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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Some Thoughts

    It is with answers like this that you will be sorely missed if you leave. Those who truly know, seem to always be able to give clear and consise answers that are understanble for anyone with an open mind. Thank you for sharing with us.
  2. Researched the rest of the Khanda's in the PRAPƂTHAKA and they were also very interesting/helpful. They all seem to say that "everything" is found in the heart. Thanks again.
  3. Assessing a Sickness called "My Life"

    Excellent advice. Thank you.
  4. Four Main Types of Energy

    Hi Adam, Thank you for your wise words. Do you also find that removing obstacles and karma (w/ energy) is really the same thing as facing and "letting go" of an issue/fear that may be consciously or unconsciously held? Best wishes, Jeff
  5. Some Vedanta traps I've come across....

    Hi Dominicus, I have a few friends who seem to be stuck in the "I am awareness/consciousness" state and not able to percieve beyond to "integration of oneness". Do you have any suggestions as to how to point it out or show them? For many, it seems to be a very steadfast belief and my current batting average is pretty low. Thanks, Jeff
  6. Thank you for the excellent description. Do you find that it seems like there is always more subconscious cleaning to do? And, as the cleaning progress the seems to be expanded/more integrated oneness? Best, Jeff
  7. Four Main Types of Energy

    Hi Clarity, It sounds like we have a similar perspective on the classifications of "types". Have you found that the energy of the body "extends" beyond the body? Also, if you do not entertain belief (in existence), what is the purpose (or reason for) energy work? Thanks, Jeff (edit - wording change)
  8. Some Vedanta traps I've come across....

    Does that mean that you can "change" your perspective and "be" or view as another human or a dog or a fly? How is there no difference? Thanks, Jeff
  9. Four Main Types of Energy

    Hi Deci, Thank you for your response. I agree completely that the point of realization is in it's application, but many (like myself) find descriptions helpful/useful. As to the nature of existence that is ultimately realized, I noticed that you did not answer my one simple question. Best wishes, Jeff (edit - deleted p.s.)
  10. Thank you. This post was interesting and helpful. Best, Jeff
  11. Four Main Types of Energy

    Hi Deci, I do not see oneness as the unity of aware nature, but rather oneness is the integration of our aware nature into all existence(reality). If you don't mind, I believe a simple question separates us... Do you believe in "miracles"? Thanks for the discussion. Best, Jeff (edit - remove brief comment that related to deleted components of Deci's post)
  12. Four Main Types of Energy

    Hi ShenLung, Thank you for your thoughtful post. It was exactly for this kind of discussion and defining a joint lexicon of understanding that I started the thread. I agree that words like "suchness" are challenging for meaning, additionally words like qi and prana mean widely different things to different people. Also, I very much like your "potential that only exists as experiential reality under observation" definition. I sometimes call it the "field of awareness of Awareness". On our lexicon front... I would agree that qi (or body) energy goes beyond the body and is part of all existence/reality. Similarly, I would say that "mind" exergy also goes beyond. Many get "stuck" in the perception of the local body-mind and do not notice the ongoing connection of "everything". On Shen (or light), once again I would agree. Potential (or possibly change of state) of the energy of existence (both mind & body) would work for me. I have found that the "easiest" way to notice it is as the energy of the "pre-intent" of a thought. For me, it is almost like there is a little door there to unlimited (my current theory) energy. Does this fit? Also, do you also notice various shades (or frequencies) of Shen (3rd light)? Thanks, Jeff
  13. Some Vedanta traps I've come across....

    Thanks for sharing. In merging to source, do you also find connection/merging with people/beings? A shared "presence"? Best, Jeff
  14. Four Main Types of Energy

    Hi Deci, Thank you for the "bump". It is my perspective that if someone is truly interested, they will find it. Also, your point on only seeing one type (suchness) is interesting and may be part of our past differences. Do you "reside" in suchness/awareness and not try to "integrate" all the subtle "layers" of oneness/existence? Many (edit: the -> they)
  15. Live Chat - Now?

    Anyone interested...? Best.
  16. Some Thoughts

    Hi Thetaoiseasy, Your stopping to post will be a great loss to the forum. IMHO you are the best and most natural teacher on this forum. Many members try to "point the way", but you give useful and practical advice from a place of true understanding. On teaching in general... Consider that the teacher learns much about them self in the teaching process. Interaction is a two way lesson/learning process. Consider what the "frustration" of teaching your students (and all of us ) have taught you about yourself. >3 +
  17. Enlightenment I am?

    What if to be enlightened one must first "fall from grace"?
  18. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Maybe the difference is in our definition of wisdom. How about the word "insight"? So, for you, there is nothing practical, useful, or insightful to be "gotten from the Tao Te Ching, not even by the Chineses intellectual". Since this is your position, why bother to even discuss the Tao Te Ching?
  19. Meaning clear light

    Excellent description. Thanks TI.
  20. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Is the not the wisdom written in the Tao Te Ching universal? Or, do you percieve it to only be of limited value for a few?
  21. A review of AYP from an ex practitioner

    Hi All, Recently, I have had some additional email exchanges with Yogani regarding on how I believe AYP could be expanded/enhanced (particularly for the advanced practioner). At this point, he is not interested in formal additions to AYP. If any of you are interested, I will be posting to the "Other Systems" section over the coming weeks. Might be interesting...
  22. Assessing a Sickness called "My Life"

    Thanks for the reference. I will check into the book.
  23. finally going to college

    Sounds like you have a plan. Make it so... Best wishes.
  24. Assessing a Sickness called "My Life"

    "The true mind is round and bright, naked and free, not divorced from objects yet not attached to objects. If people can see objects without minding, this is the original face of enlightenmentā€” there is no need to seek the original face of enlightenment anywhere else. In sum, when there is no human mind, only then can you see the true mind. Once the true mind is seen, you immediately realize enlightenment and suddenly transcend to the beyond." Hi Deci, I like your quote very much. Seeing "true mind" is the beginning of the fun...
  25. Assessing a Sickness called "My Life"

    Hi Rainbowvein, I agree that if something works, one should definitely go with it. I am also a fan of quantum techniques. But, in the end, the ruts still need to be cleared. Otherwise, one is "pulled" by unconscious issues/fears/irritations. Even for a Buddha, there are always more "obstructions" to clear. Only the mind/ego ever believes it is "done". I also hope you are well and had a good holiday season.