveling the snow off the walk in the mornings? lol then she reminded me that most people (both sexes) are confused and don't know what they want anyway, which throws a wrench in all sociological research about attraction and relationships.


    She assured me that she, and the more emotionally balanced women she knows or works with, appreciate kindness, gentleness, honesty, and even chivalry to a point. And definitely appreciate not having to go outside at dark thirty in the morning to shovel snow.


    In my own opinion, calm is sexy, confident is sexy, but the most sexy thing of all is being able to actually sexually satisfy your partner (and then some). I've known ugly guys that sleep with lots of women because word of their abilities to give pleasure gets spread around the bar or the block or wherever. And i think that when people have good knowledge of the psychology and anatomy of the opposite sex, when they can relax and enjoy the moment of introduction in the same way that they are relaxed in the moment of coition, that brings about a natural confidence which is attractive without artifice.


    just 2c from a bum

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  10. according to lopon malcolm, the specific practices of dzogchen and mahamudra should not be discussed with those who have not received initiation or empowerment. He didn't say that mentioning them was forbidden, he said that talking about practices we have received is forbidden. (he also said that the four yogas are okay to discuss).

  11. the teacher who did respond to my questions added that traditionally in tibet dzogchen was secret, and that at the time of sri simha's transmission to vairocana it was illegal in oddiyana and was practiced in total secrecy. He said that since the destruction of traditional tibetan culture and the transfer to the west of vajrayana/dzogchen it has become more open, hence public webcasts of introductory transmission and other more mainstream appearance of dzogchen. He said that tantric vows did not apply to it, that it is not considered a form of tantra. He said the most important thing is whether a person is saying things about dzogchen in order to learn in a humble way, or whether they are fostering the false refuge of ego by acting like a dzogchenpa when they are not.


    He repeated that it is not forbidden to mention dzogchen in public or on the internet. He said in his experience, the more sincere a practitioner is, the less they talk about it.


    my other teacher still hasnt responded, but can speak from the point of view of mahamudra. When he gets back to me i will let you know.

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