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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Not at all. It goes more to the whether one wants to be a particular character in the "video game" or rather become one with the game itself and be able to upgrade the game or create an entire new video game (as described in the Lotus sutra). An in game full Buddha requires a very advanced version of the game to be able to manifest. In the Lotus sutra this is described as a twin tower (or many jeweled) Buddha. When such a Buddha "grows out of" the existing mind/world system, the "founding Buddha" sort of turns over the keys (or bows down to as described in the Lotus sutra). This is part of the definition of the "one vehicle". (Edit - word misspell)
  2. A Buddha and the resulting transmission are "integrated" or you could say that the perceived transmission is the buddhamind that most perceive as the reality we live in. In particular, both the Lankavatara sutra and the Lotus sutra have very interesting and descriptive aspects to the discussion on this point.
  3. Hi 3bob, Thank you for this interesting thread. While I agree with your fundamental premise in the quote, I do not see how it is in disagreement with Buddhism. Some form/vehicle "remains" and a Buddha "does stuff/can act". As described in sutra, a Buddha sort of maintains the "transmission" of the perceived world/existence as a stable "bubble" in ultimate emptiness. Best, Jeff
  4. EXPERIENCES with Xiao Yao Pai

    Hi Satya, I am not an XXP practitioner, but I was very interested in the FFS immortal process and spent some time exploring it. The members that I talked to were all very gracious, helpful and many allowed me to "energetically read" them and their FFS beings. Their senior immortal beings also granted me the same privilege. Though many Taobums members will probably doubt my statements/findings, I found that there were "outside" energetic beings "connected" to them at the higher levels of "local body-mind". The connection was similar (but different) to bonds I have found with people to their (true) gurus. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask (or pm me). Best wishes, Jeff
  5. I AM God Consciousness

    When one truly "finds" the moment, it continues to expands to all of existence.
  6. I AM God Consciousness

    Live your life focused on the moment and you get the truth for free...
  7. Is this practice dangerous ?

    The practice is fine. Or at least the same as other energy practices. You are really just focusing your awareness along the column. Do you normally feel any movement of energy flows?
  8. how to love unconditionally

    Forgiveness is the method. If one truly forgives, they are letting go and hence not judging. Unconditional love (or no attachment to judgements about the person) is the result. Best wishes.
  9. how to love unconditionally

    Think of it more like a higher ideal. Loving unconditionally sounds good, but it is really a misnomer... At the level of ego/mind, love is seen as an exchange or trade. Romantic love is you love me and I will love you. True love (or unconditional love) is the natural product of forgiveness. If you can forgive everyone (including yourself) for everything, than you have unconditional love... But the mind/ego loves conditions...
  10. how to love unconditionally

    It is the natural progression of cultivation.
  11. In my opinion, the challenge becomes that one cannot see beyond one's own clarity. All judging of others is based on relative comparing. Best wishes, Jeff
  12. Again, I am not a Tibetian Dzogchen practioner, but the answer or need for a guru is very simple. Beings are focused on and exist within the framework of their local body mind, sort of in their own bubble within Buddhamind. Reading a book and intellectually "thinking" at you have percieved beyond the bubble is often just an illusion of local mind. A realized being shares presence in your bubble (mandala) and in that sharing (transmission) sort of temporally dissolves the bubble of local percieved self.
  13. Hi RV, Why would there be a desire to verify the capacity of others? Why would anyone need to compare? Thanks, Jeff
  14. Hoping in chat for a while if anyone is interested...
  15. What if Enlightenment was Currency

    Anyone who is truly "enlightened", already has all of the money they need.
  16. Life is to be lived... Every moment can be focused on whatever you are doing. IMHO, one does not even learn the meaning of the word "love" until you have had children.
  17. Sorry, to jump in here, but I have had many discussions with Jackson and participated in one of his FB groups. The difference between the two positions is most easily described in more classical Buddhist terms. What Jackson describes is noticing "consciousness" or the beginning of realizing "emptiness of self". He then declare it "Rigpa" and hence being done. But, the "state" he is describing is one of the local body-mind and has not yet realized emptiness of ultimate reality. The difference is one of thinking you are swimming in the ocean, when you are really only in the local swimming pool. This is why primordial traditions (like Dzogchen) are guru based. It is nearly impossible to move to the ocean with out the radiant "light" of a realized master to help one expand beyond the local "bubble". (Edit - iPad format issue)
  18. My definition of an "enlightened" person, includes being able to take care of them-self...
  19. Sounds good. Hope to connect some time Cap.
  20. Thanks for sharing the article. It was very interesting. Do you think the understanding of "how it works" has been lost? Or, do you think that it is an attempt to not let people get caught up in the details? Also, what are your personal thoughts on Norbu as a teacher/guru? Best, Jeff
  21. Depends on how you think about it. Such feelings can happen when there is a build up in a certain layer of consciousness. Kind of like a pressure before the next layer. The responses are more related to the issues and fears associated with the energy and layer of consciousness. Other people subconsciously feel the radiating energy and respond in various ways. Best wishes.
  22. Look forward to it next time.
  23. Yes, but I was specifically interested in... Mingyur Rinpoche says: Merit is connected with the power of interdependence. Each phenomenon has its own characteristics and power. Interdependence has outer and inner power. The inner power is dependent on the mind. It can be either negative or positive. The positive is what we call merit. The negative, which is a cause of suffering, is non-virtue. Merit is the same as virtue. Do you (or anyone) have any thoughts on this interdependence point and how it relates to the light body...?