konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. Buddha is considered completely new age compared to most shamanic practices such as the bushmen.


    A chinese Qi medicine man who was reported to be very powerful went to visit the bushmen shamans, the gave him a transmissions thinking he was really powerful, but he couldnt handle it, now Im not saying shamanism is better but maybe it is. Its natural, Ancient Taoists were shamans. Chinese shamans. Pretending you dont exist all day is not natural


    Shamans make fun and tease people who think about sitting still and forcing their mind to be empty all the time.


    Another example is on the contributed articles section some people make posts about emptiness, then go on and say they know everything about emptiness and are enlightened and they fight furiously, and other users engage in battles saying how "no one exists" who knows about emptiness etc etc.


    Or More Pie guy who wants me to never discuss or highlight stuff I disagree with in his posts (or stop interacting with him, in his own words) I reply, that I cant stop interacting with him, because I dont exist. This is the kind of childishness I am talking about.


    Buddhism is older than 2500 years. Buddha is, at least, the 5th Buddha, according to Theravada. Bon recognizes 26 previous Buddhas and I was just reading Garchen Rinpoche (kagyu) where he said that the number of those who have attained buddhahood is innumerable, so many have achieved liberation.


    Also, pretending that one doesn't exist is not the operation in Buddhism. That is a false view, a misunderstanding. Buddha never taught that he didn't exist. The Buddhadharma teaches that phenomena are empty of both existence and non-existence. The point is that reality is as it is and needs no conceptual elaboration, not that there is a stance to be taken regarding existence and so forth.


    As Saraha said "those who think that reality exists are stupid as cows, and those who think that it doesn't are even stupider"

    • Like 3

  2. Its a clever idea if you live in a sunny country ... but a Nobel Prize for sticking a bottle of water in the ceiling ...?


    millions of people don't have electricity and this invention has brought indoor lighting to them in an affordable way. So from a certain POV its just a bottle of water in the ceiling, but because of that same simplicity it has changed the lives of millions of people living in sheet metal shacks who can't afford power, or don't have it available. Its very dao if you ask me, and I personally think its worth Nobel consideration. Nobody does shit for those people, and now they have indoor light!

    • Like 1

  3. This petition will be sent w signatures to Coca-Cola, Panasonic, Samsung, Procter & Gamble, and Visa, sponsors of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games, asking them to withdraw their support in light of Russia's anti-gay laws.


    "It’s time for these companies to put their support for LGBT people first, and send a message to Russia that their anti-gay laws are not only contrary to basic human rights, but fly in the face of the spirit of the Olympic Games, which celebrate human dignity and community above all else."

  4. huge lolz to that teknix quote, especially because he won't quit yammering over in the "has anyone attained paranormal abilities" thread about how nobody ever has, but meanwhile, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu's uncle and dzogchen teacher attained jalus and dissolved his physical body into light, leaving only fingernails, toenails, and hair behind upon his death. Now what that has to do with Nike shoes is beyond me, but its definitely worth one more lol



  5. Overjoyed today to see that Macklemore's "Same Love", which is basically the first mainstream hip-hop song to celebrate LGBT issues, is the #5 most listened to song on google play music. HUGE ups Macklemore


    i know i've posted this song before, but if you missed it the first time, this video is amazing



    • Like 1

  6. Hi Zed, welcome. Buddhism teaches not to attach or avoid, so pushing thoughts of sex down isn't really dharma. Acceptance of whatever arises is more like it. Almost everything in the relative world is gendered, and if it isn't, the mind invents gender and attaches it hahaah ala Freud. Life energy is sexual, and everyone has to deal with sexuality in the healthiest way they can, even (and especially) celibate monks. But there's no need to be one of those to achieve freedom or happiness. Anyway, best wishes on the path.

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  7. What Cheer? Brigade

    live at Belvedere's (after the show at the Princess mentioned in the previous post)

    in which the What Cheer? Brigade displays the proper technique to employ when entering a strange bar for the first time





    belvederes show starts at 1:42 for you impatient types

  8. Lungs Face Feet

    Traffic (live)




    the pretty drummer in frame at 1:03 introduced me to crass, the clash, new model army, etc, when i was like 13... i used to have a huge crush on her! hehe i saw her at a show at the Princess here in pgh last year for the first time in like 20 years.. heres a minute and a half from that show





    they played with the what cheer brigade, who is totally worth looking up on youtube if you are into big brass