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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 63 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Thanks for this topic. A favorite, maybe a different interpretation , but to me it says... Be in moment (not thinking about it). Feel the flow (of Tao). Don't judge things. Do not respond in anger. Face things head on and don't spend time worrying about it. Do your best even in little things. If the universe can figure it out, why worry about little things. Everything is Tao. Everything is interconnected. The Sage does not look for attention and glory, And thus achieves greatness. Bragging and exaggerating get you know where. Not paying attention and being in the moment leads to difficulties. Because the sage is always in the moment, there are no difficulties. Feel the flow...
  2. Mind Watching

    I would slightly disagree with this point... When you follow a thought (or chase it), you give it energy and it gets stronger. Just as you try not to think of something and that thought gets stuck in your head. Thoughts die down when you don't give them attention. If you watch the creation of a thought, you can feel the energy. Bringing your awareness/presence to bear (but not with attention to the thought) robs the thought of ongoing energy.
  3. A Thought ...

    Why not just focus on the now, the rest is a mind game.
  4. Hello

    Just a new guy saying "hello"!