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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. The Doomsday Scenario

    Anyone who has ever been to Egypt will have no difficulty in believing in a possible alien scenario. There are just way too many inconsistencies and unexplainable things (even with current technologies). But, that is very different than my earlier point of Jesus.
  2. The Doomsday Scenario

    Since @Pilgrim asked me to chime in... The teachings of Jesus are dramatically different than Jewish/Old testament views. As stated, the nature of God (as love) was a dramatic shift. As Jesus clearly states, he brought a new covenant (understanding of God) and how it is to be realized within oneself. But, I would also agree that his teachings were modified/used by the Roman Empire to rebuild as the empire had be in decline and needed a new integration point. As an example, Jesus specifically states to call no man father (other than God himself), and the first thing the empire does is create the concept of a Holy Father (Pope) and priest establishment so that there would be a centralized authority figure.
  3. Left and right are again related to the “local body”. I am not talking about channels in the body, more about the polarity of flows. The Yin and Yang of it.
  4. Your heart is open and energy is flowing. It is time to start noticing the separate channels of transmission and reception. Some traditions would call that male and female energy sides. Start connecting to others so that you can begin to feel/sense the difference, and let go of your belly.
  5. Yes, and then it can even grow to be more like a surfer on the leading edge of the wave. Stay with it and the wave will even follow you...
  6. Actually, I see it as a very powerful teaching. Pointing out that becoming a “son of god” is found inside yourself, and not about chasing outward activities or ritual activity. It is about going deeper and deeper. I have found that it is far less about the institution (catholic or Protestant), but more about the sharing fellowship in “Christ”. But nothing wrong with a little kneeling, it is good for all of us.
  7. Some interesting ideas on Christianity, but has not been my experience at all. Also, none of them seem to really be in line with the actual teachings of Jesus. Jesus is all about looking inside yourself for the "kingdom of god"... Luke 17: 20-21 20Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; 21nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’[d]For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
  8. No. Not sure what you mean? This was more of a pure elemental (and not some form of human spirit) that had been trapped.
  9. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Good stuff and worth a repeat...
  10. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    The One is the aspect of the Dao that can be spoken of. All that exists or has the potential to is exist. That is why those who can control/transform the One are like gods/immortals. But, as the TTC states, the One emerges from the Dao.
  11. On Meditation

    My prior argument has been from local mind and is untrue? Is that you simply saying that you disagree with me? "will" is the correct word, but you could use the word "intent" if you prefer. "known certainty" would give the sutra a completely different meaning and be completely out of context. And to your dream stopping, guess it depends on what you define as the dream, but... 3.45. bhūyaḥ syātpratimīlanam This yogī simultaneously and repeatedly experiences the revealing state and the concealing state of the objective world. Have a good weekend.
  12. On Meditation

    Ok, here are the a bunch more of them from your link... Taylor was put into a medically induced coma in hopes it would help her heal. But the prognosis was poor. Taylor remained unresponsive for a week. Then, in the early morning hours of Sept. 17, she suffered a brain hemorrhage. Doctors and nurses fought to save Taylor's life. But at the end of a grueling session, Taylor's brain sank part way into her spinal canal. No one comes back from that, the doctors told Taylor's mother, Stacy, and her father, Chuck Hale. - Actually a coma... Next, Although a team of four physicians insisted that his son was “brain-dead” following the wreck, Thorpe’s father enlisted the help of a general practitioner and a neurologist, who demonstrated that his son still had brain wave activity. - Clueless doctors, as he really always had brain wave activity. Next, After two weeks, he allowed them to shut off the ventilator, but insisted that a breathing tube be inserted in her mouth so that she could continue breathing on her own. Three days later, Gloria Cruz defied the medical experts and woke from her coma. According to her husband, she is now alert, mobile, and on her way to recovery. Obvious brain activity because she was breathing and was simply a coma again. Next, In accordance with her own wishes, doctors had removed Rae’s breathing tube and were waiting for her to die. She was taken home from the hospital, and while friends and family gathered to say a last good bye, Kupferschmidt’s daughter Lisa Sturm used an ice cube to wet her mother’s dry lips. When her mother sucked on the ice cube, she thought it was only an instinctive reaction. She said, "I knew suckling is a very basic brain stem function, so I didn’t get real excited. But when I did it again she just about sucked the ice cube out of my hand, and I looked at my aunt and said, ‘Did you see that?’" Able to notice and actually suck on an ice cube, so not even a deep coma. Anyways, no need for me to continue on this point. Thanks for the discussion and have a good weekend.
  13. On Meditation

    Looking further, one finds... Doctors believed she had suffered irreversible brain damage and was on the point of death, but it later came to light that she was in fact in a deep drug-induced coma. Seems more about clueless doctors and people using the term brain dead. A thought can be traced back to initial point of conception. Sort of like a "door" of manifestation where the energy of it is initiated. Well beyond the conscious aspects of mind for most, that is why many think they have a "quiet mind" when it is really just quiet at the conscious level and they have not dug deeper into the subconscious aspects of mind. But I would agree with what I think that you are saying that... Light body > Energy body > Physical body The greater the "clarity" or complete integration with sort of pulling the subconscious into the realm of conscious, the more this is realized. Kashmir Shaivism describes this well as beyond the local body mind, it is more like a universal (or shared mind). As as things are cleared and integrated, one becomes and is known to drive all (Siva). 1.19. śaktisandhāne śarīrotpattiḥ By infusing his energy of will the embodiment of that which is willed occurs at once. -Shiva Sutras
  14. I have met many such beings. There are many different types of energy/light beings and it is definitely not as simple as humans giving birth to such beings (but that is possible). Specifically with elementals, I have interacted with three of them. One was like a giant puppy that just wanted someone to notice and play with him. Another had been chained and tortured hundreds of years ago as a power source for more negative magic. It was kind of crazy like a storm and needed to be released. The third was in the mountains and more like an old mountain man that didn’t really move and just radiated energy that destabilized things. Higher beings and negative beings are much different.
  15. On Meditation

    These are examples of a coma. As you can see from a headline that your link is actually quoting... Moments from death: Student, 22, in a car crash coma WIGGLED her toe to stop doctors turning off her life-support machine.
  16. On Meditation

    I find that pretty hard to believe, but would be very interested on reading about it. Any specifics or link you could post? Thanks.
  17. On Meditation

    Yes, any playing of a musician requires thought. Otherwise there is no playing. The intent to play itself or start doing it is even a thought.
  18. On Meditation

    My definition has been pretty consistent. For me, both conscious and subconscious mental activity are classified as “thoughts”. And yes, as I have stated in the previous posts, all activities based in an “intent” require a thought to initiate. So, I would differentiate between flying a plane, and a knee jerking when hit with a physician test.
  19. On Meditation

    Guess I dont really understand what you are disagreeing with me about? Also, how is an emotion part of the body and not part of the mind as in your picture? You can have a fully paralyzed body and still have emotions, but you cant have emotions without a mind/thoughts.
  20. On Meditation

    By music, I assume you mean the playing or making of music. And yes, music (like my point of typing a keyboard) require thought to drive the action. See if you can find a brain dead body to play music, type a keyboard or fly a plane. I think the issue is more if someone is consciously aware of the thoughts or not. And just like Stosh’s dog bite example, there are a lot of people who have built up a lot of subconscious autopilot responses. But, those autopilot responses are still thoughts to me, mental energy flows translated in “mind”. Subconscious thoughts are still thoughts... They are just below one’s cognition (conscious awareness).
  21. On Meditation

    Fear is a thought, even if it is a subconscious thought.
  22. On Meditation

    I think it must be around the definition of the word "think". When you push the keyboard letter "t", do you really believe that it happens without you telling your body to do it or move in that way? Or are you saying that you have conditioned your body into automated subconscious responses to me, so there is no need to think about it?
  23. On Meditation

    Don't see how there are two levels of thought. If you type on a keyboard to respond to me, is there no thought that drives the typing? Or in your terms, is it only a thought if you create a mental echo in your head?
  24. On Meditation

    Yes, I have piloted a plane a few times. Also, been a quarterback. Choice is a thought. The body moves by a thought. Just because one does not think the thought aloud and echo it in their mind, does not mean it is not a thought.
  25. On Meditation

    The Nibbedhika Sutta, Anguttara Nikaya 6.63: Buddha is very clear on the topic. If you believe, that Intent is a automated response, then we seem to disagree on the definition of the word intent. To me, intention is a conscious act, as in the sutra description above.