konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. because of the flagrant use of ad hominem and trolling (derailing a thread on purpose, and then bragging about it), there were 2 posts in 33 pages which were actually informative. A fine display from a Steward lol... is he steward of the pit? Abuse of power issues anyone?


    at any rate, a call to peace? is the last post some sort of evidence of the sincerity of that claim? or were you just interested in peace-as-long-as-you-got-what-you-wanted, which seems to be me to just shut up and quit using logic and reason in these damned discussions! lol a fitting close to what amounts to MH being defensive about his ism, and reacting from the ground of fear and insecurity rather than being open to what others had to offer. I still think that the OP made a good point, and had it not been for having to shovel an hours worth of shit to make the smallest point, an interesting discussion might be had about non-realist atheism. Its astonishingly funny to me that if Niels Bohr says that matter is an abstraction, "i might be on to something", but if Shakyamuni teaches non-realism, its a delusion and his followers are all fools etc.


    Anyway, congrats Marbles on great Stewardship and exemplary openmindedness when it comes to learning about other's paths. You have earned yourself a gold star to stick to your nose, and a place on my ignore list. Nice knowing you.

  2. thanks


    Where are the roots of the idea that kundalini is an earthly power?


    When kundalini resides in the lower centers, it causes a lot of gross and sexual fixation, but as it moves up the body, it is the cause of virtuous emotions (heart) and nondual awareness (crown). Not everyone's kundalini is confined to the root chakra, and there is much more to it than sexual energy.

  3. Well what i was referring to was the relationship between Holy Spirit and kundalini in Jewish Kaballah. The verses you cite are interesting, but do not clarify that relationship. Some people translate Shekinah as a synonym of kundalini but I understand that that is not entirely correct and a projection of one culture's interpretation onto another's. I am asking because i personally believe that there is "one thing" and that Hindus do not have some special access to kundalini which Jews are not afforded or any other such nonsense. So if there is a relationship which is described in the JK teachings, I am curious about it.

    Transmission is a component of many traditions, but it a major component of the inner (or mystical) aspects of the gnostic Christian tradition. Transmissions can be "sent" by divine beings and also masters or adepts of the tradition.


    There are two main types of transmission. The lower form is at the level of the "mind" and is often called a mind transmission. The higher form is at the level of the heart (or inner heart) and is often called a "light" transmission.


    A mind level transmission is commonly associated with the 3rd eye (mind) and is at the astral level. Energy is sent in a directed way to another being, and this energy is translated by the mind into some sort of vision (or healing). The experience (and power) of the transmission is highly dependent on both the clarity of the sender and receiver beings. Depending on the "frequency range" of the transmission, issues and fears in the subconscious mind may be hit. The resulting mind translation can create a very wild perception/experience. This is also why astral travel/mediumship is not recommended in many traditions, as it is possible for the mind to be "fooled" or for negative beings to hide behind deep subconscious issues and fears. Finally, this type of transmission is still at the level of duality, as the mind still believes there are two beings (sender and receiver) and hence is subject to things like the perception of "shielding".


    A light level transmission is very rare and at the level of the "inner heart" or soul. To send such a transmission, one must have realized oneness, or in Christian terms be at least a highly developed "saint" (or master of the tradition). To even notice/receive such a transmission one must have an open heart (open 4th chakra). A light transmission is beyond the local mind and is a communication directly at the soul level. Depending on one's integration at the soul level, the information is then sort of "decompressed" into components that can be understood by the mind. Those with a developed third eye and the capacity to receive a light transmission will often "see" the transmitting soul which can look like a multicolored burning bush at the level of conscious mind.


    In a light transmission, the sender has realized oneness and sort of "overlays" their aspect of consciousness on the person, then the natural "light" that they are flows through. In a light transmission, everything that is the sending "being" is included/given to the person. In the process, it is more about the persons ability to "receive". To the receiving person it can feel like "being in a bubble" or like their body pressure has dramatically increased/gotten heavy. Additionally, a divine being/master can share/extend mind clarity (peace that passes human understanding) and the Holy Spirit (Kundalini) in the process.


    Transmissions are normally at the "grace" of the divine beings. Mental clarity and an open heart are the key in contacting divine beings. Once one realizes oneness, you can directly overlay/merge with divine beings up to your relative clarity.


    do you have a reference or references for these distinctions? Not that i disagree with them, but just that you seem to dabble in a lot of traditions and i don't read a lot about gnostic Christianity so i wonder where these ideas come from.

  4. Thanks turtleshell. Fuck TED anyway, as you said they represent a dangerous agenda and have banned some valuable talks. They also represent the proliferation of a mindset which prefers to get its news from glorified sound bites instead of delving deeply into an issue. So easy to misrepresent what is real in that format, and now we see that there are vested interests at play, and that TED is corrupt.


    There is some French research on the effects of GMOs on animals, but all American attempts to study GMOs have been mysteriously underfunded and disrupted.


    The French research came out last year from Caen University (i think) and i won't link to anything because you should look into it for yourself.. its highly polarized and very contested research (and for some valid reasons) so i will let you wade through the data yourself.


    It did show dramatically higher incidence of cancer, tumors, organ failure, and other abnormalities in rats fed GMO corn than in rats fed natural corn.


    As far as i know, we are still waiting on a study which studies the effects over generations and how the genetic modifications to the corn effect the genetic modifications of offspring and their offspring etc. I could be wrong, but I do make effort to stay on top of the issue.

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  5. has anyone read the desert fathers? any good recommendations/sources? i was just talking to a contemplative prayer friend of mine for a couple hours about correlations between Christianity and Buddhism. That being said, I knew that this thread would get mucked up with kundalini nonsense, and dzogchen rhetoric... lol kinda like foreknowledge except on TTB its just pattern recognition. I don't think that the holy spirit manifests in the same way to all people, or it would be widely known, and not just the words of TI that it was a ball of light with wings and lasers. If anyone has references for that idea being acceptable as a fact i would be interested. I could not find any by searching except that John saw the Holy Spirit alight upon Christ like a dove at his baptism. Anyway, without a firm foundation in Jewish Kabbalah (which i don't have) I dont think anyone should be commenting in an authoritative way about the relationship between Shekinah, kundalini, and Holy Spirit. Is anyone able to describe that relationship from the framework of Christian mysticism/Jewish Kaballah? That would be appreciated. No universal kaballah or magickal pseudo-kaballah please.

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  6. I would like to ask if someone is willing to share his/her own experience on the benefits (or at least, the impact) of a certain initiation (which he received) in ordinary life.


    I ask this because I plan to take an initiation, I know about the samaya, etc.. but I'm not sure if those things really work.


    Also, I want to ask if a sadhana of a certain Yidam is given in transliterated tibetan rather than english. I don't like sadhanas in english, they sound weird hehe

    You can PM me the specifics. I will talk about what I can if it will help you.


    Edit: are you asking about a specific initiation like a certain deity, or are you just asking someone to share about any initiation in order to try to understand how lineage and yidam energy manifests?

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