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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. What is your description of tummo? What happens?
  2. OK. If you think the book is bullshit, then I can understand your disagreement. I personally like the book, because it is consistent with my experience/perspective. The above Pero point is a comment. It does not address the book or the CNN quotes. Makes sense. Thanks.
  3. But I noticed that you have not refuted any of the CNN quotes (other than the previous "mistranslation" point. Can you give me a third option? A different interpretation of the CNN words?
  4. Actually, I don't see anything when my eyes are closed. You seem to continually want to misunderstand my point. Also, who is everyone? Hopefully, you kept my words in context.
  5. OK. So then in summation, do you disagree with CNN or is your position still that he is being mistranslated?
  6. I wouldn't worry about it. Development of the energy body is a natural component of all paths. The question seems to be if one notices (or cares to notice). I have a Buddhist friend who found that when he "looked", the energy was there. Additionally, his meditation clarity was so great that after two days, he was describing details that were beyond my perception. Since energy is the constant, I had just hoped it could be used to make different paths more apple to apple than apple and oranges. Thanks again.
  7. Hi Pero, Thanks for your comments. I am just trying to better understand Dzogchen. And yes, i am bringing my own experience/perspective to the table. Does your post mean that you disagree with all of the above CNN quoted texts? That your perspective is that Dzogchen texts are only describing normal human body systems? P.s. thanks for the Mahamudra info.
  8. I don't see how your point relates to my comments above. I am not describing psychic abilities. I am discussing energy/light, per the previous comments on the CNN text.
  9. Sounds good. Any path that ultimately leads you deep into the heart (or bindu or 2nd chamber or 8th chakra...) is a good one...
  10. Thanks for the link. If you have the time, I recommend the entire book. It also gives a very good overview why Dzogchen (Primoridal paths) are "faster".
  11. Sorry, I don't have an online version of the book. Also, won't have a computer until Monday (using my IPad). The chapter is called "The individual: Body, Voice, Mind". In the above paragraph it also talks about how one can become sick if ones energy becomes disturbed.
  12. What happened to my "OK" for later today? :) P.s. feel free to ask follow up to above if you were looking for something specific.
  13. The perception of energy/light is independent of paths. As CNN says "Samsara and nirvana are nothing other than the dualistic aspect of one single essence manifesting energy. The energy itself is in fact inseparable from the manifestation," While all paths may be different and use different words, the energy of manifestation (existence) is consistent. Hence, energy/light and the depth of being able to percieve through the illusion becomes universal at the equivalent level of understanding. All primordial paths (like Dzogchen) are faster because they transmit "knowledge" at a deeper level of subtlety than words or the mind can convey. At the deepest levels, a transmission of "light" is used to convey the nature of "light". At the "gross" level, normal words or books will do. Middle level, "mind" to "mind". In your case, viewing auras is part of percieving the energy of "mind". Seeing an aura is your mind "translating" mind energy flow it notices coming from the other person. Have you experience astral travel yet? If you can clearly read all auras, you should be able to tell who is a legit teacher. It is common for "aura readers" to see a true teacher as a fuzzy white light (no body or aura). This is because they have started building the "body of light", which is beyond astral perception. As I have said earlier, I have found there to be four basic types of energy/light. Each is just a "deeper" range of perception/realization of manifesting energy/existence. The fourth is essentially the "raw stuff" and beyond reality/existence/time. A rainbow body is basically someone who has "mastered" the raw stuff. Allen Wallace's description (audio 13) of finding/accessing the secret bindu of the heart is the beginning of the 3 (or light level). in Hindu terms, it is called the second chamber of the heart or sometimes the 8th chakra.
  14. Yes, I understand SJ's points. I just disagree as to the meaning of the texts. On New Age... It is sad that the youngsters have forgotten to true meaning and depth of a primordial path.
  15. Understanding "energy" is path independent. It is about understanding the nature of existence/illusion. The quotes are from the overview (part one) by CNN. CNN states in (page 31)" Dzogchen: The Self Perfected State" The energy of the individual is closely linked to the external energy, and each can influence the other. ... Working from the other way round, It is possible to influence the external energy, carrying out what are called "miracles". Such activity is actually the result of having control of one's own energy, through which one obtains the capacity of power over external phenomena. --------- It is an excellent book (as are all of the CNN books I have read).
  16. Malcolm's and others comments that farts count as what the texts describe. They do not percieve the texts to mean anything but the "gross" physical level. P.s. will respond to your other question later today. Picking up family at the airport.
  17. Take a look at the above Dharmawheel thread. It is pretty scary stuff.
  18. My comment above was in relation to TI's statement to Alwayson about the "possibility" of recieving a direct transmission from Sambhogkaya. It is definitely theorectically possible, but would require someone to be the equal of the Mahasiddhas. But, even in Dzogchen there have been at least 84 of them. You may not find discussing the theory interesting, but for me it is vastly more interesting than the average TaoBums fare. Additionally, Creation has interestingly pointed out above that many senior Dzogchen practioners do not yet perceive any form of energy at all. For me, this calls into question their ability to be able to interpret the meaning of ancient texts. The "winds" are not farts as described by everyone in the Dharmawheel thread. Regarding energy/light... I do not in any way claim to be enlightened (or a mahasiddha ), but I do percieve many levels/types of energy/light and I am friends with 20+ people of various traditions who can also percieve various forms of energy. In my experience, there are four general types of energy to be found. The third is often called light and fourth, subtle (or primordial) light. Finally, my "pure Dzogchen" comment was joking. The concept being that if someone did it by direct transmission from Sambhogkaya, it would be a new (fresh or pure) lineage. Enjoy the moment.
  19. TI, Why all the rudeness/anger? Alwayson has just shared his perspective/tradition. He may sometimes be terse, but he always calls it as he sees it. Also, i agree that direct transmission from Sambhogakaya would be "pure Dzogchen". To do so, CNN says that it is necessary to be able to percieve the subtle diminension of light. P.s. if somebody wants it, I will dig up the specific CNN quote.
  20. When you say "lucid dream", does that mean that you don't think Sambhogakaya is "true/real"? Additionally, that there are no primordial Buddhas/Beings? Thanks.
  21. I for one, would be interesting in hearing about some of the signposts. Then the discussion can be about something interesting.
  22. They are his books. He has a large organization, one would assume somebody word checked them. Additionally, the words are correct.
  23. You raise an interesting point. Given the the excellent books I had read, I had just assumed that was part of the transmissions.
  24. What do you think CNN is talking about in the following quotes? From "Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected State" by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu The individual is made up of three aspects: body, voice and mind. ... Through the material dimension of the body we can understand its energy, or the "voice". ... The energy of the individual is closely linked to the external energy, and each can influence the other. ... It is possible to influence the external energy... Such activity is actually the result of having control of one's own energy.
  25. New Age? The winds that come to reside in the heart are the types of energy.