konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. I was a Breatharian and used the sun as a source of energy. Hira Raten Mantek, an Indian sage, is a wonderful person to learn to sungaze from. You want to be careful not to damage your retina and only gaze at sunrise and sunset by starting very slowly. If you are also fasting you may find this energy to be ungrounding. I am always seeking new methods to ground. You can also moon gaze which has a very different energenic quality. When I first started sungazing I could smell roses and certain people could smell roses around me even though I was not wearing essential oil. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :wacko::rolleyes:


    how long were you a breatharian for?


    were you a fruitarian first? or a raw foodist?


    you're the first breatharian i've ever talked to :D

  2. I know I'm gullible, but dang, I think you might be right! Barely made it through the tail end of that Fifth Night thingummy, but I'm fit as a fiddle now. Well, if this Calleman person is right, it should make for a very interesting October.






    glad to hear you are feeling better now.


    the mayan calendar helps me a lot, and i hope it helps you too.

  3. Wow! You sure do talk a lot once you get started, don't you?


    i guess i do. probably comes from not having many friends, or a facebook account, or some outlet for my thoughts. i guess i get too excited about all the like minds here and talk too much. i'll try to rein it in.



    No. There are no answers. There are understandings and opinions. But this is why I have stayed so long in this thread. The word "Taoist" was used negatively in the thread title. I will always argue against such actions.


    It is not necessarily my intention to hyjack the thread but rather to show that Taoist Philosophy is a perfect guide for one to live his/her life to its maximum potential. That, IMO, would be our best expression of Tao.


    yeah i think no answers too. just myriad ways of looking at things, and certain agreements we make with each other.


    probably i should not try to hijack this thread either. :D i was raised by fundamentalist hypocrites, and i guess i still have issues, seeing as how ol tulku and his opinions rile me up. thanks for the nice reminder.



    There is simply way too much duality of observable consciousness and intelligenc for me to accept that there is any "higher power" controlling, in any way, what is happening throughout the universe. (Unless, of course, this "higher power is schizo.)


    well if you and i and everyone and all the animals and plants etc are expressions of higher power, higher power is schizo by definition. maybe higher power is off its meds! haha


    And no, we don't have to give up anything in order to become self-actualized. In fact, giving up things will prevent us from becoming self-actualized. (But I'm not going to talk about excesses right now.)


    yeah i agree

  4. oooh i just found "the gentle path of spiritual progress" on paperbackswap.com


    i am with you stigweard ni is legit by me.


    ahhhaha its easy to be a critic and hard to be a daoist master

    • Like 2

  5. Any thoughts from fellow Taoist on the way?


    clearly there is a fair amount of superficial daoists on internet dating sites... funny, but sad too


    i wish you luck, there are men out there who are more attracted to energy and spirit than to preconceived notions of looks, although male biochemistry seems wired especially for certain shapes and ratios.


    i think you will have to be very patient and very discriminating, i hope you find just the right person

    • Like 2

  6. Yeah, well, being an Atheist I don't talk like that. Hehehe. I normally just say that we are a manifest expression of Tao and leave it at that.


    i dont understand creator as something that can be deified, as it is beyond attributes and personality. So in that way i can understand things from an atheist's perspective. But i have seen enough to believe that the cosmos is intelligent, and that things happen with purpose and intention behind them, not randomly or accidentally. So in that way i can understand as a theist.


    There is no easy answer, so i am not going to pretend that i could give an easy explanation and do the subject any justice. However i am all about hijacking this thread so lets talk more about it marblehead! and anyone else who wants to chime in hahahah


    if the dao is the sum total of all intelligences, is it, as a oneness, intelligent?



    If we have divine beings talking with us all the time I think it would be time to seek some professional help.


    some people hear voices of deities because deities talk to them, some people hear voices of deities because their mind is fixated on deities and the mind just works like that, some people hear voices of deities because they are schizophrenic and have auditory hallucinations, some people hear voices of deities because they are listening to bad spirits that say "i am this deity <snicker> do what i say" (i know you don't believe in spirits, try to stay with me), some people hear voices of deities because they want so badly to hear voices of deities that the mind creates these voices to quench the thirst, some people hear voices of deities because they sit in too much meditation and get energy stagnating in their head, etc.


    however, if i pray to shiva, sometimes i hear a response to my question in english language!! WTF?! i don't presume that shiva is actually using his conscious mind to answer my prayers. maybe that is why they say shiva lives everywhere.. maybe his consciousness is just such that it is part of me (shivoham is a shaivite mantra meaning "i am shiva") or maybe when you get into the realm of deity consciousness, ordinary explanations fall short of being able to adequately describe what is experienced. i don't pretend to understand, maybe its just my higher self?! who can say? not me. but i get really really helpful advice from this voice when it manifests. and of course i am far from the only one to have mystical experience regarding shiva.


    so who knows? i surely don't pretend to. i am an ignorant mystic, a fool who has accepted his folly. better that i just raise more questions than that i try to answer anything :lol:

    • Like 1

  7. Sloppy Zhang, yeah pretty damn instinctive indeed. Well put.


    Seems like this book is exactly what I was hoping to find--sweet.

    Thanks Stig for filling me in on Fu Jyeo, it's really interesting stuff. If enough of us get the book maybe we can collectively work through it, or have a thread for questions about practicing, etc.


    a note: looks like hua ching ni has written over 70 books in english and 50 in chinese, according to his organization's website (this seems unlikely.) It's probably true that he knows a lot, and has a lot to share, but it also means he is a self help guru. That doesn't necessarily disqualify his work, it's just a red flag, for me anyway. I still plan to buy the book. But he's not an old hermit just come down from the mountain, he's a millionaire living in a mansion in Malibu--and good for him. He and his sons run a Chinese medicine school in California. Maybe this forum has already discussed him?


    i think guru is something else, hes like a 30th generation daoist master (or something like that 31st i forget) his sons do own and operate a TCM school in santa barbara california north of LA, and they get criticized a lot for driving their big shiny sports cars around town when some people think they should be meditating, but hua-ching ni does know a lot and has a lot to share. i have benefited from reading his books, and i hope you do too. yes there are red flags but i think if you want the pure transmission of something like you're looking for, you will be able to find fault with anyone who is selling their books these days. until you climb the mountain to apprentice with the immortal at the top of it, i think learning from authors like ni is a good idea!

  8. Recently I have started to sit cross legged with my finger interlocked with my toes for meditation. When I do it this way no chi is seeming to leak anywhere but continuosly circulates as long as the connection is made.


    I have been thinking why it works and think it is to do with the reverse polarities from our legs and arms. Like the left hand is generally percieved as yin and the left leg as yang. So when you grab your toes you are connecting the like polar or (same) outlets to complete the circuit.


    What do you guys think?


    haha like a great big gordian knot, or some kind of human lemniscate


    i think thats awesome, thanks for sharing!

  9. Does anyone here have any experience sungazing?


    i only gaze at sunrise and sunset suns and wouldn't recommend it beyond an hour from each of those events


    what were you wondering? im not an expert, and it makes me feel giddy, so i don't do it for a full hour. maybe 5-10 min to charge up w light.


    i think its good practice. if its closer to midday, one can circle their eyes around the sun in each direction in order to absorb good solar energy without looking directly at the sun.

    • Like 1

  10. Ah, yes I could see how it could be taken that way. I meant that from my experience of having prayed verse not praying I didn't notice any difference. I used to think that the prayers to god were part of what was helping me, but after I tried the same processes and succeded without praying I chalked the phenomena to a placebo.


    its probably different for everyone


    although there has been research that i heard about on coast to coast am, which showed a significant difference in healing times between people that were prayed for, vs people who weren't


    so maybe it is just the focusing of positive energies in the aethers, or maybe it is placebo, or maybe deities exist that hear prayers and respond, but something is going on i think!


    sorry i can't cite a reference for that study, but i swear i heard george noory report that! :D

  11. That's a good possibility. Hehehe.


    hahaaha not like i pretend to understand the mother cosmos / creator / whatever


    but when i first started to get psychic impressions and messages in my body i was working with a shaman (cherokee) and he told me basically that the great spirit communicates with *everyone* in their own way and not to think i was special or fixate on the impressions i was getting, just remember that i should be grateful if i get a message that helps.


    also, it stands to reason that everything is dao, so i have never had a thought in my life, nor has anyone else, that wasnt a manifestation of dao! haha! seperation from the divine is a very western idea, and so then is the idea of "reconnecting with it"!? To me, life is the dream of godhead, and we are all characters in this great dreaming drama, so this very conversation contains the essence of divinity, as does the poo i just took, and everything else! we are all characters in creator's dream. So nothing, therefore, is seperate from creator, and nobody has ever had a thought which has not been of the origin of creator! how could one ever be seperate from creator, except in their own mind!? haha


    So when i hear people like tulku say "oh i hear the messages of creator, i am so high level, i am so special" i think to myself "no you have only begun to realize that the creator talks to you. soon you will begin to realize that the creator talks to everyone!" :)

  12. I have read this somewhere


    When you are full of jing, there is no desire for sex.

    When you are full of chi, there is no desire for food.

    When you are full of shen, there is no desire for sleep.


    I thought that this was something to cling to.


    haha i just read that yesterday in a book. thats what i mean, the cosmos talks to everyone. we just have to learn to recognize the language that it speaks.


    edit> don't talk about clinging on this thread though.. the enlightenment police are listening :D :D

  13. I already told you.. you are hardly enlightened..


    the creator/tao/universe does talk back but he only talks back to high-level practitioners..


    taming their desires and culling the indulgence of the senses are like fundamental ABCs for these high-level practitioners..


    anyway good luck to you and your life.. you gonna need it.. lol


    the creator talks to everyone. you don't understand what you are talking about.

  14. You are only worried about the monasteries? Maybe not today, but the monasteries should have been taken down. They were part of the ruling class. The ordinary peasant in Tibet had no rights. A landlord allied with the Dalai Lama could rape a peasant's/slave's wife and cut off his balls and eviscerate him when he protested. Happened a lot. Dalai Lama were no better than the Vatican or the Taliban. But that's the normal state of the world. That's how power works. That is why democracy has been invented.


    Chinese propaganda? Didn't I just tell you I have nothing with Mao or communism? But you worry about your monasteries. I prefer to look at the lowest classes.


    i have never heard such stories from any of my tibetan/nepalese friends


    they love the dalai lama


    i have seen the chinese propaganda that says things like you are saying here though.


    please cite references to news sources or media links that help me understand the monstrosity of the dalai lama?? your views are too similar to propaganda distributed by the chinese government for me to take seriously.

  15. My my... that is a long list. It will take me awhile to remember them all. I will just say that all duality comes from singular source, hence duality can only be the product of non-duality. I'm not hypothesizing, I've experienced this non-dual source, light, whatever you want to call it.


    Second names, labels, etc. do not dictate what something is, they are just terms we ascribe to what we recognize so others can recognize them as well. We tell a child, that is a cat, he knows it is a cat, but if we tell a child a dog is a cat, does that make the dog a cat?


    It is best not to oppose anything if you can, however if you can't, it's best to apply as much force as needed to take control. The man who avoids the crocodile is the wisest, but the man who chooses not to better hope he has a firm grip on its snout.


    I wont even go into synthesis right now, that boggles the mind, but suffice it to say, that it still comes down to names and labels. In the end a crocodile is what it is, regardless of what you call it.




    as to names and labels, those axioms came from egyptian light magic. They believe in the name body as one of the human bodies (physical, dreaming, auric, astral, heart, etc) which is the body which exists in the dimension of pure information, binding all your different bodies together into one "you" with the spell, which is your true name (not the name you were born with on earth necessarily), so that is not to say that those axioms are totally correct or totally daoist or anything of the sort, just to give you some background information on them to help you understand where they are coming from. they believe in the essence of the thing itself, the true name, and the "other name" :) or label which we call name in the case of self


    i agree about crocodiles, but don't tell kids that they are cats :) that might be confusing

  16. There is a point where even city married life is just yet another attachment.


    If you are arguing for city married life, you are attached to it.


    If you feel you need to promote it, you are attached to it.


    If you are arguing against city married life, you are attached to it.


    If you renounced the concept of city married life, what do you have left?




    i wish i could minus one a post! where is the little red button? hahaha


    and where are the bull testicles?? that was more interesting!! :D :D lets hijack this thread again


    i dont think our previous efforts were sufficient enough