konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. You said:



    Apparently you did not read the whole article. Or perhaps you missed this part:




    Apparently you are unaware that sunyata and anatta are variations of the same theme? This has been discussed before.. You know, I arrived at that conclusion all on my own. But now that I research it, I'm finding agreement with other sources:






    You know, I'm not really interested in becoming a Buddhist scholar. I'm more interested in practices and experiences.


    You said:



    Actually, I am not interested in speaking with you (or Alwaysoff) for that matter. You two suffer from a specific disease. You both seek authority, the ultimate and best Buddhist scholastic ideologies according to your scholastic/historical standards. You both are incapable of thinking for yourselves and need to rely on brand-name, gold-sealed doctrines, which in my book make very little difference to practices or experiences. And by declaring that your interpretations and sources are the ultimate truth, you damage and belittle any teachings or writings that aren't the same source, but may well point to the same truth.


    Really, who cares if the intellectual rationalization for sunyata or anatta is of one form or another. What good does it do to use logic as a justification for spiritual matters? Spiritualism is beyond logic and why people try to marry the two is beyond me.


    Further, it seems that Buddhists are not happy unless they are arguing about something. It is not conducive to peaceful meditations, is it?





    hahahah the disease of wanting correct interpretations... you seem unafflicted, how nice


    my "spiritualism" is beyond logic but not without it lol


    glad you don't want to talk about it... your aggression says more about how your approach to spiritual practice is working out for you anyway

  2. Check with Alwayson? Screw that guy, he's not an authority on Buddhism. I'm sure the monks in training for their Geshe degree at Sera Je monastery or wherever, would be able to wipe him across the floor in debate.


    Hey, if the Dalai Lama thinks Tsongkhapa's version of madhyamaka is good enough to propagate: then I'm sure it's just as viable of an approach to non-conceptual realization of emptiness. Let's not continue in the vein of the triumphant sectarianism that Tibetan Buddhism is known for.


    Thinking about it now, I know that I've also come across Chinese commentators of madhyamaka explaining emptiness in the same terms as Tsongkhapa.


    Fine screw him. I didn't say he was a geshe level scholar lol but he has given me some helpful advice about understanding madhyamaka. DL is gelugpa Tsongkhapa is his patriarch I'm not sure he isn't a biased or b indoctrinated but in all seriousness thanks for your pov

  3. Albert Hoffman, discoverer of LSD, believed that sub-threshold doses of LSD improved longevity and improved cognitive functioning. He lived to the age of 102.




    the above link describes how entheogens can improve immune functions above other things. Improved immune functioning is correlated with improved longevity.




    psychological wellness and psilocybe muchroom use...please note that psychological health is correlated with increased longevity.






    entheogens and immune system boost


    That's great, really fascinating, and worth much more than your own personal opinions. Thank you for researching.

    • Like 1

  4. TI, i read that link, i don't think its an accurate depiction of what Nagarjuna was saying, because it uses sunyata to refute "inherent existance" without also refuting the non-existance of reality and self, as Nagarjuna was very clear to do. I am also not sure if Nagarjuna used the phrase "inherent existance" of if that came later with Tsongkhapa's commentaries on madhyamaka, which have been wideless disputed and generally are not considered the be completely accurate. hahahah i would say check with alwayson, but your ego might get in the way of that. Look into it for yourself, like i said, many people are confused on the subject.


    As i understand Nagarjuna, he never said that nothing exists and stopped there. There is more to it, and sunyata is about non-conceptuality and direct experience more than it is about how life doesn't exist and self isn't real.


    I suggest reading Nagarjuna for yourself, instead of western scholars who are commenting on the commentaries of Nagarjuna. Regardless of the size of your typeface lol sunyata is not the view that nothing exists, or that the self doesn't exist independantly. That is anatta or anatman (pali/sanskrit).


    If you feel any need to continue your trend of snide commentary and your aggressive stance towards those who disagree with you, be forewarned that no actual conversation with me (or anyone else with self-respect!) will ensue from such an approach lol

  5. i feel no need to humor posts that start with a comment about my reading deficiency lol with any kind of serious response. i will note however that for someone trying to profess on the nonexistance of the self, you're taking your own feelings about alwayson pretty seriously lol


    maybe when you learn to relate without the attitude we could talk about emptiness and how it relates to the ideas of existance and nonexistance lol


    its okay most people are confused on the topic

  6. Medication is a last resort. Pharmaceuticals are generally not a cure, and the dependancy they create causes its own depression in seekers. Instead of cultivating detachment, find meaning. To me, just an intuition, you might be in the 2nd phase of "first there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is". The world and yourself and the vivid clarity of both return. When everything is stripped away that's a great opportuniy to be inquisitive about what's left to connect to. "Nothing" is usually a copout. I hope these words help you to engage, explore, and cultivate a sense of celebration of your precious human experience.

    • Like 2

  7. That's all well and good but just because you've tripped a lot doesn't make your personal opinions worth anything. Not an insult, but supported by statements like "enthrogens make ppl live longer" and other blanket statements about all entheogens. Unfortunately, but inevitably, many impressionable and ignorant ppl read this forum to gain knowledge of such things so i encourage you to be more factual and careful with your words.

    • Like 1

  8. There is a view that you never existed. It is called 'sunyata'. It's a Buddhist term.




    If your going to be snide at least get your terminology right lol. Sunyata is emptiness (and is as empty of nonexistance as it is of existance.) Maybe you should look into madhyamaka. Maybe you meant anatta no self

  9. re·li·gion







    1. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.
    2. Details of belief as taught or discussed.








    faith - belief - creed - denomination




    Religion IS Belief...belief IS Feeling, Feeling is Being..every person in the world is religious!


    First you said "any strong belief system"


    That definition doesn't support that claim

  10. First, if you have a masters show me the science which correlates entheogens and longevity. Opinions don't interest me, people concoct all kinds of opinions to justify their self indulgence and reckless behavior.


    Second, when it comes to toxicity, you can't make statements about all entheogens bc they differ widely.


    What is your degree? From where?

  11. Buddhist theology is complex, but I do believe there is a concept called the "super mind" that plays a role in the Buddhist theory of dependent origination and in afterlife. Human beings are bound to the Super-Mind. I believe there can be a way to map the Super-Mind to God and Buddha to Jesus. If true, then it is possible to almost seamlessly live as both Buddhist and Christian b/c many of the precepts in one can translate over to the other


    maybe youre thinking of big mind in zen. thats not god.


    nor is buddha another jesus. radically different.


    many concepts overlap and many do not at all. most key concepts, from a pedantic point of view, do not.

  12. dalai-lama.jpg


    this picture is very interesting, because the saffron and burgundy robes prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that HH is Buddhist and not Jewish. But he's actually talking to reptilian shapeshifters on that headpiece, so look out. (Buddhists call them nagas FYI!) Conclusive proof right there shabooya

    • Like 1

  13. This conversation is absurd. And there's no evidence that entheogens cause ppl to live longer. According to shamans I have talked to some are toxic like datura and some are very difficult to seperate from toxins, like woodrose.


    I'm not advocating anti-entheogen policy, but there's a lot more to the situation than just decriminalizing them. I have never heard of a society which used entheogens openly, they have always been restricted and controlled to an extent. With the lack of shamanically trained people inwestern culture, and the proliferation of self-centered indulgent lifestyles, and the general endemic disconnect from nature, I think its dangerous to decriminalize powerful plants at this point. Sad to say, but I believe people lack the inherent respect for nature necessary to use those plants without destructive effect.


    Since they can cut to the root of neurosis and generate insight, two dangerous things from a control-freak government POV, Its hard to imagine a radical policy change in the near future.



  14. this is just what it says in the dictionary, rather than a delineation of the proccess of what happens internally,energetically, using an inner awareness apropriate to taobums.. an awareness that could be deconstructing the proccess so as to recognise it as a mechanical snarl up, an unconscious reflex, or a decision.


    its an interested question cat. "is "offence" a mechanism whereby 'something' is punctured and therefore contracts?"


    my immediate answer is that that 'something' is the ego. Then i had to check myself for not being able to talk about things in a universal framework, since ego means different things to different people, especially modern buddhists. So within the limitations of the concept of ego, i still think that's basically whats getting punctured, peoples self-concept and the ideas about ourselves that we have, and constantly need to reinforce via our thoughts, words, and actions. So thats pretty predictable coming from a buddhist, and i apologize for that, but then again, i am a buddhist because it makes a lot of sense to me, and embodies a language that allows me to deal with myself and my world effectively.


    So i think its actually the idea of the self and the insecurities that surround that for each of us, and that can be taken out of a buddhist context... we all have self-concept, regardless of the path we follow.

  15. So you took offense because of your sensitivities? VMarco wasnt "being" offensive?


    Do you mean that there is no such thing as 'being offensive' , there is just people "taking offense" where they really need not?


    vmarco was being vmarco. how anyone interprets that is their own trip.


    maybe someone else really appreciates vmarco for the same words i found offensive.


    i don't know if people need not take offense, i think perhaps people need to when they do. Its just a natural reaction to a situation if you have those kind of sensibilities. Another way of looking at it is that when the body, energy, and mind are cleansed of obstructions, things are perceived as the dance of the infinite, or the dao, or the vajra world, or whatever aldous huxley was trying to talk about. Pick your semantic framework. But until one can clear away their obstructions, which usually happens through practice and effort, maybe they need to get offended. Maybe that offense is a way of showing them what they need to work on, so really its a perfect part of their healing process. Maybe someone offensive is really that offended persons medicine. Thats why i say its all in how one chooses to look at the world and react to it.


    So in the end whether we say someone "is offensive" or "is acting in a way that is perceived to be offensive" or or that one is just "taking offense" etc etc i think this is all semantic. Interesting, and perhaps useful, but semantic. Beyond the semantics is an experience of life situations, even (and especially) offensive ones, which i am trying to illuminate (semantically!), one that revolves around taking obstacles as the path and cleansing the doors of our own perceptions via whatever practice we engage in, whether its sex and drugs, or tantric sadhana, or just meditation, or qigong, etc etc. I mean, thats why we're all here right? to talk about practice and the potential to cleanse our own obstacles?? to learn about such things and then go do them? Im only trying to suggest that if you're here to get offended by other peoples points of view, theres a bigger world out there. And that even if you aren't here to do that, but it happens anyway, you can work with that as square one of your practice, and follow that thread to unearth your own hidden issues and deal with them.


    this last bit to the royal "you", not to you personally cat.

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  16. it wasn't offense or non-offense until i took it one way or the other.


    it was offensive to me because i got offended, just like vmarco's comments above aren't because i'm not offended. My sensitivities aren't really the focus here, and if they are, they only prove the point that things aren't anything in and of themselves, its all how we chose to perceive and react.


    so im not saying ive never been offended lol. im saying it only pointed out my own potential to grow, not anything inherent in the situation itself.