konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. i think most people are possessed by degree. there is a lot of negative energy floating around my friend.


    pray to whoever you feel kinship with. i believe there is a primordial creative force that is not "god" but is god. so i have been possessed and in the head too and turning the matter over to the great spirit was the only thing that really was effective in the end. pray that this entity be removed, and keep praying. maybe you were cursed with a possession in order to get you in touch with the creator. thats just a hunch, pure speculation, nobody can say for sure those sorts of things.


    i pray for you, and i get this answer "he has to do it himself" so thats why i say that.


    best wishes to you, with sincerity you will overcome this matter. do not fear, those entities feed on fear. be fearless in the light of the deities and protectors, and especially the creator.


    bless you to release this thing into the hands of the divine, that it take it away from you

    • Like 2

  2. KEY - sanskrit "translation" - location - frequency - positive and negative aspects of consciousness - ruling planet - drive - spin ** (see bottom of post)


    muladhara "root" - perineum - red - survival, grounding, stability, security, trust, fear, aversion - saturn - to be, to have - 8 times counterclockwise, 5 times clockwise


    svadhisthana "sweetness of one's own abode" - navel - orange - desire, eros, pleasure, guilt, obsession - jupiter - to feel, to want - 13 times counterclockwise, 8 clockwise


    manipura "lustrous jewel" - solar plexus - yellow - willpower, intent, vitality, purpose, shame, anger, poor self-esteem - mars - to act, to do - 21 times counterclockwise, 13 clockwise


    anahata "unstruck melody" - heart - green - emotional intelligence, compassion, love, acceptance, grief, sadness, loneliness - venus - to love, to be loved - 34 times counterclockwise, 21 clockwise


    visshudha "purification" - throat - blue - communication, listening, creativity, resonance, hypocrisy, dishonesty - mercury - to hear, to be heard - 55 times counterclockwise, 34 clockwise


    ajna "perception" - pineal - indigo - perception, intuition, imagination, illusions, delusions, confusion - moon - to witness, to see - 89 times counterclockwise, 55 clockwise


    sahasrara "thousandfold" - crown of head - violet - awareness, consciousness, gnosis, wisdom, attachments - sun - to know - 144 times counterclockwise, 89 times clockwise


    there seems to be a chakra above the head (233x ccw, 144x cw) associated with the higher self and silvery-pink and one above that, 2 feet above the head associated with the cosmos, the pure white light "shared cosmic chakra" (377x ccw, 233x cw) that is part of us and also part of the cosmic spirit. there seem also to be chakras between the knees (5x ccw, 3x cw) and ankles (3x ccw, 2x cw), in deepening shades of brownish red, associated primarily with balance, and movement. there is one below the feet (2x ccw, 1x cw) associated with rootedness and the instinct body, and one below that, 2 feet below the bottoms of the feet, the brown light "shared planetary chakra" (1x ccw, 1x cw) which we share with the earth and which links us into the gaian intelligence.


    **(each chakra is a counter-rotating field of light, that is to say, it spins both counterclockwise and clockwise on the axis of the taiji pole. i include this information because i have found that it helps one "get in touch" with each chakra. it is of egyptian horus priesthood origin. i have also found it very helpful to realize that each chakra spins in phi-ratio harmony with the one above and below it. the speeds of the spins are relative and may differ exactly from person to person, but in theory remain a function of phi ratio fractality.)


    thats some chakra nonsense i posted in anther thread


    i dont think youre doing it wrong, but the egyptians were really clear that the chakras spin in both directions simulateneously. i think that visualizing the chakras as whirling vortices is good for clearing them and letting them breathe. it also works well to visualize them in a relationship with the one above and below it as far as those spins go. that opens the whole taiji pole as a circuit.


    i dont think youre doing it wrong btw, but if you try to tap into your chakras as having an axis on the taiji pole and spinning, it might do good things for your chakras... try it and tell us!

  3. ..looking for the main stem cells, then the black stone

    How is RNA formed? What forces crystallization?


    what is the black stone?


    i don't really know how rna is formed. i don't know what kind of crystallization you are talking about either.

  4. Does anyone use any type of gemstones for meditation or anything else? For example, lapis lazuli is suppose to bring enlightment. I also read that hematite helps to ground a person.


    yeah i use gemstones for meditation. i carry them in a pouch around my neck too.


    i put stones on my girlfriends back and then give her a deep accupressure rub on her feet and she says its like nothing else, they really stimulate the flow of energy


    what were you wondering specifically?

  5. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the

    Marrow is not the same thing as bone marrow,

    but the stage prior to becoming bone marrow.

    Marrow is the pre-substantial Jing that forms the

    matrix for bone marrow, the spinal cord, and thebrain


    ok so thats a quote of jerry alan johnson from "chinese medical qigong therapy" p. 288


    i was looking for a map of the bones because i just sat down for cuppa tea with my meditation (kuji-in) teacher and he said "oh youre building lots of radiant energy now, don't let that dissipate. When youre done, put it in your marrow." So he advised me to look up bones and marrow, and get a good map of it in my head, since that will help the technique he showed me to send the excess.


    so now i have questions for all you bums, since i am not really in the know. especially TCM-knowledgable ppl please chime in


    1. is marrow similar in composition to semen/cerebro-spinal fluid/grey matter? Is there anything i need to know about it in relation to that? I have never heard the correlation drawn before.


    2. now i am sure he was talking just about bone marrow. He isnt tcm. Should i bother with this expanded idea of marrow or just stick to the bone marrow? What would be the advice, as far as sending the excess radiant energy to the brain or spinal column or testes, as well as the bone marrow?


    3. does this close the circle of jing-qi-shen "refinement", since i am taking spirit energy in the form of light and charging my jing with it? Am i understanding that right?


    4. if this does close the circle of jing-qi-shen and that is now a closed circuit, does that mean i can stop intending anything and just let my body do what it does naturally (once my excess energy starts going to the marrow naturally i mean)


    thank the mess out of whoever responds, i really appreciate it!

  6. I honestly don't know how you could start to discuss this book.

    The amount of detail is absolutely staggering.

    I have a few of YJM's books but this one is the most detailed that I own.

    To discuss, disect and categorize this book would do it a great dis-service. It needs to be read, re-read, studied and absorbed.

    There are several lifetimes worth of practices contained in it.

    I don't see it as an explicit set of instructions which need to be followed to the letter, even though plenty of examples are given.

    It is very flexible in this respect.

    Anyone who has any experience of meditation and/or qigong can tailor their own practice(s) to suit.



    oh boy!


    well i look forward to giving it the time it needs to be absorbed. thanks lifeforce, and all you bums, for your input. i am doubly excited about learning this technique. for $30 i can have a private session with my teacher.. so there can be a transmission from person to person too. but first i want to finish the video and read the book :) so i'm sure it will a little while before i have anything substantial to report.


    again, thanks everyone, your posts were helpful and make me really happy to study this

  7. yeah seth i can relate :)


    i take refuge every morning, and make the bodhisattvas vow too.


    one of the purposes it serves for me is to reinforce beginners mind. So every day is like the first day when i was like "oh gee im a buddhist, now what?"


    if i got old and died and i was still asking myself "oh gee now what" i would be really happy. I hope i never delude myself into thinking that i know anything about the mystery... hahaha like those who claim to know the meaning of life or something

  8. Baopuzi, The Master who Embraces Simplicity, written by He Gong said in Shi Zhi (Unblocking the Stagnation):


    "Fetal breathing, the way of conducting Qi, enables those to do such incredible things. The master of fetal breathing breaths in and out without using the nose and mouth as a fetus breaths in the uterus; he has adopted this skill since that time.


    At the beginning of learning to conduct Qi, breathe in through the nose first, hold it, calm your mind and count from 1 to 120, then breathe out through the mouth gently. Breathing in and out must be so gentle that you cannot hear any sound of your breathing. Exhale more slightly and gently than inhaling so that a feather placed in front of your nose and mouth won't move (the motionless feather indicates no air is flowing). Carry on practicing and increase the counting number to 1000, then you will rejuvenate day after day.

    . . .

    I used to follow my grandfather who could stay under water for more than a whole day when we were drunk or at the height of summer because we were able to do fetal breathing. "


    i am not trying to be difficult, i promise. But there is a difference between a fetus and an embryo, so maybe there is a difference between Fetal breathing and Embryonic breathing.


    i dont know, thats just my first thought.


    i wonder if doing this is gonna bring back a lot of childhood memories. I'm ready for that. It'll be good to let go of that stuff if it comes up.

  9. As long as ChiDragon stays away from the thread, you'll likely get some good advice.


    do not derail my train! ahhaha


    I recall one disciple stating how his master had mastered this breathing so he could stay underwater for an hour.


    isn't that a daoist legend of one of the immortals who could do such things? Not to discredit the idea of others being able to do it, just checking


    I have this book as well as many of his others. He does not give a strict guideline for the method and says to read the translations. I look forward to comments in this thread.


    yeah my teacher said to read the book but i won't get it without him showing me ??? i thought he was being guru-ish but now i guess it makes a little more sense now. Thats good i was thinking that was weird.

  10. hi anamatva,


    As for me I found the DVD useful as an entry point to the practice because the book is thick. I don't know what are your previous experiences and practice but I suggest you already have some background in qigong before going into it.


    yeah the dvd is helpful so far but i really want the book. thanks for the link, that thread is helpful. i gather that its a valuable and legitimate practice, so i look forward to beginning it.


    i have never studied qigong formally before a month ago, but my teacher practices this (he is a yang lineage holder) and he was talking to me about my meditation practices and energy practices and he seemed to think that i was ready for it. ?? so i take you seriously, but i think i can trust my teacher. as far as qigong foundation i have only previously worked with cleaning and charging the 3 dan tiens, and opening and circulating the small orbit.


    i have been doing qigong in my backyard every day (and other places too!) so soon i will have a better foundation :D :D but for now all i can say is i appreciate your advice but i think i will continue anyway since my teacher recommends it after talking to me about where i'm at.

  11. Hi, my taiji/qigong teacher recommends i learn embryonic breathing so i ordered Dr Yangs book from amazon.


    Has anyone else done this practice? Can you share your experience?


    I'm excited cause my teacher was a student of Yang's and can teach me and talk with me about it. So thats a bonus. But I would rather hear about other peoples experiences than talk about that!

  12. Do not believe in anything (simply)

    because you have heard it.

    Do not believe in traditions because they

    have been handed down for many generations.

    Do not believe in anything because it is

    spoken and rumoured by many.

    Do not believe in anything (simply) because

    it is found written in your religious books.

    Do not believe in anything merely on the authority

    of your teachers and elders.

    But after observation and analysis,

    when you find that anything agrees with reason

    and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all

    then accept it and live up to it.

    • Like 10

  13. So how usefull is free will? How free is free will? Does it depend where one is looking from or not? What is your understanding?


    i look at it like sometimes we have free will (choice) and sometimes we have to follow the greater current (fate)


    and life encompasses both at different times


    but i know some people who look at life as "determinists" (no free will) and their lives are sloppy because they don't take responsibility for their actions. And they lean towards fatalistic thinking


    its important to realize that life is huge and we are very tiny, but its dangerous to abandon free will.

  14. That is a cool list. Thanks for the link...


    As I browsed the page I saw that a couple of those mantras listed on that site are powerful tantric Shakti mantras that should be used with caution if someone is not familiar with it. Based on some of my recent experiences with mantra shakti, I have come to the conclusion that unless one has had their vedic astrology chart analyzed by a qualified astrologer who can prescribe mantras, (at least in regard to esoteric vedic and hindu mantras) I strongly recommend sticking with the "all purpose mantras" Like Gayatri, Maha mrityunjaya, Om, Om namah shivaya, Om Shri ganeshaya namah etc...



    yeah i agree. that site had a mantra to kali on there.. that is dangerous powerful stuff. "we recommend this mala, it doesnt have 108 beads its just a silk with a knot in it." ???




    anyway, i have been told the same thing, stick to all purpose mantras unless instructed by a qualified person. just wanted to chime in.


    my favorite mantra is

    Om Prithividhatu Bhumideviya

    its the earth mantra of an elemental set i say it means roughly

    "hail to the dirt, it is the living planetary diety"

  15. @anamatva

    hahahalaugh.gif, no need to be sorry. I am just saying what I said so that other wont be afraid to express what practice of Buddhism is it they do. I could be said to be guilty of the same crimes. Different people like different fruits, different fruits suit their tummies. It is not that any better than other.


    oh okay. yeah nobody should be afraid to say their practice. I guess i've talked to too many buddhists who are intellectual buddhists. They have memorized hundreds of concepts and sanskrit words and deities but when it comes to letting stuff go as it happens or having direct experience of the moment which is unperterbed, they are lost.


    I get frustrated talking to buddhists at my sangha they are on a different track than i am on so mostly i just go to sit and don't talk to anyone. I know that i have improved a lot my mind and spirit since i started practicing thats what counts nothing else. So if i sounded defensive, its just knee jerk reaction to talking about buddhism.


    I used to think that people who had complex knowledge were fascinating but I am not convinced that it doesn't obscure the moon from view in its own way. Hahahaha i only lurk on buddhist forums but i feel really free to talk here. Maybe i am a daoist in a buddhists body hahahaha im definitely that.


    Annnyway i agree a lot, different focus for different folks. :D :D


    I want to add (after alll that) that its important to practice all day not just the hour im on the cushion, so when i share my practice, i don't focus on this meditation or that meditation, i just focus on generalities cause i can apply those all day long.



    • Like 1

  16. @anamatva and informer


    (scratches head)


    (scratches bum)


    (scratches head again)


    laugh.gif should have known better than to post this question in the Tao Bums.





    hahahaah sorry thats all i've got to say. i am not big into theories and concepts. i should be a zen buddhist i guess. i'm just not a scholar.

  17. Definitely! :)


    (great thing about the teachings is that it caters to the needs of all levels of mental aptitudes. Some need to take a longer route home, some can connect immediately, then realize and appreciate the shortened road, while there a few who can feel that they have never left home.)


    Me? I am always stuck in the transit lounge... a bit like Tom Hanks in that movie. :lol: (love dramas, and dharma too!) :P


    i feel like i need more energy practices, like sitting w mudras mantras mandalas etc and using sex to realize clear light and emptiness etc, those are better for me than philosophical concepts.


    every real or i should say complete philosophy should be complex enough to encompass all kinds of people on their path. so i get that buddhism is complex, i just get sick of all the concepts. i like it simple. if its got a five page explanation and ten things to memorize, am i closer to the truth of reality, or am i just getting lost in intellectual matrix, the very thing i am trying to penetrate through to have direct experience? ack! its all confusion when you start Thinking about it. So i don't.


    btw i am not knocking philosophy, i think all you guys who have 15 page conversations about the intricacies of buddhist thought are just ducky. Dont get me wrong. Its just not my path.

  18. I'd love to hear other experiences with this practice.


    i start my long meditation sets with bon excercizes called tsa lung which i learned from tenzin wangyal rinpoches book "healing with form energy and light". its some movements to get energy flowing, and its starts with alternate nostril breathing.


    in that system, the nostrils are the end of channels which go up to the top of the head and down the back then down along the spine to the dan tien. so there are two side channels (one for each nostril) and one central channel which goes from the dantien (where they all meet) to the top of the head straight up through the taiji pole.


    so i breathe healing light (i like white which turns golden as it gets to the dantien) through the right channel, then expel it through the left. then reverse. as many times as i like. then breathe light in both nostril channels and expel it up the middle channel.


    i find it to be really balancing and agree that my nostrils/sinuses are sometimes out of synch and the practice realigns them. i don't know why alternate nostril breathing feels so great but it does :)

  19. but my question would be "How do you practice Buddhism?".


    I am not a philosophical buddhist, i never had the patience for all those profoundly abstract concepts. I just get the simple stuff which my teachers assure me is enough to progress far with.


    So i don't "get" all those concept, but i don't get lost in them either. I try to have a direct experience instead of thinking about what i am doing. I practice letting go when i identify something detrimental in my psyche. I practice attitude no attitude. I keep my mind on the 8-fold noble path. I don't do intoxicants and i keep my diet clean. I excercize my physical body and my light body. I focus on empty space instead of moving things. I sit a lot.


    so i like to think of myself as not beginner, not expert, but medium in my progress, although i don't have a grasp of all the ten thousand concepts or anything. can anyone relate? buddhism is complex for being aimed at simplicity!! yikes