konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. Hi anamatva,


    I am surprised that you found some videos of Shifu Yan lei on tube showing the yi yin ying...because he doesn't really teach this set on his vids, he teaches a mix of sets.

    Can you give us the links to the you tube vids that gave you your morning extra energy? I am curious. :)


    i couldn't find anything on youtube beyond trailers for him either. i have a copy of his "shaolin warrior - qigong" dvd series which covers 8 pieces brocade, yi jin jing, and xi sui jing.


    what i meant to say was that i was working with those dvds and some other stuff from youtube

  2. Most responses about YJJ at TTB seem to say that it is just a stretching exercise that can be done along with any other qi gong. It's movements are very similar to many qi gong movements and when done with the proper breathing I think has definite energetic flows. I saw a video once which explained all the uses of each movement for stretching and cleansing different organs, but I'm not sure where it is.


    Your teacher said it could damage your spleen? Please share...


    oh no my teacher didn't say that. I just said earlier that i didn't want to build internal power from videos. So that was a joke about my spleen :)


    YJJ is stretchy yes but it builds qi no doubt about it. I haven't learned the organs of the postures, but I have only learned the 2nd part of the 3 part set... so i havent been studying that long.


    I am focused mainly on just extending to full extension while keeping qi flow, cause if you overextend, flow is inhibited, and if you just kinda extend, you miss the benefits. And also, breathing with my huiyin, dantien, and diaphram which seems to be the difference between energetic flow or not. So really just movement and breath, not yet to the deeper theories and applications of the set yet.

  3. so, is there a definitive set that other sets are based on? or are there just multiple interpretations of the writings attributed to da mo?


    i have learned that there is no definite set, but i like yan lei cause he is 34th gen shaolin. I like some parts of other sets too so i have added some minor movement changes into the set i am learning from these vids, which is awesome.


    so, is there any feedback from bums on this one? I do not necessarily want to start building up a lot of internal power just watching vids and reading books. Although i study under a student of dr yang's, we do not study yi jin jing in class. This practice seems like it carries some serious sizzle. Although my teacher can (and does) guide my energetic progress in a general way, i am wondering is there anything i need to know about this, and doing it right or wrong, that knowledgable bums can explain here?


    i guess i haven't been around long enough here for you bums to care whether i blow my spleen out or not :D


    i think i will pay for a private session with my qigong teacher and learn the embryonic breathing and get some pointers on yi jin jing.


    dr yang advises a year of practicing yi jin jing (muscle tendon change) before beginning xi sui jing (marrow washing). Do any of you bums have anything to say about That? :D


    The reason I say this, is that I think that without the inner work (would that be the Buddhist 8 fold path?) the rest of this is just a cerebral experience. The form can be understood by study alone, the essence must be understood by inner mining. It seems to me that the Buddhists place a very heavy emphasis on the inner clearing-out process in a way that I haven't found in Taoism. Or at least not yet.



    i think in daoism there is more energy work and addressing blockages and cleaning away dirt by releasing stagnant qi and toxic qi from the body and building strong qi. Buddhism is more psychological, but the powerful mind realizations of buddhism trigger the body to release the blockages. !! so in a way they are the same


    I think dao is more direct and simple. Buddhism is indirect and complicated by comparison, so it is important for me as a buddhist not to get caught up in the net of too-much-philosophy. But on the other hand, some of my most important breakthroughs and releases of garbage have been immediately preceded by the realization neccessary to do it! Without the philosophical work of buddhism, my mind would not have been able to press the trigger to launch the garbage away!


    i think at the core of daoist arts; accupuncture, diet, qigong, soft martial arts, meditation, etc you have actions designed to clear out, but not really so much in philosophical daoism. Where buddhists are shorter on arts, but longer on philosophy.



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  5. Every thought is a position of universe. I suppose deep meditators (I am not one of those ;) )have regular acess to this knowledege and are able to cause change even on more universal scale by meditating issues and universe as themselves.

    As I was still heading to the earth very fast and little slower nearer to the earth I paused and saw planets of our system,listened to them, looked at the sun that I love from totally new angle. And hit the earth , back in the body.


    that was the first thing i read this morning! thank you very much for sharing :D :D it made my morning :D :D

  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Ching-Yuen








    U guys ever hear of this guy? I was reading up on herbs when I came to Gotu Kola and this guy. Interesting story. Just more reason to become an herbalist and learn martial arts XD




    yeah he was in the new york times on his 255th birthday. i have seen the microfilm, its nutty. i couldnt believe it at first (that the NYT would report on it, not that someone could live that long)


    hahaha herbs and rice wine. there is a recipe for his wine in daniel reid's "Tao of health sex and longevity" p 339


    li ching-yuen had 14 wives and died with all his hair and teeth looking 50 years old

  7. jay, pick up the book healing with sound, form, and light, you'll dig the cross referencing ;) who's the author...where the heck did that book go :lol:


    tenzin wangyal rinpoche. Hes a bon lineage holder. In sound form and light, he gives instruction for tsa lung breaths, which is most similar to the thunder breathing described. Its a form of alternate nostril breathing which focuses on clearing channels and expelling poisons. There are exercises to clear the centers that go along with it.

    I start my long meditation sets with tsa lung, and it really really helps to create the space in which to have fruitful sittings.


    GREAT book. so is "the tibetan yogas of dream and sleep". And everything else i have ever seen that he has written. He is one of my favorites.

  8. cool, thanks guys. i'm listening to the interview with jerry alan johnson now. pretty awesome.


    i am learning a lot of new things right now so i don't think i will spread myself too thin trying to pick up on qi dao. although i love tibetan mysticism and appreciate a return to shamanic roots, i think i will focus on the qigongs i am learning right now :)

  9. so i am in a really happy mood and just wanted to share something


    i am learning yi jin jing from books and vids. I am reading yang jwing-ming's "qigong, the secret of youth" about tendon/muscle change and brain/bone marrow washing (xi sui jing). I am watching shifu yan lei's videos and some other vids on youtube, and i am getting the picture that there are different sets that go by the name yi jin jing.


    so, is there a definitive set that other sets are based on? or are there just multiple interpretations of the writings attributed to da mo?


    i woke up at 5 this morning and watched yan lei demonstrate the first section of his set. then i went in the living room and did it. I got so charged, i forwent coffee for tea, did the dishes, and did pushups/crunches with the extra energy! And thats just the first section...


    so, is there any feedback from bums on this one? I do not necessarily want to start building up a lot of internal power just watching vids and reading books. Although i study under a student of dr yang's, we do not study yi jin jing in class. This practice seems like it carries some serious sizzle. Although my teacher can (and does) guide my energetic progress in a general way, i am wondering is there anything i need to know about this, and doing it right or wrong, that knowledgable bums can explain here?

  10. maybe the thin hairlike wire is a spiritual essence that showed up on film because it is tangible. It must be tangible to make a dagger stand on end, and who knows how knife spirits work. those are special daggers w spirits not just some buckknife from walmart


    I am not convinced that cameras capture only the plane of atoms and molecules, light is something we don't understand well enough to say magus of java is fake because of one line captured on video.

  11. michael, i think your idea is awesome. I had to check myself and see if i knew enough to mentor someone, and if i had the time. Then, if i wanted to do this in the first place.


    i can help someone who wants to learn kuji-in. That is spirit mind strengthening by building chakras.


    also, if someone is just beginning to cultivate the way, i can help them with meditation in general.


    I do not have any real desires for training or practices that i am not already engaged in. I am studying qigong right now, and if someone wanted to mentor me in that, i would accept. So as far as what i am looking for, i don't know. I am open to lots of things, not limited to qigong. But i would like to learn yi jin jing and xi sui jing, and we do not study that in class.


    i look forward to seeing more people offer mentorship on this thread. Bless you michael! lovely idea



  12. CNN - constant negative news


    as are most news sources, simply designed to create fear to keep people buying things so they'll feel better



    anyone have any good links to videos of xi sui jing set?


    i am reading yang jwing mings "qigong, secret of youth" about da mo's muscle/tendon change, and marrow/brain washing


    but i can't find any good vids for the marrow/brain washing (xi sui jing)



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  13. Well they won't do it for you but they might help you in a few ways.

    If you focus on the way they feel (if they're on you) and their texture and weight and temperature and then if you hook in to their symbolism either "by the book" or freeform. I'm pretty sure they could help some folks further than looking at the tip of their nose.

    Obsidian is used in hot stone massage and they really draw you out:-) IME.

    People use supports of all kinds during meditation. How about that cushion and that incense and those robes and gestures? :-)


    youre right k. stones are very powerful and helpful, and well worth building a relationship with. What you are saying is true, but you are still saying that these supports support meditation. I am saying that too. Lapis will resonate with the 3rd eye, but trying to activate or open that chakra with just lapis will take longer i think than meditating on it.


    So, @ cmpunk50, if you use lapis, use it in conjunction with meditation... like find a nice lapis you like and sit with it in front of you and meditate.


    the mudra for 3rd eye is thumbs touching at tips, pointers touching at tips, other fingers outstretched. So that helps too.


    the pineal gland is actually a light sensitive organ, filled with rods, cones, and receptors of that sort. it looks upwards, and can swivel in all directions but can not look down past 90 degrees. Maybe it is for inner visions ??? or maybe for celestial energies. Nobody is really sure that i have read.


    Most people when they talk about opening the third eye, they want to see with the spirit, to get clues about people or be able to see energies. Exercising the 3rd eye center helps this, but practicing by gazing is sometimes better than trying to "open" the 3rd eye. Practicing seeing with the spirit is the best way to build the ability to see with the spirit. So gaze at clouds and trees and animals, just don't focus directly with your eyes, but try to realize that we see with our minds and spirits. Let this perception take hold. Things will breathe or talk to you and you'll have all kinds of great experiences just sitting in the park letting your focus go. hahaha free entertainment, AND you build your 3rd eye. bonus! That, plus sitting, plus lapis lazuli, and you'll be knowing all kinds of nutty stuff just by looking soon enough :D :D :D good luck to you

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  14. This is true.


    Also, there actually IS a disappearing effect which can occur. Of course, no one will see it happening to verify that you actually physically disappeared (as far as I know)...but the fact that they don't notice you when they normally should makes it apparent. It's as if you truly become one with Nature (your own true nature, as well as the true nature of your natural or unnatural immediate environment...both of which are of the same essence).


    And sometimes the upward flow type thing affects kids, so that they have a lot of fun around you. You may notice that in general, women will be more accepting of your presence, if you're a guy. Maybe even flirty.


    You'll get a lot of blank/confused/threatened stares from people who aren't up to speed in terms of consciousness. You don't wish to be around them...and they don't wish to be around you.


    Just some things I've noticed from a specific practice.


    ...although I do like having a downward and rooted flow of energy when there isn't any emotional disturbance. Best of both worlds.


    yeah to all that scotty. women and especially children will smile at me when i do that. and yes there is actual disappearing that can happen, i rest assured :)


    @ everyone else: thanks to ppl who advised moving at higher frequency or being positive. That is good advice, and doing this exercise makes me feel positive and high frequency naturally. So that is part of it for me whether i start there or end up there :)

  15. Nice,..my teacher tells us to just vibrate at a higher frequency. Negative energy is low frequency. By steadfast practice and right fame of mind we start vibrating at progressively higher freqs.


    Not to be nitpicky etc but like poles of magnets repel and opposite poles attract.


    oh thats not nitpicky. Opposites attract, duh, I shouldnt have used that analogy. I was thinking about that as i wrote it too..



  16. but thats all ninjutsu stuff and i know some of it, like how not to be noticed and how to fade and blend but i never studied the really weird stuff like shapeshifting.


    since i mentioned it, i can explain a fairly simple technique which is really helpful, and i started a new thread to do that


    How to go unnoticed by negative people (just about everyone these days)


  17. In another thread i talked about learning some techniques from a teacher friend of mine. This is a technique which i use a lot which is REALLY helpful to me so since i mentioned it, i thought i would start a thread a share the whole technique.


    It is a technique to be able to move through a crowd but not attract attention, or to be in a room or anywhere but not be noticed. I say that it will help with negative people because that is also part of it.


    The theory behind it is that most peoples energy moves downward because of 1. gravity and 2. the weight of their emotions (really a combination of 1 and 2) so the more negative and angry a person is, the more their energy is "depressed" or downward moving. When you are around a lot of these people, like when you are walking down a city street for example, it is easy for your own energy to become entrained to the ambient energy, and move downward. Misery loves company, and just like two north nodes of magnets will attract, negativity begets negativity. So don't let your energy do this.


    The technique is to generate upward moving energy. You can do this in a number of ways, i would really say any way that works for you. If you do a qigong to bring earth energy up from your feet out the top of your head, think of that and invoke that energy for example. Another thing to do is to visualize the energy field of your body staying in one place but vibrating all the energy that you are "breathing", or that isnt yours, in your bottom and out your top. So thats the same idea. Deer have upward moving energy and invoking deer by imagining yourself with deer horns, or walking like a deer, invoking that energy will help. The deer mudra is pointer and pinky extended, middle and ring touch the thumb. This invokes upward moving energy. Feel light, like you have spring in your step. Don't prance about, that attracts a different kind of attention. Be natural and use as little extraneous effort as possible when walking. Keep the mind and intention on light, mobile, upward moving energy. Focus on empty space, not on other people.


    When people are stuck in negative, downward patterns, their misery loves company. But when your energy moves upwards, they can not attract to you. It is like north and south nodes of magnets, they repulse. BELIEVE THIS WITH YOUR WHOLE BODY AND MIND. Know that it is true. That is the most important part of it. They may see you out of the corner of their eye but the energy wont be there for them to attract to. They will be subconsciously unable to connect with your energy and will ignore you. They may look at you dead in the face with anger but do not let that change the flow of your energy. Do not engage negative people, just cultivate your own positivity as you focus on empty space and your own upward energy.


    As you practice, you will feel people as they affect your upward flow. They will stop it with their attention. It has to be strong, and you have to have a total unyielding refusal to allow their downward flow to entrain you. It is an act of pure rebellion so that is the only real energy expendature. Other than that, it feels really good to do, and it is a way to know about the people around you without looking at them. If anyone notices you and approaches you, they probably have upward moving energy too which comes from good emotions. If people engage you, it should be to smile at you. This way, you know who to engage and who not to. People who want to look for trouble or bump into you or act in a negative or violent way may notice you, but be strong in your technique and do not let them affect the flow of your energy. Have compassion for them, and keep the energy flowing upward. I say it over and over because that is the simple crux of walking through a sea of people and not being noticed.


    except maybe in rare instance by other people who have good upward flowing feelings, maybe spiritual practitioners.


    have fun! i hope that everyone who reads this tries it because it is a great way to make being out in public into practice! :D :D :D

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  18. Excellent book that discusses the research of Dr Rick Strassman with DMT (a naturally occurring substance in the pineal gland) in order to chemically trigger higher states of consciousness of the participants in his research.




    DMT is found in every living plant, animal, and human. I have heard, if there is a molecule that seperates what is living from what is not living, it is DMT. so if something has biological consciousness, there is DMT.


    so that is interesting, and also interesting is that in its raw form it is the most potent hallucinogen known to humankind. Having read that book, i will add that dr strassman's experiments are the only study of DMT that was allowed before the gvmt scheduled it class 1 (no medical benefits hahaha!) and cut off study. So very interesting is that everyone who was given a dose of DMT had the same experience, of their spirit going to a dimension of fast moving cosmic elf like beings who spoke in light and could help and heal and communicate knowledge to them.


    Its a great book, really unique.

  19. Very interesting explanation, thanks!


    What is your teacher's system and what are his own qualifications (like, how much of this has he achieved himself and what positive results implying so do you notice in him)? IOW, how much street cred does he have to support his understanding?


    hahaha street cred galore. Im Actually laughing out loud. His exploits and accomplishments border on legendary. He is an amazing human being.


    I could tell you stories about him but I won't. Lets just say he has proven himself to me five times over as being legit. He received training in secret buddhism (mikkyo) and ninjutsu internalism (they incorporated anything they could get their hands on, so some of it is yogic, some himalayan, some daoist, some buddhist, some ainu, etc. ninja incorporate everything they come in contact with and thats a long list). His master just talks psychically, and everyone in the dojo hears him in their heads and agrees on what he said to them.


    i have said he is akijutsu but thats just the martial aspect he specializes in.


    I will say though that he is not officially daoist, so he was talking not about wuji but about emptiness, and he didn't say dao he said source and oneness. He left ninpo (active in the field) when the spirit guides told him to, and now he walks in the light. But he achieved 10 dan in ninjutsu. He has travelled and lived all over and studied with people, and especially likes aboriginal and native people so he knows a lot of that too. His energies are so nutty he just disappears from peoples view without realizing it all the time. 2 nights ago he scared the hell out of someone who he thought was looking right at him 2 feet away when he said hi. hahaha then they noticed him


    I will tell you one story. I saw him change his appearance into another persons to mess with me and my girlfriend one time. We were 4 feet away from him saying to each other "who is that guy? is he a friend of mike's? i dunno i've never seen him before." and we looked back and he winked at us and grinned. He told me how he did it later but thats all ninjutsu stuff and i know some of it, like how not to be noticed and how to fade and blend but i never studied the really weird stuff like shapeshifting.


    So all that he said and i paraphrased comes from a familiarity with daoism but that all comes from mikkyo which is part of shingon which is japanese vajrayana.

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  20. Nice!


    Loved the part about 'Philosophy...'



    yeah he understands that its good to understand what one is doing


    but boy do i tend to overthink things.


    its good to get a nice reminder :lol: hes funny

  21. At any rate, I think you should ask for clarification from your teacher about storing energy in the marrow. There is a description of the practice in Tai Chi Classics by Waysun Liao also, but hopefully your instructor can clarify.


    Do let us know what he says.


    i talked to him on the phone this morning to ask him some questions.. hahaha "this isn't f*ing philosophy.. don't think about it logically, just do the excercize" but then he explained nicely that the practice of storing energy in the marrow both closed a circuit (jing-qi-shen) and did not close the Whole circuit, cause it continues into wuji and onward to the source, which can be called dao.


    i only kind of understand, and i have no experience with this, but i will share what he said.


    to paraphrase, returning radiant energy to the marrow is like returning chi to the marrow, it should be done with *abundant or *excess energy so that it doesnt dissipate but goes back to nourish the body. When a person refines chi to shen with the dantiens and chakras, that is only, in a way, building the foundation for the next step, shen to wuji, which he says is done in the beginning by using clear white light visualizations after the colors of the spectrum are invoked and the chakras are utilized. Then when the taiji pole (and the whole body) is radiant white light and the chakras colors have been sublimated into the pure white light, then visualize that light sublimating into "clear light" that is not a color or white but is radiant in an invisible way. he said this subtlety is the gate to wuji. that is only the beginning steps to open the gates he said like everything else after a while you just know the feel of it and don't need visualizations although they help. Then once emptiness of clear light has been attained, one can be filled with the source, or dao, which is not substance or no substance, color or no color, but ultimately subtle, beyond even being able to visualize, there is no mental trick to open the gate, one only knows that merging and being filled with dao is next and it happens. So THAT is a closed circuit, but one should also have open circuits which automatically refine chi to marrow, shen to marrow, and all the stages of the process should be internalized etc.


    so there. thats more than i can chew right now but thats the basic conversation. hahaha i have known that for 2 hours now so... i don't claim to be an authority or tell anyone what is right in those matters, but i hope it helps, or at least sparks conversation. :D :D :D

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