konchog uma

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Posts posted by konchog uma

  1. That's a pretty negative view in itself, dont you think?


    Not only is your understanding of it negative, its completely misconstrued. Enlightenment is not some form of escapism. As my friend VJ likes to say, you need to study more so that you are able to make correct assessments about what Buddhism is, otherwise, if ever you find yourself at a sit down over dinner with friends and the conversation turns to Buddhism, you might just end up being looked at with funny eyes. :blink:


    haha quite so

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  2. hi, i just wanted to share these because they really help me. and because typing them out reinforces them :)


    1. law of world views - the world we perceive is actually an interface between the unknowable objective reality and the subjective self. changing subjective world views changes the perceived world. there are infinite ways to perceive infinite worlds. observation changes phenomenon by the power inherent in our attention. we can become one with the universe but can never be an independent observer. we participate in creating the world by perceiving it.


    2. law of attention - the more evidence one looks for to support a given law, conclusion, or worldview, the more one will find. world views are static and inert. maintaining them is done by means of a recursive internal dialogue or words and symbols which we use to constantly edit our perceptions. to rearrange one's worldview, rearrange the attention.


    3. law of synchronicity - the law of cause and effect manifest as events connected by patterns in space and time. patterns are meanings.


    4. law of relative truth - all statements are true, false, and meaningless from a trinity of points of view. flexibility of awareness allows one to adopt these points in turn, and simultaneously.


    5. law of pragmatism - if it works, it is true. the more successful a world view is at fulfilling the goals of its adherents, the more valid it is said to be. few then are truly insane, and fewer truly sane.


    6. law of paradox - no world view or set of world views can ever encompass the actual world. this paradox is based on the unknowable nature of reality. two people may experience the same event as different occurances. the rationality of our worldviews, words, and symbol sets is limited by intellect. the world itself is not. the resolution of the paradox is that the world contains our worldviews, but our worldviews do not contain the world.


    7. law of unity - everything through all space and time is linked by degree to everything else. all is ultimately one.


    8. law of reflection - all parts are reflection of the whole. each thing is a "holon" or a whole part of a greater holon. the cosmos is holographic in its manifestation. each of us is the cosmic image. when the inner image is tuned, or brought into resonance, with the outer image, perception of oneness can occur.


    9. law of association - if two things have a commonality, they will influence each other. the more commonality, the more influence. similarity and contagion. similarity is sympathetic, and means that the cause and effect have resonance with each other. contagion is homeopathic, and means that things in contact continue to interact after separation. anything once in contact can be used as a tuning crystal is in a radio to isolate the frequency of that things, because it carries a resonance relationship with it.


    10. law of connection - to oppose something is to maintain it. to have power over something is that things power over you. every act is an exchange of energy, there is always give and take simultaneously.


    11. law of synthesis - any two opposites can be unified in a force or concept that will contain both of the original opposites (hot, cold - temperature)


    12. law of duality - any force or concept can be divided into two opposites, each of which will contain the essence of the other, and can only be defined in relationship to each other.


    13. law of personification - any object, concept, force, or phenomenon may manifest as an entity. it can be considered to be alive, have a personality, and be respectable and addressable as an entity. everything has a spirit.


    14. law of interfaces - power exists in refined form and alignments like noon, midnight, poles, solstices, etc. it also exists in places which are in between or not entirely one thing or the other. these places have power which comes from the exchange of energy between poles, like lightning, caves, grottoes, towers, mountains, beaches, wells, crossroads, cliffs, equinoxes, twilight, dawn, salamanders, frogs, etc have this energy


    15. law of words and symbols of power - there are words and symbols that are able to change the inner and outer realities of those using them. these do not need to be understood consciously in order to have effect. there is a primordial resonance between symbols or words of power and what they represent, this is why they are what they are.


    16. law of names - a things true name is its nature. the name is what weaves together the being. what most people consider name is only label, true names exist in the higher planes more often than in the experienced world.


    17. law of labeling - people tend to believe they understand something if they have a name for it. this is nominalization. do not confuse map and territory. when we label, we exclude information.


    18. law of information - the more information contained in a symbol, the more general and vague it becomes. the more specific a symbol, the more information it excludes. simplicity dominates complexity.


    19. law of pattern - information can be viewed as a measure of predictability. the more unpredictable a message is, the more information it contains. pattern is information, which is energy. knowledge is power. patterns develop complexity naturally as they evolve. in this sense the cosmos becomes more intelligent every day. as it develops simplicities, it becomes wiser.


    20. law of intelligence - any pattern of sufficient complexity will act intelligently when treated as an entity. a patterns complexity can be said to be its intelligence. intelligence is a measure of information, and pattern is information. therefore, the relationship between pattern and intelligence is overlapping.

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  3. Sorry but in my experience Chia is nice for a beginner to internal arts but as a practice its worthless crap.


    really? i can never finish a book of his i pick up. in contrast to that i am reading a book on meditation and internal alchemy, that is of similar length to some chia books, that i am almost finished with in 3 days (tao & longevity by huai-chin nan). So its not that i can't do it, my body just never lets me take in mantak chia! it doesnt like him for some reason :D

  4. Hello Marblehead,


    If one has choices, that doesn't mean he is free, only that he has choices. The fact that we all die (our physical being) is the first answer to this question. Every time we encounter an action there are choices to make, but there aren't infinite choices, rather limited choices. The fact that choices are limited means that there is not real freedom involved. Now if one is fixated on the notion of freedom bringing them control over their lives, then this may seem frightening, but if one instead understands that there are limited choices and the important thing is to make the right choices, then freedom becomes an outdated concept and instead they begin to see the beauty that exists within the nature of things.




    freedom isnt choices, i agree, but i think freedom exists, even though its often misunderstood. Hahah in USofA they hype freedom but really they just take your freedom away if you don't follow the rules :)


    to me real freedom is a free flow of energy. When my energies were constricted, i thought and acted in a way that wasn't free, and in many ways was a slave to my lower nature. But as i heal and my energies become loose and expansive, i experience what i can only call freedom!


    to be fair, i hear where you are coming from, and i am a believer in cause and effect. I had a conversation last week with someone who had a dream that 16 years later was a deja vu for them. So what does that say about the flow of time? I also believe in the validity of astrology, although i would not describe myself as a determinist.


    i would describe reality as being paradoxically free-willed and fated in the same instant. And i would describe that as just a way of saying things, a koan to push the mind into a non-dual way of looking at things. another way to say it would be that our freedom is destined, and that accepting our destinies is freedom. There are boundaries and constraints but i don't think that means freedom is a total myth. i just think that the freedom that people imagine, like "freedom to do whatever i want without consequenses" is bullshit. But the more we accept our boundaries and limits, the more freedom we experience! So there is a paradox there that i think freedom is part of...


    just my 2 cents


    Should I listen to the city people who have not even attained an iota of enlightenment or the monks who are already enlightened?



    here's a better question. why should we listen to your advice about how to attain inner peace when you obviously don't have much of it?


    why should we care what you have to say since your version of "enlightenment" is to look down on us from your glass castle and tell us how much better than us you are? enlightened masters aren't really known for acting like you.


    do you think that any of us lowly practioners even want what you have? i personally don't. if we wanted to be condescending ignorant jerks we would have joined www.condescendingignorantjerks.com, where i'm sure we could find all kinds of guidance on our paths. but we are looking to further our spiritual cultivation. if you were spiritually cultivated, it would stand to reason that you would recognize spiritual cultivation in others, and spare us your derogatory comments like the one above. ???? i don't even know why i am trying to engage you logically.


    you may think that you are an ascended god being who is capable of judging others harshly because you know a few big words, but i think that there is only one in this world who can judge, and its judgement is always unconditional love. since your commentary is notably short on that, i don't actually look to you for spiritual guidance in the first place.


    again, i don't know why i'm even wasting my time typing this.. DOH! you got me tulku now you can bask in some more attention that you don't deserve sheesh

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  6. I simply don't pretend to. (BTW, I never said there are no gods, I simply don't worship any)


    how true! i was curious as to whether you thought the whole phenomenon of gods was placebo. some people think that humans create divinity as a coping mechanism for the parts of reality that we don't understand yet.



    If we are allowed to speculate I would say that the Ancient Aliens Theory is just as good of an explanation as a god. Even more so that we all have seen UFO's either on TV or in Real Life, how many gods have you seen on TV or in real life?


    yeah thats an interesting take on it all. The sumerians even went so far as to tie the two directly together, according to one Zecharia Zitchin, who relates the mythology of the annunaki in his series. I don't suppose to know either, i just thought you were saying that all phenomenon of deity nature was essentially placebo, or happens because we believe it to happen, and i was really interested in that.


    i have never seen the god realms, or remembered an abduction, so i dont claim to have the firsthand infos. But i do think that the idea that every culture independant of each other observed some kind of higher power is very telling as to our place in the omniverse. I believe that something is out there, if not a whole hell of a lot of things, more potent and robustly energized than the lot of us humans :). Thats about all i can say tho before it gets kinda nebulous on account of ignorance.

  7. I don't worship any god. I think it works as a placebo more than anything.


    how would you explain the mythologies of nearly every culture? I can't think of one culture which doesn't have gods.


    why would people all over the world invent gods if there weren't some inherent reality to it?

  8. "Fu Jou, the drawing of mystical pictures and the writing and recital of mystical invocations for the purpose of evoking a response from the subtle realm of the universe" Hua Hu Ching, pp.68 of the Walker translation (section Fifty-five.)


    I came across this recently, while rereading the book, and have been wondering about what this practice might entail--how would one make mystical drawings? I was hoping someone may have read about this practice elsewhere and might be able to lead me in the right direction to find out more.


    I'm reminded of Shaker spirit drawings (The Shakers were a Christian community mostly in upstate New York about 150 years ago who trembled/shook during parts of worship--someone might know more about this than I)--it seems to me that these drawings were made in trance (though I'm not certain of this...) In a way, it also makes me think of Ouija boards, not something I have experience with, though...


    If you haven't heard of Fu Jou outside the context of this book, then what do you think of it? What is meant by, "Response from the subtle realm?"


    i've never had fu jou training but sometimes if i need a boost or a lift i might draw a little talisman and put it under my heel inside my shoe, and walk around til it breaks into little pieces. i accompany it with a prayer or some sort of invocation so thats sort of like fu jou. if fu jou by another names smells as good as fu jou :)


    anyway like i said i don't know about fu jou but "the subtle realm" is probably a way of saying "the invisible world" or the spirit world, and i would venture the guess that one could put an S at the end of it and be just as descriptively accurate.


    i hope that smarter people than me chime in on this thread!

  9. If you say so. Hehehe.


    (Yes, I know that some people can spin more than others can. Something to do with the amount of fluid in the inner ear and brain.)


    (But then, I suppose that training can expand the limits.)


    for those that can not spin like the others, there are always sharpie markers to huff! you will feel just like you were a sufi spinning in the desert! bonus: then you can write about your experiences! double bonus: you'll need white-out if you make a mistake!


    you can practice in your favorite bathroom stall and journal your progress on the walls! oh the joys of spiritual progress

  10. things i do every day


    - wake up and smile, anchor myself in gratitude and love


    - prayers of thanks and blessings to the spirit, the gods/goddesses, the ancestors, etc


    - remember the tzolkin calendar and pray to the day sign (to native americans the day signs were like deities)


    - stretching and light yoga (nothing crazy just enough to stay limber)


    - 5 to 15 minutes breathing white light/fullness and clear light/emptiness with the spiritual umbilical cord


    - 45 min to 75 min meditation starting with chakra hand seals and mantras (kuji-in) and ending with quiet sitting


    - today was my second day of taiji/qigong class, so now i have that to do every day too.


    - and reading, right now i am reading "tao and longevity" by huai-chin nan, "the tibetan yogas of dream and sleep" by tenzin wangyal rinpoche, and "the secret of light" by walter russell

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  11. Thanks for this information. Great.


    Just a question - are people saying Three treasures = jing/qi/shen = three types of qi?




    i dunno what the word on the street is


    but my teacher said they are 3 types of qi. i don't think he was talking about jing and shen, just qi. i don't know about the dan tiens and jing and shen, and ive already said one misinformation today (my quota!) so i'll leave it at that

  12. I like your teacher's explanations of the 3 dantiens! Very accurate in my experience!!!




    Actually in Bon it goes like this:


    Throat/thirdeye/crown = EARTH

    Heart = SPACE

    LDT = FIRE

    Secret chakra 4 finger widths below navel, in the front of the body = WATER

    WIND is dispersed throughout the entire body


    Unless there are different systems of the chakras/elements in Bon...could be the case...


    oh ok. thanks. sorry for the misinformation. i don't know if i got that wrong or if there are different systems that get lumped into bon or what.


    my appologies

  13. i just got back from a walk in the woods with the teacher who helps me with meditations and we talked about qi and the 3 dan tiens. this all comes from a thread about chakras and MCO that i couldn't find to link to but i didn't look very hard.


    he said qi can't be reasoned about, it doesn't conform to left-brained ideas and its different for everyone. he said to think of it as life energy and don't try too hard to categorize it. but in regards to the three dan tiens, he said that its no good to give definitions of different kinds of qi but he could give examples. for the lower dan tien (LDT) he said this is the gross qi that people feel when they do energy work and want to cultivate in martial arts to do breaking and fa jing<sp>. it is grossest so it is closest to the physical plane.


    the MDT is emotional qi which he said is what gurus have that makes them radiate emotional energy and give students the idea that they are in "a presence". he said thats just heart qi. he said heart qi can be dense like physical or subtle, and that part of spiritual practice is to refine the emotional qi until it is translucent and transparent. he said when you listen to music, feel are the emotions opaque or translucent.


    he said that the UDT qi is most refined and that it is this qi that allowed primitive man to communicate telepathically, something aborigines can still do, speak with impressions and thoughtforms. he said the less you try to explain the better, but its the qi that transmits information. he said he like the tibetan bon system which calls LDT fire, MDT water, and UDT air. he said that system works well to describe the energies.


    in bon, the root is earth and the crown is aether, akasha, emptiness, etc.


    anyway, thats what he said, i told you folks i would post it here so i hope that helps some of you.

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