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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Hi Apech, On vacation with the family this week, but I give you my perspective of the mapping from the prayer to the Kunjed Gyalpo and the Ornament of the State of Samantabrhadra next week. Just remember that Jesus was speaking to mostly poor an uneducated Jewish people. Regards, Jeff p.s. True communion is a very evolved Dzogchen transmission. p.p.s. I promise not to post it in the Buddhist forum.
  2. Groan. Have you ever read Garab Dorje's translated works on the "All-Creating King - Pure Perfect Presence"? It very clearly defines the concept of "God the Father" as I would define it. Jesus was just speaking to poor Jewish fishermen... What is Garab Dorje's excuse...? Best wishes, Jeff
  3. Not at all. You are making institutional and doctrine assumptions based on a very limited set of books that you have chosen to define Jesus.
  4. Because Jesus was also a Dzogchen master...
  5. Further discussion

    Ok, sorry. I will drop the topic. Alwayson defining heresies for the early catholic church... :-)
  6. Further discussion

    If the Church did not include it in canon, why would the Gospel of Thomas be a special situation? Why is it unique?
  7. Further discussion

    How did you come to the conclusion that the Gospel of Thomas is heresy? Heresy to "what"?
  8. Bias against New Age

    Mind to mind and then it is possible to go deeper still... Heart to heart (or light to light).
  9. Hi 3bob, Not sure if this is what you meant... But, during periods of "energy expansion", it is common for it to be really hard to access memories (or imagine things) that are not part of the present moment focus/need. It is sort of like the river is moving too fast and calling up a memory is like trying to create an eddy in the river. I went through a period of two weeks where I could not remember something unless I "needed it" in that specific moment. Best wishes, Jeff
  10. It depends on how you define "mind", but yes, I meant the direct sharing. Best wishes, Jeff
  11. You are both describing the same thing, just different relative depths (or clarity) of consciousness. Heath's description would be deeper (or higher) as there is the realization that there is no real separation (or anyplace to go). Heath - have you ever merged (or directly shared presence) with another being? Directly sharing presence is the basis of light transmissions.
  12. What you are describing is being deeper (or higher) in consciousness. It is not the void. In the void, there is "nothing" to sense/feel. As you go deeper, you will start to realize that there are not really seperate beings and things like "your" energy. Best wishes, Jeff
  13. In using the term Buddha, I meant to describe full and clear "realization", not limit it to Buddhism (or a particular path). But, there is also a big difference between noticing oneness and fully realizing oneness. Best wishes on your path.
  14. What do you "disagree" with? The concept of awareness (and the field of perception) or the question that I asked you? Also, I thought we were discussing direct perception of reality/consciousness in reference to the concept of "mind", rather than philosophy. In simple terms, would you not agree that if you cannot percieve "all", your "field of view" is obscured (or limited)? And hence, there is percieved separation.
  15. Ultimately (for a buddha), I would agree, but words are used to describe. Also, the percieved field of "awareness" in awareness expands with ongoing clarity of mind. Are you saying that for you there is "no window" and you have an "unlimited" view/perspective of all awareness/consciousness? Thanks.
  16. Further discussion

    I agree with manitou. Beautifully said...
  17. In context, having is a perspective (or view). Individual "views" of consciousness do not cease. Also, the cool thing is that windows (mind) are two way. One can look out, and one can look in... It all just depends where one focuses their awareness. Best wishes.
  18. The light flowing through the heart makes great "Windex" for the window cleaning. Would you like to explain what you mean by "what it is to have . . ."? Regards.
  19. The heart leads to the source, the mind is more like the window to existence/form. But, most of us have very dirty windows...
  20. Sex, Transfer of bad energy & entities?

    When you are intimate with any person, an energetic bond is formed and energies are shared. If you have issues/fears that resonate with your partner's "lower/negative" energies, you can be affected by them. If you do not have issues/fears at the same "frequencies" then the will pass through and have no effect. We are all impacted by the company we keep.
  21. Energy = liquid force

    Hi Songstan, Congrats. Are you a "separate" blob in the energy matrix? What is the difference between you and the couch? Also, can you go "deeper" than the energy matrix? Regards, Jeff
  22. Esoteric Bible

    Just remember that in the gospels, the word "repent" is a mistranslation of the word "return". Not "repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand", but "Return, for the kingdom of God is at hand". Also, I would suggest focusing on the spoken words of Jesus in the Gospels. I would also add the the Gospel of Thomas. The Bible has it all for those with the eyes to see, and ears to listen.
  23. Esoteric Bible

    Much is lost in all of the english translations of the Bible. But, the King James Version is my favorite. Regards.
  24. Are Sangha's Healthy?

    Life is to be lived... From the Dhammapada (Section 6) Do not look for bad company Or live with men who do not care. Find friends who love the truth. Drink deeply. (Section 23) To have friends in need is sweet And to share happiness. And to have done something good Before leaving this life is sweet, And to let go of sorrow. To be a mother is sweet, And a father. It is sweet to live arduously, And to master yourself. O how sweet it is to enjoy life, Living in honesty and strength! And wisdom is sweet, And freedom. (Section 25) How sweet to be free! It is the beginning of life, Of mastery and patience, Of good friends along the way, Of a pure and active life. So life in love. Do your work. Make an end of sorrow.
  25. Jesus was a Tao Bum

    Hi TI, Thank you for sharing your experience. And thank you for sharing it with me many years ago. If you hadn't originally suggested it, I probably would have never thought to reach out to Jesus (or any other realized or divine being) and my life would be much poorer. As you know, Jesus, Krishna and Buddha all exist. One can find them easily once you notice the inner heart. Peace, Jeff