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Everything posted by Mudryah

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  2. 李庆远 (1677-1933)寿享256年是清末民初的中医药学者也是世界上著名的长寿老人。在他100岁时曾因在中医中药方面的杰出成就获政府的特别奖励在他200岁时仍常去大学讲学。这期间他曾接受过许多西方学者的来访。李庆远一生娶过24个妻子子孙满堂。   1933年活了256岁的李庆远与世长辞他先后共有24位妻子180位后人。当时的纽约时报与时代杂志都做了报道。按照这个年代推算他应该生于清康熙16年1677年先后历经了康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰、同治、光绪、宣统九代至民国在世256年是世界上极罕见的长寿星。 长寿秘诀   保持一种平静的心态坐如龟行如雀睡如狗这就是李庆远留给后人长寿的秘诀指引。他始终认为保持一个平静安宁的心态是长寿所必须的。他的饮食主要以米饭和少量的葡萄酒为主。   他认为自己健康长寿的原因有三一长期素食二心静、开朗三常年将枸杞煮水当茶饮。 人物生平   在我国有文字记载的年寿最高者当数李庆远。他生于清康熙十八年死于民国二十四年(1679-1935)享年256岁。李庆远原籍云南省90多岁时到四川省开县定居一直到去世。膝下子孙满堂。由于他对中医中药尤其对养身、健身都有不凡的造诣和成就被人们誉为神仙。四川省开县籍的刘成勋曾于1925年专程拜访过这位老人刘的采访回忆文章发表在1986年第六期《气功》杂志上同时刊登的还有寿星李庆远口述的长生不老决约1000多字。老人去世后北京的一些报纸曾以地球上最长寿的人为题予以报道[1]。   清代有位百岁寿星李庆远他生前十分欣赏清代学者陆陇其的话足柴足米无忧无虑早完官粮不惊不辱不欠人债而起利不入典当之门庭只消清茶淡饭便可延年益寿。李庆远一生遵此妙诀称此真养生之妙诀益寿之良箴也。得此可长生不必采灵药炼金丹也。   李庆远认为人的寿命有长有短这是由元气所主宰的。元气又称原气禀受于先天而赖后天荣养而滋生。他形象地把爱护与不爱护元气比作蜡烛存放的位置。若是把点燃的蜡烛置于罩笼内则燃烧的时间长若置风雨中则时间必短或即熄灭。养生之道亦是如此。   他非常欣赏老子之言毋劳汝形毋摇汝精毋使汝思虑萦萦(缠绕)。寡思路以养神寡嗜欲以养精寡言语以养气。他说此中妙旨往往被不善养生之庸人所忽视。   他根据圃翁(古代一位善于养生的老人)的养生理论特别强调善养生者必以慈、俭、和、静四字为根本。   所谓慈即仁慈、慈爱也就是心地善良不害物不损人一片慈祥之心。这种慈祥、仁爱的快乐心情足以抵御各种灾害自然就可以使人健康长寿养其天年。   所谓俭即节省或节制之意。俭于饮食则养脾胃俭于嗜欲则聚其精神俭于言语则养其气息防止产生事非俭于交游则可择友寡过俭于酒色则清心寡欲俭于思虑则可免除烦恼和困扰。凡事省得一分则受一分之益。   所谓和即和悦之意。君臣和则国家兴父子和则家宅安乐兄弟和则手足提携夫妻和则闺房静好朋友和则互相维护。此为至祥之道也。   所谓静就是清静、冷静、安泰之意。也就是说身不过劳心不轻动(胡思乱想)。神伤甚于体伤神之不守体之不康。   李庆远在讲到自己的起居饮食时说食不过饱过饱则肠胃必伤眠不得过久过久则精气耗散。余生二百多年从未食过量之食亦不作过久之酣眠。   他还讲到生活细节的注意事项。提出凡细小之事人们往往容易急躁如此必然伤身。他告诫人们寒暖不慎步行过疾酒色淫乐皆伤身损伤之极即可亡身。所以按着先人的养生术行不疾行目不久视耳不极听坐不至疲卧不至极要先寒而衣先热而解要先饥而食先渴而饮食欲数而少不欲顿而多要无喜怒哀乐之系其心无富贵荣辱之动其念。此乃长寿之道也。   李庆远最后告诫说:"饥寒痛痒父母不能代衰老病死妻子不能替。只有自爱自全之道才是养生的准则和关键。"   吉尼斯世界纪录大全记录这是经过考证的。
  3. Gospel of Thomas

    *See Irenaeus, Against Heresies 3.preface; 3.1.1-2; as quoted in "The Canon of Scripture" ESV Study Bible, (Crossway, Wheaton, 2008) p.2580. I studied the Lost Books and they were not apart of the Scriptures. They were written later for different reasons even the bible of the devil was written should that be apart of the Scriptures? I've been down the path you are on now and I must say that you should focus on the OT&NT. Books Enoch and Jasher have been quoted by Jesus and others in Scriptures. But if you are a true believer and practice and apply what the Scriptures say in your everyday life then you know the meaning of this on a Spiritual level: Hebrews 8:10 This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. ----- "Is not this written in the Book of Yasher?"--Yahushua ben Nun, 10:13. "Behold it is written in the Book of Yasher."2nd Samuel, 1:18 We first learn of Enoch in Genesis 5 but it leaves us with questions. Hebrews 11 has the answers and Jude quotes Enoch! How did Jude come to know the words of Enoch? They are not in the Scriptures. The answer is Yes, is The Book of Enoch. A book which is actually quoted not only by Jude, but also James the natural brother of YAHSHUA.
  4. Gospel of Thomas

    Books like the Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Judas and The Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians were written not in the first century (like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), but were composed in later centuries. The Gnostic teachings which permeate their gospels do not represent a Jewish worldview that Jesus would have had, but a Greek worldview which flourished in the second century. The early Christian community was obviously far more aware than we are which books were authentic and which were not. These books were all rejected from the "canon" not because of theological reasons but because they were not written by the apostolic community. The church did not "choose" what was to be in the canon; rather they saw themselves as empowered only to receive and recognize what God had provided in books handed down from the apostles and their immediate companions. *The Apocalypse of Peter is not part of the canon since it was clearly not written by Peter nor even in the lifetime of the apostles. This is revealed by its use of 4 Esdras in Chapter 3, which was written around 100 AD. This is why the early church leader Origen of Palestine in 240 rejected it as spurious. The only dispute regarding the canon involved marginal books like Revelation, 2 Peter, Clement, The Shepherd of Hermas, the inclusion or exclusion of which would not affect the basic teachings and gospel message of the Church. These books were almost all written by a religious movement called Gnosticism, which was opposed by the early apostles. Gnosticism had existed before Christianity and was in fact a separate movement, though they tried to reinvent Jesus as a teacher of Gnosticism. Basically Gnosticism teaches that God did not create the world, but an imperfect, evil demiurge created the world. They were dualists, meaning that they believed that the physical world was all evil. They taught that Jesus didn't have a physical body, which is why some of them decided that he couldn't have died a physical death. They were ascetic, often vegetarian and some had sexual worship practices. Books like Gospel of Thomas and Gospel of the Egyptians taught that sexual relations were wrong even within marriage. They believed that salvation was not obtained through faith and righteousness but through mystical secret knowledge, similar to certain Hindu groups today. To support their ideas against the apostles, they would often invent different accounts of Jesus. For example, the Gospel of Judas teaches that Jesus asked Judas to betray him to the cross so that his spirit could be liberated from the prison of his human body. These ideas permeate the Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Judas and the Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians.
  5. Gospel of Thomas I am a minister of seven years and I been raised in the church since I was 8 I'm 33 now. I ask this question? Do you think God would let anything be lost?
  6. Gospel of Thomas

    Don't just read it but apply it to your everyday life! Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. ― Gautama Buddha A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if he is peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise. ― Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. ― Gautama Buddha, Sayings Of Buddha Purity or impurity depends on oneself, No one can purify another. ― Gautama Buddha If the problem can be solved why worry? If the problem cannot be solved worrying will do you no good. ― Śāntideva When you dig a well, there's no sign of water until you reach it, only rocks and dirt to move out of the way. You have removed enough; soon the pure water will flow," said Buddha.
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  10. Indian monks taught Kung fu to Chinese monks.
  12. Man lived to the age of 256

    You can't rely on google translation but the point is to read what you can understand.
  13. Man lived to the age of 256

    So you had to buy this information? Hahahaha I'm joking.
  14. Man lived to the age of 256

    Here's the picture of the guy..
  15. Man lived to the age of 256

    My teacher sent me this. you might need to use google translate. But it tells of a man that lived to 256 years old by eating correctly, no alcohol, drugs, etc. and exercising regularly and some other information.
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  17. Wudang TV Drama Series

    Wudang part 1 is better in my opinion but its hard to find it. Wu Jing does a good job in this one but I hope it's true that Jet Li will be doing another Tai Chi movie.
  18. Wudang TV Drama Series

    There is or will be another wudang TV series starring Wu Yue.
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