konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. They are all mentioned in different forms of Buddhism, but the way they are spoken of in the way they should be approached tends to differ between Tibetan/Mahayana and Zen/Chan.


    The actual definitions of #3 can also differ between schools/traditions.


    yeah i would add that the body of buddhist thought is very vast. Depending on the teacher, different things are focused on.


    i can also tell about my own experience. I think if you study any sect of buddhism from books or a teacher for long enough, you get to the skandhas. In my own experience, i was in discussion early on about the aggregate nature of self, but didn't learn the 5 skandhas as such til years later. (i study in drikung-kagyu school under khenchen konchog gyaltshen rinpoche.) i was also introduced to prajna and prajnaparamita (the perfection of transcendent wisdom) very early, and the sutras regarding those were focused on in my tradition from the beginning of study. as to the third question, the trikaya or three body doctrine was never emphasized greatly in my school, although it was mentioned. So that is just my experience.


    i would say as a rough answer to your question, prajna, which can mean just 'higher consciousness' is common to all schools of buddhism, most beginners know of prajna. skandhas and trikaya are more advanced philosophical concepts so some buddhists might know about them, but not all buddhists do.

  2. I hear you loud and clear! :lol:


    Meow... I mean, miao... is understood as the mysterious border between yin and yang -- if you look at the taiji symbol, the S-line separating them (miaotao or taomiao) is also uniting them, is not really there but is clearly visible, does not belong to either yin or yang but is shared by both while itself being neither... and is shaped like a cat's... um... meow. :)


    can you give an example of something in life that is miao? i think of a fox. ??? but then again i'm silly

  3. in the mornings, blood is pooled in the liver and also to lesser extent in the intestines. Exhale and keep exhaling, until your abdominal muscles are sucked in and squeezing all the blood out of these organs and into the bloodstream again. Hold 2-3 seconds. It takes 5 sec to get to your brain but you will know you have done it right when you snap to awareness! :) hahaha my friend calls this "masai coffee" cause the masai were an african tribe known to wake up in a battle-ready state, and this is one of their secrets.


    once you have done that, vigorous in-out-in-out rapidly, from about 80% capacity to 20% capacity without time in between breaths but just in-out-in-out like your abdominals are spasming hahahaah (not really, but they should get a workout!) you will know you are doing it right if your body temp raises a little or your skin feels warm


    also, moving around is good for waking up, so take a walk.


    hope all that helps!

    • Like 3

  4. thanks, it looks good.


    i have a book by da liu called "tao of health and longevity" which i mean to read first


    and i am really engaged by nan huai-chin's "basic buddhism" which is taking up most of my reading time at present


    i appreciate the feedback, thanks

  5. I am surprised no one has complained to the mods about vulgarity and obscenity of this thread.


    Perhaps there are some sadistic personalities in here who think it is alright to drink urine?


    there may even be some sick freaks who aren't offended in the least at the thought of it!


    think of it as a yogic tattva


    or just read this



    and consider that, all things being relative, theres probably worse things to worry about out there :D

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  6. It's a path. My left hand path, which implies there is a right hand path. This one fits me, but by all means, take the other way if it makes you feel uncomfortable! The reason I started this thread wasn't to proselytize; just to be upfront about what I am and what I do. I'm not pretending to be something I'm not; I'm calling a spade a spade. Personally I think tulku might benefit from at least considering this path, but I would say for the majority of people the right hand path is a better way to go to achieve balance.


    well i am not into domination and submission or anything but i wish there were more people like you in the world. you seem empowered and authentic and sexually "self-actualized" for lack of a better word. i bet a lot of people would be kinky if they had what it took to be true to themselves.


    i really liked what you said about not caring about tulku's response cause it was you who was pushing buttons and thats just what you got. if everyone were similarly sensible i don't think we would need mods to banish people from the land


    i will quit gushing all over you now, i just wanted to say that

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  7. Thank you for all the variety of responses as we are all so unique in our expression and words can be taken in so many ways.I am overflowing with love and joy and do not need a partner to feel happy as I am content. I do have an abundance of sexual energy and I feel it is healthy for me to share that if even if through subtle sex. I get asked to go out on dates a lot but I am not interested in casual sex as making love is sacred to me and part of my spirituality. The internet does not feel like a natural way to connect because there is not that instant magnetic soul attraction and as I have come to realize many older men are searching for women much younger with very specific beauty to satisfy them. I am seeking one that sees way beyond the physical realm. I wanted advice on a Taoist forum and now realize even men who consider themselves to be high level cultivators have different intentions and motivations.


    I am just going to focus on my spiritual life and meditating as that is really the only thing in the world for me worth pursuing.Cultivating humility, compassion and virtue is what I am putting my energy into.


    hahaha it seems like high level cultivators are the ones to look out for


    "SWM taoist aged 135 seeks young fit high school students for romping good times. must like chin whiskers."


    i think dropping all concern for finding a mate is a great idea. life takes care of us, and when we turn our wants and needs over, it provides for us, in my experience. plus, even if you're meant to be alone for a while, best to accept it and not dwell on finding a man right? best wishes to you

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  8. I have been vegetarian my whole life, was completely raw for 20 years including being just a fruitarian. Then was a 'breathatarian' meaning I mostly lived off of prana but had juice and herbs then breatharian only sun and moon gazing. Now I am vegan half raw and half ayurvedic/taoist diet with no grains except sprouted quinoa. One day I want to do a dark cave fast with no water.


    One challenging part is remaining grounded which I see in many 100% raw foodists and I really love being down to Earth so I eat a lot root veggies. I am an empath so compassion for others suffering is intense when I do not eat. I do believe that being vegan not only prevents animals from suffering but is one of the best ways to help the environment. However I am not judgmental and feel people should eat what feels right to them. I would rather be in the company of a humble happy grounded person that eats meat than an arrogant ungrounded breatharian.


    thats really great, im so glad to hear all that!! :D


    i made it 8 months on raw foods before getting too spaced out til i went crazy. it was completely ungrounding. im scared to try it again even with lots of root vegetables. i am a humble happy grounded person that eats meat now. very little mostly veggies w some grains, no wheat, very healthy but nothing to mention. just good health :)


    dark cave fast sounds wonderful! you seem very inspired, it makes me happy too :D

  9. this has been helping me so i will share it.


    sit or lie down as you usually do. as you begin, visualize your environment as a cosmic womb, providing for you all you need, and see this womb made out of light. if you are in a room, see the room as the womb. if you are outdoors, see your environment as the womb. but relate your surroundings, as they were to your conscious mind before you closed your eyes, to the womb.


    see an umbilical cord made of light come from the womb into your navel. mine always looks like a tornado that gets small at the navel, but i suppose it would work any old way it works for you! don't use force to draw energy in, just trust that life has all the energy you need, enough for everyone, and as you make the connection, feel light energy from the womb, and outside the womb, fill you. let your body become light inside and let your organs muscles bones and centers bathe in light. let all parts of your anatomy and energy body bathe in light.


    see the environment (the air around your skin and all around) as light. i recommend white light, but i also recommend that if you work with blue or green light as healing light, or if you want to work with any color light, to do that. feel yourself floating, a being of light, nourished by the cosmos, freely suspended in a sea of light in all directions.


    let the light within, the light of the "womb" and cord, and the light of the environment merge into one light. let all distinctions and barriers between your light and other light dissolve and die, and let the light of spirit, or cosmos, or oneness, or whatever you relate to, absorb your being.


    after working with the white light or whatever light you work with (which is like fullness), try working with clear light, which is luminous but invisible (and is like emptiness), for some yin balance. you can see the oneness white light transmute into the clear light when you feel full or rejuvenated. resting in the emptiness of clear light is really refreshing too!


    i hope you enjoy trying this! you can do it in 5-10 min when you get used to it, and that doesnt take long. its a nice morning meditation to do in bed, and you can incorporate whatever other light or energy work you do into it! i would love to hear how others adapt it to their own practice! bless

    • Like 2

  10. My Burning Palm System uses Sun gazing it's an ancient practice shared by many cultures and lost civilisation, but must be balanced with other things according to my art. Very Powerful and very spiritual journey by just watching the sun and experiencing this element!


    Sifu Garry


    what other things does your art balance sungazing with?

  11. aliens? probably always been here


    and theres loads of confusion about mayan calendar so dont believe the hype.


    i met wandering wolf in 2007, he came to speak to a small audience in my city. he said that they weren't expecting the change to be on exactly 12.21.12 or for such change to happen overnight. he said everything was spectrum of change and that the 12.21.12 date is just something westerners latched onto. the long count ends on that date but he said maybe we will not see a world based on cosmic consciousness, a new spiritual age, for 50 years. he said that the long count is sooooo long that its cusp could easily be decades. in other words, if nothing happens and 2013 rolls around and its same shit different day, the only people who are going to be surprised is that westerners hahaha the mayans won't blink an eye, they don't look at things that exactly.


    i asked him if this was the change from the kali yuga to the brahma yuga, because he had studied in india with their calendar keepers, and he said to me "nobody knows when the kali yuga ends because we are so deep into it that everyone disagrees on when it began. so since those calendar keepers disagree, i can't tell you anything about it."


    but basically the mayan prophesy concerning the end of this age is that there will be lots of war and conflict (their only visionary prophesy regards their war god as "fully dressed" which meant he had on his nicest outfit i guess) and then there will be a change to a more universal/cosmic consciousness and balanced lifestyle. so they believe in a cleansing or purification time, and then a spirit age. but they don't think that on 12.21.12 the world will end and on 12.22.12 we will be singing hare krishna at every old airport and greyhound station. s'not that simple! these things take time y'know

  12. Look anmatva.


    In this thread, I am not gonna argue whether Love is important for Enlightenment.


    What I am gonna ask now is..


    Is Lust necessary and even antithetical to Enlightenment?


    Is Love more true when you give Love with any expectations of your own Happiness?


    Because that is what Lust is. Lust is a hunger for your own Happiness.


    Love is a giving of Happiness.


    Lust is a taking a hunger for Happiness.


    You tell me, my bros and sis, is Lust necessary for Enlightenment?


    How do you expect to have Enlightenment when you have Greed?


    i am not really into the idea of enlightenment it to me implies a static state or some kind of goal


    to me there is just process. the "road to enlightenment" is process.. it never stops. we never "reach enlightenment". there is no static state where we stop growing or learning and just start teaching. we are always learning.


    so right from the start i can not relate to your question in that way.


    lust? definitely an obstacle to spiritual cultivation.


    love? great stuff, in all its forms. i like the greek model of 3 kinds of love, eros, phila, agape.

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  13. i have true love, and i have lust for enlightenment!


    we disagree on everything tulku :D


    why do you post these trolly posts? nobody ever responds with "why tulku you are so correct" or "oh thank you tulku for mentioning it you are so kind and correct".


    i hope that you do not die a grumpy old person who is always shaking his cane at kids telling them they should be meditating. may you find peace!

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