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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    I think the level of "10,000 things" is better to describe the concept of matter/non-matter. The difference between "heaven and earth" brings in the concept of "polarity" that Rene brought up.
  2. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    Duality can mean different things in different traditions. In Buddhism, "polar" or not good or bad is appropriate. But, it the context described, it means more than one.
  3. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    Tao is everything. Everything that "arises" is still Tau. Dual (or percieved separation) is a perspective of the mind. But, many find it easier to conceptualize it as "layers" of perception in consciousness.
  4. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    Sorry, dupe post.
  5. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    The "Tao" is non-dual (no separation, no male/female). The silence and the void define the first aspect of duality (some would call male/female, Shiva/Shatki, etc...). They are also as you said, pre-manifestation, or "above/beyond" the creation (10,000 things).
  6. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    And are "heaven and earth" formed in them?
  7. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    Let's not go too fast or understanding may be lost. Before we introduce "dualistic" concepts to Tau, let's all look at the words following the "mother" sentence... In silence and in the void the Dao formed Heaven and Earth. Let's all discuss/think on the separate aspects of silence and void. What could they be/represent?
  8. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    Depending on the depth, it is present in almost all chapters. But for our discussion, the first description is in chapter 8. The greatest good is like water. Water gives life to the Ten Thousand Things, but does not strive. Because it does not strive, it flows in places without preference, depending on the flow and so is like the Dao. Your thoughts?
  9. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    Then, let us discuss it. Even if no one else pays attention.
  10. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    :-) Also, the importance the "water" in the connecting beyond the "self".
  11. Immortals and their magical powers

    Beautifully said. Worth repeating again... :-)
  12. Non-duality understanding and perspective applied in duality... :-)
  13. The more energy

    The "anger" is a result of purification of issues/obstructions in the body. Increased energy flow means you are increasing clarity (or shaking stuff loose). The key is to try to watch the anger as it comes up. First one experiences, then can watch it, then can stop it and ultimately it drops. Anger is a great tool for building presence (or being in the moment).
  14. Consider doing a non-energy focused meditation for a while. A very respected cardiologist in Detroit has been doing a study on mantra meditation (actually funded by multiple health networks) and found that it has lowered blood pressure and cholesterol in patients. The paper should be out this fall.
  15. Yes. Thanks. I missed it the first time.
  16. The Path of the Christian Gnostics

    Yes, he is a good well rounded guy. It takes a while to learn to "translate all of their terms", but he is very far along. He is also pretty familiar with other traditions. The only downside is that he can sometimes be a little long winded.
  17. The Path of the Christian Gnostics

    Here is a very good forum and site. The main teacher (Tau) is very knowledgable...
  18. Consciousness: Divided/Gathered: Multiple TimeLines

    Very cool... With infinite possibilities... How do you tell "who" is ahead?
  19. Sameness

  20. It is not my place to share their experiences, but I will ask them. No on the Kunlun specific... In each case, they started on a path, but became more "non-path specific". One started Buddhist, one Taoist/yoga, one energy/magic/yoga...
  21. No, but it relates relative to perspective on death or bardo states. I have talked independently with three different people who have been at the stage of "building the golden body" and were "graced" with going in and returning from the light. Each, coming from different traditions, described with different words knowing the same thing about death or bardo states. Hence, my belief that it is possible to know before death of the body.
  22. Sameness

    Or not "yet" manifest. What exists (or is the same) is also suchness/awareness/oneness. It arises and it returns. Always interesting, with infinite possibilities.
  23. Sameness

    Some very good points. As you said, Suchness/awareness/oneness just "is". But, it is not a product of the mind or experienced from the mind. One may experiences it though the "heart", but the heart does not "desire". Only the mind/ego desires. It is also not a separate thing were bits can be stored.
  24. Sameness