konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. I was trying to compare the underlying "transmission" of respective (Dzogchen-like) traditions, but no problem. Thanks for responding, I appreciate the thought behind it.


    Have a good weekend.


    i understand the question. I even respect, to a point, the intention behind it. But all the paths you are trying to compare involve cutting through the veil of constant discursive thoughts and opening ones experience to direct connection with the present moment The freshness of that experience is, in my experience, dulled by trying to grasp it with the intellectual mind. The problem with the intellectual approach is: once you think you know something about something (like nonconceptual practice) the inquisitive nature of your mind is muted, and you think "oh i know this" instead of resting in appreciation for that fact that there is nothing to know intellectually (see the quote at the end of my posts).


    All the philosophy in the world is useless IMO unless it is the basis of a practice which propels one beyond the confines of philosophy. So really, no offense, i just would rather you got the transmission and practiced for yourself than try to verbalize a bunch of concepts and nonsense which are just going to impede your realization of a state that is nonconceptual, and dull your natural inquisitiveness with the delusion that you actually know anything definative.

  2. You'll have to get the transmission and compare for yourself. I think you are constantly trying to intellectualize about what is essentially beyond concepts and based in practice and experience, I don't want to feed that by telling you anything no offense I'm just not going to get into these conversations with you.

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  3. How would you consider it different? Also, have you experienced shaktipat?


    Thanks, Jeff


    Its not a kundalini transmission, it has more to do with mind and the nature of mind than with shakti. Yes have experienced shaktipat ( and 1 on 1 direct introduction though not in the context of the 4th abhisheka.) At any rate I am speaking from my own experience.


  4. Its a transmission to practice dzogchen, but I wouldn't expect any specific state to arise except the one you're already in. The direct introduction of the natural state usually happens one on one in person. Last time I took part in a norbu WWT, my girlfriend came downstairs in the middle of it and got "zapped" in the forehead right when he was saying to visualize the A at the forehead, tho. She didn't do the chanting or preparations or anything just walked in and got a blast without even looking at the screen.

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  5. Silas seems to prefer restating the same thing endlessly without reading or thinking about any of the replies he has already had. If this is deliberate then it is trolling ... if it is not then I would be forced to think that he has no will or capacity to answer the questions he asks.


    End of this one for me I think.


    hehehe i did learn that nuclear weapons have rendered the words of dharma teachers obsolete though. Gems like that keep me coming back for the lolz! See the belly laughs are good for my diaphram and thereby increase the value of my meditation.


    thanks for setting a fine example, i think im done as well.

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  6. From the Wiki:


    One of the most discussed themes in Buddhism is that of the emptiness (sunyata) of form (matter), an important corollary of the transient and conditioned nature of phenomena. Reality is seen, ultimately, in Buddhism as a form of 'projection', resulting from the fruition (vipaka) of karmic seeds (sankharas). The precise nature of this 'illusion' that is the phenomenal universe is debated among different schools. For example;

    • Some consider that the concept of the unreality of "reality" is confusing. They posit that, in Buddhism, the perceived reality is considered illusory not in the sense that reality is a fantasy or unreal, but that our perceptions and preconditions mislead us to believe that we are separate from the elements that we are made of. Reality, in Buddhist thought, would be described as the manifestation of karma[citation needed].

    • Other schools of thought in Buddhism (e.g., Dzogchen), consider perceived reality literally unreal. As a prominent contemporary teacher puts it: "In a real sense, all the visions that we see in our lifetime are like a big dream [...]".[1] In this context, the term 'visions' denotes not only visual perceptions, but appearances perceived through all senses, including sounds, smells, tastes and tactile sensations, and operations on received mental objects.


    Both conceptions of reality as unreal default to apathy b/c confusion and belief keep you from acting.


    thats just your interpretation. lol quantum physics sees the physical world as a sort of projection too so maybe you should decry that as well! I would suggest studying what youre trying to talk about with better sources than wikipedia. Good luck, and keep it unreal.

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  7. a) Buddha activity is nothing to do with 'wanting' ... perhaps a way of thinking about it is pure spontaneity like rain falling which allows plants to grow ...


    b ) we are being drawn into speculating about how a Buddha would act in a hypothetical situation (with the homeless person) ... a Buddha sees things as they really are ... we just see reflections of our own ignorance ... so we cannot determine how a Buddha would act in a given situation ... so we can only think about how we may act ... which is aspire to compassion, generosity and so on ... the moral choice in any given situation is not the issue on which to base anything really as it is likely that since we are all in ignorance then we will get it wrong anyway ... but no blame if we do our best and try to be better.


    thanks apech, i agree on both counts.


    the most relevant thing i may have said (to me) is that its impossible for conventional people to understand the mind and activity of a buddha. I wasn't trying to hypothesize about what a buddha might do, but just to illustrate that point, which was lost on silas anyway. Will try to chose my words more carefully next time.

  8. This forum is full of people who just copy and paste reams of text packed with technical terms. The reason for asking for explanations is to understand what people really mean. With the Wiki and other sources, there is no lack of excellent summaries of books online, but they say different things.



    Then that buddha is being arrogant b/c a man is in danger (meaning the homeless man is being beat up) and the buddha deigns to let him suffer b/c he feels that helping him would prevent him from contemplating the dharma. He is saying: "I could help you homeless man, but I feel (in my superior mind) that you need to learn the dharma. Please try not to die." That is why modern Buddhism is leading the world to destruction. It is helping to create a world of morally-corrupted apathetics and cowards, driven by religion.




    The words of the teachers are sometimes barely readable. The unwillingness to help b/c it is a mystic experience for each person to discover - has led to Wirathu, the terrorist monk. Buddhists must move beyond this mode of thinking. The mystical Path of koans that took a lifetime to master is for the old sleepy world, not for one where nuclear and biological weapons can wipe out entire populations in a day.


    If Buddhist compassion is only a state of mind, then it means nothing and they should tear down all those Buddha Compassion posters.



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  9. i dont eat sweets except for drinking kombucha and some occaisonal dark chocolate and my life is better for it.


    no story to inspire you except to say that. Refined food sucks, go organic, go natural, get away from all adulterated food. Your palette will change in time and sugars will seem saccharine and nasty like they really are. Good luck.

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  10. Very clever. :)


    Buddha: The world is an illusion, and so is suffering and so are the people who suffer. Buddhist apathy.


    Silas: The world is not an illusion, and so when i misinterpret the dharma, it matters.


    hint: it doesn't. but buddhists are compassionate anyway, thats why alwayson recommended you some good books to read.

  11. I am unclear about your last post. If I am asked a point, I don't mind repeating it to help others to understand my view. I don't mind clarifying at all.


    Is that not the way of the Buddha, to be infinitely patient, to explain until there is no more need to explain?


    sometimes the way of the buddha is to tell you to educate yourself in the basics cause that books already been written and you need to read it, not bother people to repeat it for your benefit here.


    buddhism isnt a moral code, there are guidelines like the paramitas, but a fully awakened buddha might do whatever the fuck he wanted to. Maybe its a homeless man's karma to suffer and by not interfering a buddha is helping that man burn his karma and create auspicious conditions. maybe by realizing that he is suffering he will contemplate dharma, where if a buddha helps him he will just look to the buddha instead of himself. Nobody knows except someone whose truth eye is open, so theres no saying what a buddha might do, and no way for a conventional person to understand a buddha. Buddhism is practices which help us awaken so that we can react spontaneously to the situation in a state of wakefulness, not a law that says you always do Y if X happens or anything that mundane.


    i second the recommendation to read some buddhist basics instead of asking endless clarifications on this forum, we aren't teachers, so read the words of teachers.

  12. Since its nothing special, do you have a link or some reference for people who can cure leprosy and materialize fish? thanks. Also if a healer is healing people by the power of their own life force, as in a laying on of hands, how is that healer going to give doctors a cure to do the same thing?

  13. Oh theres always room for Massive Attack... nice up yourself with the Bristol sound


    and the new Sigur Ros is GREAT, with a heavy dark industrial feel that is balanced perfectly by the ethereal strangeness they are known for.. its called Kveikur

  14. Indeed huge problems when it comes to the science. Its just my opinion perhaps that objective research is worth more than people's conjecture. So take that or leave it. Since you value the personal perspective, I will offer that I have done a lifetime's worth of drugs, quite literally i think. I used to eat a ten strip just to go out day tripping, and basically explored hallucinogens, entheogens, and altered states in general until San Pedro, or its emissary, literally took my hand and said "Its time to stop. Put it all down." So i did. I don't even smoke pot anymore, much less drink or smoke tobac. And in the spirit of the worth of the subjective here, i am compelled to share that my life improved tenfold, more, perhaps immeasurably. I have been able to generate lasting happiness and emotional wellbeing as compared to having a wildly fluctuating emotional life... I have been able to maintain meditative stability with almost infinitely greater success, like night and day improvement... i have been able to experience more clarity, in my logical thinking, my visionary experiences, resting in non-conceptual awareness, in dreams, in fact i can't think of an aspect of my psyche that hasn't been affected with greater clarity. Lastly the constant thirst for something external to myself to "generate that next breakthrough" or "have a meaningful experience" lol or any of the delusions i spun for myself, is negated. I have everything I need with my yogic practice (by which i mean all of it, yoga meditation sexual practice etc) and I am literally so much happier that i am jumping up and fucking down on Oprah's couch. its insane. (maybe i'll divorce myself in a year).


    I enjoy talking to you too, I've just read too much bullshit on the internet to give a god damn what anything thinks. I don't take my own opinions that seriously, and frankly, as much belief and need to prove a point as a scientific study will inevitably be tainted by might exist, I still value science and empiricism more than someone who just thinks something. The mind is too flimsy and self-serving to be trusted if you ask me. What people think is like fog in the morning, and what they say is like the chirping of birds. Whatever. So anyway, thats just my experience, and i dont think its best for everyone, but it has shaped the way i approach mind altering substances (or don't approach them as the case may be). I am just a fool on this ship, but since i have no point of view to speak from but my own, I just thought i would share. I hope it benefits someone.

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  15. im glad you think so highly of yourself lol ... its nothing personal, its just that opinions as they say are like assholes, everybodys got one


    so its not Your opinions that im not interested in lol.. its just opinions in general